Threading.Timer Application Is Consuming More Than 50% Of CPU - Why

Mar 2, 2011

I have written below console application in My intention is to write an application that triggers every one minute and perform some task. But when I run this application it is consuming 50% of CPU.


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How To Use System.threading.timer

Nov 4, 2009

I have used system.timers.timer to watch several folders and move files in my windows service. But the timer event stops now and then. I have read that it is better to use system.threading.timer in services.This is my system.timers.timer

Private Timer As New System.Timers.Timer
AddHandler Timer.Elapsed, New System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(AddressOf Me.Timer_Elapsed)
Timer.Interval = 4000


How do this code look like in system.threading.timer?How do i start and stop the timer using threading? That is very important because i stop the timer when it comes to the elapsed event and when the code har run it starts the timer again!

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Consuming WCF Service In VB Application?

Jun 14, 2012

I have just started to check WCF services so have created a sample WCF service application with two methods IService

public interface IService1


But when am trying to execute the button click am getting the TimeOut Exception.

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Get Threading.Timer To Do A Function Everyday At A Specific?

Jun 9, 2010

I've been trying to get this part of my code to work but it hasn't done anything. I'm trying to create a function that sends an email everyday at a specific time. I thought threading.timer would work but i haven't figured it out yet. I don't get errors when its executed but it also does nothing. If someone could tell me whats going on with this piece of code,


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VS 2008 Get System.Threading.Timer To Work

Sep 27, 2011

Trying to get System.Threading.Timer to work!! I am converting a small form based application to run as a services, The app just runs an monitors a folder and then when it finds a file to does some work on it. Having changed the form.timer to threading.timmer - The timer stopps working after a while. Below is a simple test services - when you look in to the text file it stops after approx 130 entries


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System.Threading.Timer Not Firing, Global.aspx?

Aug 4, 2011

I am a newbie, but I am unable to get this code working. FileSweeper is supposed to start a timmer that triggers fileCopy on a web server. fileSweeoer is triggered by global.asax.ileCopy then will copy the filWould it make any difference if this was a class running on a web server?

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Threading


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Using A Threading.DispatcherTimer And Every Tick Of The Timer Runs A Subroutine

Mar 16, 2012

I'm using a Threading.DispatcherTimer and every tick of the timer runs a subroutine. Is it possible that if the subroutine takes longer then 1s for the processor to finish that it will mess up the time of the timer that is counting in seconds?


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Java - Using Certificates In A Client-application Consuming A Web Service

Sep 16, 2010

I am implementing a VB.NET desktop application which consumes a web service.

The web service implemented in Java and I currently using Tomcat on my localhost to host the web service.

The web service requires secure communication with the client and so I have followed instructions that outlined how to use Java's keytool.exe to create two .jks keystores (one for the client and one for the server) and then create two .cer certificates (one for the client and one for the server)

I have placed the keystores and certificates generate into the directory where the web service is expecting them (according to the instructions)

I have installed the certificates into TrustedPeople and have attempted to use the certificate by setting the ClientCredentials.ClientCertificates property like this:

myServiceProxy.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.SetCertificate(storeLocation.CurrentUser, StoreName.TrustedPeople, X509FindType.FindByIssuerName, "name")

I keep getting the following error message when I try to call any method:

An error was discovered processing the <wsse:Security> header

My problem is that I don't know how to use this in the VB.NET client application that is consuming the web service. I could be doing this completely wrong.

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System.Threading.Timer Fails To Fire After Minimizing Window?

Mar 16, 2009

I have used timers in .Net for a long time now an never had this problem.Start timer to fire every 10 seconds that reads an object and updates the UI using a delegate.This works great until the form is minimized several times, then the timer thread seems to vanish.Anyone come across this before?

Obviously I can roll my own using a thread directly and sleeping it, however this seems like reinventing the wheel when a threading timer class exists already.
Code: Private Sub m_Tmr_Tick(ByVal state As Object)


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C# - Multi Threading A Web Application?

Sep 9, 2009

I know there are many cases when it's best to multi thread an application but when is it best to multi thread a .net web Application?

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Multithreading - Web Application Threading

Aug 31, 2011

I have some functions in a web application that do a lot of calculations and as a result have high CPU usage which affects the rest of the application when other users are accessing it. I have tried background-worker to no avail , the only thing that seems to work in using another thread and setting the priority to low, can the UI be updated from a worker thread? specifically I am trying to bind a grid to a dataset processed in the worker thread

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When Used Threading Application Became Unresponsive

Jul 18, 2012

i have a application that plots 16 plots immediately, the plots data are realtime. the 16 plots must draw the points at the time they receive them (must be no delay), to do that

1- i made a timer with ticks at 50 ms.

2- at each timer tick call the plotting function 16 times (with a graph name as parameter)like that: [code] it made a big delay, when i used threading the application became unresponsive.

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Adding Multi-threading To Application?

Jun 15, 2009

I am working on adding multi-threading to my application. I have done two applications using multi-threading following a tutorial of sorts, and modifying the code to "get my feet wet."

This is the first time I am trying multi-threading within my own application, and I feel I should be beyond this type of problem, but after a 3 hour search on the forums, I can not find a solution, so I am posting this thread.

The section of code with the error
Imports System.Threading
Imports SldWorks
Imports SwConst


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Multithreading - Threading In VB Console Application

May 4, 2011

I have a console application that is built in VB.Net. Now I have a timer in that application. All I want to do is at a particyualr time i will call another exe (which is built in VB 6.0) and again get the control back to this console application. Now what is happening is that I am being able to call the second exe from the console application, but then the control is not returning back to the same console application.

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Net Not Responding, Application.DoEvents And Threading?

Mar 8, 2009

My mdi VB.Net application performs a long operation on some data. Ideally I should use a separate thread to prevent the dreaded "Not Responding" message.My problem is if I use a separate thread users then have the ability to click on other controls in the application which can directly affect the operation my background thread is working on, creating an error.

Is there any way to prevent all the mdi windows, toolbars and other controls from receiving mouse clicks and keyboard input during my background thread's operation?

Or is there a way to clear the message que before performing a Application.DoEvents?

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VS 2010 Multi-Threading Application?

Apr 5, 2011

I am working on an application that is taking pretty long to execute. I started playing with mutli-threading and it seems to have greatly sped up my app. Problem is that threads are still executing and the rest of the code executes before the threads finish. Here is my


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.Net System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(X) Application?

May 13, 2012

I have this little application that is using a System.Threading.Thread.Sleep, application runs great but Windows thinks the application is not responding even though it is running.


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Use Threading In Application To Put Two Functionality In Two Separate Threads?

May 2, 2009

I have one applicatin developed in my ap i have two main functionalities

1)Copyig Folders & Files from one source to destination

2) And I am showing status of copying in richtextbox and progrss with progress bar

Here i need to use threading bcz i am copying files from one server to another server and some large size files while copying my application always gone to stuck and i am not able to see status of copying and progressbar so how i use threading in my applicatio to put two functionalitis in two seperate threads.

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Timer Using Web Application?

Dec 23, 2011

I'm trying to use a Timer in my web application, but cant seem to make it work. Here is my code:

VB Code:
Public Class WebForm1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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Consuming Web Services In .NET?

Feb 19, 2010

I am testing web services in .NET for the first time. I am almost there, but I can't seem to consume the web service. I know this post is similar to about 5-6 other posts on this site, but I have reviewed them, and still can't get the syntax correct.So far, I have:Create a simple web service that creates a directoryWorked in development environment, but took some trouble shooting to get to work on live server I can pull up the "automagically" generated .NET we service page.Added web service reference - can now see the reference in my solution explorer and in intellisense.


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Create A Timer While The Application Is Running?

May 16, 2012

I want to create a timer while the application is running. For example, the form has TextBox1 and Button1. When Button1 is clicked, the timer will be enabled and will print the current system time in TextBox1 every 10 seconds. The timer will be disabled when the Button1 is clicked again. How do I implement the timer and its events? An example with both Windows Forms and Silverlight would be great.

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Focus Jumping With Timer In A WM6 Application

Nov 15, 2010

I'm trying to make a WM6 version of this simple windows app, and I have some certain problems. Under a timer event I have several instances like this (don't ask why timer and why this way, it just works in my case):

If ent1.Focus = True Then
ent2.Text = Math.Round(((ent1.Text) * 3), 1)
End If


It didn't work under WM6 so I've changed it to ent1.Focus.

Anyhow, the problem is that under WM6 focus is jumping around with the timer, i.e. different textboxes become active every timer iteration making it impossible to work with the program.

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How To Make Timer Application For Count Down

Jun 8, 2011

I am making the simple timer module which will display time in count down format as if user want 1 hour 3 mins and 30 sec so it will count in revers. I have almost half code done but after trying the all tricks and logic I didn't got any thing the out put is not proper as which I want.

The code is as follows
Public Class Form1
Public hh As Integer
Public mm As Integer
Public ss As Integer
Public totalsec As Integer
[Code] .....

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Use Timer Control In Console Application?

Sep 29, 2010

I am trying to use an timer control in my console application Friend WithEvents XTIMER As System.Windows.Forms.Timer I am getting its all the properties.I have set the interval to 15000 ms.but even if i am setting the enabled state of the timer control to be true,the tick event is not firing

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Why Will This Timer Not Start In A .net Service Application

Jun 11, 2009

I have this code for a Windows service I am writing in .NET....However the TICK function never gets executed regardless of what interval I put in the tmrRun properties. What am I missing? I am sure its something stupid I am not seeing.

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C# - Consuming WordPress RSS Feed In ASP.NET?

Jun 25, 2012

How do I consume my WordPress blog's RSS feed to display my latest blog posts on my homepage? I ran into the following piece of code to do this:

Function GetRSSFeed(strURL as String) as DataTable
'Get the XML data
Dim reader as XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(strURL)


But it errors out at this line: 'ds.ReadXml(reader)' with the following error:

A column named 'comments' already belongs to this DataTable.

Perhaps it doesn't work since this code is from 2003? Does anyone have a working code sample?

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C# - SocketException When Consuming Web Service?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a webservice being consumed in the WinForm application. I generated a web service wrapper and invoked a web service method asynchronously. I get following exception in my result completed event handler (the event is raised from within the web service wrapper class).

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details.
---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server


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Consuming Web Service From Console App?

Dec 13, 2010

We have a web app that contains web methods. I want to invoke one of those methods from a console app. I am new at this but I wrote a console app, added a service reference and tried to code invoking it. If my web method is called "Transmit", I expected to see Transmit in the namespace I specified but instead I see "TransmitRequest", "TranmsitRequestBody", "TransmitResponse" and "TransmitResponseBody".What are these things?Have I done something wrong?How do I invoke the web method in the web app from the console app?

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Have A Windows Service Application That Runs A Timer?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a windows service application that runs a timer. When this timer ticks it starts another application that runs a process.The application is started but it does nothing. On the other hand if i run the application manually it works fine.

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Timer Every Second Monitoring Windows Application Titles

Jul 1, 2011

I have a VB.NET desktop application that I'm using to monitor events in another windows application running on my system.I need to respond to certain events in a matter of seconds.One of the events I'm monitoring instantly changes the window title of a child window within the main process (I'm not changing it, the application I'm monitoring causes the change in it's own child window title).I have a function that uses windows API's to iterate through the title text of all the process's child windows, and I'm checking for certain values in the titles.Is it a bad idea to be running this timer/title check once every second? Are there performance issues associated with running a timer in windows every second 24/7? Is it also bad for performance to be calling the API's which retrieve the titles of all the application's child windows? Could I eventually cause that application to crash by sending requests to it so often?

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