Timespan - Less Behind The Comma?

Oct 27, 2009

I don't know the word for this in english, but I want less number behind the comma in a timespan. This is because I generate a report for the user which shows the value of a timespan. But 00:05:01:230000 is not really necessary for the user. It will just confuse him/her.

Is it possible to remove all miliseconds?

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TimeSpan Subtract Method Return Negative TImeSpan?

Dec 9, 2009

These two TimeSpan are stored in the Database with 24hr format. No date, only TimeSpan.

Dim r As TimeSpan
Dim tsStart As TimeSpan
Dim tsEnd As TimeSpan


Is there any TimeSpan method to get this right?

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.net - Do A Foreach On A TimeSpan By Timespan Type

Apr 26, 2010

I have a requirement that regardless of the start and dates that I need to loop through that timespan and calculate figures at the month level. I cannot seem to figure it out, and maybe it is not possible, but I would like to do something like:

FOREACH Month As TimeSpan in ContractRange.Months
Do Calculations (Month.Start, Month.End)

Is this possible or do I need to calculate the number of months, and just iterate through the amount of months and calculate the start/end of that month based on my index?

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Regex - Regular Expression To Split By Comma + Ignores Comma Within Double Quotes?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm trying to parse csv file with VB.NET.csv files contains value like 0,"1,2,3",4 which splits in 5 instead of 3. There are many examples with other languages in Stockoverflow but I can't implement it in VB.NET.Here is my code so far but it doesn't work...

Dim t As String() = Regex.Split(str(i), ",(?=([^""]*""[^""]*"")*[^""]*$)")

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VS 2005 Comma Seperated String To Multiple Comma Separated Strings?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm having a little trouble with this... I have a Session variable which contains a string of comma separated ID's which needs to be passed to a stored procedure but if it is more than 8000 characters, it needs to be split into more comma separated strings. For example;


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Comma Separated Value Find The Value In A Comma Separated String?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a string like

human, roti, makan, ghar, house, language, english, india, US, master, teacher, html, code, asp, jsp

i need code for find the input string.

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How To Add Time To Timespan

Aug 16, 2010

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Suppose I want to add 2 hours to this timespan what would be the method for it + code .

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Subtrating From A Timespan?

Feb 6, 2010

I am not sure if this is oppsiable but i need to subtract from a timespan.

my code is

waittime = toa.Hours - drivetime
toa.hours is a integer can i change it to a decimal

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VS 2008 How To Use TimeSpan

Jul 11, 2009

I need to get the deff. of 2 times, Its not working for me. Here's my code


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.net - Cast String To TimeSpan?

Dec 9, 2009

I tried to parse string to TimeSpan like the following :

Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim timeCheckin As String = Format(dt, "HH:MM:FF")
ts = TimeSpan.Parse(timeCheckin)

It threw error like this:

System.OverflowException: The TimeSpan could not be parsed because at least one of the hours, minutes, or seconds components is outside its valid range.

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.net - Formatting A Negative TimeSpan?

Jul 11, 2010

I'm doing some math with the Timespans in .Net, and occasionally the sum results in a negative Timespan. When I display the result I am having trouble formatting it to include the negative indicator.

Dim ts as New Timespan(-10,0,0)

This will display "-10:00:00", which is good but I don't want to show the seconds so tried this.


This returns "10:00" and has dropped the "-" from the front which is the crux of the issue. My current solution is this:

If(ts < TimeSpan.Zero, "-", "") & ts.ToString("hh:mm")

but I was hoping to accomplish the same by using only the format string.

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Add Timespan Which Is Storen In Labels?

Aug 31, 2009

I have want to add timespan which is storen in labels. I am trying to add those timespan . it does not give any error mess but doesnt even add timespan

Dim totaltime As TimeSpan totaltime = TimeSpan.Parse(mtothrs0.Text) + TimeSpan.Parse(ttothrs0.Text)
wtothrs0.Text = totaltime.ToString when i run the program , it only shows the value of mtothrs0.text but does not add the value of ttothrs0.Text

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C# - How To Perform Division In Timespan

Nov 29, 2010

i have got a value in time span lets say: tsp1= 2 hour 5 minuts i have a another time span variable which contains value like: tsp2= 0 hours , 2 minuts?how can i divide tsp1 by tsp2 so than i can get exact number of times tsp2 divied the tsp1 and how much value is remaining.i am using vs2008?

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Cast String To TimeSpan?

Aug 23, 2010

I tried to parse string to TimeSpan like the following :

Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim timeCheckin As String = Format(dt, "HH:MM:FF")
ts = TimeSpan.Parse(timeCheckin

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Converting Timespan To String?

Apr 20, 2009

I am having an error from the date I retrieved based on my query.txtArrivalTime.Text = rdDate.Item("arrivaltime")Using the code, I got this error...Conversion from type 'TimeSpan' to type 'String' is not valid.But when I execure my query on my DB GUI, I got this value 17:25:43.Is there a way I can handle this?

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Count Down From Now To Predefined Timespan?

Apr 16, 2012

I would like to be able to (on button click) start a countdown (in minute intervals, that also updates every minute) from the current time to a timespan that already exists.I read somewhere there are a few different timers, I need a solution that I can use in windows phone 7 as well as in a windows forms application.I'm aware there are a lot of existing questions, I just can't seem to find one that does this exact thing if someone could point me in the right direction even?

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Timespan Hours And Minutes?

May 23, 2009

I need a timespan difference result in - hours:mintues format.


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Timespan In Hours And Minutes

Dec 12, 2010

i am struggeling with the result of this code. It's present 164,4 hours which is correct, but i like it would says 164 hours 24 minutes.


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TimeSpan-difference Between Two Dates

Mar 14, 2011

I want to be able to calculate the difference between two dates, written in SQL db. The difference must be in days/hours format. This is my code:


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Use BindingSource.Filter With A TimeSpan Value?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to use a BindingSource to filter data from a database based on column of type Time but I cannot figure out the syntax for the filter. The filter will select records before or after an entered time. When I use a format of'10:30:00' the complaint is that a TimeSpan and String cannot be compared. Omit the 's and the :s are invalid.

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VS 2008 Formatting A TimeSpan?

Jul 7, 2010

A TimeSpan by default shows hours, minutes & seconds when converted to a string. How do I show only hours & minutes? I tried ts.ToString("hh:mm") but that doesn't work.

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C# - Format TimeSpan Greater Than 24 Hour?

Aug 17, 2010

Say I convert some seconds into the TimeSpan object like this:

Dim sec = 1254234568 Dim t As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(sec)

How do I format the TimeSpan object into a format like the following:

>105hr 56mn 47sec Is there a built-in function or do I need to write a custom function?

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Change The Format Of A TimeSpan Property?

Jan 15, 2009

I have the following code, and I want it to act as a stopwatch.

Dim spn As New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
Private Sub elapsedtime_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles elapsedtime.Tick
spn = spn.Add(New TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))
Label6.Text = String.Format("{1}:{2}", spn.Hours, spn.Minutes, spn.Seconds)
End Sub

However, when the "stopwatch" ticks, the time is shown like this - 0:3, 2:9, etc. How can I change it so that when the seconds are in the single digits, it shows the time like a normal clock (4:05, 2:09, etc.)?

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Convert A Timespan To Hours And Minutes?

May 14, 2009

I am working on a timekeeping application in VB 2008 and need to show elapsed time in hours and minutes. I have no problem eliminating seconds but if the hours exceed 24 the time is displayed as days.hours:minutes and what I need is to show (for instance) 30 hours and 15 minutes as 30:15 not 1.6:15

Is there a better way then using code like:
strHours = (TimeSpan.Days * 24) + TimeSpan.Hours
strMinutes = TimeSpan.Minutes
strTotalTime = strHours & ":" & strMinutes

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Convert Double To A Timespan (date)

Sep 23, 2009

Let just say I have an Integer like 10,000 (that's the VALUE in want to reach). So, I have another integer like 2500 (that's my current VALUE). Third I have another Integer about 350 PER HOUR. To reach 10,000 I need 7,500 (well I already have 2,500). How long must I wait to reach the 10,000 when the increase is about 350 a Hour. Okay, that's easy: 7,500 / 350 = 21,428571 Hours. BUT how can I convert this double to a timespan? Or how is it possible to add this double value to the current Date to get the Date + Time when I reach the Value?

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How To Compare A Timespan Value With The Current Timing

Mar 21, 2011

I'm currently struggling on how to make a comparison between a timespan value and the current time.I went up to here, but the comparison totaal with the current time doesn't work .


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How To Parse XML Type 'duration' Into Timespan

Nov 23, 2011

I'm trying to import XML duration data into my app and store it as a Timespan.An XElement named 'Q' has a child element 'Timer' of type xs:duration. To extract the value I use the code below:

Dim Timer As Timespan
If Not TimeSpan.TryParse(Q.<Timer>.Value, Timer) Then Timer = Nothing


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Removing Item From TimeSpan List?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm trying to remove an item from a TimeSpan list but I need a TimeSpan for the index? If I use a List(Of String) it works fine if I use an integer for the index, but if I use List(Of TimeSpan) it wants a TimeSpan for the index. I have declared a variable like so:

Dim TempTime, TimeRemover As List(Of TimeSpan)

but when I try to remove an item from the timespan it says it needs a Timespan and not an integer. Say I have:

For x = 0 To 3TempTime.Remove(x)Next

That doesn't work, but if I have:

For x = 0 To 3TempTime.Remove(TimeRemover)Next

It will work How can I just remove an item from a TimeSpan list?

EDIT: Figured it out, RemoveAt was what I was looking for.

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Saving TimeSpan With Value Of 00:00:00 To Database - Seen As NULL?

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to save a TimeSpan variable from VB into a SQL database, into a non-null column.It works fine for other values, but when I try to save 00:00:00 I am told that I cannot save NULL into a non-null column...Is there a way to get it to actually save this rather than think that it's NULL?

Note: This code is a method in a class, which has a property:

Private mCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim Param As New SqlParameter
Param.ParameterName = "@" + ParameterName[code]......

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VS 2005 Performing The Multiplication With Timespan?

Aug 20, 2009

I am trying to multiply timespan by an integer....

Private Sub wtothrs0_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles wtothrs0.MouseClick
Dim temp As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(ttothrs0.Text) + TimeSpan.Parse(wetothrs0.Text)
wtothrs0.Text = temp.ToString


i gives the error mes "Input string was not in a correct format."

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