Treeview To Create A Hierarchical Data?

Sep 28, 2009

I m using Treeview to create a hierarchical data. I have 3 tables which i m using to create an hierarchy. So that it would be as:


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Populate TreeView With Hierarchical Data?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm trying to populate a treeview on a windows form app with Hierarchical data from a SQL db.[code]...

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VS 2010 Add These URL's To TreeView To Looks Like A Hierarchical Tree

Dec 30, 2011

I can't find how to do it. So, I want to ask it to you guys. I have a form that had included a ListBox, a TreeView and a Button. In ListBox has a same dynamically created domain URL's Like this;


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Create A Hierarchical Datagrid In (.net 2.0)?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I create a similar hierarchical datagrid in (.net 2.0) using This is the gridview, which is shown after the conversion wizard. How it is desgined(it's like a hirerachial).

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Create A Hierarchical Datastructure Just Like Xml Using .net?

Jul 14, 2010

i want to crate a hierarchical data structure same as XML, means parent, child, sub child... like that one using so ho can i create that one?

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IDE :: Create A Hierarchical Grid?

Apr 2, 2009

im trying to create a hierarchical grid on vb net but im failing to acomplish

this is what i have already but not working

Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Display An Organized Hierarchical Data In 3.5?

Nov 10, 2009

I am working on a project that organizes the structure and hierarchy of departments. I want to view and display the whole structure of the organization visually, but I am stuck. I wanted to know what is the best way to do it in 3.5; my goal is to achieve something like this by code and each node is linkable and can have CSS.

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Do Queries Against Hierarchical Data Using LINQ To SQL?

Mar 17, 2009

I have 2 tables that are related. Each app can relate to many apps. ie, office can be related to word, excel.[code]I would like to do the following query. I use but c# is ok.Query is to return all the apps that are not related to (1), so the result should be (4, quake) .

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Hierarchical Data For Application Settings?

Jan 6, 2011

(using VB.Net 2008) I have been using the Settings feature of to store user/application settings of my program. For small stuff it's great, but quickly starts to feel limited as the data gets more complex.Now I need to group certain settings together and organize them in a hierarchical (or relational) fashion. But from looking at the Settings tab inside of .Net, everything appears to be stored completely flat. So what's the best option for me? Some ideas I have are:

1. Use a small local database (such as an .mdb or .sdf) to store user settings. I think this could become a pain if I ever needed to update/create more settings while avoiding losing previous user data - not very flexible to change.

2. Use datasets and convert the tables to XML files.

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Match Hierarchical Data To Flat?

Apr 6, 2011

I have 2 representations of similar data from 2 different systems and I need to match each entity in one system with the entities in the other.[code]...

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The Hierarchical Structure Of A Dataset In Data Source Window

Apr 11, 2011

if it matters which of the repeated tables you drag onto forms? I know there's a parent-child relationship between orders and details, which is why details appears "under" orders, but details also appears in other places. What's the difference between its different appearances below?

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VS 2008 - Checkbox On Treeview - Collapse And Expand Treeview When Click Plus Sign (+) On Treeview

May 14, 2011

I have a problems with my application..

1. collapse and expand treeview when i click plus sign (+) on treeview, treeview didn't expand subfolder but when i click image, treeview expand it.

2. showing path that i check on treeview when i check the treeview then i'm click the button, then return path that i check

This is my code..

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Create A Treeview That Will Have Around 400 Entries?

May 29, 2011

I'm trying to create a Treeview that will have around 400 entries and thought I'd import the names from a text file that i'll create from my spreadsheet.

In my following code I'm just using 1 line of text from the text file. The line contains Parent/child level1/child level2/child level3/child level3.text

e.g. -Weapons
| |


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How To Create EBook With TreeView

Apr 23, 2010

I want to create an Ebook with a treeview on the left and a textbox on the right so that when the user click the treeview node the corresponding page displays in the textbox and I want the user to be able to edit the text in the textbox can anyone tell me how to associate the pages with the treeview nodes, and how to save changes made in text by the user in run time.

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Create A Treeview Of A Specific Location?

Feb 8, 2011

I want to create a treeview of a specific location, lets say D: drive. I cant seem to find any examples of how to populate a treeview with this info...

Can you anyone recommend any links with extremely easy to follow instructions, or even if its a short code perhaps an example here to get me started?

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Create My Own Three-state Checkbox For TreeView?

Jan 9, 2009

Im making an application that needs to use an explorer-like interface to let users select directories from their hard drive, so I've got a TreeView that I load all of the folders into and I have the checkboxes on each node enabled. The problem is that there are only two states for the checkboxes so if someone selects a folder, then minimises that node then they no longer have any way of knowing that sub folders are still selected.[code...

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Create Nodes Treeview From Database?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to create nodes from a .sdf database according to a specific value in a combobox.[code]...

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How To Create TreeView From Database Using LINQ

Nov 8, 2010

I want to create a treeview from a database in my project. I have been using linq to retrieve data. I have TeamLeaders, Marketers and Clients. When i expand the TeamLeaders node i want to see the Marketers under that node and when I click on the Marketer. I want the list of clients under that Marketer to be displayed on the right panel that has a gridview. TeanLeaders and Marketers are from one table and Clients in a different table.

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Displaying Hierarchical Xml In - Vb

Jan 25, 2011

I've tried converting some code from c# to vb but it's not working and I'm not sure why. It's supposed to render hierarchical xml. Here's the code...


View 1 Replies - Create Child Nodes Of Treeview Node?

May 15, 2012

I have an xml file with following structure:

<table name="tblcats">


I want to create a treeview using this XML file. I have written following code

' Load a TreeView control from an XML file.
Private Sub LoadTreeViewFromXmlFile(ByVal file_name As String, ByVal trv As TreeView)
' Load the XML document.


where as I want table as parent element like this

->Fortune 100

so that If i click table node, all tree collapses or expands.

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Create Treeview Node Based On Url Structure .net

Oct 28, 2011

am trying to pupulate a treeview nodes base on directory structure like this


The above code works for add base/parent node say i have a urllike this [URL] in this case, it should create a child node dir2 in parent node dir1 am getting confused add child nodes to the existing nodes

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VS 2008 Create An Organizational Chart With The Treeview?

Sep 1, 2009

Is it possible to create an organizational chart with the treeview and if so how?

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VS 2010 - How To Create File Explorer (TreeView)

Nov 17, 2010

I want to create a file explorer. I want the File and the Folder to be in the same tree view. I came across this but it is not what I am looking for. I want the File and the Folder to be in the same tree view.

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VS 2010 Create A NodeAdded Event For A Treeview

Mar 1, 2012

I am trying to create a NodeAdded event for a treeview. Is this possible and if so, where would be a good start point?

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Create A Treeview With Radio Buttons In Child Nodes?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to create a treeview that looks something like the following:[code]I am using in Visual Studio 2008.

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Create XML, Save It, Open Later And Load Into TreeView Control

Sep 28, 2009

I need to create an XML doc that I can call up and populate a treeview with. Can someone show me that basics on doing this. A simple example will suffice. Note I am not using XML-speak for any of this description. Assume I have some unknown number of Types (Parent Nodes). Each Type has a possible of Three Groups (children to Type nodes). Each Group has an unknown number of randomly names Cases (children to Type nodes). I want to create this XML file, save to a directory and the open again later to load into a treeView control.

Group 1
XYZ Case


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Develop Hierarchical Datagrid In VS 2008

May 28, 2009

I think datagrid able to display hierarchically with datarelations in earlier version. Is it possible to develop hierarchical datagrid in VS 2008 without using any third party stuffs?

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Hierarchical Directory Listing From A File

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to find an easy to create a hierarchical directory structure that I can put in a TreeView, with two caveats:

1) The file list is from a file

2) The paths are un *nix format (e.g. /dir/dir/file rather than c:dirdirfile)

I found this ([URL]) which would do what I want...if not for the two caveats above. I can go through the process of tokenizing the paths and start creating linked lists of objects for a directory structure, but before I do that I'd like to find out if anything else is available...

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Looking For Master-detail (hierarchical) Control

Jul 27, 2010

I'm looking for such control in order to represent a hierarchical list that I can sort separately each set of master (parents) and his details.url...I think that such a control does not provided in .NET..Do you know for a good 3rd-party for such purpose?

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Pass Hierarchical Dataset To Another Form

Oct 22, 2010

We can easily pass a DataSet with a single table from one form to another,

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