Using The Classes From System.Drawing.Imaging, Esp. Encoder, EncoderParameters

May 5, 2010

Exists a good tutorial or example that shows how to use these classes from namespace System.Drawing.Imaging.

My idea is, to produce Bitmaps and to compress them. I don't know if for my case IO Streaming is important because I don't want to save the bitmap on my hard disk.

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Cannot Import System.Windows.Media.Imaging And System.Windows.Forms Or System.Reflect?

Mar 16, 2009

With the following imported namespaces in my project :

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Reflection
.. I cannot add..


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Error: Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Drawing.Image' And 'System.Drawing.Bitmap'

Aug 17, 2009

With this line...

If PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources._2star Then

I get this error: Operator '=' is not defined for types 'System.Drawing.Image' and 'System.Drawing.Bitmap'.Is there another way to say = with images?

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Convert An Object Form System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image?

May 23, 2009

Is it possible to convert an object form System.Drawing.Graphics to System.Drawing.Image?

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Error Value Of Type System.Drawing.Image Cannot Be Converted To System.Drawing.Icon

Jan 21, 2010

Here is my favicon code

Dim oURL As Uri = New Uri(e.Uri.AbsoluteUri)
Dim favicon As Image
If oURL.HostNameType = UriHostNameType.Dns Then


The error is Value of type System.Drawing.Image cannot be converted to System.Drawing.Icon Is it even possible to make the favicon be the icon of the form?

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Value Of Type 'System.Drawing.Image' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Drawing.Printing

Apr 3, 2009

im using an MDI parent form and MDI Child. how can i print the image that's inside a picture box that's inside the Child from a button that's on the Parent?when i try to use print preview or print dialog, i can't get it to recognize that the document is the picure inside the picture box. i've looked up this error message:Value of type 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be converted to 'System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument'.[code]

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Can't Import System.Windows.Media.Imaging?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm getting a message when I try to import this namespace that "Namespace or type specified in the Imports System.Windows.Media.Imaging doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined etc..."

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'System.Drawing.Image' Converted To 'System.Drawing.Icon&#

Apr 9, 2012

I am making a web browser using geckofx. I have put the favicon in a picture box but I have changed my mind and now I want it as the form's icon. The code for the favicon is:[code...]

The favicon works fine in the picture box but i think it will look better as an icon. If i change the line Me.PictureBox1.Image = favicon to Form1.icon = favicon I get the error Value of type 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be converted to 'System.Drawing.Icon'. How can I get this to work?

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Convert System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image

Jan 20, 2010

I have a System.Drawing.Graphics g, which draw something in a PictureBox. Now I want to export this pGraphics to a new System.DrawingImage pImage (or Bitmap). But how?

Dim pImage As Bitmap
Dim g As Graphics
g = Graphics.FromImage(b)


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Convert System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image?

Mar 10, 2010

I have two graphics I'm trying to superimpose into one, then display in a DataGridViewImage cell...The Value property of a DataGridViewImage is an Image type.

Dim Image1 As System.Drawing.Image = imgl_Imagelist1.Images(0)
Dim Image2 As New Bitmap(imgl_ImageList2.Images(0))
Dim DualGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Image1)


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Access ITPC Metadata In Jpg Files Using System.Windows.Media.Imaging

May 13, 2010

I have spent the best part of a day to try and get metadata out of a jpg.

Function getmetadata(ByVal f As String) As String
Dim txt As String
Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream(f, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)


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Drawing Pixels With Me.creategraphics In System.drawing (yay)?

Jun 3, 2012

draw individual pixels, without resorting to drawing a line and setting it's length to 1. Is there an actual ability to draw a pixel that is just 1 pixel big?

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Exception Of Type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' Occurred In System.Drawing.dll

Oct 14, 2011

I have a program that creates a Treeview from information procured through an ODBC query and dumped into a dataset. I have three such queries set up via radial buttons as well as a refresh button that triggers whatever radial button is active at the time it's clicked. The purpose of this program is to allow drag-and-drop of selected nodes, ending with a post to the database that officially makes that change of assignment to the new node.


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System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled (system.drawing.dll)?

May 6, 2008

I made a program with Visual Basic Express 2008. I got this error message when I try to close my program after running it. (PS: It is a simple code that can login into Microsoft SQL Server)The error message shows the error was caused by the "system.drawing" (Parameter is not valid). Also, I have been trying the code in VBA (Excel). When I tried to close Excel after running my code, I got the same problem (Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and need to be closed.....) and the error report shows the error was caused by "system.drawing" as well.

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Cast Object Of Type 'System.Byte[]' To Type 'System.Drawing.Image'?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using VB2008 in VS Prof and try to convert at Byte arry stored as a Image format in Sql2000 database.

Using acnLoc As New SqlConnection(CSLoc)
Dim G As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT [SignatureData] FROM [MyTable] where [OID]=@OID", acnLoc)
G.Parameters.Add("@OID", SqlDbType.Int).Value =Cint(bxShipmentno.Text.Trim())
dim P= G.ExecuteScalar() 'returns a system arry


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System.Drawing.Icon Be Used In A Dll?

Dec 29, 2011

does anybody know if System.Drawing.Icon can be used in a dll? I'd like to expose a file icon via a property in a dll, but I can't seem to use System.Drawing.Icon. I get the message: Type 'System.Drawing.Icon' is not defined


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Add An Explicit Reference To System.Drawing?

Sep 13, 2011

How do I add an explicit reference to system.drawing in visual basic 2010 express console application?

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Converting Text To System Drawing?

May 28, 2010

Private Sub UpdatePictureBox()
pbShowImage.Image = lbAddImage.Text
End Sub

what should it be?

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Make System.drawing.printing?

Sep 10, 2011

While looking for a way to program a way to print using a console program one of the suggestions that i received was to use the printdocument class.However, when i try to import the system.drawing.printing

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System.drawing - .NET DrawRectangle For A Table?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to draw a table in my print output using the System.Drawing.Printing's Graphics object. I'm trying to use the DrawRectangle to draw my table cells. This requires drawing several rectangles in a row. It should be pretty easy, right? Well it appears that DrawRectangle four parameters are x, y, width, and height. However x and y are integers while width and height are singles. My rectangles are overlapping because the next cell in a row cannot base its x position on the width of the previous rectangle. In other words, the x position and width are different data types and don't use the same scale. How can I calculate the x position of the next cell based on the width of the previous cell?

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System.Drawing.Graphics From Scratch?

Jul 15, 2010

Rather than create a Form and use Graphics generated via the CreateGraphics Method, how does a System.Drawing.Graphics Object get built?

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Use System.Drawing.ColorTranslator In 2010?

Jun 8, 2010

i have used this code in Vb6 to color the background and parallely added a colo selection fuctionality on right click.Now i want the functionality to be working in 2010.

Me.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(CInt(colorCode))

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C# - Nhibernate Mapping Of System.Drawing.Image?

Oct 5, 2010

Question: I get an exception serializing this class to a nHibernate xml file ({"Could not determine type for: System.Drawing.Image, System.Drawing, for columns:NHibernate.Mapping.Column(Settings)"}).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;


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Converting A String To System.Drawing.Font

May 8, 2010

I'm saving the font of a label to a text file, and when I open the text file with my program, I want the label to have the same font that is listed within the text file. Now, the only problem I am having is that when I try to write the code for opening the text file, I can't set the font property of the label to a string. Label1.Font=[Font: Name=Microsoft Sans Serif, Size=9.75, Units=3, GdiCharSet=0, GdiVerticalFont= False]Here is what the code to open the text file and set the font of the label looks like:[code]The problem for the code happens at line 6. The error is: "Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Drawing.Font'"ing each part of the font in the text file(i.e. Writing Font.Name and Font.Size properties in separate lines and then setting the label's font properties to each line accordingly), but I still get hit with the same error.

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Create A CachedBitmap From System.Drawing.Bitmap?

Mar 29, 2010

is it possible to create a CachedBitmap from a System.Drawing.Bitmap within Visual Basic 2005 by using APIs ?

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Floodfill With A System.Drawing.Graphics() Object

Jun 7, 2011

I need to make a basic drawing program in VB that can do three things:

"Draw" with a brush of some sort
Clear the screen
Perform a flood-fill (paintbucket action)

I decided to do the first two tasks first, and got them to work, but the third task completely eludes me. Every way I try seems to pile on exceptions, and every flood-fill algorithm I find seems to require a bitmap, rather than a Graphics() object. Is there any way to accomplish a flood-fill using a Graphics object, or must I restart the project using a bitmap?

Source code for reference:


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Get System.Drawing.Image In The Settings Type?

Jun 21, 2010

How do i get System.Drawing.Image in the settings type?

i have a project with different buttons when a user clicks a button the image of PictureBox1 will change.

i want to save this image that the user has chosen after he closes the application, so it will be displayed in PictureBox1 when loaded.

i am using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express

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How To Convert A String To System.drawing.fontfamily

May 14, 2010

I'm reading a string from a text file and placing it in a variable called "myString"Now, I want to take this string and make it the font name of a label, but I'm having a problem converting this string to System.Drawing.FontFamily.[code]

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Loop Through Points In A System.drawing.rectangle?

Sep 6, 2010

Looking for something like:

dim rect as system.drawing.rectangle
For each point in rect
Debug.print(, point.value)

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System.Drawing - Minimize Window Or Drag It Out

May 12, 2009

Dim Desen As System.Drawing.Pen
Desen = New System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(vectorCulDrLn(0), vectorCulDrLn(1), vectorCulDrLn(2)), drwgln)
Dim Grph As System.Drawing.Graphics = programNods.CreateGraphics()
[Code] .....

If I minimize the window or drag it "out of the screen" the "inserted" lines will be "cleaned"...
How can I draw them again? OR
How can I draw them in such a way to not lose them after I minimize the window or drag it "out".

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