VB 2008 - Create An Email Scheduler?

Apr 27, 2010

i am trying to create an email scheduler, i want it to grab the email address from a text file and the date the user wants the email to be sent and send the email on the specified day.my current code only sends the email, i was wondering how to link it to do the above

Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
Dim message As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Dim smtp As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("smtp.live.com", 25)


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Getting Automatic Scheduler Apart From Creating Windows Service In .net Or OS Batch Scheduler?

Apr 16, 2012

automatic scheduler apart from creating windows service in .net or OS batch scheduler?I 'm aware of this two, Is there a 3rd way to create automated process in .net.I having facing limitations in creating windows service like I have semi admin rights so it doesn't allow me to install windows service also I can't view the windows service.

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Unable To Create Scheduler

Jul 2, 2009

What is the Best way to create scheduler ?

I can think two ways,

1) to create endless loop that keep checking for time of day, so if i have an event (stored in my DB) that should be execute @ 14:30 the loop will compare in every loop the current time against the DB time so when the current time will be 14:30 the event will be executed

2) the same as above just using Timer instead of endless loop.

the problem is that both methods seems to be inefficient because at least 95% of the checks will be for no use.

so is there any methods or some way in VB.NET to raise an event in a specific hour without keep checking the current hour every second ?

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Any Way To Create Task Scheduler Event?

Oct 17, 2011

I am wondering if it is possible to create Task Scheduler Event that would run my program with a command line argument at a specified time.

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Create Task Scheduler In Program?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to create a task scheduler in vb.net and I want to use the windows schedule wizard to schedule the tasks. So, how to link or call the windows schedule wizard in vb.net?

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Create A Scheduler To Make An SQL Server DB Back Up?

May 18, 2012

I have created a database in SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. Can I write a program in VB.net express to take a daily backup at a specified time? What code do I need to write?

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Create Task Scheduler Monthly Determine 3 Days 1 , 7 , 15 In Every Month?

Dec 12, 2011

I want create task scheduler monthly determine 3 days 1,7,15 in every month how I can make that?

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Create A Multi Client Scheduler Using Visual Basic That Save Data In Xml (as A Database)?

Jun 13, 2010

I am a student and trying to start a programming career, my colleague asked me to make a multi tier or multi client desktop application for the schedule tracking using xml as a database; however the desktop application would be deployed in one or more computers but my leader can monitor the info from her office in addition she wanted me to put administrative privilege to avoid unauthorized access in some database features of the system. an info regarding multi-client desktop app.

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Email Validation - Create Program - Asks The User Type His/her Email Address Into A Textbox

Feb 9, 2009

I have to make a basic program that: Create a program with a simple interface that

1. Asks the user type his/her email address into a textbox.

2. When the user clicks the "Evaluate Email Address" button, one of two message boxes pops up: "That is a valid email address!" with an "Information" icon, or "That is an invalid email address!" and on a second line, "Please retype your email address.", with an "Exclamation" icon

3. To be considered valid, the email address must -include an "@" symbol, and -it must end in either ".com", ".net", or ".org" or ".edu" (I don't know how to check a string and test if its last four characters end with any of these and make it say not valid email address. I think I might have to use a case statement)

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Create A Command Button That Launches An Email From Outlook Attaching The Current Word Document To A Set Email Address?

Mar 15, 2012

What I would like to do is create a command button that launches an email from outlook attaching the current word document to a set email address. I'm not fussed if the word document is saved or not as it is only the email receipent that needs it, likewise I don't mind if the code instructs the email to send of just opens it ready to be sent.I have read through loads of forums and tried loads of codes but cannot get any to work.

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Create A Simple VB 2008 Program That Can Log Into An Email With A Click Of A Button?

Apr 24, 2010

I wanted to create a simple Visual Basic 2008 program that can log me into my email with a click of a button...what would a the code for the button look like?

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VS 2008 Scheduler - Do Something Every X Day / Hour Or Minute?

Jun 12, 2012

I need scheduler for my program that runs something every X day, hour or minute. And user can set that how long to wait until it run again.

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VS 2008 - Using Windows Service Or Task Scheduler To Automate

Jul 16, 2009

I have an import program which I run manually everyday. I want to automate it but i'm not sure whether to make it a windows service or add it as a scheduled task. It needs to run at 11:00 and again at 16:00. Please advise

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Create VB Code To Email A VB Create Report?

Feb 11, 2010

I have created reports that print on my printer via Visual Studio 2008/VB 2008 Basic code. I want to be able to send these reports to other people via emai. I don't care how its done, but it seems that if I could get the report into Word 2007 the problem would be solved. What are your suggestions to accomplish my objective.Terry 01

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VS 2008 EMail A DataGridView As Email Body?

Nov 24, 2011

I'm trying to make an ordering app and I'm using a DataGridView with 2 ComboBox Columns (Products & Quantities). After the user has selected the Products & Quantities in the DataGridView it needs to send this order as email. I'm using this code for SMTP mail:


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VS 2008 - Send More Than One Email To Myself My Email Address Keeps Repeating Itself In The "To" Box

Dec 22, 2009

i'm using the following code to send an email:


The problem is if I send more than one email to myself my email address keeps repeating itself in the "To" box. If I send an email to myself 3 times, the 3rd e-mails "To" box will say:


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Create Email Deletion Program?

Jun 25, 2010

Does anybody know if it is possible to download email messages and send something to the email server to delete an email from the server using ASP.NET?

I have developed a program to download email information from my email server, but I can't figure out how to send something to the server to delete an email. I developed what I have using the resources at this location[url]...

I am sick and tired of all the junk mail I am getting and want to write my own program to delete emails from my email server based on criteria I create.

I have VB 3.0, VS 6.0, VS.NET 2003, VS.NET 2005, VS.NET 2008 and VS.NET 2010 Express. I have developed web sites and standalone programs using VB and ASP.NET. My experience and knowledge is not extensive, but i do have enough knowledge to create a VB program.

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SMTP - Create An Email Sender ?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm trying to create an email sender. I want the user to define the smtp host and the smtp port in an option window, and then export them to My.Settings and well, when I try to send the mail nothing happens.

Send button: (there's more but I guess this is whats failing)

and for the option window


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Control To Create HTML Email Message?

May 3, 2012

I'm looking for a control that will allow an user to create an email html message simulair to outlook but without the use of outlook. I'm now using outlook to create emails from my program, but if outlook is busy or has a popup open, it will generate an error and no message is send. The users of my program need to have full freedom in creating the message, all the program does is open the new email window, fill in the email addresses, subject and some basic information in the email.

Then the user can add text and/or images to it, before sending. What I need is a control/library that will give me a popup window with most of the basic editing stuff like adding images, putting text in different fonts and/or colors. I can probably create something myself to do this, but I don't have the time for it and it would be a waste of time if it already exists.

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Create An Email Message (with Image Attachment)?

Jan 24, 2010

Create an email message (with image attachment)?

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Create An Application To Send An Email As A Sms Text Message To The Recipient?

Jun 22, 2009

create an application to send an email as a sms text message to the recipient?

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Office Automation :: Create And Send An Email In 2005 And Outlook

Nov 16, 2009

I have a customer who wants to send emails to his customer and suppliers with confirmation of order, purchase orders etc. instead of printing them and mailing them (postal strikes in the UK, and threats of more).

I have the following code which works on a Vista machine:

'Created Outlook Application object
Dim OLApp As New Outlook.Application
'Creating outlook Namespace object


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Vb 2005 Create Standalone Program To Auto-send Datagrid Via Email?

Jun 12, 2011

Now i wan to create a standalone program to send datagrid data via email . izit any way to send the datagrid to email body ? below is my code.

Public Class Form1
Dim oLapp As Object
Dim oItem As Object


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Design For .NET Scheduler Application?

Jan 27, 2010

I wish to develop an application in VB.NET to provide to following functionality and hope you can give me some pointers on which direction to take.I need some kind of "server" type component which sits in the background monitoring request from users and performing various task. (this component can be install locally or centrally)
The users submit an instruction to the "server" to perform a certain task at a designated date and time. (or perform the task straight away)

The "server" would perform the task at the desired date and time and inform the user the result of the task.I have thought of using a central database to which the user writes the instructions. The "server" could read from the database to obtain the instructions, and write the result back to the database.

I want a fast reaction to the instructions, so the "server" must poll the database every few seconds; I fear this may be detrimental to performance. Also how do I get the server to perform the task at the desired time? Again checking all outstanding tasks against the current time is not very efficient, so I thought about utilising the Windows Scheduler, but I am not sure of the best way of integrating this functionality.

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Making A Scheduler In .net (website)?

Sep 23, 2011

i build a website in vb.net ... i have a table process that have a begin date and end date... in the date that appropriate i want the system automatically update the data in database...

Example :

Tabel process
ProcessName || begin || End
process A || 02/02/2012 || 04/04/2012

When the current date 02/02/2012 then update table master that processName is "process A" into active and when the current date 04/04/2012 then update table master that processName is "process A" into expired.I don't know how to create it? is anyone know about making like that?

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VS 2005 MS Task Scheduler?

Aug 3, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to check on the result 0x0 if scheduler run ok or 0x1 if it did not, but within .net, I found a post here but no resolutions so I am asking again just in case I get lucky.

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Accesssing The Windows Scheduler Programmatically ?

Feb 21, 2012

If i set run ProgramA to run once a month...And I want ProgramA to also run every wednesday...What if these 2 tasks coincide?is there a way to programmatically say...If the monthly run of ProgramA happens to fall on a wednesday...wait until the weekly run of the same program is finished THEN execute the monthly run of the same program..I am trying to avoid collision of running the same program on different schedules.

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Auto Scheduler And Days Of The Week?

Mar 21, 2009

Im adding a feature to a program of mine. I have names in a database and it sends an email at certain times through out the day. How ever Im wanting to where I can add the days they are off like Saturday and Sunday. If the programs runs and its Monday-Friday the program functions and sends an email at the right time to that name.But if its Saturday or Sunday it bypasses the name and sends no email.Any ideas on how Icould go about this? I have the email featurelooking at a DB and sending tht way. I want to still look at the DB but bypass the records is DaysOff are the tcurrent day.

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Calendar / Scheduler For Windows Forums

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to write a small program to plan appointments.And have a overview of them in some sort of calendar(not the mini calendar which you can get from the VB control).Found some website who offer such controls, but honestly $1k for the license is a bit to much for something which i am not gonna use that often.So i was wondering if there are any codes available or projects which do something similar.Or any other solution which could work for this.Want to save the data in a SQL database.

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Custom Task Scheduler Service?

Jun 12, 2012

I have been working for some time on a service that will act as a task scheduler and perform a shutdown action at one of 3 given shutdown times. Before you cringe and ask why not use the task scheduler, I should explain that permissions do not allow users to "create" scheduled tasks and therefore a creative work-around is required. In any case, I am still new to VB, but am including my code below. I want the service to check an alarm time every minute and launch a shutdown application (in the user's context - if logged in) if that time is NOW.


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