Set A Password On A Masked Tex T Box?

Nov 20, 2009

On my program I am trying to set a password on a masked text box, so when the program opens it will ask for a password and if the password is wrong 5 times I would like the program to exit. I know how to do the password char but can't figure out on how to set the password.

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Checking AD Password - Create A Password Change Form For My Company's Vendors

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a password change form for my company's vendors. There are a couple of scenarios I could encounter doing this:

1 - User enters invalid current password
2 - New passwords do not match
3 - User's account is locked
4 - User cannot authenticate because password is expired

It's case 4 that I'm struggling with, because their is no way for me to take the password the user entered and verify it against active directory without getting an error.

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Membership ChangePassword (hashed) Match Current Password Against Old Password Field

Jun 1, 2011

I am implementing a system where the user can Reset their password if they have forgotten it.Once it is reset I want to give them the option of changing the password so that it will be something more memorable to them.The password is hashed and if i enter in the correct old password and new password the password does change.If I enter in the wrong old password and new password the password doesnt change.Is there a way to match the old password with the old password field in code behind so I can throw up an error to the user to tell them what is wrong? [code]

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Password Characters - Get A Textbox Being Using For Password Entry To Display The Black Circle

Feb 10, 2009

How do you get a textbox being using for password entry to display the black circle that you often see in web forms, on the iphone etc etc?

I can change the PasswordChar property to an asterisk no problem and even copying and pasting symbols inserted into Word seemed to work - just couldn't find a symbol that looked like a bullet point!

Can this actually be achieved for a standalone exe, or is it something unique to web forms? Surely copying and pasting symbols from Word isn't actually the answer?

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Pass Password If Excell Sheet Have Password And Enable Macro?

Jul 25, 2011

I read and write the cells from excell sheet sucessfully. now please i need a advise on the following

1. Where i save the file? at the time of project publishing it include also with the project?

2. how i check file exits or not?

3. How i pass the password if excell sheet have password and enable macro?

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Password Implementation - Program To Start With A Prompt That Asks For A Password

Apr 21, 2010

I'm currently working on a CRM project in I want the program to start with a prompt that asks for a password and if the user enters the correct password then the main form loads.Im having some problems wrapping my mind around this...

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Create A Simple Password Box That Will Ask The User For A Username And Password?

Jul 15, 2009

I am looking to create a simple password box that will ask the user for a username and pass, if the user is validated against the usernames and passwords in an .ini file the login box will close and launch a program also stated in the .ini file. I would also like to be able to launch different programs for different users.

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Password Encryption - Way To Inerlock Letters In A Password?

Dec 2, 2009

Is there a way to inerlock letters in a password. EX: lets say my password is 1234567password, is their a way to interlock or inject random letters/numbers /symbols/etc into the password? Ok so our password is = 1234567password is their a way to make it like this = g1i2h3h4q5d6g7rp4a7s;?s`w6o+r/d5

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Reset The Existing Password (topsecret) With A New Password

Jan 15, 2012

how to reset the existing password(topsecret)with a new password by using the "replace" keyword

in the below code shown

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Show Instead Of The Password It-self When The User Enters The Password?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a button on my Form called EditingButton that will have a DialogBox appear asking for a password. How can I have "*" show instead of the Password it-self when the user enters the password?[URL]...

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Validate The Given Password Is Same As The Current Users PAssword?

Mar 21, 2011

I have developed a task Using (windows Application). I want to create a Login window for the Current user only allowed to use my application.So In my Login window UserNAme textbox I have showed the curent Login UserNAme like,

txtUserName.Text=Environment.UserDomainName & "" & Environment.UserName
And I have set txtUserName.Readonly =True.
Now the User to type the Password in my application password textbox.


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Jan 15, 2010

i wanna know about the main characters on Masked text box and meaning of them like CCCC, L, ?, 000, 999 and the second question is how i can use masked box to make user type a valid EMAIL.

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Coding A Masked Textbox

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to code a masked textbox so that when you jump out of it, when it's emply, it turns yellow. [code]

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Masked Textbox And Percentages?

Feb 11, 2011

I have many textboxes that I need to have display percentages. I have used a masked textbox extender and the percentages display fine. using 99.99% as a mask and number as the mask type.Now my problem is that i want it to be converted to a decimal when i save it to the database e.g 50% saves as 0.5 and then when it comes back from the database it must display as 50% again. This is needed for numerous calculations. IS there a way to do this?

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Saving Masked Text Box?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a masked text box and two text boxes. I would like to save all of these fields so that when the "open" button is clicked the field repopulate....

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Substring For Masked Text Box

Apr 10, 2012

This code for a masked text box isn't functioning correctly. When I type "PM" at the end of the text, it detects it as false, and shows me the message box.


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Substring For Masked Text Box?

Jul 12, 2009

This code for a masked text box isn't functioning correctly. When I type "PM" at the end of the text, it detects it as false, and shows me the message box.

If MaskedTextBox2.Mask.Substring(2) = "PM" = False Then
MsgBox("I have detected that you've put something else rather than AM or PM in the last two spaces.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error")


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Tabing With Masked Textbox?

Nov 27, 2009

tabbing while using masked textbox.

I want to tab over to a masked textbox and highlight the text.

I have managed to do this with normal text box. But having trouble with masked textbox

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Use 5 Textboxs As A Masked Textbox?

Dec 8, 2010

I know the title spounds stupid. I will try to explain what I meen. I am trying to make a product key mask. for example: I was able to do this with the MaskTextBox but I want to seperate each line to there own text box For example: [Textbox1] - [Textbox2] - [Textbox3] - [Textbox4] - [Textbox5] I already limited the Textboxs to 5 characters. The problem I am having is, after I enter 5 characters in the first textbox, I cant get the cursor to auto tab to the next textbox. I have already tried fixing it with this code


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Assign A Masked Text Box Into A Input Box In Vb

Jun 8, 2011

how do you assign a masked text box into a input box in vb

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Check If The Masked Text Box Is Empty?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a mask of : 00/00/0000

I need to check if the masked text box is empty,I tried MaskedTextBox1.Text
it returns --/--/--

How can I check whether the user has entered a value to the maskedTextBox or not?

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Getting The Last 4 Of A Social SSN From A Full SSN In A Masked Text Box?

Jul 28, 2009

Basically I am doing a weekly assignment for unit 7 where I have to use Data bases.... I have everything going fine I used VB studio to set up most of my relationships between the Data base and VB.I have a text box called txtLast4OfSSN.Text that I need to get the last 4 of a social security number.

Now this should be simple I have another box ( a Masked Box for SSN) that has the SSN in it... This box is called m_SSN.Text....... Now I figured it would be easy, and that I could just use the Substring(7, 10) to get those numbers :*( However its not working and I am getting an error as follows:"Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length".Here is my complete code with my two buttons its mostly in the second event procedure that I have the code specifically for getting the last 4 of the SSN:

Public Class frmInstructorTable

Private Sub StudentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StudentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click[code]....

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Have The Time Between Two Times Using 2 Masked Text Box?

May 23, 2010

mskStartTime.SelectionStart = 0
mskStartTime.SelectionLength = 2
Heure1 = mskStartTime.SelectedText


Basically I'm running a test on a way to have the time between two times using 2 masked text box...If I say type in 12:33 as StartTime and 13:33 EndTime it will return 1 but if I do 11:33 StartTime and 1:33 EndTime which insinuate 1:33am... The program will calculate 10 hours have passed... bu in reality it's 14hours...

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Masked Text Box - Get Rid Of Extra Chars

Jul 7, 2010

I am using a masked text box to format phone numbers. However, I do not want the extra formatting that gets insterted from the masked text box: (800)-555-1212

All I want is: 8005551212

But I still want the user to type it in like this (to make it easier for user):

I am thinking I can run a replace function on it, but I am not sure what event to use. I found a number of tutorials, but not that useful for what I am doing. [URL]

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Masked Textbox Date Validation ?

Dec 15, 2011

How to enter the date in the masked text box and how to validate it

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Masked Textbox Validation Of Phonenumber?

Jan 13, 2009

OK, so i was going to verify a MaskedTextBox on whether the number input was or was not 10 digits in length. If not 10 digits, obviously they didn't put in a full phone number.

The problem is, even though you have no digits the length is still 10 so you can't check if the user put in 10 digits or not and return an error? Anyone got any ideas on testing for a phone number?I've seen tons of examples on date verification, but none on phone number verification.

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VS 2008 Focus Masked Text Box?

Apr 3, 2009

I want to know how when you focus on a textbox in your form, how you get the cursor to go to the first character, instead of the middle/last/etc.

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[2008] Set Startposition Masked Textbox?

Mar 15, 2009

How can I set the startposition of a maskedtextbox. When i click on a maskedtextbox i always want to start at the first position.In visual basic 6 i used the gotfocus with maskedtxtbox.selstart=0 But in visual studio 2008 this doesn't work.

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Count Characters In A Masked Textbox For Check?

Jul 28, 2011

I am using a masked TextBox, and I would like to check the input (total characters must be 14),

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Data In Masked Edit Text Boxes?

Mar 9, 2009

I have unformatted text in my SQL 2005 database. I'm pulling it into a masked edit text box with a (999)999-9999 mask.Unfortunately, when I attempt to save the data back it doesn't work because I don't know how to get the 'masked' information back to the 'unmasked' raw data that the database wants.

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