Use Loop To Edit Field In Database

May 19, 2010

I would like to loop through my database and edit a field. For some reason the last value of the FOR loop is being saved in the field. What should happen is that the ZonePos field should be filled with value 1 to how many records in the table. Currently lets say there are 5 records in the table, the value 5 is saved in all the rows.


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View A Field In A Table In An Sql Database And Edit It

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to write a program that will access a remote database and let the user edit different tables that are in the database.My program currently connects to the database however I do not know how to select or display a particular table to the user.

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How To Edit The Field Name

Jul 30, 2009

I want to edit the Filed name from session to session1 because session is keyword using

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Cannot Edit Manager Field In Active Directory Using LDAP?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm using this function to set the properties of a new user in AD

Public Shared Sub SetProperty(ByVal de As DirectoryEntry, Byval pName As String, ByVal pValue As String)
If Not pValue is Nothing Then


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Make Gridview Checkbox Field Update Boolean Field In Database?

Feb 7, 2011

There are lots of questions about this but I've not been able to solve my problem using the answers to any of them (after many, many attempts..)

I'm working in creating an web application. I have an SqlDataSource and a GridView on my page.

I want to change the DoNotMail boolean value represented by a Gridview checkbox and automatically update in the database if the checkbox is checked from 0 (False, Will Mail) to 1 (True, Won't Mail) here is the code I used. [code]...

is it possible to do a two way sync on the entire gridview when the user hits a button so you don't have to do an update every time a row is changed? because the user might check the box and then check another box then uncheck a box and it would be a lot of updates...

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VS 2008 Connect Database Field To Database Field?

Feb 16, 2011

I created a local Database in VB2008 with 4 tables, the problem is that I have a textbox in one table and a combobox in other table and I want that the information that I put in textbox appear after in combobox from the other table... that's possible?

Table: Filmes ... Field: NomeTextBox
Table: Tempo de Aluguer ... Field: Nome_FilmeComboBox

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Make Database Field A DateTime Field Currently Is Set To String?

Oct 5, 2010

Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT wb.arrival_time FROM web_bookings wb ')"All I need is to convert my arrival_time into a datetime field in the query

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C# - Populate ComboBox Edit Field With ValueMember But Show DisplayMember In The List?

Oct 12, 2011

I have an editable ComboBox with a validation on the Text property to make sure manually entered info is valid.EDIT: All I want to do is populate the .Text property with the ValueMember of a selection rather than the DisplayMember I also have the .Items populated with valid entries having the DisplayMember and ValueMember set.My DisplayMember is a caption along with the data, and the ValueMember is the data itself.So Items might be:

(DisplayMember, ValueMember)
"Foo - 1ab2" , "1ab2"
"Bar - 3cd4" , "3cd4"

I had a validation on the text which can also validate manual user input like "5ef6" The problem I'm having is that if the user selects an item from the combobox it populates the text field with the DisplayMember property (ex: "Foo - 1ab2") which will fail validation.I have tried to manually set the .Text property with the SelectedValue or the SelectedItem.Value on each of the three relevant combobox events to no avail.I would like that the .Text of the ComboBox get populated with the .ValueMember of the item when selected rather than the .DisplayMember

EDIT: I cannot validate by trying to extrapolate the value from the caption. I send the Text off to a service to be validated.

void FillMyCombo
KeyValuePair<string, string> listValue1 = new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Foo - 1ab2" , "1ab2")
KeyValuePair<string, string> listValue2 = new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Bar - 3cd4" , "3cd4")


The user can manually enter something like "5ef6" which will pass validation.But when they select an item from the list, rather than manually entering it, the .Text property gets filled with the caption and not the value ... so it will contain "Foo - 1ab2" and that will fail validation. I cannot change the validation method to "infer" the value from the caption. I have no control over that service. All I'm after is the displayed value EDIT: Say a user selects "Foo - 1ab2" from the dropdown list, I want the text in the box to say "1ab2" EDIT: I have also tried to set the .Text property in code but I can't seem to make it work in any of the ComboBox events. how to programmaticly set the .Text property (and make it commit!) on a selection event they will also answer this question.

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VS 2008 Loop -> Compare -> Edit The Records?

Jul 18, 2011

with + access 2007 i am having a database with 2 tables & 4.85 lak records

the task:i want to Loop through all the records & compare the Current record with the previous record & edit the database with some changes as per logic i have written a procedure but the process is very slow approximately it is taking 1 to 1.5 second to check & edit a record

here is my code
Private Function ISCasuaLty(ByVal CAStype As String) As Boolean 'this procedure checks whether the duty type is of Casualty'& returns true if the casualty is "Y" else "N" FALSE If CAStype = "" OrElse CAStype Is Nothing OrElse CAStype = " " Then Return True ' there


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C# - Loop On Field Names Of A Class?

Jan 11, 2012

I have got a class which contains more then 160 fields. i need the name of fields (not value) in an array. get loop through names for field or get list of field names in a array so that i can loop over it and use it in code. i am using visual studio 2010

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Transferring Data From One Field In A Table In A Database To Another Field In A Different Table But Same Database In .NET?

Jul 22, 2010

I am creating a database in VB.NET for a movie rental place. I currently have three forms;

Member Information
DVD Information
Borrow DVDs

What I would like to do is when I am viewing a member's details, if I click a button 'Borrow DVD for Member', the member's ID number transfers over to the Borrow DVDs table in the Member ID which also would hold some information from the DVD Information table, but I'm sure if i can figure out how to do this firstly, I will be able to apply the same rule and work it out myself.I have been trying to use a query statement like;

INSERT INTO [Borrow DVDs].[Member ID] [IN goodstuffvideos.mdb]
SELECT [Member Information].[Member ID]
FROM [Member Information]

but that has been coming up with error codes and completely not working.

Borrow DVDs table fields are: Borrow ID, Member ID, DVD ID Number, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit?

DVD Information table fields are: DVD ID Number, Title, Rating, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit Member?

Information table fields are: Member ID, Family Name, Given Name, Address, Town/Suburb, Postcode?

The error coming up is; Error in INSERT statement. Unable to parse query text.And under that it says The query cannot be represented graphically in the Diagram and Criteria Pane.

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Forms :: Loop Through And Set Row Color Subject To Status Field

Jul 27, 2010

Below is some code I use to loop through rows in a datagridview and set the row colour subject to a "STATUS" field and also changing font colour and boldness dependant on whether a flag has been set to true.

Is this code optimal / can it be cleaned up somewhat?
Public Sub ColourMyGrid()
Dim varStatus, varBagTemp As Integer
Dim myFont As New Font(grdResults.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Me.grdResults.Rows
varStatus = row.Cells.Item("Status").Value

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Loop Through Child - Bind Textbox To Field Of Parent Table

Mar 22, 2010

First I have 2 tables, for example Customer and Orders, and in the database there is a foreign key relation between both. For clarity Orders have a foreign key field to the primary key of Customers, thus Customer is the parent and Orders is the child table of the relation. My application is a Windows Form application, and I add a dataset to the project, in which I drop the 2 tables, and the relations between the 2 tables is automatic added. Now I will om a form loop through the Orders table (witch is the Child table) and show in a textbox some fields of the Orders table and also the Name field of the related record of the customers table. Regarding binding a textbox fo a Orders field I do it this way,

Dim myDs As New DataSet1
Dim myAdpCustomer As New DataSet1TableAdapters.CustomerTableAdapter
Dim myAdpOrders As New DataSet1TableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter
Dim myBindingSource As New BindingSource
myBindingSource.DataSource = myDs.Orders
myBindingNavigator.BindingSource = myBindingSource
TextBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", myBindingSource, myDs.Orders.OrderIDColumn.ColumnName)

But now I can't find how to bind a textbox to a field of the Customers table witch is the Parent table of the relation.

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User To Connect To SQL Database And Edit Some Of The Database Values?

Jul 2, 2011

I'm working on a tool that allows the user to connect to his SQL database and edit some of the database values.First here's a screenshot of the GUI (you can see my problem as well):


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Dataset Link To Database - Add One Field Inside The Database

Jul 2, 2009

I had a dataSet which link to a database. I need to add one field inside the database, After adding the field, how can I update and link it to the dataSet?

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Database Edit Then Save?

Jun 5, 2011

Database edit then save problem Im trying to make a database and for the most part it works. The form1 has add new button (which goes into my form2 window that adds all of the information there, then I hit save, when I exit it and comes back to the form1, with everything saved. There is a listbox that shows all the names, then I click on anyone of the names and try to edit it and it works, then I hit the save button, it comes up with the error under


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Edit A Specific Row In Database?

Sep 21, 2010

I am trying to edit a specific row in my database

Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & "", con)
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
Dim foundRow() As Data.DataRow
foundRow = ds.Tables("dataset").Select("OffMarketDate = '#4/6/1963#'")


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Edit And Save Changes To The Database?

May 27, 2011

Recently I've created a window database program(Tools Inventory); everything works fine except for the following two :

1. It doesn't accept modifications to the existing datas in the column & rows. (Error : Updates require a ValidCommand......)

2. Remove button does not delete the data in the database. It only works in the runtime.

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Edit Sql Database Using Forms?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm trying to edit my sql database using VB Forms.I went ahead and connected my database to VB and I see how to pull data from my database to VB, but I'm not understnading how to use a form to add/edit/delete data from the database.Basically I would be looking to add to a table:

Table Name: People
Row 1: First Name
Row 2: Last Name

Edit would be the same type of thing except I think I would pull the data from the database to populate a table, than how would I save the changes after I changed the information To delete I'm assuming would be similar to edit I would simply pull the data from the database than using a delete button would delete it.What I don't understand is how to create the SQL statement in VB so that it'll execute it properly in my database.

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Ms Sql Database Add Edit Delete?

Oct 4, 2011

how to add edit delete using sql.

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Loop Datatable And Select Checkboxlist Item Based On The Datatable Field Values

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to display value of the field ("UserID") for every row exists in datatable to checkboxlist(make the checkboxlist item selected).

I used for loop, but only the field value from last row of RoleUsers table is selected in the checkboxlist.

Here is my code

Private Sub DisplayRoleUser()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand


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Add / Edit And Delete Database Through Application

Nov 28, 2009

I'm asking is for someone to provide me some tutorials or something that can get me on the right track to help me connect an access database to a VB 2008 application. I need to be able to add, edit and delete this database through the Visual Basic application.

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Add, Delete, Edit And Update From The Database Using .NET?

Jun 21, 2010

Add, Delete, Edit and Update from the database using .NET?

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Add, Edit, Remove A Record To/from The Database?

Oct 25, 2010

using a database with Visual Basic?

I've got my screen done and added database buttons (BindingNavigator1), and added a database source.

Aslo how do I add, edit, remove a record to/from the database?

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Edit Coloumn 2 Of Row 0 Of SSCE 3.5 Database

Dec 3, 2010

I just need to edit coloumn 2 of row 0 of SSCE 3.5 database.I am using following code.It generates no error but database is also unchanged.[code]

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Change Database Inputs Using Edit Button?

Sep 12, 2011

Public Class Form1
Dim conn As String
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


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Edit Data And Save Back To Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I just need to edit one field on a datarow and save the changes back to the database. My database is SQL Compact 3.5

I tried many methods but change is not saved to database.

Dsset.tblQuestions.Rows(1).Item("ExamID") = "EDITED"

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Edit,delete Records In Database Using Datagridveiw In .net?

Jun 6, 2011

how to use datagridview and why and when we use adaptor and data reader

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Php - Edit Database After Successful Paypal Payment

Jun 4, 2012

I've been at this for a bit now, and I have tried using google extensively. I have my application set up: it is a HWID System available only to paid subscribers. I want buyers to be able to click on a 'buy now button', and once they successfully pay it automatically adds their information into the database the app uses. This way there is no waiting after payments. I know this is possible, because I've seen it done before - I just can't seem to find how it works?

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See/edit Tables In A Remote Mysql Database?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to build an application so that the user can see table entries in a mysql database. I'm programming this in visual basic. How can this be done?

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