Strip A Carriage Return Out Of A RTB?

Jan 15, 2012

I am pasting data from an Excel spreadsheet and and adding a 0 to the start of each 9 digit string it's it's missing. This works great if I'm pasting from notepad but from excel I see from this line of code

RTBUserID.Text = RTBUserID.Text.Substring(1, RTBUserID.TextLength - 1)

that there seems to be a carriage return (denoted by a square)

System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox, Text: 62818972" & vbLf & "62819154" & vbLf & "62999101" & vbLf & "62985054" & vbLf & "...}

Question is, how to I remove it.I have tried the following code but to no avail..

For x As Integer = 0 To RTBUserID.Text.Length - 1
RTBUserID.SelectionStart = x
RTBUserID.SelectionLength = 1


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Carriage Return Line Feed

Mar 13, 2010

[code]The code within the Private Sub replace the spaces within txtCallnumber.Text with carriage return line feed and does what I need it to, but when I place the code into the Private Sub that is above it places the carriage return line feed into the cells in the datagridview: column(CALL NUMBER). The txtCallnumber.Text is bound to the DataGridView column(CALLNUMBER). I do not want the DataGridView column(CALLNUMBER) to have the carriage return line feed

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Detecting Carriage Return In Text?

Dec 13, 2010

VBA 2008, Powerpoint office 2007. .NET.when i typed in a RichTextBox or Textbox. (sorry if it matters which text box i am using) maybe

" Hello, I am Russell!
i love you very much
that is all!"

maybe like this. and send this over to another device.when i received the message , i got " Hello, I am Russell!i love you very muchthat is all!"It did not read my CR or Enter. how do i implement this so that if there is any CR i can detect where it is and put it in accordingly?

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Remove Carriage Return From String

Feb 5, 2011

I would like to insert the following into a string.[code]I want it to go into a string as follows [code]i.e. without the carriage returns.How do I achieve this?

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Replace A Carriage Return In A String?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an issue with a string where I pull the field from a table and the field is showing a return character, (shows as a little box).

I know how to replace quotes or other characters in a string.

Question is how do you replace a return or remove it from the string?

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Word Report Carriage Return Using

May 26, 2011

I am generating report in word(i.e) I am exporting all the data from the database and replacing it in with the placeholder in the word document. While the data is being retrieved from the database if the data contains any enter or new line character it retrieves it with the boxes and hence it replaces the string in the word with boxes such as for eg. abc and then box icon and then xyz on other line for can i eliminate the box icon and still display the data as above? I have tried replacing the character using chr(11), chr(13), system.newline etc but the box icon still exists? Is there any other way i can perform the above task?

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How To Count Carriage Return In A Multiline Textbox

Feb 16, 2009

I am having an issue doing the following:I would like to be able to count how many carriage return there is in a textbox.Is there a function that already exists that could search in the textbox the amount of carriage return ?

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Multiline Textbox,strings, Rtf And Carriage Return?

Feb 8, 2010

I am using a multililne textbox and I want to take the text typed and merge it with another string. So for example....

CoverPage = Replace(CoverPage,
Me.Note.Replace("{", "{").Replace("}", "}"), txtNote.Text)

Where Me.Note is a string that I am looking for and replacing it with the contents of txtNote.text. And then storing it all back in the string CoverPage.CoverPage is an rtf string that will holds place holders for the text I want to change.(That works) But when i update the note that may have a carriage return in it, the coverpage does not reconize the carriage returns comping from the Multiline textbox when its displayed.I have tried replaceing Enivronment.Newline with vbCr, vbCrl and whatever else I can think of. is there an issue with taking a string carriage control and tranfering it to a rtf carriage control?

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Preventing Carriage Return In Multiline Text Box?

Jun 10, 2011

I have a textbox, and it's set to multiline, so a user can enter a few sentences. The problem is, if the user hits the enter button while in the textbox, it's starting a new line. This data is being saved as a text file, and it's causing problems when the text file is loaded back into the app, causing load failures.

I'd like to completely make the enter key useless when the textbox has focus. Or, if they hit enter, it tabs over to another button.

Here is some code I used to make the enter button behave more like a tab-

Private Sub txtCallNotes_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
End If
End Sub

The problem is, the enter button still does a carriage return, causing a new line.

In the properties, Accept Return is False.

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Put A Carriage Return Into Field Of An SQL Statement Using Program?

Oct 1, 2010

I want to insert a record using SQL and one of the fields needs to contain a carriage return, [code]...

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Replace Carriage Return/linefeed In String?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a text box on a form. Within this text box is a bunch of text that includes some CrLf. I want to replace the CrLf with <P> so I can convert it to HTML.

I *THOUGHT* I could use something like...

Textbox.Text.Replace(vbCrLf, <P>)

...but that doesn't work.

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[2008] How To Count Carriage Return In A Textbox

Feb 16, 2009

I have to count the amount of enter (carriage return) someone did in a textbox set as multiline. Is there a function already there or one that I can create that will count how many times someone did hit enter.

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Carriage Return/Line Feed In The Text Of A Checkbox?

Mar 27, 2007

I'm using VB.Net and I am creating a mobile application. I have a checkbox that the text needs to be on more than one line. I've tried everything including setting the text property on the load screen function and using the vbCrLf and I just see the Line feed square but not multiple lines. I've also tried resizing the box and that didn't work either. how to make the text span multiple lines?

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Visual Basic - Sending A Carriage Return To An E-Mail

Feb 19, 2010

How can I send a string to an email with new lines (carriage returns) included?

The problem is that I am sending the string to an email, and the email strips out the carriage returns.

Dim myApp As New Process
emailStringBuilder.Append("&subject=" & tmpID & " - " & subject)


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Carriage Return Behaves Differently In RichTextbox - LineFeed VS 2008

Jul 8, 2009

I have project that communicates with an embedded device via Telnet and displays the data string in a RichTextbox. Here is the (weird) problem: every time I send a command, the device responds, at the end of the response there is a prompt on a NEW LINE. However, when I ASCII encode the bytes received and display the string, the prompt is on the same line as the response in the text box. So I looked at the bytes for several different commands and the response always starts with a 13,10,13 which is CR, LF, CR, that puts the response on a new line, also displayed on a new line in the text box.

However, at the end of the response, there is always a 13,13,10 (CR,CR,LF) followed by the prompt, but in the text box the prompt is NOT on a new line it is merely a couple of spaces after the response. The funny thing is that this behavior is absolutely not present in Hyper Terminal, or Tera Term applications, when I connect to the device using Tera Term, the prompt is always on a new line. Even the VS IDE shows this correctly in the Output window, every prompt is on a new line. I can not for the life of me figure out why this behaves differently in my RichTextbox. I have experimented with different settings for the textbox, but so far nothing worked.

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Hit The Enter Button Which Is VBCrLf(carriage Return And Line Feed)?

Jun 3, 2012

I've seen this type of line in many post on here..I been rolling this over in my head and i think that this line or something close to it is a bad idea. For index As Integer = ListView1.Items.Count -1 the above line assumes that on the last line the person has hit the enter button which is VBCrLf(carriage return and Line Feed) in which case the above line would be ok..however if the last line does not contain a CrLf then you in effect are skipping the last line.

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Putting Carriage Return/line Feed In Non-HTML Email Text

Sep 3, 2010

Using 2005

I am trying to create a string message for an email that I am sending out from my page like so:

For Each dr In dtDataTable.Rows
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Environment.NewLine & dr.Item("UserName") & Environment.NewLine

so I am looping through a datatable and getting each name from each row, that is working well but when I get the email it appears in my inbox with all the names mashed together, you see I am trying both vbcrlf and newline but looks like neither is working

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Read Text File With Tab And Carriage Return Format To Store Them In Array

Jul 1, 2009

I have to text file in the following format :

Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]

I want to get all the words before the tab into one array or to create a new text file and the all the words after the tab into another array or create a new text file too.

Here my function to get the words before tab into an array :

Protected Sub MakeWordListBeforeTab()
Dim filename As String = "D:lao�0001.txt"
'read from file'


I wrote the above function to get all words before tab but I got all the words into array. I've been trying to use the Split method above. What is another method to split those words ?

I know this can be done with regular expression but I don't know regex yet. If you can show me how to get this done with regex it'll be awesome.

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Remove The Carriage Return Line Feed '' From This String "textstring"?

Dec 15, 2010

how would I remove the carriage return line feed escape characters in bold here?

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Tool Strip Container Tools Strip Lost Focus And Double Click?

Aug 19, 2011

"Form1" has a ToolStripContainer1.TopToolStripPanel which contains a ToolStrip with buttons. The buttons work on ONE click when "Form1" is active.If I click on another window and then return to "Form1" the ToolStrip buttons take TWO clicks to activate.The first click returns focus to "Form1" and the subsequent click fires the button event.I want the buttons to work on the first click and not require two clicks.Note that ordinary buttons on "Form1" that are not part of the ToolStrip work on the first click when returning from another window/form?

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Menu Strip - Disable The Subitems In The Menu Strip

Jan 1, 2011

My program goes like this, i have a log in form where in the admin and guest can access, then the form will navigate to main menu form, i have there menu strip, pls help. how can i disable the subitems in the menu strip if the user is 'guest' for security purposes..

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[2008] Menu Strip - When A User Clicks On "Print" In The Menu Strip On The Keyboard Should Automatically Press "Ctrl+P"

Oct 25, 2008

I am totally new to VB and I'd like to know, for example, when a user clicks on "Print" in the menu strip on the keyboard should automatically press "Ctrl+P", because the original print dialog, and the WebBorwser print dialog is toootaly different.

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Adding Carriage Returns To XML File?

Sep 16, 2010

I'm working on a program that stores some of its configuration information in an XML file. I'm able to read and write the xml files ok and everything works, but I would like to be able to open the xml files in other programs such as programmer's notepad. When I open the xml file in programmer's notepad, all the text is on a single line. Is there a way to embed carriage returns into the xml file?


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Array Of Strings Contains Carriage Returns That Can't Be Found

May 9, 2012

I have used StreamReader to read the contents of a file to its end, and parsed each line into an array entry for an array of strings. That part works, and I have verified that each array entry does contain the proper line entry from the file. However, if I were to go and print out (say, in a MsgBox) each line, every line after the first one would look like (Carriage Return)(proper thing), yet searching for the CRs using InStr yields that there is no CR or ControlChars.NewLine etc. character in the string. I'll show you my code:

Dim FileParse(255) as string
Public Function FileRead(ByVal FILENAME As String)
Dim sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & FILENAME)
Dim FileData As String = sr.ReadToEnd


I just set the For Loop from 0 to 10 because I am unsure how to tell the loop to end when it has finished with the last entry of the Lines() array, and since the program will later be writing to the source file, it is likely that the number of lines will change (which is why I just arbitrarily set the FileParse array to have 256 spots).

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Display Of Datagrid Column: Can't Get It To Handle Carriage Returns

Sep 3, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 2.0 to display data pulled from a Oracle table. I am trying to display a notes column, but the column is not displaying the CRLF characters properly. The text is showing as a single line.

Private Sub BindNotesGrid()
Dim colRequestNotes As New BoundColumn()
Dim colCreatedBy As New BoundColumn()
Dim colCreatedDate As New BoundColumn()


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Carriage Returns/line Feeds In Assembly Information Description Box?

Feb 15, 2011

Is there any way, in my project's properties, to put a carriage return or a line feed in the Description field of the Assembly Information dialog box, in which the Description information would then appear in the description field of the about box of my project?

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[VB 2010] Return Alert Message If SQL Query Return No Records

Dec 12, 2011

I use this code to return records in a DataGridView:


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Return An Object As The Return Value Through A RealProxy Transparent Proxy?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm working up a system where I plan on using RealProxy objects to enable intercepting method calls against a set of objects, handling the call, and then returning appropriate results. This works just find for simple return types like strings or ints, but I can't seem to return objects from the RealProxy.Invoke method. Everything works. I get no errors, but the returned value is always NOTHING, instead of an object.

I've worked up the smallest sample code I could, and have included it below. Essentially, just call RPtest and single step through. The code creates a simple object, RPTestA, with a string field and an object valued field It then retrieves the string


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Checking If A Port Is Open - If It Is Open Then Return True, If It's Closed, Return False?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm making a Visual Basic GUI application to display whether a number of my ports are open for people to know whether things like my website and my Minecraft server are open.My problem is I have absolutely no idea how to do this in Visual Basic.Basically, I'm asking for something which sends a signal to an IP with a specific port, if it is open then return true, if it's closed, return false. Similar to: http:[url]....

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Getting Rid Of The Top Menu Strip?

May 24, 2009

So I'm creating a program that takes a picture of a form. The code that i use takes a picture of the form, then saves it to a file. My only problem is that it takes a picture of the whole form.

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