Testing A Mail Server?

Aug 1, 2009

I often get calls from a friend of mine's company saying "ahhh our email is not working!". I thought I could write a program that would test a few things that they could run and have easy answers to my questions when they call. Things like "Is your internet connection alive?", "can you send mail but not receive it?", etc.


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[2005] Read The Email From The Mail Server That Is In An Intranet From An Application Server?

Jun 4, 2008

I need to read the email from the mail server that is in my intranet from my application server.

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Sql Server - Strategies For Testing Against A Live System?

Dec 1, 2009

Let me describe the scenario:Our VB.NET web application talks to a third party data provider via webservices. It also saves data in a HUGE SQLServer database which has extensive business logic implemented in stored procs and triggers. The webservice provider also employs convoluted business logic which is quite dynamic.

The dilemma is that both the webservice provider and the sqlserver are essentially live systems and our company has no access to them outside of normal operations (web and SQL calls). Neither offer helpful support on their end.Additionally, the webservice has no 'test mode' and all calls are treated as live transactions. It is not possible to mimic the logic in either of these systems, nor is it possible getting a copy of the sqlserver DB.

So, my question is:How do you do any kind of testing (manual or automated) of our VB.NET application against these live systems?

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Sql - Unit Testing The Data Access Layer - Testing Update Methods?

May 15, 2009

I'm looking into adding some unit tests for some classes in my data access layer and I'm looking at an update routine that has no return value.It simply updates a row based on the id you provide at whichever column name you provide.Inside of this method, we collect the parameters and pass them to a helper routine which calls the stored procedure to update the table.Is there a recommended approach for how to do unit testing in such a scenario?

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Difference Between NUnit Testing And Unit Testing In VSTS?

Aug 25, 2009

I use VS team system 2008. At the moment i need to test some business classes, i have found two kinds testing NUnit and the unit testing provided by the VS team system. what are there differences?

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Get A Mail To Hidden Mail And A Confirmation Is Send To The User Mail?

Apr 8, 2011

I need a feedback form for my site.i need the user to write there.


And then when they press send then i get a mail to my hidden mail and a confirmation is send to the user mail.I have google the web but cant find any good info about this, i know how to make the form but how do i make the codebehind !?

Do any of u pro. have a link to a great tutorial or have a code that can be used !?

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.net - Unit Testing C# InternalsVisibleTo() Attribute For NET 2.0 While Testing?

May 13, 2010

I'm building an Active Directory wrapper in VBNET 2.0 (can't use later .NET) in which I have the following:


These interfaces are implemented in internal classes (Friend in VBNET), so that I want to implement a façade in order to instiate each of the interfaces with their internal classes. This will allow the architecture a better flexibility, etc.Now, I want to test these classes (Utilisateur, Groupe, UniteOrganisation) in a different project within the same solution. However, these classes are internal. I would like to be able to instantiate them without going through my façade, but only for these tests, nothing more.


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Finding Used Space On Web Mail Server Using .NET?

Jul 28, 2010

I need to write an application for finding used space on my web mail server using .NET.

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Get The Mail Exchange Server For A Domain?

Apr 15, 2009

I am creating a program where i need to calculate the mail exchange server name for a given domain name. I mean, if the domain name is [URL] then i need yahoo mail exchange server address. That is [URL] How can i get mail exchange server name for a domain name through coding in vb.net 2?

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Cannot Send Mail Using Gmail Smtp Server

Aug 22, 2010

Here is my code

Dim message As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage = New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()
message.To.Add("from textbox field")
message.Subject = "Testing"


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How To Connect To Mail Server And Retrieve Mails

Aug 25, 2010

I have mail server configuration data (server - user name - password - port) and i want to access it using vb.net and retrieve its mails in collection.i need to parse the email body to make some operations on it.

i tried to search for it but i found a complex samples.

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Ping Server Before Sending Mail With Smtp?

Jan 30, 2010

below is my code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ProgressBar1.Value = 5
Dim strTo As String = setting.tosett.ToString[code].....

i want the program to ping the server before sending the mail; if server is available then send mail if not then message box with warning appears notifying user to check VPN connection and sending of mail is canceled.

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Retrieve Mail From Pop3 Server Program?

Jan 5, 2006

I want to download mails from pop3 server to my local system ie.. something like what other mail clients do i can send mail successfully through system.net.mail.message & by creating a smtp client through system.net.mail.smtpclienthow

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Sending Text Messages Using 2005 With A Mail Server?

Apr 15, 2009

I've been working on this personal project of mine and this has me stumped. I told my friend what i was trying to do and hes going to let me use his mail server that he uses at work. I have already looked on google for a sample application, but the only one i could find is not the one im looking for. Ive never worked with System.Net.Mail before so this is new to me. Im sure it would be something like this:

Imports System.Net.Mail
Dim toPhoneNumber As String = "DestinationPhoneNumber";
Dim login As String =


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System.Net.Mail Error With Work Exchange Server

Jan 6, 2009

Sends emails with a pdf report attachment for the fire impairments. WORKS GREAT for in house emails but gets the error mentioned when sending outside of the hospital to the fire department. I can email from outlook to ERROR@cityofwsfire.org just fine.[code]

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.NET 1.1, System.Web.Mail And Windows 2003 Server Error Message?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a project that up until recently has been working fine. It sends an email message to a user once a file has been successfully uploaded, registered and/or approved to use the website. It is written in VB.NET framework 1.1, running ASP.NET on a Windows 2003 server SE sp2.

First the code
Public Sub EmailAfterRegister(ByVal sEmail As String, ByVal sUser As String)


This has worked for over one or two years. Today I realized upon testing I get the following error:The procedure entry point IstrcmpiI could not be located in the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL.Upon some research I found that maybe I needed to install MDAC 2.8, which i downloaded and installed today, however i still get the same error. I have had my communications and network admins check traffic and connectivity to the smtp server and all is working fine. Yet I still get the error.

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Sending Mail To Exchange Server 2003 Using Visual Basic 6.0?

Jul 7, 2009

i want to send mail through my exchange server 2003 using visual basic 6.0, can any one guide me through the process how i can do this, i am using windows XP at client end.

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Sending Mail With Simple .net Application - Server Refusal Error

Apr 15, 2010

I have a very simple .net application for testing SMTP on .net. But i am receiving this weird error.


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Testing Server Connectivity - Verify Connectivity From Application To Various Servers?

Feb 28, 2009

I am trying to verify connectivity from my application to various servers - For now I am only concerned with mail servers... (later SQL etc)Before anyone gets all upset and thinking this is for SPAM - wrong - these are to confirm connectivity from the application for sending logs OR to ensure the SQL conneciton is working appropriately - Those that want to SPAM can do this simply by getting LINUX and doing it for free with ANY mail client (I add this ONLY because MOST SMTP threads go unanswered... which is silly... there are MANY good reasons to work with mail within an application.....)So what I have tried is opening a telnet session, grabbing the output, and going from there...But it is not working.... the output contains nothing specific to the telnet session I initiate - and.... of course from the command prompt manually i DO get the proper responses


I get the command prompt header, I see the commands... I see the prompts... but after the telnet command there is nothing I am assuming there is an issue redirecting telnet info and the telnet session terminates the second I try to read the data

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SMTP Mail Server Coding - Write A Port Listener And Display The Message In A Text Box?

Jan 31, 2012

I am looking to make a SMTP (Port 25) listener to listen in and accept incoming mail, look at the message source, make changes if needed, and retransmit the message out another port. This iwll make it act like a sort-of intermediary service.how one would write a port listener in VB.net, that could listen in on the port, and display the message in a text box (the whole source, headers and all, since that's what the mail comes in as anyway).

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E-mail Program - Show The Mail In A Tekstbox And The Subject In An Other Text Box?

Oct 13, 2010

how i can write a realy basic e-mail program. all the program will need to do is recieve mails show the mail in a tekstbox and the subject in an other text box.or if you can tell me how i can let vb read things on my screen...

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Generated MAPI Mail Going To Outlook Instead Of Default Mail Client

May 7, 2009

I have a piece of code which sends email with an attachment from my application. The code uses MAPI to send the email. It opens up a new email message so the user can add to the email message, and then the user clicks send.The code works fine. However there is one small problem. The email that the code opens, is always in Microsoft Outlook. Sometimes the application's user has Outlook Express set up as the default client, but my application always opens the new email message in Microsoft Outlook. (Outlook 2003. In the one user's machine that has Outlook 2007, everything works fine and the email opens up in Outlook Express.)As I searched for a solution, I saw this problem posed many times in various places on the Internet, with no solution (or none that worked). I did try several suggestions which involved creating registry settings and registering some dlls.

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System.Net.Mail Mail.Body Read In From Text File?

Mar 29, 2012

I am teaching myself vb.net and wanted to change this code to have an embedded mail.boby from a text file instead of the file attachment. Code spippet below and where I need help is mail.Body = ("tracertALL.txt")
that just puts the name of the file NOT the contents of the file. This code is a CMDWrapper that runs a batch file and I want the contents of a trace route that is pipe to a file >> tracertALL.txt .


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Moving From Web.Mail To Net.Mail, Replacing MailMessage.Fields?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to update some older software which uses the now-declared-obsolete System.Web.Mail classes.Unfortunately, I don't really know a heck of a lot about email, so I'm looking for advice.

Here is the fragment of code I'm looking at revising:


From what I can tell, this should be configuring some kind of sending option. I can kind of work out what's going on, but I don't know how I should go about re-implementing it.It's looking like the place to be putting this stuff is now in the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Credentials class, but the information in there doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to what I have here.I'm almost certain I'm making some obvious error, here, but I can't see it. Can someone tell me what I should be doing?

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Send E-mail With Gmail SMTP And System.Net.Mail?

Apr 8, 2011

Sending email in .NET through Gmail

I tried sending e-mail with Gmail SMTP and System.Net.Mail as follows[code]....

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SMTP Mail.CC And Mail.Bcc Gets Error Property Cc Is ReadOnly?

Mar 30, 2012

I'm teaching myself vb.net and found this VB.NET SMTP codeand I wanted to add a mail.cc and mail.bcc but get an error Property cc is ReadOnly.and don't know how to fix. then I found this code

Dim CC As MailAddress = New MailAddress(TextBox5.Text) 'For some reason it's required field


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Asp.net Mvc - Using A Html File For Mail.body In .net.mail?

Nov 29, 2011

MVC3, VB.NET. I have a function in my app that is supposed to use a html file's contents for the email body. However what I have so far is failing at the mail.body = file.readalltext(_body) line..


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Send Mail From Yahoo Mail Id In .NET Or C#.NET Code?

Mar 26, 2009

I want to send mail from my yahoomail Id.How to send mail from yahoo mail Id in VB.NET or C#.NET code.

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Send Mail Using Lotus Notes Mail?

Dec 20, 2009

How can i create an application to send emails using lotus notes mail ?

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System.net.mail Does Not Send Mail?

Mar 13, 2011

i am developing with vb2005, using system.net.mail to send mail using google configuration. a full sample of my code was posted here earlier

With smtp
Host = "smtp.google.com"
hort = 465
UseDefaultCredentials = False


i get the operation has timed out. if i change the port to 587, it says that the server does not support secure connection

[EDIT]could firewall be blocking it?

is there anyway to specify sending application name?

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