Treeview With Combox Control?

Jul 23, 2009

Does anyone knows how to achieve UI like the attached image. I need to have a Treeview control which will have nodes & child nodes and each node should have a ComboBox control next to it.

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Add A Value And Text To Combox Control Without Datasource?

Nov 11, 2009

I want to add items to my combobox but am not able to add a value and a display text.

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Treeview Control That Works Similar To Apples Finder Control In Column View?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a requirement for a new application development where I must present some information to the user for selection via drag and drop. VB offers the TreeView control which would work nice, however the user does not like the Treeview control's presentation. The user wants a control that work similar to the Mac's Finder control while in column view.

Apple's Mac Finder Control works similar to window's treeview. Finder has a nifty view capability that my users would like in some new development that is being done. The finder supports a "column" view. Similar to the treeview, it starts out in a root list. The difference being, when a user makes a selection and clicks on a node, the node doesn't expand, the sub nodes appear on the pane to the right of the list. Clicking on a sub node, will cause the pane to split again and the items within that sub node appear
to the right again.

This will happen again and again with the left pane getting narrower as the user drives deeper into the sub nodes. That is what I am trying to replicate. Obviously, once the user reaches the base list of items, we have to support drag and drop capability. Does anyone know of a control for VB.NET that work similar to the Mac's Finder control?

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VS 2008 - Checkbox On Treeview - Collapse And Expand Treeview When Click Plus Sign (+) On Treeview

May 14, 2011

I have a problems with my application..

1. collapse and expand treeview when i click plus sign (+) on treeview, treeview didn't expand subfolder but when i click image, treeview expand it.

2. showing path that i check on treeview when i check the treeview then i'm click the button, then return path that i check

This is my code..

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Add A Treeview Outside Control's Boundaries?

Nov 25, 2010

I am making a user control named MultiSelect, which consists of a textbox. In this textbox I put substring. I want the user control to show a treeview outside the MultiSelect boundaries where items matching the substring will be shown.

For me its no problem to make a treeview inside the MultiSelect boundaries but I need to save space on the original form where a MultiSelect control will appear, so I need to do it like the treeview will appear and after I choose items, it will disappear

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Creating A Treeview Control

Oct 27, 2011

Basically, I have a view (can be converted into a store procedure) with two tables NODE and CONTACT. NODE is the parent table (NodeID) with the foreign key field in CONTACT (NodeID). The query works fine. I would like the treeview to look like this


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How Does This Tie In With A Control Such As TreeView Especially When There Are No References

May 6, 2010

I have a tier application based on this video url... So far the client application only has a reference to the Business Logic (not Data Access).If i needed to tie a control such as a TreeView to list certain data fields from my table then where and how should i do that? For example i could write a For each statement to iterate through the table which returns the item from a table or i could do it in the WCF service app but how does this tie in with a control such as TreeView especially when there are no references?

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TreeView Control In DataGridView

Sep 17, 2010

Is it possible to add Treeview Control in the DataGridView??

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Add All Files And Sub-directories To A Treeview Control?

May 20, 2009

I am using the following code to add all files and sub-directories to a Treeview control. The user can select a directory (using a folder browser dialog) and this code will add that directory, and all it's files and sub-directories, to the Treeview:


I have tried a few ways, mainly 'copying' the code from this recent codebank submission. However, I keep getting the obvious cross-thread call issue that I am adding nodes to the 'node' parameter, which is not allowed.

I am at a loss at how to do this otherwise. How can I update a Treeview like this if I have to recursively add nodes to the 'node' parameter, which is not 'available' in a separate thread?

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Adding CheckBoxes To TreeView Control

Jun 14, 2011

I've created a treeview that is going to represent a 'table of contents' for a Word template I use frequently and I need to add checkboxes to each node of the tree view.

Here is some of my code so far:
tvwSIGtemplate.Nodes.Add tvwSIGtemplate.Nodes.Item(2), tvwNext, , "3. Statment of the Issue and Solution"
tvwSIGtemplate.Nodes.Add tvwSIGtemplate.Nodes.Item(3), tvwChild, , "3.1 Issue Details"
tvwSIGtemplate.Nodes.Add tvwSIGtemplate.Nodes.Item(4), tvwNext, , "3.2 Solution Details"
What to add to these lines to simply display a checkbox next each line?

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Checked TreeView Control Not Working

Aug 18, 2009

I have a treeview control with check boxes. when I check the parent node, all the children check too. The problem is, I want the parent check box to automatically uncheck if one of the children is unchecked.

Private Sub TV_Communities_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TV_Communities.Click
For i = 0 To TV_Communities.Nodes(0).Nodes.Count - 1
If Not TV_Communities.Nodes(0).Nodes.Item(i).Checked Then
TV_Communities.Nodes.Item(0).Parent.Checked =
End If
End Sub

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Dynamic TreeView User Control?

Apr 2, 2012

I am working on a page with Treeview properties. This page has set of html links which looks as following:

1.1 child
1.2 child


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How To Disable A Node In Treeview Control

Oct 24, 2011

In my application i have a treeview. And i want to disable some nodes in the treeview.For example consider the below image...In this if i want to disable the "Supervisor Settings" node at run time, how can i do...? (i.e., either by index value or Text value)

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INSERT A Node Using The TreeView Control?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a TreeView control in VS 2010 that I need to be able to INSERT (not add) nodes to. I have stored a unique key in the TAG for each node and know how to find the value of the tag in the tree. However, I can't figure out how to INSERT a NEW node BEFORE or AFTER the node I have found with this tag.

For example, suppose I have the following tree . . .

Item 1
... Item 2
... Item 3
... Item 4


I need to be able to do this for any particlular level of the tree (not just the third level where Item 6 is located). Also, Item 6 could have CHILD NODES associated with it but I need to leave those child nodes assoicated with Item 6 and INSERT Item 6.1 below (or above) Item 6 at the same level as Item 6.

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Inserting Buttons Into TreeView Control?

Jun 18, 2012

I've been trying to use different methods to insert buttons into a treeview control. How to prepare a collapsible listview which shows links to different forms. To make it clear, I have taken a snapshot and circled the section which I am trying to create. I tried creating a collapsible panel but that didn't create right effect. [URL]

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Maximum Nodes In A TreeView Control?

May 28, 2011

What is the limit of number of tree nodes in a treeview?

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Set Focus On A Node In A Treeview Control?

Dec 31, 2009

I have a treeview-control and a datagrid-control on my form. In my datagrid-control I have two columns with records that contain the the content of the parents and the childs of the treeview-control. On starting up my application, the treeview-control is filled with the records that we also see in the datagrid-control.


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TreeView Control - Using Code To Set An Item?

Jul 11, 2009

So I have a treeview control. Let's abbreviate it like this:

- Mechanical
+ Engine
+ Transmission
+ Other


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Treeview Control And Event Handling?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm looking to populate a treeview control with nodes, at RUNTIME. When the user clicks on the node, it will open up a form to display the data for the device represented by the node.There are three groups of nodes. Each group has its own form that it uses. For example:

---Group 1
------Device 1


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Treeview Control Check And Uncheck

Mar 1, 2009

am displaying some user names in treeview control, when i select a user i want to display in textbox, here when i select morethan one user i want to display in textbox like:user1 ;'user2;'user3;'user4;;and when i unselect any username i want to remove from textboxsuppose i uncheck user2 and user3 in treeview control i want to remove from textbox.

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Using A Treeview Control For An Options Page?

Dec 7, 2009

Then I progressed to using the tabcontrol and multiple tabpages to group associated data for manipulation.I'm thinking the treeview control could be used to create a slick options page, however with the previous methods all the controls were drawn in design time, making it easy to edit events/properties etc.., I can only think using a treeview control on a single form that controls would need to be added programmatically/dynamically.

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.net - Right Click To Select A Node In A Treeview Control?

Aug 31, 2011

Why I right click on a node in my treeview the focus moves to this node and then immediately back to the previously selected node. Is there some way that I can allow the right click to select the node?

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Allow Users To Select Their Own Grouping For A TreeView Control?

Jun 3, 2010

I am using a treeview to display projects, tasks, time entries, and the people who are working on a project. I would like to allow the user to define a custom grouping (ie. Project->Task->Time Entries or Project->Date (of time entry)->Task->TimeEntry).The relevant groups would be Project, Task, Time Entry, and Person, with some metadata from them. I want to have some modular way to allow a user to specify how they would like to display the information. Does anyone know of a good method by which this can be done? I currently have hard-coded a display which looks like this:

Time Entry


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Find A Control That Combines Treeview / Listview

Dec 14, 2010

after a week of trying to find a control that combines the Treeview/Listview, a so-called TreeListView, I gave up. The ones I found are either buggy or have too many features (making them heavy).The best way for my personal needs is probably to use an ownerdrawn Listview and doing the indentation (expanding/collapsing) myself.There are a few problems:

1) I can't get the Plus/Minus images to show properly. If I expand a 'node' and collapse it, then the Plus image doesn't show. If I expand two 'nodes', then the Minus image of the first expanded 'node' becomes a Plus image again.

2) Clicking the Plus and then Minus image too fast causes weird flashing behaviour of the 'node' expading/collapsing.

3) Somehow I need to be able to update the Listview in real-time. I know I can use ListView.RedrawItems to refresh a single row, but I need some kind of structure to know which 'nodes' have been expanded. When a 'node' gets expanded, then everything below gets a different index.

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Index Folders And Subfolders And Add To Treeview Control?

Nov 1, 2010

How to index files,folders,subfolders in selected folder and then inset information about them to treeview control?

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Make File Browsers Using Treeview Control?

Aug 1, 2011

how to make file browsers using treeview control in

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Populate A Treeview Control With DISTINCT Publishers?

Jun 27, 2010

I'm a hobby programmer and have been asked to come up with a small program that will load comic book information from an Access(2003) database.The database columns are as follows:

ID cPublisher cTitle cVolume cIssueNo cImage I'm attempting to populate a Treeview control with DISTINCT Publishers, Titles, and Volume No.'s (because they will be duplicated), but list ALL of the Issue No.'s individually under the Volume No. TreeNode. The following code works well for the "Parent Node", "Child Node", and "Grandchild Node" without trying to add the "Greatgrandchild Node":oCmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT DISTINCT cPublisher, cTitle, cVolume FROM Comics", oConn)


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Show Specific Form Using TreeView Control?

Jun 3, 2010

I am attempting to show a specific form using a treeview control, the nodes of which have their tag value set to an instance of the Form I need to show. The code I have in the DoubleClick event works great for the first time I show a form, but after that I get an object disposed exception. As you can see, I tried handling it by resetting the tag, but that didn't work. Is there any way I can show the form more than once without going through a switch statement anytime the exception comes up and resetting the tag to the right type of form? I'd like something nicer looking like the way I show the form.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim fm2 As New Form2()
Dim fm3 As New Form3()
TreeView1.Nodes(0).Tag = fm2
[Code] .....

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TreeView Control - Populate From ArrayList Recursively

Jun 13, 2010

I'm needing some help with populating a Treeview control using an ArrayList. The ArrayList contains a collection of a class called Task. The class properties contain the following:

1.) taskID (int)
2.) parentTaskID (int)
3.) taskLevel (int)
4.) subTasks (ArrayList)
5.) taskName (string)

Each Task instance can contain subtasks (which is a collection of the Task object), which can also contain subtasks, and so on. The base task starts at level 0. A subtask of the base task would be level 1. A subtask of a level 1 subtask would be a level 2, and so on.
-- The parentID would be the taskID of the parent Task. The parentID at the base task (level 0) would be -1.


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TreeView Control - Selected Node Flickering?

Dec 23, 2010

The TreeView control in my application was working fine until i added *small* icons, now whenever i try to open a node the selected node and the one above flickers...

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