Updating Fields Via A VIEW (SQL)?

Sep 15, 2009

i have a form that displays data from a VIEW on SQL server. Now im told various things about views, some say you can update fields via a view and others say you cant, ive searched the web and my conclusion from that is "it depends" My VIEW is of two tables in the same db:

dbo.Agreements.AgreementNo, dbo.Agreements.CustomerID, dbo.Customers.ContactTitle, dbo.Customers.ContactFirstName,
dbo.Customers.ContactLastName, dbo.Customers.Email_Address, dbo.Customers.PhoneNumber, dbo.Customers.MobileNo,


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Updating Some Fields In Sql Express From Vs 2008

Dec 17, 2010

I'm using a SQL Express 64 database on a separate server virtual machine. I've been developing my app for some time now in VS2008 on XP SP3. Using .Net 3.5 I've just come across a strange problem. If I update a checkbox from unchecked (the default) to checked, it saves OK. If I click to uncheck it, the change does not get saved. I'm using the UpdateAll method. I tried a single Update command as well, just for that table, but it was the same.


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Updating Fields In An Access Database Using VS2010

Oct 7, 2011

how to update fields in an Access database through VB. What I'm supposed to do subtract the quantity of the daily orders from the inventory quantity. My textbook is a little bit vague at this point, because the only way it describes updating the DB is manually through the BindingSourceNavigator. I don't want to enter it manually, I want it to subtract the quantity from the orders table.

Public Class frmMicroland
Private Sub frmMicroland_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Asp.net - Updating A Hybrid DetailsView (with Static And Dynamic Fields)?

Dec 12, 2011

I've got a DetailsView which has some static fields defined in my markup and adds some extra fields dynamically in the VB codebehind. It should be noted that the DetailsView lives in an UpdatePanel.Assume that I would like to get inventory information for a number of warehouses, but I only want to see those which have stock on hand. In addition I have some static information such as product, sku, etc.

The problem I was having was that every time I clicked the "Details" button it would just keep appending the dynamic fields to the end and never re-rendering the table. I figure I either need a conditional or to tell it to re-render somehow. I suspect this problem arises from my use of the UpdatePanel but it's important for the user experience of my customer to keep this.

'Warehouse Stock by Location
Dim stockDT As New DataTable
For Each row As DataRow In stockDT.Rows 'Add column for each Warehouse that has stock


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Dataset Not Updating When Bound Text Fields Are Changed In Code?

Sep 1, 2009

I am having issues understanding why it is that a text box that has been bound to a dataset correctly updates that dataset when the text in the box is manually changed i.e. by changing it using the keyboard but the dataset does not recognise the change when I change it in code.Am I missing something obvious? The text is changed in code when the user clicks on a command button that copies the text from another textbox on the form to this textbox.


As i mentioned, manually it works fine but when I use the comman button to change the text it does not recognise that any changes have occured.

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Cannot View Hidden Fields When Page Index Change?

Feb 11, 2010

I use a GridView control with paging allowed, when i select a row in the first page i can retrieve the values of all the fields including the hiddenfields with the instruction (GridView1.DataKeys(GridView.SelectedIndex).Values(0)). The grid have all the DataKeyNames and I populate the gridwith a dataset i made coding.now the problem:when I change the paging of the grid the grid shows me the real data, but when I tried to select one row

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Asp.net Mvc - Save Data On A Strongly-typed View When Not All Fields Are Loaded

Dec 9, 2009

Let's say I have an edit view that is strongly-typed to a table called "MyData". The view has multiple tabs, each with several different fields from the table. For performance, the data is only loaded when the tab is viewed, so if you only edit a field on tab 1 and submit the form, the data for tab 2 will not be loaded.

The problem I'm running into is on the submit. I'm doing the typical routine of finding the existing record in the database and updating the passed values:

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Function Edit(ByVal data As MyData) As ActionResult
Using dc = New MyDataContext


However, this method doesn't know which tabs were loaded, so if the tab with "desc" on it is not loaded, this method thinks the user blanked out the "desc" field, and sends NULL to the database.

How can I construct this so that only loaded fields are sent to the database, and unloaded fields are ignored?

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Form View IF On Updating?

Apr 3, 2012

I want to run an if before updating a form view; if yes then..."message" & cancel update queryif no continue update query.i've tried this but i'm getting a "obeject instance not set to null instance......" on the first line of the if? and the item updates regardless

Private Sub FormView2_ItemUpdating(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles FormView2.ItemUpdating
Dim status As TextBox = FormView1.FindControl("ApprovalStatusTextBox")


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Asp.net - Updating Grid View From List Box?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a list box like this,

<asp:ListBox ID="ListBox1" runat="server" Height="175px" Width="213px">
<asp:ListItem Value="all">All</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="programmer">Computer Programmer</asp:ListItem>


and a Grid View like this,

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"


Grid View is getting values from a XML & XSLT file. What I want to do is, when user selects suppose Computer Programmer from list box, the grid view should get updated with the results of only those have this program. How can I do this? Do I have to bind the xml with List Box?

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How To Make Form View IF On Updating

Mar 1, 2010

I'm having trouble with this line of my code throwing an IndexOutOfRangeException.

intArray(intRandom - intUp) += 1

Its in a For loop that generates random numbers then counts each instance of them given a user upper and lower bound + number to generate.

The loop:

For intCount As Integer = 0 To intGen - 1
intRandom = rnd.Next(intLow, intUp + 1)
intArray(intRandom - intUp) += 1

I have a global intArray() and then a reDim intArray(intUp - intLow)
intLow, intUp, and intGen are where the user upper and lower bounds are stored. Any help on why its throwing this would be appreciated I'm pretty new to this and can not figure out why.

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VS 2005 In Updating SQL With .NET Datagrid View?

Dec 18, 2010

"I've wrote a code that accesses data from MS SQL server in DATAGRIDVIEW in VB.NET.the problem is whenever i save the changes back to the database, changes are not reflected back


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VB 2008 Datagrid View With Access 2010 Lookup Fields And Combo Box Not Working

Mar 1, 2011

I started a forms solution in VB 2008, created a datasource to an access database (2010) and used the datagrid view to display the data. 3 fields in the access database are lookup fields with 2-8 values each, typed in by me, since the linking to other fields did not work. This is not working either. When I change the column to combo-box or not, those values, typed into access, are NOT showing up in the datagrid. the combo box has its drop down arrow but the value fields are empty.

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Updating MS Access Database From Design View?

Mar 11, 2010

:( I am have been trying to update changes from my vb.net program to an access database file and it simply will not work. I have am using table adapters. I'm not familiar with SQL so i can't go that route. It updates the dataset fine but not the database...

I have pasted my code below.
Private Sub BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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VS 2008 Updating Data Grid View?

Jun 11, 2010

I have a program that uses a database for all of its information. The program is just an easier way to understand all of the information.The user uses 1 of 4 search options (FName, LName, MemberID or Startdate). Depending on what they search for depends on which members are displayed in a data grid view.

Upon selecting the desiered member from the data grid view, information about them is then displayed. This information has been split up over 3 tabs called member information, Attendence and payment history.

That all works great. So I now go to the Attendence Tab and wish to update this members attendence by selecting a date from the date time picker, and select the Add attendence button.This also works fine, the attendence is update but the attendence data grid view is not updated automatically.

I have to select the member from the first data grid view to run the code to refresh the members information.So I thought, call the PopulateAttendenceHistory Private sub again and have it update the data grid view... but it still doesnt work.

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Updating Datagrid View Date Column Update Error

Mar 4, 2009

i have a datagridview that is pulling information from a access database. The tables being queried is called "History" I can pull data and update data with no problem, however if i edit the date field i get the following error "Syntax error in UPDATE statement" my code is below.pulling from access


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Client Database From Dialog Box Not Updating Table View Of Data Collected?

Apr 20, 2012

I am currently working on a Database that collects information. Firstly, i use a new windows form to collect that data. I have it set up to where, when the form loads, the database is ready to collect the information fields. And then the form closes on the button click to add that data, it does not update that data table view. It adds it once i close the program and debug it again.

Code: (Open the windows form)
Private Sub btnAddNew_Click_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddNew.Click


Problem two: I need to make a button that will increment a cell that was set as an Int, by one, but can't figure out how to put it into code.

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VS 2008 Binding Multiple Tables To A Grid View Then Updating, Inserting Or Deleting?

Mar 24, 2011

How can I do this, this what I got so far.

Dim ClassID As Integer = 1
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Database


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Visual Basic Using Visual Studios Data Grid View Selected Index Changed Updating?

Jan 25, 2010

when the user clicks on the add button another form launches, which enables the user to add student info such as name, address, course, start date and end date, this information is then written to class when the ok button on that form is clicked, and then displays the data on the initial form in data grid. the user can add multiple entries and they are all displayed on the intial form and a the data grid is populatedwhen any of the rows in the displayed grid is selected, and the update button is clicked then the same form launches as the previous one and but this time its in the update mode and pre populates the form with the inital values.

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Refactoring A Module Into A Class: Changing Shared Fields To Instance Fields

Nov 14, 2011

I'm currently refactoring an old Visual Basic DLL (VB.Net), which stores all of its data in one module called Globaldefinitions as public fields. There are about 200 fields, referenced thousands of times all around the code:

Public Module Globaldefinitons
Public a As Short
Public zz10 As Double


I need to change the module into a class with non-shared fields. This means, each and every of these thousands of references needs to reference the instance of that class:

globalDefinitionsInstance.a = 5

How do I go about this efficiently?

Regular expressions operating on the source fall flat. Refactoring tools like Re-Sharper or CodeRush don't seem to offer this functionality. Visual Studio 2010 cannot do it automatically either.

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Can The Initialization Order Of Class Fields In .NET Be Influenced By References To Other Fields

Jun 19, 2011

Class Foo
ReadOnly name As String
Public Sub New(name As String, dependentUpon As Foo)
Me.name = name


The output of New Bar() is:

Dependent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.

It seems fields are initialized in the same order as they appear in the source code, which (a) leads to an unexpected result, and (b) seems a little puzzling, given that one is normally not permitted to read from uninitialized variables in .NET, yet that seems to be working fine above.I would've expected VB.NET to be smart enough to initialize referenced fields first, and only then those that reference it; i.e. I'd have liked to see this output instead:

Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Dependent created. Dependent upon Independent.

how to get VB.NET to behave like that instead, without simply having to swap the declaration order of dependent and independent inside class Bar?

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Create Word Form Fields With Memo Fields From Access?

May 27, 2012

I'm trying to create a table in Word using data from a table in Access. There are four fields in the access table that I need. 3 fields are text which I can populate the Word without any issues. However the fourth field is a memo with >255 characters.I'm struggling to come up with the proper code to allow me to populate the Word field with the memo data that has more than 255 characters. The code I have so far is listed below. But when it hits the memo field, it crashes on the line I marked with **. I know it's not text, but I've tried many different field types, but nothing has worked so far.[code]...

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Validating Login Fields - Check The Username And Password Fields

Jan 14, 2012

My intent is to have the code - on a button.click event - check the Username and Password fields and return an error depending on which is wrong. Or if both are wrong, return a different error message. I've set the username as parts and the password as parts (still learning how to use external authentication). [Code]

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Gridview Combine Autogenerated Fields And Template Fields

Aug 17, 2010

I have several sqldatasources for my gridview. All of the columns are autogenerated. However they all have some consistent fields and I'd like to make those fields template fields so I can modify the edit template for them such as adding a drop down menu. Is this possible?

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C# - MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge

Sep 3, 2009

experience on how to create an engine using C# (VB.NET is okay too) that is generic enough to handle most cases of MS Word text fields I need to fill with data I'm getting from a database? In short, I'm about to embark on this little Office automation excursion and I'm hoping a little bit of feedback here.

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Database - Compare Two Fields In An SQL SELECT Statement To Then Select Other Fields Based On This Result?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a table which contains a list of products for a company. They input data about how much stock they have and also the level at which they want to be reminded that they need to order new stock.


I want to list all the true results in a form which the user is then able to navigate through. What would be the best way to go about doing this?

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Updating Child Collection Of POCO (adding/updating/deleting) In Entity Framework 4.1?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a webpage with a form that is used to edit some object. This object contains a Collection of other objects defined like this: Public Overridable Property Employees As List(Of Employee)

On a form I can delete an employee, add a new one or modify existing one. When I click save new values are sent to the server. On a server I check if the user exists. If exists then I modify its values, if it does not exist then I add it. All employees that exist on the server and were not sent are marked as deleted (State changed to EntityState.Deleted). I try to use the following code (dbCollection = database entities, newCollection = collection sent from the form):


This code does not work, because changing to EntityState.Deleted removes the object from collection, and for each loop breaks, since the collection is modified...I know that I can overcome this problem by using a for loop or adding objects to delete to some other list first, but I hope maybe there is a pattern that would make my code nicer.

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Combining Multiple Table Data With Different Fields Into A Single Table With All The Fields?

Feb 13, 2012

how to execute this SQL Statement

Given Tables T_Data, T_AllDesc, T_System1, T_System2
Given Fields:
T_Data= f_id, f_Desc, f_CreationDate, f_CreationTime, f_System1, f_System2


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Fill In Data Grid View With Columns And Rows To Form Complete View

Nov 11, 2010

i have datagridview populated with stock code, name and description.And i have docked my datagridview to the bottom. so whenever the form is resized, the bottom section will be occupied completely with the datagridview.But i want to display one extra empty column and multiple empty rows to completely fill in the datagridview.The extra empty column width will be adjusted to the right end side of datagridview.And the no of empty rows will be generated based on how many is required to fill up to the bottomSo that i can create datagridview with full column and row even though some columns or rows are empty.

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Convert A Html String Or The Below Sting Into A Tree View Or A List View

Jun 9, 2009

the VB .net experts. I added the following code and I get an error as shown below.


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Develop A Tree View And List View Form By Using Vb6?

Dec 29, 2009

I want to develop a tree view and list view form by using vb6, how to construct a tree view and list view form?

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