Time To Turn 180 Degrees?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a space ship, and am wanting to calculate how long it takes to turn 180 degrees. This is my current code to turn the ship: .msngFacingDegrees = .msngFacingDegrees + .ROTATION_RATE * TV.TimeElapsedMy current .ROTATION_RATE is 0.15, but it will change.I have tried:Math.Ceiling(.ROTATION_RATE * TV.TimeElapsed / 180)

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Cancel NumLock - All The Time Without The Possibilty To Turn Him Off Manually

Nov 4, 2010

Is any way to cancel this key. I need him to be on all the time without the possibilty to turn him off manually.

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Take A Screenshot = Turn It To Byte() - Send Through Tcp Connection Then Turn Back Into Image To Put In A Picture Box On Other Side?

Feb 11, 2012

My current code: Server: Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Threading


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Turn Off And Turn On Background Music In Program

Feb 17, 2012

Right now I can add background music in my program by using this code

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Music_3, AudioPlayMode.Background)

I can also turn it off and change the music by using this code

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Another_Music, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)

Is it possible to pause the music then if I resume the music it will just continue the flow? I mean if I pause the background music in 33 seconds and the music has 50 seconds and I resume it will just continue playing in 33,34,35 etc.. seconds?

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Turn Off Events And Then Turn Them Back On In Program?

Sep 1, 2009

I was wondering if their was a way to for me to turn off events and then turn them back on in my program or just queue them up until i am ready for them to be excuted. Kinda like how a OS turns on and off interupts. Is this one of those general programming no-nos?

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What Looks Like 'L' Flipped 180 Degrees

Jul 8, 2009

I'm doing lessons from a book on VB Express. My problem is a wierd key character.Dim db?Var As Double?= what looks like an "L" flipped 180 degrees. what is it?

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Convert LatLong To Degrees?

Apr 28, 2012

Anyone knows (or has a function) to convert a latlong to degrees, min, sec?

example: 53.21884, 5.49217 > N 53 9 34.2, E 5 25 56.9

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Convert Radians To Degrees?

Apr 23, 2009

Convert radians to degrees?

COS (X / 57.3)

Where X is your variable or constant.Your number is now in degrees.

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Rotate Text By 90 Degrees?

Mar 28, 2011

The reason why I want to do this is a little much to get into, but how can I rotate text by 90 degrees?

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Rotate The Progressbar 90 Degrees?

Jul 31, 2010

I want to rotate my progressbar 90 degrees.

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VS 2008 - Calculate The Value Between 0 & 180 Degrees

Sep 23, 2011

I need to make two programs and i have a hard time doing them my first program is: Calculate the value between 0 & 180 degrees that makes the function sinx = x my second program is: calculate sinx with taylor formula, x=0 ill wait for answer

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Calculate The Value Between 0 & 180 Degrees That Makes The Function?

Sep 23, 2011

Calculate the value between 0 & 180 degrees that makes the function sinx=x

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Converting A Variable From Radians To Degrees?

Dec 20, 2008

How do I convert, let's say, a variable such as X from radians to degrees. I am designing weather forecasting software and cannot get it to work. proper syntax and much obliged.

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How To Get Decimal As Degrees / Minutes And Seconds

Feb 15, 2012

First of all I got app to convert Degrees, Minutes and Seconds to decimal. But now I need to get Decimal back to Degrees, Minutes and Seconds and I can't get it how to make it because I'm terrible with math formulas... Here is what I done so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox4.Text = TextBox1.Text + (TextBox2.Text * 1 / 60) + (TextBox3.Text * 1 / 60 * 1 / 60)
End Sub
End Class

Textbox1 - Degrees
Textbox2 - Minutes
Textbox3 - Seconds

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Get Degrees Sign For Temperature In Program 2008?

Apr 17, 2010

How do I get the degrees sign for temperature in vs2008?[code]...

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Angle An Ellipse By 7 Degrees

Dec 5, 2009

How can I angle an ellipse by 7 degrees? My intentions are to angle the ellipse so the left side is up and the bottom right is down. [code]

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LINQ Query Is Enumerated - Turn On Some Kind Of Flag That Alerts Me Each Time A LINQ Query Is Enumerated?

Sep 22, 2009

I know that LINQ queries are deferred and only executed when the query is enumerated, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly when that happens.Certainly in a For Each loop, the query would be enumerated.What's the rule of thumb to follow? I don't want to accidentally enumerate over my query twice if it's a huge result.

For example, does System.Linq.Enumerable.First enumerate over the whole query? I ask for performance reasons. I want to pass a LINQ result set to an ASP.NET MVC view, and I also want to pass the First element separately. Enumerating over the results twice would be painful.It would be great to turn on some kind of flag that alerts me each time a LINQ query is enumerated. That way I could catch scenarios when I accidentally enumerate twice.

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Change Pictureboxes X2 Y2 To Tilt Some Degrees Other Than 90 Degree Angles?

Jan 15, 2011

I dont even know if you can do this in vb.net but, how do you change the pictureboxes x2 y2 to tilt some degrees other than 90 degree angles?

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Winforms - TabControl Alignment - Rotate 90 Degrees To The Left

Dec 18, 2009

I'm having a weird behaviour with a left-aligned TabControl in VB.NET. Screenshot:

What I wanted was to have the tabs literally the same way they would be if rotated 90 degrees to the left. Does it have something to do with the fact I'm not (god forbid) using the standard XP theme? Any solution to just make it work? (Even if it's hard, but I don't want a control that has a contrasting style, I want the program looking consistent)

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DrawText On Image With 90 Or 180 Degrees Format In Windows Based Application

Dec 13, 2010

How can i draw text(demo demo) with 180 degrees format on exist image(on photo) in windows based applicaiton using vb.net. (Here rotate text(demo demo is displaying text on exist image) with 180 degrees formate then display on exist image)

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VS 2008 Rotate A Picturebox A Certain Amount Of Degrees When A Button Is Pressed?

May 14, 2009

Is there code to rotate a picturebox a certain amount of degrees when a button is pressed?

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VS 2010 - Convert Latitude / Longitude Into Values In Decimal Degrees

May 30, 2011

Create a function named DecimalDegrees to refactor the code that converts a latitude or longitude into a value in decimal degrees. (This function will be used inside the functions ValueOf and Distance.)
Task 2a: Write the code for the function DecimalDegrees with an input parameter for DegreeString as type string, and returns the value as type Double.

Here is my code for the function part
Private Function DecimalDegrees(ByVal DegreeString As String, ByVal degrees As Double, ByVal minutes As Double,
ByVal seconds As Double, ByVal ID As Integer) As Double

I am having difficulties with the 2nd part which is I believe to take the code for the calc1 and calc2 buttons and somehow get it to convert to decimal degrees by the function I have created. The buttons would then be removed as the code would automatically take the latitude and longitude and convert the degrees, minutes and seconds into a decimal.

Here is the code for the current buttons:
Dim StartPtr, StopPtr As Integer
'To Replace Calculator 1 Button
'Convert degrees before passing argument - Latitude
StartPtr = 0
[Code] .....

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Rotate A Single Page 90 Degrees With ITextSharp / VB In An Existing Multi-page PDF

Dec 17, 2010

I am trying to integrate iTextSharp into an existing Document Imaging application that allows users to rotate individual pages that may have been scanned in at an incorrect angle (it happens more often than I would have thought).


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After Converting All Degrees-->decimal, And Decimal-->hours - Use Tan, Cos And Sin Formula

Aug 27, 2009

After converting all degrees-->decimal, and decimal-->hours, how can i use Tan, Cos and Sin formula in vb.net? I want the user must enter an input (which it is a coordinat-->i already convert the degrees-->decimal value as suggested by stanav and paul.

The questions like this (i only calculate on paper but dont know how to implement in code):

Input user need to enter:
-latitude local (e.g. 1.4875)
-longitude local (e.g. 103.3883333)


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C# - Convert A Date And Time To UTC Time Based On The Time Zone Of The User?

Sep 6, 2009

I have an ASP.NET application with a SQL Server back end. I am storing all my dates in UTC format and doing the appropriate conversions to the local time zone of the browser viewing it. One of the pages asks for a start date and end date (no times).

I am taking the start date and setting the time to 00:00:00 hours (midnight) and I'm taking the End time and adding a time of 23:59:59, so that the date range covers the whole day. Now what I'm trying to do is do a SQL query to do a search for records in this date range. The problem is, the data in SQL is in UTC time and the user is typing their dates and times in their local date and times. My quickest solution was to convert the date and time to UTC, then search the records. However, by doing this, I am to believe ASP.NET converts the given time and date to UTC based on the server time zone. How can I convert a date and time to UTC time based on the time zone of the user?

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How To Turn Classes Into XML

Apr 15, 2011

As easily as possible? How to parse and create XML easily?

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How To Turn Dataset To Xml

Nov 16, 2010

I want to take my dataset and convert it to an xml string.

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How To Turn NumLock Key Off Or On

Nov 22, 2009

I have code bellow. Why it doesn't work?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

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How To Turn On 'ViewerForm.vb'

Feb 21, 2010

I'm learning vb2008 from a book, and I just can NOT figure out how to turn on the "ViewerForm.vb [Design]" when it's not showing up as a tab.

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Turn On / Off USB LED With Program?

Aug 24, 2011

I want to make a simple program with I can turn on/off litle USB LED.

Nothing special, just one small LED as you learnt in 8th grade.

I think the simpliest way to do this is "powering off" USB port. But how?

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

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