Store And Retrieve Values From Web.config?

Apr 24, 2009

I built a small website and there will be only one admin, so in the admin panel I am asking for a password with a value that I do not retrieve from a database, I just hard coded it in the function in code behind, I know this is wrong though I don't know why.

So is hard coding it in web.config the right thing to do? and how?

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Store And Retrieve A String From The Web.config File?

May 15, 2009

I have a connection string in my database which I read throughout my VB .Net application. I have another string which is NOT a connection string though. It instead has information about a domain on LDAP. So LDAP string just needs to be stored in the web.config as a string, and also to be retrieved as a string.


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Where To Store Config Files

Sep 4, 2010

I'm writing an application that will be used to generate reports from a database and I want to have several predefined reports/queries built in but also offer the user the option to create their own query and be able to save it and run it whenever they want without having to set the query up again each time.

So I figured I would just store the query parameters in an XML file for the ones that a user has created themselves and I would store these XML files (one for each query) in the user's Application Data folder.

I'm wondering what I should do with the built in queries though (bear in mind that the parameters of these built in queries should not be configurable). As I see it, these are my options:

1. Have the query parameters hard coded in the application
2. Store the query parameters in XML files in the location where the app is stored (ie Program Files) - the installer would create these files when the app is installed
3. Store the query parameters in XML files in the user's Application Data folder with any queries they have created themselves.

I'm leaning towards option 2 for the following reasons: All queries (user defined or predefined) would then be in the exact same format and the program could then run them all in the exact same way. Option 1 would mean I would have to release a new version of the application if I ever wanted to change these parameters. Option 3 would mean that the program would have to create the XML files each time it was launched by a new user so it would be a bit pointless and the values for the parameters would still have to be hard coded in the application so that it could create the files correctly.

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Store & Get Connection String From App.config

Mar 11, 2010

I'm stuck regarding to grab connection from app.config file...i'm surf many type and kind to do it..but still can',t.....i need to connect into two database (oracle n firebird).

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Encryption - Securely Store Connection String In App.config?

May 15, 2012

I need to know what is the common way to store a SQL server connection string for an application in VB.NET.How do I read app.config values How to do it in ASP How do I store a connectionstring (unencrypted thus unsafe)It's quite frustrating not to find a decent and full answer on how to store a connection string in VB.NET in app.config (or settings.settings if it's better) safely. At the moment it's hardcoded and so it is immobile and in plain text.

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VS 2005 Store Secured FTP Site Info In App.Config?

Dec 9, 2010

know open an xml file into a datagrid. The xml file is stored in a secured ftp with username and password. Just as an example if the site, with username "xxx" and the password "XXX" has the file 123.xml, then how do I load 123 into a datagrid. Is it possible to store these info to a variable in app.Config and use that variable to access the site?

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VS 2005 Can Store Connection String In Web.config File And Access It

Nov 17, 2009

I want to ask that where to store connection string in VB.Net.AS in we can store connection string in web.config file and access it in the foll. way [code]In where to store conn. string on form_Load or any other place???

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Store The Connection String In The App.config File That Include The Application.startup Path?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm creating window application with VB.NET and flatfiles.the problem is how do i store the connection string in the app.config file that include the application.startup path?

<add name="cn" connectionString="provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "data;Extended Properties=text;" />

i got some error when writing to app.config.

"Missing attribute value on attribute 'Application.StartupPath'."

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How To Retrieve Substring And Store In Textbox

May 14, 2011

I would like to be able to retrieve a substring in a string... I have a variable named htmlTAG that contains the contents of a webpage... I need to be able to get the text that is
search_type=reverseaddress" rel=nofollow>Text to retrieve... </A>
And store it in a textbox1, then go to next instance of that and get the text again... to the end and be able to exclude all instances that say "See full listing".
Attributor 2.0

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How To Store And Retrieve Collection FROM DICTIONARY

Dec 2, 2011

I am supporting one old project built on VB6.0.Can anyone please tell me how to store and retrieve collection from Dictionary.I searched over net but got nothing satisfactory.I really got strucked because of this.Please provide Any Example or Any Link,so that i can do self study.

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How To Store And Retrieve DataTable As Blob

Apr 23, 2012

We are trying to store and retrieve datatable as blob (varbinary(max)). We convert the existing datatable into an xml file and store that xml file as a blob and while retrieving we get the blob as xml file and convert it back to datatble. It seems to be storing and retrieving the xml object but having issues while converting it back to the datatable ("End of stream - error").

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Store & Retrieve Image From SQL Server?

Apr 30, 2010

Your code works perfectly well. how to store and retrieve image from a database(sql) using

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Store And Retrieve Image In Ms Access?

Nov 13, 2009

how to store and retrieve image in ms access using coding

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Store/retrieve HTML In MySQL Using .Net (C#/VB)

Apr 19, 2011

Here is my problem: I need to store HTML in a MySQL database. Afterwards, I need to be able to retrieve the HTML and have it be valid HTML that a browser can render.

How can I store HTML in a MySQL database using .Net? How do I retrieve it afterwards? As this is the design phase, I can create the database any way that is needed.

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Collection Of Object's To Store/retrieve The Data

Feb 8, 2012

I like the PHP way of doing things but, it seems I am stuck with using a Collection of Object's to store/retrieve the data I need. I have my Collection loaded with my Objects's and the code to iterate through the collection, my problem is I am unable to retrieve the "key" as it would be called in PHP (I believe in this case it is actually the name of the object).

Consider the following example:

Dim xDoc As XPathDocument = New XPathDocument(fName)
Dim xNav As XPathNavigator = xDoc.CreateNavigator()

Dim sender As XPathNodeIterator


As you can see, I am navigating an XML document, and creating an Object with some Key/Value pairs. The Object would look something like this if it were in JSON:

{"name":"John Smith","address1":"123 Anywhere St.","city":"This City","state":"FL"}

When I iterate though the Collection I can only get the value of the object, but I need the Key, in this instance I want "name","address1","city","state" to be stored in a variable for each iteration.

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How To Store And Retrieve Connection String From Class

Apr 7, 2011

In my application I have many different forms each use 3 different database. And right now I am placing the connection string in each form but when it is need to change I have to change in every form. Now what I want to store all connection string in a vb class and call them in every form. So that if I need to change I can do in that class. I have stored my connection string in database so even I don't want to connect to database again and again. I have some idea in which maybe a public class is used and some how I will call it on other forms.

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Store & Retrieve Images From Access Database?

Mar 5, 2011

how to store & retrieve images from d access database using 2008

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Store And Retrieve An Image To A MySQL Database?

Aug 10, 2009

How can I store and retrieve an image to a MySQL database using VB.NET 2005?

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Store And Retrieve Data From An Access Database?

Dec 16, 2010

If you have to store and retrieve data from a database is a string not the most effcient way? What is best?

How does this work in a real world scenario.

For example: I have a customer ie first name and last name and the CustomerID is autoincremented when initially added to the database. Now, the user could lookup and find the customer by their ID but we all know that's not practical. They don't know 231223 is John Adams, they know John Adams or Adams John.

So how do you handle this? Access is the database I am using but I think this would apply to any database.

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Store And Retrieve Images From Sql Server 2008?

Jun 12, 2011

How to store and retrieve images from VB.NET and Sql Server 2008

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Store And Retrieve Images In Sql Server Database?

Sep 9, 2009

SQL Server supports the ability for clients to store objects within tables.Create Field that data type Image and Initialize byte array with a null value initially.Use FileInfo object to get file size.Open FileStream to read file.Use

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VS 2005 Store / Retrieve Variable Or Property?

Oct 27, 2009

In the application I'm documenting, sometimes a value is stored in a Public variable & other times it's passed to/from a Public Property which does nothing except store it in/retrieve it from a Private variable. (And in one memorable exception, the Public Property stored it in a Public variable-I'm almost certain that was an oversight by the original programmer though.)

I know that passing it to/from the Public Property has the potential for better validation, but if the Property doesn't actually do anything except store/retrieve it is there any benefit to declaring it as a Property? (Or maybe I should put that the other way around. Personally I'd declare them all as properties because that will allow adding validation later-but I'm not rewriting this, I'm just trying to document it and, in this case, trying to figure out why sometimes it's done as a property & sometimes as a Public variable.)

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Binary -store/retrieve Bit Data From File Using BinaryWriter?

Apr 11, 2012

I need to store/retrieve a bit from a data table of 3.268.760 bits long.

Using w As New BinaryWriter(File.Open("test.bin", FileMode.Create))
for x = 1 to 3268760
For i = 1 To 3268760[code]....

the w.write(?) stores a boolean value meaning 0/1 for false/true values, but seems to use an whole byte to store this data which is too expensive for my table (3.268.760^2).Is there a pratical way to store/retrive single bits from a file using (meaning as little as possible conversion to other types).

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Retrieve Record From The Table And Store It In The Text Boxes?

Oct 8, 2009

how to retrieve record from table that i have done using the select query but i want those data to display in the text boxes.

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Store And Retrieve Images In Sql Server Database Using Picturebox?

Apr 22, 2012

store and retrieve image in a SQL Server database with, the application in seems to have a database which can accessed by the LAN computers so the SQL Server 2005 database allows remote computers to share its database once the other computer application requests database from the server.So, every other computer has to store and retrieve images in SQL Server 2005. For example, comp1 has to store images taken into the server and retrieve it like tableadapter.

I am using bindings and tableadapters to store the details in database and retrieving information from db. Please if you have code or anything which is working for me, please post it here... how to store image and retrieve it SQL Server through provided there's LAN computers who are also sharing the SQL Server database.

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Store And Retrieve PDF Files Using SQL Server 2008 And VB 2010?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to store and retrieve PDF files using SQL server 2008 and Visual Basic 2010.The Issue:i need to lookup a PDF file and store it to the DB using filestream and display it in Adobe Acrobat COM Control on VB Form?

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Store Image And Retrieve It From Sql Server 2005 With Program?

Apr 22, 2012

I am using 2005 and sql, i was using picturebox.text to capture image from the user.

Am also using Bindings and tableadapters to generate the information from sql server acts as designated server which lots of computers are using my server database...the sql server allows remote computers to share the database i have it in my server.[code]...

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Store The Path And Retrieve Image In Mysql Database?

Jun 12, 2011

code on storing path image and retrieve path into image using mysql database and 2008. I only know how to make a browse button and get the image into hard disk and display it in picturebox. I'm done with the the problem is how to store the path and retrieve the path into image.

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User Entry Screen To Store And Retrieve Info

Apr 10, 2011

I am trying to learn VB.NET and I've written a user entry screen to store and retrieve information. I keep getting this error. I understand that I have to either change the ref value from the calling code, but my problem is where is the calling code? Here is the error I'm getting (the program is underscoring udtTrans in the FileGet line in this segment).

Private Sub viewRecords()
'open the file and read fields of the first record into the textboxes
FileOpen(1, strFilename, OpenMode.Random, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Shared, Len(udtTrans))
FileGet(1, udtTrans, intCurrentRecord) 'gets first record
[Code] .....

View 2 Replies - Determine The Following Default Web Config Values?

May 18, 2010

I've been getting "Connection forcibly closed" errors and in researching a resolution, I have seen suggestions to money with the following web.config options, which currently are not set in my web app. Before I change them, I'd like to know what they are currently set to. Can someone tell me how to read these values from .NET code, preferably VB.NET, though C# is fine.


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