Storing Multiple Images In SQL Database?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm trying to store three images from a form (PictureBox's) into a SQL Database (MSSQL2008) The below does what I want but is clearly inefficient. Any pointers on what to change to improve this?

Private Sub SaveImages()
Dim ConStr As String = "Data Source=SERVERSQL2008;Initial Catalog=NorthPole;Integrated Security=True"


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Storing And Retrieving Images In Database?

Oct 5, 2011

Here is the code I used to store an image in my database (SQL Server 2008 R2) using VB 2010. The images get stored but the problem is the clarity of the image is lost when retrieved and seen in a picture box.

Public Function InsertUpdateImage(ByRef _SqlConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, ByVal _Image As System.Drawing.Image, ByVal _ImageFormat As System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat) As Integer


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Save Multiple Images In Database?

Feb 15, 2012

I have to save 4 different pictures in my database. NSO, GoodMoral, ReportCard & TOR. [code] My problem is, it allows me to look for different picture then save it without error. But when I check on the database(MSSQL) it doesn't save the different pictures but one picture for all four requirements (NSO, GoodMoral, ReportCard & TOR). How can I be able to save multiple images in my database?

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Insert Multiple Images, Delete, View Before Save In Database?

Nov 15, 2011

i found in internet, many examples are regarding insert only one image. but now i want it to have multiple uploaded images that we can delete and view it first before we save it on database. how to store the images uploaded?

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Code For Storing Images In A Folder Using .net?

Mar 15, 2012

code that stores the images in a local folder n not in database.also i want to rename the image with autonumber.

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VS 2008 'add Images' Button Where To Load Multiple Images

Jan 3, 2012

I need this for my program. There is "add images" button where you can load multiple images and those images should be show on listview after loading.I have been trying to make this but could not get it work.

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Coordinates Images - Save The Map Data Like Point Of The Images (x,y Coordinate) Into The Database

Oct 3, 2010

What type of connector do i need to actually save the Map data like point of the images (x,y coordinate) into the database . and then retrieve it to show on the page in and how do i go about doing it.

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.net - Storing An Object To Use In Multiple Classes?

Mar 23, 2010

I am wondering the best way to store an object in memory that is used in a lot of classes throughout an application. We have multiple databases, 1 per customer. We also have a master table and each row is detailed information about the databases such as database name, server IP it's located and a few config settings.

I have an application that loops through those multiple databases and runs some updates on them. The settings I mentioned above are updated each loop iteration into memory. The application then runs through series of processes that include multiple classes using this data. The data never changes during the processes, only during the loop iteration.

The variables are related to a customer, so I have them stored in a customer class. I suppose I could make all of the members shared or should I use a singleton for the customer class? I've never actually used a singleton, only read they are good in this type of situation. Are there better solutions to this type of scenario? Also, I could have plans for this application to be multithreaded later.

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Storing Multiple Arrays Into A List

May 11, 2011

The scenario is:

1)A large 2 dimensional array (400,20)

2)The program needs to access particular chunks(for example (0,20) to (50,20)

3)The program will open multiple files and process each into it's own 2D array (400,20)

What I have right now is code capable of creating the array, but no way to store the array so that I can open a new file and process that data into another large array. Someone mentioned the generics List(of T) might be a good way to store each new array as you could use the Add function. I have done some research on the List(of T) class but I'm not totally convinced that is the way to go. I'm just looking for some direction as I've just started on .net this year.

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Storing Multiple Strings In My.Settings?

Feb 25, 2012

My problem is storing multiple string in the my settings to clarify more on this ill try explaine as best as i can,

'I set my value like so

Dim strSettings As New My.MySettings
'On the form load i use this
Dim itemz As New ListViewItem


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Storing Multiple Values In A String?

Mar 4, 2012

How can i use .filenames of a openfiledialog with a string?


but i get error: Error 1 Value of type '1-dimensional array of String' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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Starting Multiple Instances And Storing The Settings?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a VB2010 application that must run as multiple instances on the same PC (it is a controlling/monitoring program of several devices, each instance of the program control one device)

Of course, the same application must save its own setting in different place, one for each device. For example, if I start the application for the device 3, I have to save the setting in a place marked as "3", in this way, when I start the application for device 4 it will load the settings for device 4 and not 3.

Of course all labels and similar stuffs must refer the starting device: i.e. the mdi caption must report "device 4", and so on...

In vb6 I created a shortcut with a command line and made my application accepting command line parameters.

In this way I could start the application passing the device number too. For example "myapp.exe 3" start my application for the device 3.

I stored all settings in several INI file, each one for a device: setting1.ini, setting2.ini, setting3.ini, ....

I was wondering if in vb2010 would be a better way to do that.

1. How could I start multiple instances?

2. How could I store the settings?

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Printing Multiple Images On Multiple Pages?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to print 2 pages of business cards with different images on each card. When I use the code below it overprints both pages on top of each other.

Private Sub PrintDocument1_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.BeginPrint
mPage = 0
End Sub

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Storing An Object That Implements Multiple Interfaces And Derives From A Certain Base (.net)

Dec 7, 2010

In .net, it's possible to use generics so that a function can accept arguments which support one or more interfaces and derive from a base type, even if there does not exist any single type from which all valid argument types derive. For example, one could say: Sub Foo(Of T As {IInterface1, IInterface2, SomeBaseType})(Param as T) And be allowed to pass any derivative of SomeBaseType which implements both IInterface1 and IInterface2. This will work even if SomeBaseType does not support Interface1 and Interface2, and classes which do implement those interfaces don't share any common ancestor that also implements them. This can be very convenient if one won't need to keep the parameter anywhere after the function has exited. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to persist the passed-in parameter in such a way that it can later be passed to a similar function, except perhaps by using Reflection. Is there any nice way of doing that?

The closest I've been able to come up with is to define an interface INest (perhaps not the best name-- thus:

Interface INest(Of Out T)
Function Nest() As T
End Interface

And for any interface that will be used in combination with others or with base-class "constraint", define a generic version as illustrated below:

Interface IFun1
' Any members of the interface go here, e.g. ...'
Sub DoFun1()


A class which will support multiple interfaces should declare itself as implementing the generic ones, with itself as the type argument.

Class test123a
Inherits sampleBase
Implements IFun1(Of test123a), IFun2(Of test123a), IFun3(Of test123a)
End Class

If that is done, one can define a function argument or class variable that supports multiple constraints thusly: Dim SomeField as IFun1(Of IFun2(Of IFun3(Of sampleBase)))

And then assign to it any class derived from sampleBase, which implements those interfaces. SomeField will implement IFun1; SomeField.Nest will implement IFun2; SomeField.Nest.Nest will implement IFun3. Note that there's no requirement that IFun1, IFun2, IFun3, or sampleBase share any common derivation other than the generic interfaces inheriting from INest(Of T). Note also that, no matter how many INest-derived interfaces a class implements, it only needs to define one implementation of INest(Of T).Nest. Not exactly beautiful, but there are two nice things about it: (1) any concrete class which in fact implements the necessary interfaces can be assigned directly to a field declared as above, without a typecast; (2) while fields which chain the types in a different order are not assignment compatible, they may be typecast to each other. Is there any better way to store something in such a way that it's "known" to support multiple interfaces and derive from a certain base type? Given that one can write such code in a type-safe manner, it would seem like the .net 2.0 CLR could probably support such a thing quite nicely if compilers offered a little assistance.

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Storing An Object That Implements Multiple Interfaces And Derives From A Certain Base (.net)?

Jan 24, 2012

I was looking through some legacy code we have and I noticed something that struck me as particularly odd.Say we have the concrete class TestClass. TestClass implements the interface ITestClass.What sort of behavior should I expect in the following case, then? (I didn't realize this was even possible)

Dim testClass as TestClass = Nothing
testClass = New ITestClass


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VS 2008 : Storing Multiple Pieces Of Data In A Resource String?

Oct 24, 2009

In a resource string, not one that you declare in the code, but rather in the resources itself, how do I store multiple pieces of data in it?

View 7 Replies - Storing .Net ArrayList In Database

Mar 21, 2012

I have a vb .net ArrayList that I would like to store in one field on my Ms SQL 2008 database. Is it possible to put it in and get it back out as an ArrayList? I'm guessing i need to break down the Array some how and store it as a string, then rebuild it when reading back as i dont see any datatypes for sql that are for arrays. Which is a bummer for me! edit - The ArrayList stores a set of quote ID's. There is no limit to how big it is so it could hold 1 or 1001 different ID's

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Database Storing Of Fields?

Aug 15, 2011

i am making a project and in that getting storing and loop problems there are two fields serial no and quantity when quantity is entered serial number must be asked then only and the number of times quantity is entered that many times serial number must be asked also serial number is from to too like 1 to 6 or 1 to 5 so i have to taken 2 textboxes serialfrm and serialto to store but now the problem is that i am not able to write proper code for it either it doesn't get saved to the particular name to which both fields belong or it keeps saving without stopping.

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Storing Barimage In A Sql Database?

Jun 23, 2011

i am generating a barimage and storing in a database i am able to create a barimage and store in a local drive but while transferring i am facing difficulties my code is

barcode = New BarcodeLib.Barcode.Linear.Linear()
barcode.Type = BarcodeLib.Barcode.Linear.BarcodeType.CODE39
barcode.Data = TextBox1.Text


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Storing Image In Database?

Dec 18, 2009

how to store images in database using VB.Net?

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Challenges Storing Collections Value Into Database

Mar 22, 2010

Hello All,

Can anybody help me, i am having challenges getting collections value into the database

Here is my sample code. but is not working at all rather is crashing the applications

Dim collections As New System.Enrolment.CustomerBiometricsCollection()
collections = Me.PrintCaptureWizard1.ShowDialog()
Dim dbs As New DBClass
Dim mee As String
mee = dbs.ConnectionString
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(mee)
Dim ds As New SqlCommand("Custoon", conn)
ds.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
ds.CommandText = "CustBiometrics"
For k As Integer = 0 To collections.Count - 1
ds.Parameters.Add("@TemplateID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = New Guid(TextBox1.Text)
ds.Parameters.Add("@TemplateIdentifierID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = (collections(0).TemplateId)
ds.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = New Guid(id)
ds.Parameters.Add("@Template", SqlDbType.Image).Value = collections(0).PrintTemplate
ds.Parameters.Add("@TemplateSize", SqlDbType.Int).Value = collections(0).Size
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = ds.ExecuteReader()
Next k
MessageBox.Show("Record Inserted")

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Storing Data From Vb To Access A Database

Nov 27, 2010

I am using an Access database and 2010. I have created a table in the database with columns for title, datein, dateout and roomnymber. In 2010 I made a distinguished title = combobox, datein and dateout = DateTimePicker. When I click on F5, an error occurs: INSERT INTO Syntax Error in statement. [Code]

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Storing Files In Database Vs Doing So In Filesystem?

Jan 30, 2009

I am in front of a great dilemma whether to store files in Database or doing it the standard way. I would choose the second option, but my application will be used by multiple users, so I am doing it by Web Services.

On the one hand, storing in database will be very useful as every user would have access to everything very fast, not caring about file paths, locations and so on.

On the other hand, if this table consists of 1000 files, wouldn't it be a bad idea as there should be some performance loss?

At the present moment, I am using mysql as database, but I am thinking of moving to SQL Server, but I suppose this is not DB Issue.

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Storing Textbox Data Into The Database?

Jun 20, 2012

i simple want to store the textbox data into the dataset .after that i want to fill using adapter into the sql server table

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VB 2010 - Storing Passwords In Database?

Feb 20, 2012

I am using (visual studio 2010) and have made a form application that uses a login screen. All that works but I am having trouble any firm way to encrypt the passwords in the database. The encryption doesn't have to be very high standard as its just for a college project. Whats the best way to encrypt the password into the database? Or just encrypt the password string, I can then sort out the database end myself.

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VS 2005 Storing Image In A Database?

Apr 12, 2010

i had a go at the jmc's codebank submissionon this particular topic: [URL]

And the basic concept of doing is that converting the image to a binary before it will be save in a database.

I am using the .mdb database(access 2003) what will be the datatype of the field where i will be saving the binary format of the image?

View 16 Replies - Storing French (decimal Values) In Database?

Jul 18, 2010

I have my form set in french as well, and it automatically changes the text format to use ','. However When I try to insert my values into the database it says cannot convert nvarchar to decimal? Worst case, Is there a way I can disable the numbers from changing to use ',' and just use '.' always regardless what language it is? My working language is

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C# - Preserve RichText Formatting When Storing In A Database?

Aug 11, 2009

I've created a rich text box which stored the "textBox.Text" value in an SDF database. The storing works, but the formatting seems to be lost. Is this something that SDF databases can't handle? Do I need to store in binary or something? Not sure how to do that either.I'm using Visual Basic Express Edition with Winforms and writing in VisualBasic.NET btw This is how I store to the database:

Private Sub btnToolStripSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnToolStripSave.Click


And this is how I insert the text in to the rich textbox

txtBoxText.SelectionFont = New Font("Verdana", 16, FontStyle.Bold)
txtBoxText.SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue


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Entering Username And Password And Storing It To A Database In ASP.Net?

Jun 6, 2011

Entering Username and Password and Storing it to a database in ASP.Net?

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Sql - Error On Storing Date Value Into MySQL Database

Sep 8, 2011

I had try several type of date format and yet, I stil can't get it right. Below are the coding which had been writen


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