Substring For Masked Text Box

Apr 10, 2012

This code for a masked text box isn't functioning correctly. When I type "PM" at the end of the text, it detects it as false, and shows me the message box.


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Substring For Masked Text Box?

Jul 12, 2009

This code for a masked text box isn't functioning correctly. When I type "PM" at the end of the text, it detects it as false, and shows me the message box.

If MaskedTextBox2.Mask.Substring(2) = "PM" = False Then
MsgBox("I have detected that you've put something else rather than AM or PM in the last two spaces.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error")


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Saving Masked Text Box?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a masked text box and two text boxes. I would like to save all of these fields so that when the "open" button is clicked the field repopulate....

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C# - Prepend A Substring If The Source String Does Not Begin With The Same Substring?

Oct 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a valid RegEx replacement pattern for correctly formatting specific .XML file names. Specifically, if a file name does not begin with a prefix, let's say, ACE_. If the XML file name and extension does not begin with ACE_, prepend the string ACE_ to the file name.For example, if my input source string is the following:


I would like to execute a single RegEx Replacement that would result in the string being:


Conversely, if the string already begins with ACE_, I would like it to remain unchanged. Also,how can I include the pattern ".xml" to ensure that the string pattern for the file name and extension ends with ".xml" in the same matching pattern for the RegEx Replacement pattern? As for the match, I have some luck with the following:


Which indicates there is a match for the pattern if the input string is ACE_Widgets.xml and no match if the string is Widgets.xml
The RegEx pattern would suffice, but if you need to know the language in which I'd like to use the replacement pattern is in .NET 4.0 in either C# or VB.NET.

The following posting is close to what Im looking for, but with the inclusion of the *ix directory path prefix, and the use of preg_replace() in PHP, I'm having a bit of a struggle getting it to work with what I need to do:

Regular Expression: How to replace a string that does NOT start with something?

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[2008] Richtextbox Substring - Select A Substring With 2 Criteria?

Feb 3, 2009

How will I select a substring with 2 criteria? I have a Richtextbox where I select a number after a : with this code; For Each line As String In Richtextbox1.Lines Dim equalsPos As Integer = line.IndexOf(":") + 1 txtFound.AppendText(line.Substring(equalsPos, line.Length - equalsPos)) Next This is working ok, but the whole line.length is appended for number2. The line ex. Some text:my number some text-my number2. I want my number appended to txtFound, and my number2 appended to txtFound2. With my code only number2 can be appended correct.

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Assign A Masked Text Box Into A Input Box In Vb

Jun 8, 2011

how do you assign a masked text box into a input box in vb

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Check If The Masked Text Box Is Empty?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a mask of : 00/00/0000

I need to check if the masked text box is empty,I tried MaskedTextBox1.Text
it returns --/--/--

How can I check whether the user has entered a value to the maskedTextBox or not?

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Getting The Last 4 Of A Social SSN From A Full SSN In A Masked Text Box?

Jul 28, 2009

Basically I am doing a weekly assignment for unit 7 where I have to use Data bases.... I have everything going fine I used VB studio to set up most of my relationships between the Data base and VB.I have a text box called txtLast4OfSSN.Text that I need to get the last 4 of a social security number.

Now this should be simple I have another box ( a Masked Box for SSN) that has the SSN in it... This box is called m_SSN.Text....... Now I figured it would be easy, and that I could just use the Substring(7, 10) to get those numbers :*( However its not working and I am getting an error as follows:"Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length".Here is my complete code with my two buttons its mostly in the second event procedure that I have the code specifically for getting the last 4 of the SSN:

Public Class frmInstructorTable

Private Sub StudentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StudentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click[code]....

View 12 Replies

Have The Time Between Two Times Using 2 Masked Text Box?

May 23, 2010

mskStartTime.SelectionStart = 0
mskStartTime.SelectionLength = 2
Heure1 = mskStartTime.SelectedText


Basically I'm running a test on a way to have the time between two times using 2 masked text box...If I say type in 12:33 as StartTime and 13:33 EndTime it will return 1 but if I do 11:33 StartTime and 1:33 EndTime which insinuate 1:33am... The program will calculate 10 hours have passed... bu in reality it's 14hours...

View 6 Replies

Masked Text Box - Get Rid Of Extra Chars

Jul 7, 2010

I am using a masked text box to format phone numbers. However, I do not want the extra formatting that gets insterted from the masked text box: (800)-555-1212

All I want is: 8005551212

But I still want the user to type it in like this (to make it easier for user):

I am thinking I can run a replace function on it, but I am not sure what event to use. I found a number of tutorials, but not that useful for what I am doing. [URL]

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VS 2008 Focus Masked Text Box?

Apr 3, 2009

I want to know how when you focus on a textbox in your form, how you get the cursor to go to the first character, instead of the middle/last/etc.

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Data In Masked Edit Text Boxes?

Mar 9, 2009

I have unformatted text in my SQL 2005 database. I'm pulling it into a masked edit text box with a (999)999-9999 mask.Unfortunately, when I attempt to save the data back it doesn't work because I don't know how to get the 'masked' information back to the 'unmasked' raw data that the database wants.

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Mask Setting For A Masked Text Box And Also A DataViewGrid

Feb 4, 2010

when opening a form I parse all items, in this case the Masked Tex boxes.

I am in Germany, I want . to be a thousand separator and , to be a decimal separator.

txt.Mask = "999,999.00" does not work, I do not understand why. Can anybody give me a hint?
txt.Mask = "999.999,00" does also not work.
Public Sub config_maskedTextbox(ByVal txt As MaskedTextBox)


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Masked Text Box - Date Leading Zeros?

Jan 22, 2009

When populating the data into a date masked text box for display, I am not getting the zeros in front of the month and day resulting in the date 07/02/1974 displaying as 72/19/74.

How do I insure the month and day have the correct format before the masked tb gets filled. The data type in SQL is small date and displays in the table as 1974-07-02 vS2008 / SQL2008

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Masked Text Box For Social Security Number?

Apr 10, 2009

(Goal)How do I display the number like below on MaskedtextboxSocial Security Number : 333-33-3333

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Using SendMessage API Function With Masked Text Control?

Oct 21, 2010

I am developing an application that inserts text into another application. No problems at all finding handles and using SendMessage to insert text into their standard edit boxes/combo boxes/etc.My problem is that when I attempt to insert text into what appears to be a masked


(e.g. a date into a box with the format __/__/____), it does so...but the application does not recognize it as valid data.How to I format my string/SendMessage to match the mask in the text box?

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.net - Masked Text Box Removes Preceeding Zeros In Date?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a process which grabs the birthdate and from a data table and display them in a masked text box for viewing and editing However when pushing the data into the textbox any preceding zeros get removed For example 05/05/2005 would display as 55/20/05__

The masked Text box is set up as 00/00/0000 The line which assigns the code is:

MaskedTextBox.Text = Format(DataTable(0)("DOB"), "MM/dd/yyyy").ToString

To date I have tried the following:


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Validate A Masked Text Box Set To A Short Date Format?

Feb 10, 2009

What is the preferred and hopefully the corrrect way to validate a masked text box set to a short date format?

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Assigning Text To A Masked Text Box?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a phone (and Zip Code) masked text box on a form. I am reading data from a SQL table. If I use the code at bottom in a lost focus call no errors are thrown but I see nothing in either masked text box. However, I tried a few things to understand whats happening. I inserted a standard text box on the form and sent the Zip Code value to it and it appeared in the box no problem. Also, if I use the following code: Zip_TextBox.Text = 01940 or Zip_TextBox.Text = "12345" in the form load it appears in the masked text box just fine. So I am not sure whats going on.

The code below is in the lose focus method for a combo box on the form. It all works correctly except for the Zip and the phone numbers fields which even though I called them text boxes they are masked text boxes.

'Reads the retuned data to the variable for later use in the insertion command
While VendorSearch.Read()
Address1_TextBox.Text = (VendorSearch("Address1").ToString())


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Insert Query For Inserting Date Into Access From Masked Text Box?

May 3, 2010

Insert Query for inserting date into access from masked text box in

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VS 2008 Setting Mouse To Beginning Of A Masked Text Box If Empty

Feb 25, 2010

I have a masked text box for postal codes. When the user clicks the text box it sets the cursor to where ever they clicked in the text box. Is there anyway that if the value is empty it sets the focus to the beginning.

Private Sub Cust_postalTextBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cust_postalTextBox.Click


Is the code I have that works but What would the IF statement be to check if it is empty? String.empty and "" don't work because I think it sees the mask as characters.

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Break Up A Line Of Text Using Substring?

Oct 29, 2009

What is the best way to read a line from a file and break up into seperate fields.

I tried using substring in this loop but i get the same value for refnum in each iteration

I want the first 24 characters in refnum[cod]e...

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SubString From Text File Load To GridView?

Jan 27, 2011

How to substring it step by step load to gridview?

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Write To A Text File In Substring Layout?

Nov 9, 2011

I have made the first part of this application it read the file and splits it up, injects into SQL where it pulled and edited. Now i need to create the part of the application that Exports the data back to the orignal layout. I have used Substring to read the infomation as it was the only simple way i could think of.

Example of the layout is below.

1 HSG885398 0 HS1 EP0 1.00 1.00 14.30
2 HSG885398 0 HS1 01 1.00 1.00 60.89
3 HSG885398 0 HS1 HS03 1.00 1.00 7.82


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.net - Format Cell Of Datagridview To Show Substring Of Column Text?

Aug 25, 2009

i have a column item-code, inside my database which i have bound to a datagrid view. The item-code comes in this format "A-B-C", i wish only to show the "B" part of the code, i have bound this column to the gridview and now wish to make it show the substring. I tried defaultcellstyle.format but don't know how to get a substring for it.

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VS 2010 Replacing Text - Change The Substring That Is Inside The ' ' With "nearwest"

Sep 12, 2011

I have an issue here, lets say I have this string: "Lets create a database called 'farfromwest' and then host it" And I want to change the substring that is inside the ' ' with "nearwest", how can I do it? "Lets create a database called 'nearwest' and then host it" Remember, I want to change what is inside ' ', this means it could be any word, not just the one of the example!


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Using Substring - Remove "Left" And Use "Substring

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to remove VB6 type code and use VB.Net code, in particular, remove "Left" and use "Substring". This code does not do what the old style code does. It seams to ignore the first two chars and forces the msgbox prompt no matter what I type in the textbox (at "Leave").

Private Sub TextBox5_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox5.Leave
If TextBox5.Text = "" Then
'Do nothing


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Set A Password On A Masked Tex T Box?

Nov 20, 2009

On my program I am trying to set a password on a masked text box, so when the program opens it will ask for a password and if the password is wrong 5 times I would like the program to exit. I know how to do the password char but can't figure out on how to set the password.

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Jan 15, 2010

i wanna know about the main characters on Masked text box and meaning of them like CCCC, L, ?, 000, 999 and the second question is how i can use masked box to make user type a valid EMAIL.

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Coding A Masked Textbox

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to code a masked textbox so that when you jump out of it, when it's emply, it turns yellow. [code]

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