ToolStripComboBox Selected Item (columns)?

Nov 17, 2009

Edit: I successefully populated the ToolStripComboBox although i can not or don't know how to get the two column values from the ToolStripComboBox again. Does anyone knows how to do this?


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When Users Select Each Item Another Item Will Be Added To Second Listbox But It Is The First Selected Item

Jul 5, 2010

In my application I have a listbox and SelectionMode should be MultiSimple because users need to see which items they selected. In another tab we have another listbox this one should show all the selection users had done in first tab. Private Sub


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Get Selected Item Index Or A Sorted & Grouped List Relative To Item Source?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm having some difficulty with a sorted & grouped listbox in WPF 3.5 that has an items source bound to an ObservableCollection.

What I want to be able to do is to retrieve a piece of data from the ObservableCollection items source depending on what item in the listbox the user has selected.I've almost got it working but because the listbox is sorted it does not match the index of the items source.


As I previously mentioned, because the lstBox is sorted and also grouped the index's don't match up.Does anyone know how I can get the correct information I want from the List Source depending on the selected item in the list box?

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Check Combobox Item Then Change Labels To Item Selected

Oct 31, 2009

Just started on

I have a combo box with "yes" and "no" with i select Yes i want the label2 to change the text to "yes" likewise with "no"

I've tried to code it in a logical way as possible but it just doesn't works except for the "wtf" so i think that overall my code is correct but the way i want to retrieve the selected item from combo box is wrong.

Public Class Form1
Dim aa As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Edit Item Or Subitem Values Of A Selected Listview Item?

May 19, 2009

Ok, so I have a listview on one form, and when a button is pressed it opens up a new form with the contents of the selected listview item and it's subitems in a series of textboxes. The user can then change the data in the textboxes and either press save to make the changes or cancel to close the window. What command would I use to change the selected listview item and subitems to whatever is in the boxes?

this is the code that populates the boxes:

Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim appeditcontents As String = main.passlist.SelectedItems(0).ToString


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Match Combobox Item With Text In Textbox And Set Selected Item

Dec 29, 2011

i have a combobox containing countries name and their codes like INDIA:CNT001 then i have a textbox that store the code of country i.e CNT001(fetching from database) Now i want to match that code with the combobox code so that the combobox is set to that item when i click a button. i m using and sql server as database.

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Delete Selected Listbox1 Item And Listbox2 Item With Same Value?

Mar 1, 2012

I am making a password program that remembers what the password is for and what the password is. I have two listboxes: 'listbox1' for what the password is for, and 'listbox2' for the password. I also have a remove button. I would like it so when you press the remove button, the selected item in listbox1 is removed and the password in listbox2 is also deleted. The passwords are stored in two settings: what, and pw. The items that will be deleted will have the same value. By value i mean they will be the same number item. E.G. the 1st item, or the 3rd item in the list.


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Change An Item In A Selected Item Of A Listbox?

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to change an item in a selected item of a listbox.

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Print Selected Columns From DGV?

Oct 28, 2011

I am looking for ideas on giving user the option to print selected columns from a DGV. My DGV data is from bindingsource that comes rom a DataTable

I thought of CheckListBox, not sure how to set the items to be the ColumnNames of my DGV

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Copy Selected Columns From One DataTable To Another?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a scenario where-in I have a DataTable with certain columns "Col1, Col2, Col3". I want to copy just "Col2, Col3" into another DataTable which has a primary key "ID". What is the best way to copy them. There are 5000+ records and performance is a key factor.I tried with Select, DefaultView.RowsFilter but no success. I know one option is to loop through all records an copy data one by one in second DataTable. But wanted to know a better way.

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Displaying Selected Columns Of DataTable

Apr 16, 2010

I am creating a DB application using the DataSources Wizard to create a strongly typed DataSet. Let's say that I'm working with the Employees Table of the Northwind DB, and my code is like this:
Dim nWindDs As New NorthwindDataSet
Dim empDT As New NorthwindDataSet.EmployeesDataTable
Dim empTA As New EmployeesTableAdapterempTA.Fill(NorthwindDataSet.Employees)
'Fill the Datagridview:Datagridview1.DataSource = nWindDs.Employees

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Assign Selected WPF Datagrid Row Columns To Variables?

Apr 18, 2010

I have a datagrid with customer data such as ID, name, email, phone etc.When I select a row (with a button or selectionchanged) I want to store that row's columns in variables like

dim email as string
dim name as string
email = dgCustomers.theselectedrow.theselectedcell


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Get Selected Line With Multiple Columns Within A Listbox?

Dec 8, 2011

How do I get selected line with multiple columns within a listbox and put the info into an excell worksheet with the data in distinct cells

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VS 2010 : Display All Selected Columns From Multiple Joined Tables?

May 11, 2011

I have multiple tables that I need to pull and display data from. I have created a new query in the TableAdapter of one table to pull data from related tables based on a parameter. In the Query Designer I can run my query and see all of the columns requested in my SELECT statement, however when I bind this table to a DataGridView and call the new query, it only returns the original columns from Table1.How do I see all of the columns I selected in my query?

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Add ListView Item - Set Up With Columns And Shows In The Details View?

May 8, 2010

I have a listview and it's set up with columns and shows in the details view.This is my code and I want to add a new row when I loop through my database result.

Do While dataReader.Read
Dim newrow As New ListViewItem
newrow.Text = dataReader("CategoryID") & dataReader("CategoryDesc")[code].....

How can I add the ID and Desc to seperate columns?

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Database-table That Contains Two Columns / Items And Price Of Each Item

Jun 5, 2011

I am currently using microsoft access 2007 and 2008. The problem senario is this: I have a database-table that contains two columns, items, and the price of each item. I tried to drag this table to the form as a checkbox tool, but only one checkbox1 was diplayed. The table consists of four rows. My requirement is when I drag the checkbox I want to see the all items in the first column, i.e. four checkboxes that hold the same name as in the table in the database, and when I check one or more items to be able to use, in somehow, the price(s) to make some kind of calculations.

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Databinding To ToolstripcomboBox In ToolstripDropdown

Jul 2, 2009

noticed the strange behavior of Databinding to ToolstripComboBox.Combobox when it is being added to ToolstripDropdown or Contextmenu. Normally I'm binding SQL data to ToolstripcomboBox.Combobox by following code.[code]Though it works perfect on ToolstripcomboBox(es) on ToolStrip or MenuStrip, failed on ToolStripSpiltButton (or) ToolStripDropdown (or) Contextmenu.

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Form With A Toolstripcombobox In A Toolstripmenu?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a form with a toolstripcombobox in a toolstripmenu when I select an item in the combobox, the toolstripmenu stays open. how do I make it close ?

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Loop The Datagrid And Find The Selected Row Columns Value When The User Click The Save Button?

May 18, 2011

I am using datagridview to show the data when the form load.Datagridview have a template checkbox column also where the user will select the class to attend.I want to loop the datagrid and find the selected row ro columns value when the user click the save button How i do this am using 2008?

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Bind A Data Source To ToolstripCombobox?

Jan 27, 2010

I just added a toolstripcombobox on a toolstrip and I tried to use a dataset in order to show data in the toolstripcombobox.

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ToolStripComboBox + Objects Default String Value?

Mar 12, 2010

I am using a ToolStripComboBox to list some data. I am populating this combo with some custom objects:

For Each obj As myObject In myObjectList


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VS 2008 ToolStripComboBox Behavior Different Than ComboBox?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a bound ToolStripComboBox. When a user types a value and hits 'Enter', assuming the entered value is an item in the ComboBox, this Sub should fire:

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VS 2010 Table Bind With ToolStripComboBox

Dec 18, 2011

I wont to use a ToolStripComboBox from a ContexmenuStrip, to bind with a tabel from the database.

I have a error, when a try this:

"Error1 'DataSource' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripComboBox'."
How do i bind a tabel with a ToolStripComboBox?

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And Now Dgv Selected Column Add Item?

Feb 11, 2010

how can i add an item in the selected column,cell of a dgvas you can see i have the right code for

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Check If An Item Is Selected?

Oct 18, 2009

Im making something like a save file dialog that saves a file based on the text of a listview1.selected item.How can i check if an item is selected? How can i get its text and subitems?

If ListView1.SelectedItems(0).Selected = True Then
End If

This Returns An Error If No Item Is Selected.

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Dgv Selected Cell Add Item

Feb 9, 2010

for first selecting a cell from dgv and then look for an item in lstbox select the item and then add it to the selected cell in dgv


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Get Selected Item From A List?

Aug 3, 2010

i have a sub that checks all drives on a computer;

Dim getInfo As System.IO.DriveInfo()
getInfo = System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives
For Each info As System.IO.DriveInfo In getInfo
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & info.Name & vbCrLf

this shows all drives in textbox1. now if i select the drive i want, i can then check the free & total space with this sub;

Dim cdrive As System.IO.DriveInfo
cdrive = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDriveInfo(TextBox1.SelectedText)
TextBox2.Text = TextBox1.SelectedText & " has " & cdrive.TotalSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 & "gb total space" & vbCrLf
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text & "and " & cdrive.TotalFreeSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 & "gb free space"

all this is good if i select the drive i want to check. but if i only click the drive, since no text is selected, the second sub does not there a way to check at which index the cursor is, grab the item of the index, and pass it to the sub so i don't have to select the text itself?

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Get Selected Item On Listview?

Jun 12, 2009

I want to get selected item on listview.Does any one know how to solve thi

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Getting The Tag Of A Selected Listbox Item?

Aug 18, 2010

I have multi select set to false and get this error

InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index
Private Sub MembersList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MembersList.SelectedIndexChanged


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How To Get Value Of Item Selected In ListView

May 7, 2009

I want to get the value of an item selected in a list view. I want to sotore the value of the columns of the item selected in a diffrent variable. the problem is that I can only get the value of the first column and I don't know how to get the value of the other columns. I need to add another variable and store the value of the second column in that variable.

For Each sItem As ListViewItem In lvwTorneos.SelectedItems
torneoseleccionado = sItem.ToString
seccionseleccionada = lvwTorneos.SelectedItems(0).Text

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