Transferring Text File In 2 Listboxes?

Feb 9, 2010

I have the following problem: I want to read a text file with definitions in 2 listboxes: one that contains the word and the other contains the definition. This is my code:

define the variables
Dim dictionary As String = "C:\some.txt"
Dim result As New System.IO.StringReader(dictionary)
Dim ary() As String = Split(dictionary, "=")


When I run the code I receive " Index was outside the bounds of the array."

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Transferring A Text Property Of A Button To The Text Box?

Jun 16, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim TextBoxContents As String
TextBoxContents = Button1.Text
TextBoxContents = Button1.Text
End Sub
End Class

[URL]when I debug it I press Button1 the text property I assigned to it doesn't appear in the text box.

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C# - Transferring Contents Of HTML List To Text

Jan 6, 2011

How can this be done? The .InnerText Property (when used on the containing div element) is giving me the html only. Is it possible to iterate through all the li elements contained and extract their values?

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Code For Listboxes - What Their Prefix Is (btn, Text)

Sep 28, 2009

I need to find out about listboxes. Everything about listboxes. I need to know what code is needed for listboxes, and what their prefix is (btn, txt, etc...). I believe that I am using VB 2008.

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Transferring A File From A Webservice To A Client - Know File Name

Dec 4, 2009

I am use this code to transfer a file from a webservice to the clint:


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Transferring Data From .txt File To Excel File?

Dec 8, 2010

I currently have a bunch of numbers separated by tabs saved in a text file. Is there an easy way to copy the information from that file into .xls file and add additional information (like row and column names). I need the information to be in a report format. I am not sure the best way to go about doing this.

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Building A Jukebox And It Consist Of Listboxes And Text Boxes?

Apr 14, 2011

I am building a jukebox and it consist of listboxes and text boxes. I have got it so that when the user doubleclicks on a song from the first listbox it moves into the next one. Problem is, when it gets there it should check if there is song waiting to play in the text box and if not move into the text box play position. also it has a timer function to run in between the tracks playing. I have tried deleting and re writing bits of my code but am getting a bit messed up with it now.


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DB/Reporting :: Transferring An Excel File To An Access DB

Nov 29, 2011

Im looking to set up a VB.Net application that allows me automatically import files from Excel into an Access Database. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I will be importing files regularly so I would like to make an application to simplify the process. Would I be better off creating a Macro that I can reuse in Access or a VBA or?

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Transferring An Image With File Name Stored In A Database To Code

May 30, 2011

I'm trying to use a combo box to change the image in a picture box to one that's stored in an external folder. The plan is to, in code, take the part of the file's location that will be constant and concatenate the file name to the end. The file name is stored in a database.


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Unable To Use Code For Transferring A File Over A Network In .Net 2005?

Jun 7, 2009

Dim fs As New FileStream("C:Womanizer2.m4a", FileMode.Create)
Dim writer As New BinaryWriter(fs)
Dim reader As New StreamReader(networkStream)
'Dim send As [Byte]() = reader.ReadBytes(fs.Length)


These are two code blocks from the two programs I have wrote. The first is the server program that receives a connection and writes the file to disk. The second is the Client program that sends the file to the server to be written to disk.As it is - it hangs. I did once get it to write to the disk - but the file was twice the size of the original. what objects to use for transferring a file over a TCP IP network connection with TCPClient and TCPListener.

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Saving Multiple Listboxes Into Csv File?

Jan 14, 2012

I'm writing an application in 2008. It's basically a randomised image quiz. I have saved questions, answers and time taken to answer questions into 3 listboxes: listboz1, listbox2 and listbox3. I'm trying to add the content of all into a csv file. This is my code below which only saves the contents of one listbox to a txt file. How do I get a combination of all listboxes in the file with format (L1,L2,L3)? I alos want to add the user name and the date the test/ quiz was taken.


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Saving Multiple Listboxes To Txt File?

Jan 13, 2012

I am compiling a quiz, so the question number, user response and time taken to answer questions are sent to 3 listboxes. I wanted to save the file name (from the login form, date and listbox contents to a text file. I have scoured numerous codws...none of them work..all with errors. I have tried to look at Streamwriting listboxes. But can not find a way to add multiple listboxes to one text box. Actually none of the codes (including the Sub SaveToKnownFileWithDelimiter (below) I have looked at work.

This is my quiz code so far....

Public Class Form1
Dim intPic As Integer
Dim pickedImg As New List(Of Integer)


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VS 2008 Opening A File In 2 Listboxes

Sep 3, 2011

So, i have a saved file like:

|Ice Tea
1,00 �
1,20 �

Now i would like everything with a "|" symbol for the sense to get in Listbox1 and everything with nothing in Listbox2.

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Read File Line By Line Then Split To 2 Listboxes?

Feb 20, 2012

Why can I only see the first line split in the listboxes repeated 4 times? I can not see all the lines of the Dictionary.[code]...

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VS 2008 - Read Text File - When Click Button Add Text From Combobox Is Added To Text File

Jan 4, 2010

I have one combobox, two buttons (Add and View) and listbox. When I click button Add text from combobox is added to text file. This is code for Add button:


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Transferring VBA To .NET?

May 14, 2012

In an attempt to find more or less understandable tutorial I have spent the last 2 days googling and reading, and still couldn't find the answer to my question. So that I decided to ask here:I am intermediate in VBA. I have been programming the tool in Excel, that takes some data from Oracle DB and manages it, stores in tables, shows in forms, creates new SQL-Queries, extracts further data from DB etc.

Couple of days ago it was decided that this tool should be a separate executable multi-user application (cause it actually doesn't have to do anything with Excel). Being still a student, I have downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 for free, bought couple of books and that was it... being stuck at the beginning..My problem is: I have absolutely no idea where to start from. I could have started drawing forms with controls, but I am concerned this ain't a right way. What about the GUI? What about the functionality scatch? What shall I start from, having code in VBA?

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Transferring Files Over TCP?

Apr 2, 2010

Ive got a problem transferring files over TCP. On the server side I send a file (100kb) to the client side, and there it comes with about 10mb xDD


Dim SIZE As Int16 = 1024


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Transferring From One Listview To Another?

Mar 15, 2012

So i am currently working on a project about enrollment system and I am having a problem with transferring items from one listview to another. Here's a photo:

I want to be able to transfer from the lower right form's listview to the other form's listview.

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Transferring Tables From One DB To Another?

Apr 16, 2010

I need to transfer couple of tables from DB1 to DB2 I do not want to use the SQL SERVER EXPORT/IMPORT function using SQL SERVER.

Can I do it thru a program?

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Copying/transferring VB6 Project To

Jun 21, 2012

I want the form design to be transferred across. I know the code will need many changes. That's ok, but how do I get them both across?

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Dates Not Transferring To Database

Aug 19, 2010

I'm using a database to store a load of data and some of which is the date from a datetimepicker and its storing the date and time for me. but its not saving the date and time for me its just leaving it blank any ideas

i set up the database vis the database creater in VB 08

call the field Dateout and the other column "Datetime" and i would of thought that would of saved me date and time.

in datetimepicker_value changed section ive got it down as datetimepicker.text as

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Transferring A Picturebox From One Place To Another

Oct 26, 2009

The user draws an image on this interface: Can the image then be transferred to this picturebox here? Is it possible? Let me know.

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Transferring Audio In Almost Realtime?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm currently working with a project where I need to transfer the internal audio (sound from the computer) to another computer and play it back there.

I thought of transferring the audio with a TCP server-client connection since I already have the knowledge of how to do that.

My problem now is that I don't know how I would capture the internal audio and how to be able to play it back as a stream on the target computer. I have searched a bit and many people recommend using MCI but I'm not sure if this will work on an "almost realtime audio stream" connection.

So my question is: What is the best way to grab the audio from the computer and then play back the data on another computer (as a stream)? I want to do it in realtime and not "recording" the sound and then send it to the target computer.

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Transferring Data Between Pages?

Jan 7, 2010

I have the following code in place: Protected Sub btnBuy_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBuy.Click Session("ShoppingList").add(New OrderInfo(txtQuantity.Text)) Server.Transfer("ShoppingCart.aspx") End Sub

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Transferring Data Between Two SQL Servers Using VB?

Jun 12, 2011

The title of this thread perhaps does not explain my problem correctly.Actually i am developing a financial software for a company.The software is similar to a banking system. The software is being developed using VB 2008 and SQL Server 2008.The company has its branches located at different locations. They are having a centralized SQL Server at their Head Office.The branches are connected to Head Office using a VPN.Now what we are worried about is when the VPN gets disconnected.For that we will be having a SQL server installed at each of the branches.When VPN is connected the the details entered will be directly at the Head Office database,Meanwhile a program will be executed which will get details from the Head Office database at each of the branches in a XML file.When a branch gets disconnected from the VPN another program will get the XML details into the Sql Server installed at the branch. When the branch is connected again Another application will create a xml file from the local server and insert its details into the HO server.The sizes of the XML are reaching upto around 150 to 200 mb. I am using Dataset.WriteXML and Dataset.ReadXMl. I have tested this on my local machine it is taking upto 30-40 secs.I dont know how much it will take when the actual application is installed. How can i speed things up ? Does anyone have any idea on how i can do the whole process more smoothly and faster?

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Transferring Data From FoxPro Dbf To Sql

Jan 3, 2006

I wanted to write a small piece of vb code to synchronize a few FoxPro dbf tables to SQL tables that having the same structure or at least a few fields that i selected. I had tried a code which I found on the net that running row by row and column by column to update the SQL tables but this code is too slow. In my dbf table it contains around 3000 records at least.

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Transferring Data From One Datatable To Another

Jun 17, 2011

i want 2 copy some part of one table into another but getting error @ this line

sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("insert into name_table(name) values ('" & ds.Tables(0).Rows(1).Item(0) & "'", sqlCnn)

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Transferring Data To A Label?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm doing a project that requires me to create a book ordering form. I have the books displayed in a listbox named bookselectionlistbox, and when a book is selected, it displays the price of that book in a label named bookpricelabel1. I have a button named addbutton that allows the user to add the book to the shopping cart. The shopping cart is in the form of a combobox named shoppingcartcombobox. Lastly, there is a receipt button that transfers ALL the books from the shopping cart to a seperate label called label3, not just the selected book. The last thing I need to do is have the price of each book also transfer to the receipt section. This needs to be done either on the same label3 on the same line as the book title, or on a seperate label that is adjacent to label3, I have temporarily placed a label there named label5. I am using a case statement for the bookselectionlistbox to say that when a certain book is selected, the bookpricelabel1 will display "$xx". I also have an IF statement under the addbutton label that generates a total price for all the books in the shopping cart, here is an example of the code I used for one of the books:

[Dim visualbasic As Decimal]
[If shoppingcartComboBox.Items.Contains("Visual Basic") Then]
[visualbasic = 55]


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Transferring Radiobuttons From One Form To Another?

Oct 30, 2011

How do you pass one radiobutton from form 2 to form 3? Iv tried:

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Form2.rbtnPatterned.Checked = True Then
End If

But that doesn't work. The radiobutton selected in form 1 doesn't appear in form 2....

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Transferring Varibles Though Forums?

May 27, 2009

im trying to get a number/name from the user in 1 form and use that number again in a diffrent forum, but i'm having trouble.

*******************Form One
Dim strName As String '(general )
Private Sub cmdrun_Click()


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