TabPage - Adding Another Page At Position 2

Jun 12, 2011

Hello - I am using Visual Studio .net 2008. I have a form that has a tabpage control in it with 5 pages. I need to add another page, but in position 2, not at the end. Is this possible? I do not see any settings for the position of the page. Looks like I can only add one at the end.

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Tabs - Tabpage Is Empty After Adding User Control To Tabpage

Jun 10, 2012

I am trying to display an usercontrol(has several panels one on top of the other panel) on tabpage. I am using below code to achieve this.


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Adding A MSRDPClient7 Control To A Tabpage?

Aug 17, 2010

I am having a bit of a problem adding an MSTSCLib.MsRdpClient7 control to a tabpage form.The code snippet at hand:

Dim t As TabPage = New TabPage
Dim rdpcount As Integer = 0
If Not rdp Is Nothing Then rdpcount = UBound(rdp)
Debug.Print("Current RDP count: " & rdpcount.ToString)


This code bombs on that last line with the following error:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled

Message="Unable to cast COM object of type 'MSTSCLib.MsRdpClient7Class' to class type 'System.Windows.Forms.Control'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface."

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Adding ListView To New Tabpage Programmatically

May 31, 2011

I have an MDI application, say name of MDI is MDIParent. From form1 I am adding new tab pages to form2. In the first tab of form2 I have generated a ListView by calling a ListViewCreate() function in Load event of form2. I am not able to generate ListView for the new tabs. I tried calling the ListViewCreate() while adding newtab. But, it is not creating listview nor throwing any error.

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Make The TABpage Display The Name Of The Site Instead Of Page 1 Or 2?

Feb 21, 2011

I used this code to duplicate the contents of the tab.

sender As


But I want the tabpage to display the title of the site?

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Dynamically Adding Controls To Tabpage At Runtime?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to add a new control to a dynamically created TabPage at run time, I have viewed many threads with similar help requests and cant seem to make the codes work!

Here's what I've got:

Dim albumscount As Xml.XmlNodeList
albumscount = config_doc.SelectNodes("component/config/menu/album")
i = albumscount.Count - 1
Dim albumtitle As Xml.XmlNode


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Forms :: Adding ListBox To A New TabPage During Run-time, Control Does Not Appear?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a tabgroup with 2 tabs. During runtime, I wish to add new ones. Though I can get the tabs added, I cannot seem to add the ListBox that is supposed to go with it.
In the code below, I added '*' to indicate a line I added to try and fix the problem, but (obviously) don't work.

Dim newTab As New TabPage("Group " + g.userLabel.ToString())
newTab.Name = "Tab" + g.userLabel.ToString


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Using System.Windows.Forms.TabPage To Store An Entire TabPage For Later Use?

Jan 8, 2009

I am using System.Windows.Forms.TabPage to store an entire TabPage for later use in My.Settings. Here is a brief description of the application.

I have a TabControl that has 3 tabs. One for user input, another tab for equipment settings, and then a final tab for Oven settings. On the user input tab, if the user de-selects the checkbox for Oven, the oven tab is saved to My.Settings and hidden.

I can then run the application without oven control. After running, lets say the user would like to re-run, this time with the oven. They go back to the input tab and re-select the Oven checkbox. However, the Oven tab doesn't re-appear. When stepping through the code, the is nothing stored in My.Settings for the oven tab page. Why not?

Also, I can open the application, and check, then uncheck the oven checkbox and the tab is hidden, then returns. I can do this all day. However, after running the tab will not return.

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VS 2008 - Adding Lines To Array List Position

May 12, 2009

I have this .txt file with 5 lines, let's say:
If I wanted to add those lines to an array list position, how would I do that?

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Change TabPage Size And Form Size When Shift From One TabPAge To Another?

Nov 22, 2010

I Try so many times to change TabPage Size and Form Size when I shif from One TabPAge to another, This because every TabPAge consist of defrent volume of control which need to enlarge and reduce the size. But I couldn't make it.

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Adding Page Breaks In Excel?

Nov 21, 2011

Ive got a report which runs but I need to manually set the pg breaks. Its quite a big report and its not always the same length. I need to print columns A to Q. Rows 1 to 5 are headers then I need to count down 45 rows and set pg break and keep counting down 45 rows until the end of the report.

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C# - Adding The CANONICAL Tag To Page For SEO Through Code Behind?

Sep 9, 2009

I am using ASP.NET with MasterPages. Thus i cant just place this link in my pages that reference my MasterPage.

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

I need to place this link in though my Page Load of each one of my pages. How would i do this through code? I am using VB.NET but C# will also help me in the right direction.This is how i did it for my DESCRIPTION tag in my code behind.

Dim tag As HtmlMeta = New HtmlMeta()
tag.Name = "description"
tag.Content = "Find or rate any company in South Africa for FREE and rate them"

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Exit Grid With Ctrl-TAB When Grid Is On A Tabpage (onkeydown Works When Grid Not On Tabpage)?

Jun 2, 2010

winforms .net 3.5 Ultrawingrid 9.2 In my subclass of Ultrawingrid.Ultragrid :


This works fine. But when the grid is dropped on a TabControl tabpage, the ctrl-tab looks very different to the sub above. e.keycode is seen as controlkey {17} I realize that by default cntrl-Tab moves between tabpages. I need to override this behavior. My thought is I probably need a subclass of the tabControl which will pass the keycombo through just as the form does but I confess to being clueless as to how to accomplish that. I tried to override the onkeydown of a tabcontrol subclass and just issuing a return and not and base call to onkeydown if the ctrl-tab combo was pressed but it seemed to see the e.keycode as controlkey as well.


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Adding A ASP.NET Button As A AsyncPostBackTrigger To An UpdatePanel In A Content Page?

May 26, 2011

I have a button in my master page. When clicked I want it to update my UpdatePanel, which in in a content page, not the master page.How to I add this button as a AsyncPostBackTrigger to my UpdatePanel?

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Adding Handler For Controls Added At Page Load

Aug 5, 2010

i am wanting to add handler for controls i add at Page_load at page load i added several image buttons and applied the image urls using -i used the borderwidth propertiy for padding as was having trouble getting a cssclass to work. [code] what i want these Image button to do is when clicked a larger image in another panel will appear so i will need to assign the clicked buttons image url to the large image controls, image url

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C# - Adding X:Name To A User Control Gives Error In Generated Code Of Page Its Used In?

Oct 22, 2010

I am basically using a user control for the first time, so hopefully it's just a dumb mistake.I have a simple user control

<UserControl x:Class="TestProject.WebApp.myUserControl"


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Saving Window Size And Position Multiple Monitors Toolbar Position Etc.

Aug 24, 2009

I have looking for a tutorial or class that demonstrates more than a trivial example of saving a windows position on closing. The ones I have found don't seem to work on all systems because of:

1. Multiple monitors. (and resolution between those monitors)

2. Toolbar size and position (toolbar is only on the primary monitor, well sometimes)

3. Sometimes the programs dont open on the right monitor they were closed on.

Is there an extensive class or tutorial on all the stuff a programmer needs to get right to have a window size and position persisted between executions?

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VS 2008 BindingSource.Position - Event To Fire Only Once After The Position Command

Dec 5, 2010

I am using the following code to populate data in Textbox1:


I have few functions assigned in TextBox1_TextChanged event. The problem i am facing is this event is fired twice, once after the Fill command and another after the Position command whereas i want the event to fire only once after the Position command. What should i do?

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Tab Page 1 To Tab Page 2 (textbox1 Input From Tab Page 1 To Textbox2 In Tab Page 2)?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a text input in textbox1 in tab page 1 and i want that text from textbox1 will be displayed in textbox2 in tab page 2.

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Javascript - Pass Page Or Master Page Object To AJAX Page Method

Oct 5, 2010

I wrote a page Page method in my aspx page. in web service method I need to call FindControl method return textbox and get text box value. But my findControl will take MasterPage object to iterate.

see my code

<script type = "text/javascript">
function ShowCurrentDateTime() {


How to pass Master Page object or Page to Page method?. So I can use in Sared method.

Is there any way I can access Textbox value directly in Page method? I need access couple of controls in Page Method.

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Run JavaScript Function On The Page Onload Event In Content Page Of Master Page?

Nov 4, 2010

HOW TO RUN THE JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION ON PAGE ONLOAD EVENT IN CONTENT PAGE OF MASTER PAGE.? means i have masterpage and the content page of master page namely default.aspx in wanna run javascript function in Default.aspx and i have called the function body onload in master page.when i run my website it shows the error "" Microsoft JScript Runtime Error : Object Expected ""

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Save Single Windows Form As Many Page And Reload The Page Whenever Call That Page

May 17, 2012

I need sample code to save single windows form as many page and reload the page whenever i call that page...

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Webbrowser Navigate To Page / Wait For Page To Load Then Move To Next Page

Jun 13, 2011

How can I get Webbrowser1 to navigate to each page and wait for the one page to completely load, then move to the next page...? [code]

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Adding Subclassed Password Recovery Control To Page Causes "An Entry With The Same Key Already Exists." Error?

May 6, 2011

I am trying to subclass the password recovery control in (4) so that I can override the behaviour of the OnVerifyingUser event but I'm having trouble adding my subclassed password recovery control into the page. I tried creating an asp:placeholder control and adding a new instance of my subclassed control to it but I just get an error that says "An entry with the same key already exists". I've tried doing this in the page_init and page_load methods but get the same error.

Here's an example of my subclass
Partial Class MyPasswordReminder
Inherits PasswordRecovery


View 2 Replies - Adding To Page Control Collection From Inside A User Control?

Feb 12, 2011

I have an usercontrol which represents a "popup" dialog. Basically, it's a wrapper for the jQuery UI dialog which can be subclassed to easily make dialogs. As part of this control, I need to inject a div into the page the control is used on, either at the very top or very bottom of the form so that when the popup is instantiated, it's parent is changed to this div. This allows "nested" popups without the child popup being trapped inside the parent popup.

The trouble is, I can't find a safe way to inject this div into the page. A usercontrol doesn't have a preinit event, so I can't do it there, and calling Page.Form.Controls.Add(...) in Init, Load or PreRender causes the standard exception "The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases."

I thought I had found a solution by using. ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Me.GetType, UniqueID + "_Dialog_Div", containerDiv, False) which seemed to work well normally, but recently a coworker tried putting an UpdatePanel inside the dialog and now she's getting the error "The script tag registered for type 'ASP.controls_order_viewzips_ascx' and key 'ctl00$ContentBody$OViewZips_Dialog_Div' has invalid characters outside of the script tags: . Only properly formatted script tags can be registered."

How are you supposed to add controls to the pages control collection from inside a user control?

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Get Closest Position To Specific Position?

Mar 9, 2010

I also have a function that returns ALL tiles on the map and they're X, Y position. How could I find out which one is closest to the position I specify? I can't figure out how to go about it. how to implement it with this. Heres a MADE UP example if what I'm trying to do:

Dim MyPosition as New Position()
MyPosition.X = 400
MyPosition.Y = 400
Dim tList as New List(Of Tile) = MyMap.GetTiles

Now, I can already do the stuff above, but what I need to make is something like this:


View 2 Replies - Using Javascript On An Aspx Page That Uses A Master Page - Which Contains The Page In A Form?

Aug 7, 2009

I have a master page which contains everything that inherits it within a form. A page inheriting from it needs to run some javascript to act on a text field on a page. However, I can't seem to reference that text field through the javascript, since the form begins on the master page. The following line will come up bogus: document.form1.txtFindUser.value = blah.responseText; This is because form1 is defined on the master page, while txtFindUser is on the current page.

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Session Variable To Change From Page To Page As Move From One Page To Another?

Feb 2, 2010

i am new to this. i have 4 pages. login.aspx, account.aspx, settings.aspx and fliers.aspx.
its all programmed in with sql server backend.on my firstr page, login.aspx i have this code in the .vb page -

Dim SQL As String = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE email='" + Me.txtUserName.Text + "' AND password='" + Me.txtPassword.Text + "' "


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Why A Page Load Would Be Called Twice On Page When requesting Aspx page

Jul 3, 2006

Does anyone know why a Page_Load would be called twice on a page when requesting an aspx page?I am using .Net 2.0 with the new .net 1.1 compilation model installed. Whenever I request a page, the Page_Load on the aspx page appears to be called twice, so does the Page_Load on and user controls added to that page.

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Page Events In Master Page And Content Page

May 11, 2011

The thing is i have a Master page and a Content Page. I have a LoadComplete in Content Page and a PreRender in Master Page. The problem is one of my htmlcontrols on content page i change on the LoadComplete event server side of the content page. I also have some code for disabling controls on the Master Page PreRender event. For some reason all controls on the aspx side go through the Master Page prerender except the ones that i change on the LoadComplete side. How can i make sure the entire content page loads and then the Master Page PreRender event is called, making all the controls go through that event.

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