Update All Service References In One Shot?

May 25, 2011

I would like to know is there any way to update all service reference different projects to point when service URL is changed? I am using VS 2008.


There are several other C#.NET projects which refer to a web service projects inside the same solution.

I have made some changes in the web service project which requires references to these web services updated in other project inside same solution.

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References Failing To Import To A VS 2005 (VB) ASP.NET Web Service Application Project

Aug 17, 2009

I have this VB ASP.NET Web Service Application project running VS 2005. I'm trying to add references. To do so I click on the "Properties" icon in the Solution Explorer window which presents me with a window to add/update/remove references. I click "Add", I select the reference I want and then "OK". Lo en behold, NOTHING! It simply won't add references (I tried adding several different ones). Specifically I'm trying to add the System.Configuration assembly.


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Using The Web Service References Tool 2.0 For Sending And Receiving Complex Data (arrays Of Objects) VBA?

Jul 9, 2009

I used the tool about 3 years ago to create the classes for a webservice client to send or recieve arrays as complex data. Now i have to update these classes, since there are additional informations, that have to be exchanged. When i use the tool now with the new wsdl-files, it does'nt create the classes for complex data (structur, IGCTMObjectFactory), but only one class for simple data. In addition i have to establish a new client, that sends an array of complex data and receives another array of complex data. I tried to build the classes manually combining the client that sends an array with the client, that receives an array, but I failed.

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Update Its References And Compile It

Dec 4, 2010

I have a vb.net dll MyAssembly.dll (framework 2.0)that is created dynamically using reflection for the first release. I had used Reference assemblies (like Reference Assembly1.dll and ReferenceAssembly2.dll) which were not signed for strong name during compilation. I am going to have a new set of referenced assemblies as a part of upgrade and these will be signed for Strong name. Is there any way to decompile the MyAssembly.dll, update its references to get the updated signed asssembly references into it and compile it back? Can it be done programatically instead of going thru tools like .Net Relector from RedGate.OR can I use app.config file with CodeBase or bindingRedirect or Probing to redirect the unsigned assembly reference to the signed assembly reference? I did not find anywhere redirecting unsigned assembly reference to the signed assembly. As the previous ReferenceAssembly1.dll was unsigned, I cannot put it into GAC. bindingRedirect works with assemblyIdentity which should match with publicKeyToken also. Codebase works better with signed references. it does not consider "version" attribute for unsinged assemblies. Probing I cannot use as I am going to have many upgrade patches which will have signed assemblies.

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VS 2008 Insert References From Application Settings CrystalDecisions References Are Missing

Mar 9, 2011

I have Crystal Reports 2008 installed on my win7 laptop but when i go to insert references from my application settings the CrystalDecisions references are missing and im not able to find them. Note: they do exist in my "c:windowsassembly" folder.

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Progressive Download Like Update Service

Dec 17, 2009

Any VB2008 code that would allow me to download files through my program (like an update service), without it freezing, while displaying the progress like that of IE7, etc... using a progress bar, and that displays the size and speed?

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Update Remote Database Via Web Service?

Aug 13, 2011

I am writing a vb.net client application that uses a web service to connect to the remote database.So far I am able to connect to the web service and read, add new and delete data from the database. I am having a hard time updating data.

I have a datagridview control that is bound to a dataset retrieved from the remote database using the web service.When a record is edited in the datagridview control, I need the dataset that is bound to that control to be updated and then that updated dataset to be sent to the webservice to update the remote database.

My client code in the btnUpdate_Click event

dim new_ds as new dataset = datagridview1.datasource
Dim es As New testwebservice.equipmenttracker 'the web service reference
dim msg as string = es.updateequipment(new_ds)

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Web Service Update Record Method?

Apr 2, 2009

Im trying to logically figure out how to update a record in a database through a web service to the database I have created this web method function but im stuck on completing this


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C# - DataSet Insert - Update - Delete With Web Service

Feb 18, 2010

I am using UltraGrid for inserting data in table. The problem is that i need to do insert,update, delete with web service. I am getting dataSet from web service and display it into grid but when I do some changes on the grid for example insert or update data, I need also to send new dataSet to web service so that web service do update data.


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Service - Update Dictionaries And Outputs XML File Of Contents

Jan 30, 2012

I have created a service that updates dictionaries and outputs an xml file of the contents. It will do it fine first time round, but then I get the following exception when it tries to do it the second time
system.argumentexception an item with the same key has already been added
Is there anyway I can set it so that the dictionary contents are overwritten each time?

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Update Dataset Back To Remote Database Via Web Service

Jul 14, 2011

I am connecting to a web service that returns a dataset that I use as a datasource for a windows client datagridview.

Once a user has made changes to the datagridview record(s), how do I get those changes back to the connected dataset and back to the remote database.

I wrote the sql update function in the service:

Code Snippet from web service

<WebMethod()> _
Public Sub Update_equipment_repair(ByVal repair_id As Int64, ByVal date_entered As DateTime, ByVal date_sent_in As DateTime, ByVal date_returned As DateTime, ByVal damage_description As String, ByVal vendor_id As Int64, ByVal repair_description As String)


This displays the records perfectly and I figured out how to delete and insert records via web service.

writing updates from the datagridview back to the database.

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Update Dataset Back To Remote Database Via Web Service?

Jul 14, 2011

I am writing a small windows client application that accesses data using a web service that returns datasets.When the dataset is returned, a datagridview's datasource is set to the dataset.

My question is, how do I write changes that were made in the datagridview back to the dataset and then back to the remote database.


Now the client snippet that connects to the service and lists the equipment

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Using Windows Service To Create,Update,Delete CSV File Using C#?

Sep 11, 2011

I am creating a windows service to save current username and logon time in a CSV file. But when I install the service, the file is just created, not details are written to it, and that file is set to read-only mode. what is the problem in my code?

My code:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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Kill 3 Different Processes In One Shot?

Feb 5, 2012

I have a snippet how to kill multiple instances of one proccess

Dim pProcess() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")
For Each p As Process In pProcess

If i want to kill multiple instances of "notepad","excel" and "word" how the code should look?

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VS 2010 First Shot At A Dictionary

Jan 21, 2012

I am a relatively new coder and have been learning quite a bit over the past year. I have a fully functional application that works fantastic, and I am now in the process of learning better coding habits.The original code is set up like this...I have a combobox where I place the collection items in manually.On the selectedIndexChanged event handler I used a case statement that looks something like this: [code]Ok, so as you can probably tell, the file name and the dropdown option have the same name, and when it's selected it loads the contents of the resource file into the listbox. It works great...but I was told that since the case statement is ever growing, I should use a dictionary instead. So my goal was to simplify my coding efforts (when I add a new item I have to code in three different areas...with the dictionary, I only have to add the new item and everything else will take care of itself).

So I created the dictionary in a sub, an used a for each loop to dynamically load the combobox with the key values.My values in the dictionary are set up as "My.Resources.filename" where filename matches the key value.I want to be able to call the value based on the selected key. After 5 days of researching I think the best option is the TryGetValue method, but I cannot get it to work...I have used so many different examples, that I actually had to get rid of them all and don't have any current code to post.

1) If I redeclare the dictionary, won't it be empty?

2) How do I "extract the value based on the selected key an set it to a variable (i.e. myvariable = My.Resources.selectedkeysvalue)

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Get A Print Screen Shot And Save It?

Dec 26, 2009

I would like to take a screen shot and save it in a sub folder in the main folder the application opened from for example C:/~/Application path/Screen shots/ I am using Visual basic 2005.

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Screen Shot Has A Column And Row Headers?

Dec 19, 2011

Having an issue with a Datagridview that I am trying to create. What I need is for not only column headers but row headers. If you are not sure what I mean, take a look at this image;


Notice how the screen shot has a column and row headers? Now I do not need the "view selector". To make matters worse I need to have two row headers. Kind of like this;


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Screen Shot Recorder Button

Aug 30, 2010

What i want to make is a 1 button screen shot recorder, i have a picture what what i optimally want that was created on vb6. Edit: Ok this is what i want, after thinking about it i realized how it should be done.

Form 1 - initial screen capture button and send to in form2
Form 2 - view picture with save button imagebox

so i know how so take and save a screen shot, what i need to know is how to get it the imagebox and have form2 automatically pop up. What i have so far. [Code]

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Screens Shot Screen 0,0 Point

Mar 7, 2012

I have this cod to take a picture of this location


but it uses the edge of my screen as 0,0 how could i make 0,0 the edge of the application. Edit: ALl i know to do was copyfromscreen butthat uses the screen

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Show Screen Shot Pic In Another Form?

Aug 31, 2010

Basiclly i want a button that takes a screen capture of form1 then automaticly opens up a picture box in Form4 for example. Problem: The picture box in form 4 will not display the screen capture that got taken in form 1.

Dim bounds As Rectangle
Dim screenshot As System.Drawing.Bitmap
Dim graph As Graphics


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Take Screen Shot Of Selected Area

Sep 8, 2009

i have made an application which will capture screen shot and frequently will saves in word doc autmatically. but it will take whole screen.now my req is to take snap particular area of the screen selected by mouse.

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Take Screen Shot Of Web Browser Every X Seconds?

May 22, 2011

On my program I am making a web browser and I want it to take screen shots of a web browser every X seconds. (X = any amount of seconds that the user can type in into a text box.) Then can it be saved to any location on the computer that the user can pick?

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VS 2008 Take A Screen Shot Around The Cursor

Oct 23, 2011

how would i take a screenshot like 100,100 around the cursor like taking a screenshot and the cursor positon is in the middle of it and its 100,100 around it

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VS 2008 Take Screen Shot In A Rectangle?

Jul 21, 2009

Does anyone know how to take screen shot in a rectangle? And save it as a bitmap?

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Capture Active Window Screen Shot?

Mar 20, 2010

I did a search on capturing screen shots in vb.net amd I was wondering if there is a straight forward way to capture the active window? Or do I need to first get the handle of the active window, get the position and size and then capture it? I do not want to use any type of sendkeys method or use the clipboard. I want to save it to jpg format.

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Create A Screen Shot Logger Application

Jun 20, 2009

I am trying to create a Screen Shot Logger. Anyone knows the code on taking a print screen if a click a button and it will be save as c:Fileimage.jpg

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Create A Screen Shot Manager That Opens Up?

Aug 15, 2009

im trying to create a screen shot manager that opens up whenever the user hits the print screen key
i need it to be global so the event fires no matter what window has focus

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Tools.Look Like A Tree View - Screen Shot ?

Sep 9, 2011

What Kind of tools.Look like a tree view this my screen shot

Then when I click the Quick Launce:

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Execute 3 Commands (SQL Statements) To 3 Different Oracle Tables At One Shot?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm implementing an application using vb.net 2005 with oracle 10g and I came across a functionality that should Select/Insert/Update/Delete data from three different tables in oracle.So I`m wondering if there is a way to prepare all the 3 commands (SQL Statements) separately and then execute them in one shot to the oracle, so in this way I can guarantee that all of them are successfully executed or all are failed to execute, and also I could gain more performance which is critical in my case.Thus I`m looking for a syntax in vb.net that helps me execute more than one OracleCommand in one shot to the oracle.

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