Testing For Month Equals Zero With The Values Returned By An SQL Query?

Aug 3, 2011

I've got the hang of using dates now, but I haven't learned how to test multiple results of a query. I can return a value from a query, but I'm unsure how to return many without putting them into a data grid view or an object on the form. (In Visual Basic)I have to check when a particular investment needs to be bought or sold, there will be more than one in almost every case. I've got the function to find out the interval between the months, checking if the asset is bought or sold in month x, but I'm unsure how to test it against multiple assets at once - nor do I know the best way to do so.

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Asp.net Mvc - Sorting Or Ordering Values Returned In A EF Query MVC 3 App

Oct 24, 2011

I am using a where comparer in the below snippet from my function.. I need to order or sort the returned items by one of the columns... I tried using .OrderBy(function(f) f.regDate) but that dont work at all... The part of the function in question looks like this:


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See If The Values A User Inputs Into 2 Textboxs Equals The Values Assigned To A Picture?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to be able to see if the values a user inputs into 2 textboxs equals the values assigned to a picture. I put these values in the picture's name and tag. Also the picturebox is getting the image from a random function correlating to an imagelist. How would i go about thisI thought of maybe using a checkbox and coding

If picturebox1.image.tag = ("12") _
and textbox1.text = 1 _
and textbox2.text = 2 Then
checkbox1.checked = true

unfortunatly when i debug it says the picturebox1.image.tag = Nothing

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Sql - When Run The Query In Query Analyzer, It Returns One Row But When Use The Same Query, No Rows Are Returned?

Aug 19, 2010

Here is the code:

Function getData(ByVal id As String)
Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim statement As String


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When Creating A Query Error "The Schema Returned By The New Query Differs From The Base Query"

Feb 29, 2012

When Creating a query using the sear Criteria Builder . I keep getting the error : "The schema returned by the new query differs from the base query" what does that mean and how do i avoid this problem in future

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.net - IEnumerable.Equals Seems To Call The Wrong Equals Method

May 23, 2012

I implemented a PagedModel class to wrap around IEnumerable to provide paging data for grids in my MVC app.I used Resharper's auto-generated Equality code telling it to check the data, total rows, page number, and page size fields.[code]I found the call to Equals(other._ModelData, _ModelData) peculiar, as AFAIK, this checks that it is the same object rather than that the contained items are the same. Because my tests were failing anyways, I went ahead and changed it to other._ModelData.Equals(_ModelData) with no success. Then I reflected into it at debug time and found that other._ ModelData.GetType().GetMethod("Equals",{GetType(Object)}).DeclaringType was Object! Obviously, that would result in the failed comparison.I came up with a solution to create a EnumerableEquals method which compares every item in the two enumerables to confirm the are the same, but it seems sloppy. Is there anything I can do to use the normal .Equals method? [code]

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Xml - Mix Values From Local Data With Values Returned From Database While Using LINQ To SQL?

Oct 27, 2010

I am creating an xml file with LINQ as follows...

Public Sub CreateXml()
Dim db As New MDataContext
Dim Customers = <gallery columns="3" rows="3">


Could i mix local values with the ones returned from the LINQ query...Something like the following?

Public Sub CreateXml(ByVal **Col** As String, ByVal **Row** As String)
Dim db As New MDataContext
Dim Customers = <gallery columns="& **Col** &" rows="& **Row** &">


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VB2010 Add Query - Sometimes It Even Seems To Wipe Out The Data I Have Put In For Testing

May 1, 2011

I am using vb2010 and the like @lastname +'%' to try and create a search query. It seems to work until I try the test query which brings up nothing within the test query window. Sometimes it even seems to wipe out the data I have put in for testing. I did get it to work once in one project.

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What Table Would Be Returned From Sql Query

May 5, 2010

Im a noob to sql query ,can anybody point to what table would be returned from ths sql Query. [code]

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Change Date Format - Month Part Is Not Showing The Month Of The Exact Month

Jun 22, 2009

I changed the date of datetimepicker format to yyyy-mm-dd in custom format...but it displays 2009-00-22...the month part is not showing the month of the exact month..how to change the format of the date?

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Schema Returned By New Query Differs From Base

Mar 15, 2012

When Creating a query using the sear Criteria Builder. I keep getting the error:
"The schema returned by the new query differs from the base query".
I know this means that the error is due to the query attempting to return too little columns. I have 3 rows in a table but I want to display one. I am currently using a list box what alternative is there.

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If Statement - Testing Multiple Values For Equality?

Mar 26, 2009

How do you test multiple values for equality in one line?
Basically I want to do
if (val1 == val2 == val3 == ... valN)
but in VB.Net.

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Sql Query To Select Only Month Name From Table

Sep 15, 2009

My following code is only retrives number month(1,2,3,4....12)and not month name(January,February,.....December).Before that i had try using function datepart, Monthname and date_format but i still din get my answer.[code...]

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VS 2008 - Foreach Values - Blank Out The First 4 Fields Returned ?

Jan 1, 2010

When i parse some html and get the fields i need using regex, the first 4 fields returned are fields i don't need, so essentially i need all fields returned after the 4th one.

vb.net '// First piece of data we want...
Dim stringID As New Regex("(?<=><optionvalue="").*?(?="">)", _
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Singleline)
Dim stringsMatched As MatchCollection = stringID.Matches(stringClean)


Is there a way i can blank out the first 4 fields returned?

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Sql - Unit Testing The Data Access Layer - Testing Update Methods?

May 15, 2009

I'm looking into adding some unit tests for some classes in my data access layer and I'm looking at an update routine that has no return value.It simply updates a row based on the id you provide at whichever column name you provide.Inside of this method, we collect the parameters and pass them to a helper routine which calls the stored procedure to update the table.Is there a recommended approach for how to do unit testing in such a scenario?

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Summing Values Based On Type Then On Month?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a List<Object> where Object contains Name, Month, Type, Value.

is it possible to sum all the Value based on type, and then based on month?

I am using .NET 3.0 in VB.NET I was doing withe like 4 For loops, but its taking a while to run.

For clarification, I have something like this:

Name | Month | Type | Value
hello | Jan | A | 1
hello | Jan | A | 2
hello | Jan | B | 2


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Month Calendar Control As Datasource Object For Access 2007 Query Criteria

Mar 26, 2009

I am trying to find a way to use a month calendar control as an object data source, such that when end user selects a given date, or a date range (1 week max), it will supply the date range criteria for an access query, and the results will wind up displaying in a data grid view below the month calendar. I am having a really hard time..

how to write the date criteria into the access query for something like this

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Difference Between NUnit Testing And Unit Testing In VSTS?

Aug 25, 2009

I use VS team system 2008. At the moment i need to test some business classes, i have found two kinds testing NUnit and the unit testing provided by the VS team system. what are there differences?

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Random Exception Thrown When Setting Valid Month Values?

May 30, 2011

The exception message I am receiving is this... "Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime."

Now I've traced my values being passed and everything is correct. Values loops through 1 to 12 but still I continue to receive an exception. Only way I can avoid this is by throwing a Try, Catch statement around where I'm passing over the value.

Here's my code..

001 Dim Calendar(11) As AppointmentBookControl.AppointmentBookControlMonthlyOverviewCalendarControl


Line '011 .Month = i+1' is where the problem is located. The values for (i+1) maintain within the bounds of 1 through 12..

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.net - Unit Testing C# InternalsVisibleTo() Attribute For NET 2.0 While Testing?

May 13, 2010

I'm building an Active Directory wrapper in VBNET 2.0 (can't use later .NET) in which I have the following:


These interfaces are implemented in internal classes (Friend in VBNET), so that I want to implement a façade in order to instiate each of the interfaces with their internal classes. This will allow the architecture a better flexibility, etc.Now, I want to test these classes (Utilisateur, Groupe, UniteOrganisation) in a different project within the same solution. However, these classes are internal. I would like to be able to instantiate them without going through my façade, but only for these tests, nothing more.


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DateToString() Gives Day/Month/Year When Converting To Date It Switches The Day And Month?

Aug 11, 2010

Currently i have a ReturnSystemDate in a module, so that whenever i need the current date and time i call this method, however my data is saving as in 1 format and displaying in another. I have my variables set up as dateTime to store the current date and time, when calling System.dateTime.now.toString() i get 11/08/2010 Time, however when casting to Date as in CDATE() i get 08/11/2010 time. How can i stop this?

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VS 2008 Game To Tick Over Month By Month At A Set Interval

Dec 19, 2009

I want my game to tick over month by month at a set interval. I would use the timer control to get the interval. But how can I pause it? Say if one "month" is 5 minutes in my game and user hits pause. I would disable the timer but then when they unpause the game the timer would start from 0 again. This would make a "month" 9 minutes if a user paused the game in the 4th minute.


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List Of Datetime From First Day Of The Month To Last Day Of The Month?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a problem in trying to get a list of a date including days in a table start from first day of the month to the last day of the month. This date should not include the satuday and sunday. and I should be able to pick up those date for query match.


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Using Month Calendar - User To Enter A Bill And Pick The Due Date Via Month Calendar?

May 5, 2010

I'm developing a finance software and I want the user to enter a bill and pick the due date via month calendar. I getting it to work was the easy part, but now I only want one month calendar, for each time a user enters in a bill and picks a date.every time the user goes to pick a due date I have to call one of the several I have on screen.Here is my code that I have so far:Add due date button:


The month calender:


.TxtDueDate3.Text = MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.Start.Date.ToShortDateString()Me.TxtDueDate3.Text
= MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.End.Date.ToShortDateString()[code].....

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Add SQL Query Values To Textbox

Apr 14, 2010

url...How do I reference a query in a DataTableAdapter so that I can put the values gathered into a Textbox? I'd like them to all go on their own line in an order like so: LastName, FirstName, GradYr: MP1_Pts: MP1_Comments; MP2_Pts: MP2_Comments.Can someone guide me in the right direction here? This is the final step I need to take in creating my program.

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Parsing Values In Query?

Apr 24, 2012

Right now I have an array that is unparsed. One of its elements goes something like this:

"Blah, 555-5555"

So it's a name and a telephone number separated by a comma. The instructions I have tell me to use a query to put the information in the array into a data grid view in two columns, one for the name and one for the telephone number. I don't know how to isolate each inside a query.

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C# - Asp.net Query With Insertion Of Values In A Table

Dec 26, 2011

suppose we have three tables in the Database:


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Calcuate In A SQL Query With Feild Values From A Different Row?

Aug 10, 2011

If I have a query dataset in MS Access (or SQL query) that results in a table with column A as such:


How can I hav Column B show growth rates such as B2 = (A2/A1) where A2 = 500, A3 = 400, and A4 = 300, and so on successively (like one can perform on an excel sheet) as such:

(Columns shown adjectly below for clarity)

500 1
400 .8
300 .75

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LINQ To XML To Query Attributes Values

Oct 25, 2011

I am trying to use Linq to Xml to query attribute values that will be used to populate a combo box. My xml looks like this:

<Record id="1">
<Brand id="26">
[Code] .....

My issue is with getting the attribute values. I tried this:
Each xattr

However, I keep getting the following error:
{"Unable to cast object of type '<GetAttributes>d__8' to type 'System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute'."}
I'm new to using Linq so this error isn't making a whole lot of sense to me.

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Query Values In SQL Without Filling Controls?

Oct 26, 2009

I want to check some values in a sql db without populating controls. I can select the row i want, but for some reason my mind then hits a blank, maybe its because its monday.I want to check a few bit fields in the row and if 1 - do something, if 0 do something else. In this case depending on which bit fields are set to what, id like to enable/disable various controls on my form.

Heres the code i got so far, but as i said then i drew a blank, and i may be going about this completely wrong:Dim SQLcon As New SqlConnection("server=DEVSERVERDEVSQL;" & _

"integrated security=sspi;database=WDA_SQL")
Dim SQLqry As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE (Username = @Username) AND (Password = @Password)", SQLcon)
SQLqry.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", UsernameTSlbl.Text)


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