Unable To Click Links In RichTextBox?

Apr 17, 2010

I'm having a problem with my richtextbox. I'm unable to click links in it, and if I create a new project,

Same problem. I use visual basic 2010, so maybe there's a bug in it..

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Links Fussy In RichTextBox?

Nov 18, 2011

This sounds pretty basic but for the life of me a can't figure out why any link I add to a richtextbox is blurry is there a easy fix?

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Highlight Links In Richtextbox With Program?

Aug 6, 2011

I can't find out the correct answer how to highlight words in hyperlinks using richtextbox.

The program which I'm creating is blueskycorp scraper which when type some words in text box and found links to my questions puts in richtextbox like links.

But the problem I can't find out untill is just how to highlight not words but links in richtextbox to match founded words and highlight them in richtextbox where is extracted links and only I want to mark these links.

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VS 2008 Richtextbox - Clickable Links?

Aug 25, 2009

I've got URL's appearing in a RTB as underlined and blue. When you mouse over them the mouse pointer changes to a HAND.

But clicking does not launch a browser and bring you to a webpage - how do you make that happen?

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Change All Links Colors In Richtextbox But Not One Selected?

Aug 2, 2011

Code to replace the link colors and text colors?Here's the code I found.it works but it only changes the color of one link.I need to change all the colors of all links.[code]...

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Disable Richtextbox Showing Hand Cursor Over Links?

Apr 8, 2010

I'm writing an vb.net application so that the user can type text to be added to a website. I'm using a richtextbox and I've added the facility to hyperlink selected text. This all works, but when the mouse cursor moves over a hyperlink it changes to a hand; how do I stop it doing that? It's confusing for the user as it looks like clicking the link will do something and it makes it awkward to correct spelling within the text of the hyperlink.

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Grab The Links In This HTML Code And Move It To A Richtextbox?

Mar 11, 2011

I was able to grab all the links in that html code but I was wondering how do I can grab the the links under the "Common fruits". how to get grab

<td id="item_menu" class="line" valign="top" width="100%">
<a class="nopd" target="mainly" href="http://myfruits/aboutfruits.html">About fruits</a>


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Click Multiple Links With Almost The Same Name?

Oct 23, 2011

I am creating a program for a company and what it does is the following:1. Opens web page and logs in automatically - (Done)2. User selects from 2 folders on the site - (Done)3.ser types in date - (Done)4. User sets default directory for download - (Done)5. User clicks a download button that does the following:5a. Takes date that was put into text box and searches for any related folders and opens that folder - (Done)5b. After folder is open, there is the possibility of being multiple zip files to be clicked and downloaded - (Not Done)My problem is in 5b. I cannot figure out how to select multiple items. I have tried using a wildcard but that doesn't seem to work. I tried setting loops for each link but it only opens that last link on the page

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Click Multiple Links With The Same Name

Nov 24, 2010

I am creating a program for a company and what it does is the following:

1. Opens web page and logs in automatically - (Done)
2. User selects from 2 folders on the site - (Done)
3. User types in date - (Done)
4. User sets default directory for download - (Done)
5. User clicks a download button that does the following:

5a. Takes date that was put into text box and searches for any related folders and opens that folder - (Done) 5b. After folder is open, there is the possibility of being multiple zip files to be clicked and downloaded - (Not Done)

My problem is in 5b. I cannot figure out how to select multiple items. I have tried using a wildcard but that doesn't seem to work. I tried setting loops for each link but it only opens that last link on the page. The zip files to be downloaded are all named in the following manner - 11-22(1).ZIP, 11-22(2).ZIP etc. Also, zip extensions vary from ZIP to zip. Don't know if casing makes a difference. What I currently have the program do is to click each file and begin download. All it's doing is clicking the last file in the list. Whole website is basically a JavaScript applet. The only way to click a file is to search for the link name. [Code]

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VS 2005 - How To Click Links In HTTPWebRequest

Oct 10, 2010

I am working on httpwebrequest method to read the page from start to the end, as I have got the same id of the html tag in the html page and I am not sure how to click on the links when select with the listview items by using with the boolean.

Here it is the
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Address of URL
[Code] .....

How I could click the links by using the httpwebrequest method while I select the listview items and select the right links using with the boolean? I want to click the links when I select on the listview items as if the boolean is true:
<p id="delete"> <a href="delete.php?id=ANYNUMBER1">Delete</a></td><p id="delete"> <a href="delete.php?id=ANYNUMBER2">Delete</a></td>

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Forcing Links Click In Web Control To Open New IE Window?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a program that contains a web control and a combo box. The combo box contains a list of servers to log into. When one is selected, it loads in WebBrowser4 web control. User logs in and have a work list to work from. What I am trying to do is program this so once they are in work list and click a link, I want that clicked link to be fired off in a new, IE window, not in the WebBrowser4 web control. I want the web control to maintain the work list page that is already up.

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VB 2008 Extracting Links & Text - Links - Parsing Links & Text

Sep 12, 2009

I'm just curious as to how some software programs that I see out there have the ability to extract links & text from thousands of web pages at an extremely high and fast rate. Has anyone here, ever created a link or text extracting program the has the ability to parse many webpages and return data into a textbox? I know how to extract links via the webbrowser control, but it doesn't seem to parse/extract data at a very high & fast rate like many email, link & text extracting programs that I see out there.


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WEBBROWSER LINKS - Store All Links Into A Collection

Sep 11, 2010

my webbrowser navigates to a webpage. I need to store all the links into a collection, I did find the code to do the job (on this forum) and it works, but there is a problem: there are more links on the page than those the code reads, like when i right click on a picture and choose "copy shortcut" I get a link that is not showing when I display the "view source" for the entire page. I can't figure out how to do it.

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Mouse Click - Unable To Do This Operation - Element.invokemember("Click")

Feb 1, 2011

Having problem with mouse click, this code i am testing is through vb.net 2008 express edition, i am just wrote a program my form has one web browser and button when i click the command button it click the upload-video file for uploading the video [Code] also i had no idea how to automate the video inputs(file name)into the dialog box and click save button. what i am trying to do this click upload and then input video file name do the other settings like this and the finalize the process.

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Unable To Click A Button?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm having trouble clicking a button

Here is the html code of the button:


How would I go about doing this?

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Unable To Click Button?

Dec 7, 2010

So I'm trying to click a button on a site, but here's the problem, it doesn't have ID or Name, it has this

<input type="submit" value="login">

Just that, nothing else, and I'm trying to click it but it doesn't work.I used


but it doesn't work.

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RichTextBox On Click Select The Lines?

Jun 20, 2012

when I click on rtb how do I assign clicked line (text of that line) to a variable 'x' and a line below to a variable 'y'? I have so far this

SendKeys.Send("{DOWN}") 'Move cursor to next line
SendKeys.Send("{HOME}+{END}") 'Select the line

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RichTextBox | Select Line On Click?

May 24, 2012

Im Stuck On another project.I Have a Read Only RichTextBox, and I Want to make it so when I click on a line of text in the richtextbox, that it selects or Highlights the whole line, and Just that one line.

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Unable To Click HTML Button?

Jun 19, 2012

I have to click a HTML button programatically which is on the 3rd page of the website . The button is without id. It has just name type and value . The HTML code of the button is given below

<FORM NAME='form1' METHOD='post' action='/dflogin.php'><INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='txtId' value='E712050-15'><INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='txtassId' value='1'><INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='txtPsw' value='HH29'><INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='txtLog' value='0'><h6 align='right'>


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Unable To Click Submit Button

Jul 28, 2010

I am simply trying to get to automatically click the submit button on my intranet page. I have been able thus far to input the user name and password fields, however i am unable to click submit. I keep getting some error about object required amongst others. This is the code i have thus far:


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Unable To Resize Or Click Anything On Form

Mar 6, 2010

i have 3 forms one stays at back alll the time and the other 2 can be launched fromt he first but when i lauch both of them it frezzes them both unable to resize or click anything on the form why is this?

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VS 2010 - Textbox To RichTextBox With New Line On Click

Dec 17, 2010

I'm trying to make a tool that supposed to do the following.
When I type i.e. the number 12345678 in TextBox1 and click on Button1. The number should go to RichTextBox1 on a new line with the text:
There Are 12345678 Bannana

Now, when I fill in at TextBox1 12345679 and click on Button1, a new line should be added to RichtextBox1, making it:
There Are 12345678 Bannana
There Are 12345679 Bannana
And so on...
What ever I try I cant get this to work,

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Call The Richtextbox Textchanged Event On Button Click?

Jun 3, 2011

I am developing windows application in vb.net.in this project i want to set the Richtextbox height according to the content in that richtextbox. For this i want to call the Richtextbox textchanged event on button click Here is my code but i got error

on button click
RichAll_KeyPress(sender, New KeyPressEventArgs(e))


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Transfer Data From One Richtext Box To Another Richtextbox In The Same Form Via A Button Click?

Aug 5, 2009

how i can transfer data from one richtext box to another richtextbox in the same form via a button click?

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Unable To Click A Button On Application And The Start Menu Appears?

Jul 27, 2011

I want to be able to click a button on my application and the start menu appears where I've clicked. This (if possible) will replace my shell.exe. I know that with EmergeDesktop, you can show the start menu by right-clicking the desktop. How do you do that?

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Unable To To Locate And Click A Submit Button Using Mshtml.HTMLInputElement?

Jan 31, 2012

Below is is an HTML form and below that, is a vb procedure, "LoginExamp" that enters in the username and password. I am unable to locate the button however and click it since it does not seem to show up as a mshtml.HTMLInputElement. "htmlInput.click()" never runs. How can I adjust the loginExamp code so that the button is clicked.

<form id="loginform" name="loginform" method="post" action="">
<input id="username" class="formfield" type="text" value="User Name" maxlength="40" name="Xusername">
<input id="password" class="formfield" type="password" onfocus="clearDefault(this)" maxlength="40" name="Xpassword">
<button class="subButton" onclick="javascript: submitform()">submit!</button>


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Windows Forms: Unable To Click To Focus A MaskedTextBox In A Non TopLevel Form

May 20, 2010

I've got a Child form being shown with it's TopLevel property set to False and I am unable to click a MaskedTextBox control that it contains (in order to bring focus to it). I can bring focus to it by using TAB on the keyboard though.

The child form contains other regular TextBox controls and these I can click to focus with no problems, although they also exhibit some odd behavior: for example if I've got a value in the Textbox and I try to drag-click from the end of the string to the beginning, nothing happens. In fact I can't use my mouse to move the cursor inside the TextBox's text at all (although they keyboard arrow keys work).I'm not too worried about the odd TextBox behavior, but why can't I activate my MaskedTextBox by clicking on it?

Below is the code that shows the form:

Dim newReportForm As New Form
Dim formName As String
Dim FullTypeName As String
Dim FormInstanceType As Type


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VS 2005 Crystal Report Viewer - Unable To Right Click->Copy Or Ctrl+c And Copy Any Text

Dec 28, 2009

I got a problem...after load crystal report viewer, I am unable to right click->Copy or ctrl+c and copy any text. I am using vb.net 2005, crystal Report 11...I am showing the report content on the Report Viewer..

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Unable To Drag The Form By Click On The Form?

Jul 9, 2009

I want to be able to drag the form by click on the form.... not by clicking on the bar...

The formborderstyle is at None.

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Way To Search A Richtextbox Textfile That Will Highlight All Word Finds And Then Send Them To Another Richtextbox?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a richtextbox with a large file inside....I want to be able to search for "Fornication" within the text (KJV Bible) and have every instance of that word to pop up into another richtextbox along with the scripture it is in.

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