Summing Data Inside Of An Array Element

May 3, 2011

I am working on a sale report program. Its purpose is to record the new item and the amount made from the item mon - fri. My problem isn't getting the total. I am using a For..Next to do this. The problem is that everytime i add a new item it changes all of the previous items weekly totals as well. Thus throwing off my Total Sales. My initial suspicion is that since i don't have it added as part of the output i display it changes and re-adds it to all old items.

The section of code below is the area where i believe my problem is.
The Array itemNames holds 10 elements for the Items sold.
The Array itemSales holds the weekly price data.

' add item to listbox
For counterItem = 0 To itemCount Step 1


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Summing Parts Of An Array?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a large matrix, aprox 600x300 and want to divide it up into 6 sections across and 4 vertically and then sum the corresponding areas of the large matrix based on this division. To clarify all the numbers in the top 100 x 150 area of the matrix would be summed to give me the first number in the next matrix. I've tried playing with some code but its not giving me what I expect and I'm unable to figure out exactly why. I'm sure there is a more efficient way to do this but I'm unable to find it.

Array1 - original large array
Array2 - new small array
y and x count are the new coordinates of the new array


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Summing An Array Of Textboxes Created At Runtime

Dec 8, 2009

I'm creating an array of textboxes using this code, (x number of textboxes)

'Quantity textboxes
ReDim QuantityTextBoxes(x)
QuantityTextBoxes(x - 1) = New TextBox()


I need to sum the values of each textbox, but only if there is a value in it. I have error checking elsewhere so that isn't the issue. It keeps giving me an error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Randomly Pick An Element From An Array And Can Only Use That Element Three Times

Mar 11, 2010

I need to randomly pick an element from an array and I can only use that element three times,I can randomly pick the element but how do I go about only using it three times.

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Saving Data To A Random File Using A Fixed Array Element Error

Feb 7, 2012

The file structure is fine for retrieving data from the file but when I go to write data to the elements and hit any of the fixed array elements, I get an exception error. this has got to be a sytax problem I am just not seeing.

It seems that I am not addressing the array member correctly yet the same logic pulls it properly from existing records on file.

in a Module I have the structure as follows:

Structure INVOICE
<VBFixedString(6)> Public NUM As String
<VBFixedString(2)> Public SYMBOL As String


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How To Access An Element Inside Of A Web Frame

Dec 21, 2009

[code] the part way at the end where it uses .elements(mySearchInput).Value = "bob" I get a compile error it says object variable not set? my guess is this text box is inside a frame called "mainframe" so how would I access an element inside of a web frame? it works fine on another site without frames?

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.net - Getting Position Of The XML Element Inside For Each Loop?

May 27, 2009

How do I get the position of the XML element in this loop?

For Each objNode In objDoc.SelectNodes("//books/book")Next

What I want in output would be something like

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Merge Array Of Elements Into Larger Array When Element Order Is Different?

Nov 23, 2010

Assume I have an array myArray1 = { A, B, C, D, E, F, ., T}I have another that contains a subset of the elements of myArray1 but where the order may vary

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Length Of Text Inside Html Element Is Equal Or Less Than 2?

Sep 12, 2010

I need to app to go through all the elements <div class="address"> and check the length of the text inside it. if its less than or equal to 2, then it needs to skip the following line and check the next <div class="address">Here is my code:

Dim content As String = ""
Dim web As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb
Dim doc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument()
'this is where I need to check if text inside divclass="address" is <= 2
Dim hnc As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='address']/preceding-sibling::h3[@class='listingTitleLine']")

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WebBrowser Control - Clicking Element Inside Of HTML Table

Feb 13, 2012

What I'm trying to do is click an html link inside of a html table via code in using a web-browser control. The link I want to click can be anywhere in the first column of the table so I need to cross reference with another column in the table to make sure I have the re way I'm going about this is to loop through the html elements till I find the table I want (multiple tables on the page) then dump that table to an array. Then loop through the page again get to the table I want and then start comparing the link and another column in the now array. I need to check to make sure that the url of the link contains a work and that another column in the table contains a specific or lower numerical value. Basically where I'm stuck is while dealing with the html element "Table" wanting to identify and interact with another html element inside it.

'Flag to say dump to array
Dim RecordFiles As Boolean = False
'The last two headers in the table are blank so need to skip them
Dim FirstBlank As Boolean = False
Dim SecondBlank As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Put Element From Procedure Array In Global Array?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a dynamic are declared as global and one dynamic array in procedure , how is posible to put element from procedure array in global array


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Why Does The First Element In The 2d Array Determines The Length Of An Array

Jul 4, 2010


This adds 1 and 2 to list. My question is why does the first element in the 2d array determines the length of an array and if we want to get the length 2nd index then what will be the method for that?

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VS 2008 : Checking Existence Of Byte Array Inside Another Array?

Jun 2, 2010

is there is any direct method or function in array class that can check if any given byte array is a subarray of other array?or should i loop through the each byte of main array to see if smaller array exists in that or not?

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Trying To Add Element To Array

Dec 4, 2009

Using 3.5 VB1'm trying to add an element to an array..i would like to clear the listbox and display the array contents in listbox. then add another button, then add an element to the array, from the textbox.[code]It plops it right into listbox and deletes any previous entries into listbox..What Ive studied so far after all these hours to make the next button is to use UBound function to find the highest element then add one to it and ReDim it with that value.

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Open And See Data Inside A .ISO Bin File From Inside An Application

Mar 30, 2010

im new to coding (started coding last month) so im a little stuck on how to do this, im making some emulation programs to learn coding with, and a part of it is to point the app to a .iso/.bin file and scan the data inside of the iso/bin to check if a file exists.[code]My issue is i cant find any class examples, or any information etc on how to code it so my application can see the data inside of the iso/bin instead of just see'ing the iso/bin file, so that i can then check the data inside the iso to see if the file exists etc.Im a novice still at coding so making a new class myself to look inside the iso/bin is to complex for me.

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Five Element And One Dimensional Array

Feb 23, 2010

For my programm I am supposed to store the minimum points in a five-element, one dimensional integer array name points. And I need to store the grades in a five-element, one dimensional string array named grades. These arrays should be parallel arrays. I am supposed to code the display grades button click event procedure so that it declares both arrays. It also should search the points array for the number of points entered by the user, and then display the corresponding grade from the grades array.

Here is my code:
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off
Public Class Grades
Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click
[Code] .....

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Get The Control Array Element In VB?

Jul 9, 2010

In one of the vb6 form, we have a parent - child relation controls. The parent side consists of few radio buttons and the child side contains the control array elements. On click of each radio button, the control array elements are refreshed and populated with data related to the option selected. In the existing application, they have made use of "Load" and "Unload" methods for control array elements. The control array elements are created in the design time(which consists of labels, text boxes and button) and are all placed within a panel, which in turn is placed within 2 group boxes.But the problem comes when I have to unload these array elements.

The control array is created in the design time and the loading of each of these controls is based on certain conditions which is decided during run time.

1. Is there any alternatives to show/clear the control array elements other than control.Load(index)/control.Unload(index)?

2. Is there any way to check whether the controls are loaded or not.

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Get The Index Of The Array Element Value?

May 28, 2010

i have a 1 dimension boolean array and i need to get the index of the array element value = true.Anyone can point me a direction?I know i have to use.indexof() but when i try to use Variable.indexof(True) but it won't work.

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How To Change One Element In Array

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to read a comma delimited text file to an array, then change just one element in the array and write it back to the text file. An example of what the text file would look like is:


I want to change data in the last line at the last postion , data3, for example. I am reading the file in with no problem. I am stuck on how to change the data and write it back to the text file.

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How To Remove Every 5th Element From Array

Aug 12, 2011

I have an array of X elements, and let's say X = 50. How do I remove every 5th element of the array? Thus, the end result should be an array of only 40 elements left, since every 5th element was taken out....

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Modify Element Of An Array Using For Each?

Dec 12, 2011

I want to loop thru ever element of an array and if a condition is met modify that element. It seems For Each would be the elegant way but I can�t figure out how to put a value back in the array. Below is what I eventually used. It goes thru every element and if there�s a tab in the string it eliminates everything after the tab. Can I do the same with For Each?[code]...

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Remove Last Element From Array?

Oct 30, 2011

How to remove the last element from an array in VB.NET. I need to split the street and housenumber.STREET Split the address on spaces Remove last element (missing in the code)Join array Split the address on spaces get last element

My code:

'split address
Dim addressArray() As String = args.Content.Split(" ")
'remove last element and return the joined array
Return String.Join(" ", addressArray.Remove(addressArray.Length() - 1))

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Removing Element From Array?

Oct 11, 2009

I haven't used in about a year. I have a few arrays, the first holds a list of names. that list is used to load files into memory and then based off that file, another array is filled with my custom data type.

array of names is a file. it is not in memory unless it is being written to or read from. the second array is where all of my data is stored Dim fs As New FileStream("EmpVec.vec", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)'EmpVec.vec" is the file that stores all of the names Dim reader As New StreamReader(fs)while not(reader.EndOfStream)'code that is used to load and fill my array'it sees the name, searches for a file with the same name, then loads data from that file into my vector and memory'as i do this, i fill a list box with the name, and another string object (name & vbtab & string)end while. so that is when i populate my arrays what i would like figuring out is how to remove objects from my arrays here is what i got Dim index As Integer = Me.lstEmpList.SelectedIndex EmpVec(index) = Nothing 'EmpVec is the array that stores all of my custom data types

Me.lstEmpList.Items.RemoveAt(index)''this will remove the data from the array but I also save all the contents in the array to the EmpVec File'so when it hits the empty element, it crashes because there is no data'i would basically like to resize it

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Structure Containing An Array Element?

Jul 7, 2009

I am writing a class and room scheduling program, and would like to use an arraylist that will contain structures. The structure has a couple of arrays in it for when the class meets, and I am having difficulties figuring out the correct syntax to declare the array in the structure. Additionally, in the syntax to access the array. For instance, say I want the MeetingDays to be T, F, T, F, F, F, F; the Meeting Times to be "8:00AM", "", "8:00AM". "", "", "", "", ""; and the Duration to be 75, 0, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0

Public ClassList As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Public Structure MyStructure
Private _ClassName As String


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.net - Sum Similar Element Of An Array Of Structure?

Feb 11, 2012

I have an array of structures:


An array of the above structure with 30 element. I want to sum the empsal of those emp elements whose emp.empName & emp.empAge is equal.


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Array Element Default If Empty?

Nov 28, 2011

i noticed a problem with a program i made that occurs when an array element is called to use but is empty under a certain condtion therefor throwing an exception. i tried to define that element after the array was initialized to give it a default to use, but its not workin for me?

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Array With A Single Element Javascript

Sep 1, 2011

I have a site that dynamically creates two arrays of Lat/Long values based on the stores that the currently logged in user can see. If the user can only see one location then I get an error about array length needing to be a finite integer. When I look at the source I see var ls = new Array(45.056124);is being created on the page dynamically which is what I'm expecting. Except I think it is treating it as if I am trying to set the length of the array instead of set the first element to that value.How do I go about creating an array using the ClientScript.RegisterArray Declarationfunction to hold a single double value using

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Array With A Single Element Javascript?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a site that dynamically creates two arrays of Lat/Long values based on the stores that the currently logged in user can see. If the user can only see one location then I get an error about array length needing to be a finite integer. When I look at the source I see

var ls = new Array(45.056124);

is being created on the page dynamically which is what I'm expecting. Except I think it is treating it as if I am trying to set the length of the array instead of set the first element to that value.How do I go about creating an array using the ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration function to hold a single double value using

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Delete Element From An Array List?

Jun 6, 2011

Dim myArray() As Integer = {a, b, c, d, f}[code]...

Based on the code above i would like to remove the largest and smallest element from the array list and then put it into a new array list.

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Function To Remove One Element From Array?

Aug 7, 2011

how is the best to store cards? I tried to use array, but I couldnt find simple function to remove one element from array (like in PHP unset() ),

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