VB 2010 Connection To Access With ComboBox To Searsh?

Apr 19, 2012

I'm making an program to searsh trou a access db with a combobox it neet after selecting to show the wricht value in a textbox and a numberupdown

i have tried to load al data in combobox but when i select it nothing happen

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Adding Items In From A Access 2010 Connection?

Jun 3, 2012

Im currently doing a small programme of a register system. I need to add a new group box filed with a few textboxes and a couple comboboxes for each entry in a access 2010 database. for example if i had someone called bob in my database with his details i would like the GUI of the VB app to add in a new textbox for the name, a textbox for the address ect in a set order, this needs to work for multiple entry's so the textboxes ect don't overlap but be placed neatly below the added textbox.

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Access App.conf File For The Connection String In Vs 2010?

Jun 17, 2011

I am developing a winform application which targets .NET Framework 4. I would like to get the connection string from the app.conf file but the Imports System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager fails. I can do a Imports System.Configuration but I cannot get to the .ConfigurationManager.

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Making A Program In VS 2010 By ADODB Connection With MS Access

Sep 23, 2011

I am using VB6 for a (ADODB Connection & Record set) database program by connecting MS Access file (MDB). Can I make same program in Visual Studio 2010 by ADODB connection with MS Access (MDB)?

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VS 2010 Populate ComboBox With Access Database Using SQL Codinging SQL SELECT In V?

Dec 8, 2011

this code links to the access database but but I just get only the first row in each combobox...

and I want also cboBox3 depend from cboBox2 depends from cboBox1, how can I do it?

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frm
Dim objConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = DBSOURCEDB.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=pass;")


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Studion 2010 Express - Message=ODBC--connection To 'SQL ServerBilotta-pcsqlexpress' Failed.Source=Microsoft Access?

Feb 5, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic/Studio 2010 Express to run my VB program using MS Access database. I'm going to convert the Access database to a SQL Server Server Express data base so I downloaded SQL Server 2008 R2 Express onto my pc with Windows 7. The installation went fine and I actually converted my Access database to SQL server. I did not change anything in my VB program.My problem: When I run my normal program with the Access database (no changes), I now get an error when it executes the following code:

dr = cmd.ExecuteReader.
I get the error System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException was unhandled;
ErrorCode=-2147467259; Message=ODBC--connection to 'SQL ServerBilotta-pcsqlexpress' failed.


It appears the ODBC is looking for the SQL server eventhough the program is pointing to the MS Access db. How do I get it to NOT look for the SQL db? Is there a default setting for the

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VS 2010 Difference Between Closing A Connection & Disposing A Connection?

Sep 7, 2011

When it comes to database connections what is the difference between closing a connection & disposing a connection? I'm hoping to gain a more technical understanding of what happens when each is called & the effect on the database.

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Access ComboBox Properties And Events When The ComboBox Is In A DataGridView?

May 2, 2012

DataGridView TIPs has TextBoxes and ComboBoxes in it and the data comes from an SQL table. I see how to get or set the cell values that come from the ComboBoxes using Item, but how do I access the actual ComboBox events and properties?


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Checking Sql Connection Using For Combobox

Sep 28, 2009

I can't populate my combobox with ANYTHING I code, and I don't like the click and pull system. it compiles, no exceptions, but it still doesn't populate my combo... this is the code


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VS 2008 XML And Combobox Connection?

Jun 30, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. I have a problem.I'm trying but i can't solve.There is a XML file on my website.


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VS 2005 Save Settings Database Connection And ComboBox Selection?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a program that reads a database file(.csv or.Txt) then allows user to select data from 6 different comboxes and taext boxes are then populated based on the selection made from combobox

I would like to be able to give the user the option to save their settings so next time the program is open it will connect to the same database as the last connection and also have comboboxes go to the last selection Do I have to create a save setting value for each combobox? and the connection string?

is there a simple way to just save everything? so when the program is open it goes back to the last time it was open.

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Application Setting - Switch Main Server And Backup Connection String With Combobox

Mar 5, 2011

I have a little problem with application setting in VB.net 2008. I want to switch main server and backup server connection string with combobox. [Code] It did change the Application Setting connection string in the main form when combobox1 was changed. But the problem comes, when child form was called. On the child form there is DataGridView with Dataset using application connection string. Even the Backupserver was selected on the main form, child form dataset connection string doesn't change. I don't know how to pass the current connection string to child form dataset although it is set to use application setting.

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MS Access Connection With .NET?

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to connect MS ACCESS 2007 Database with textboxes which will show the info of the users..for example..when I login..I see my info in the textboxes..and when other user logs in..they can see their info.


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ADO Connection To Access Database

Oct 27, 2009

I'm just learning VB and would like to know: How do I create VB connection to an Access 2007 DB? I can use the DataGridView to view the table but can not create a connection to add records.

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Connection String For Access?

Dec 9, 2009

i have the connection string cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0; Persist Security Info = False;" & _ "Data Source=C:printtest2.accdb;")which works fine but my database is in the server in a network what additional details do i need for the connection string The server name is as follows "Prntsvr-Test.auhbr.ctrixa.ad"how do i use the connection string

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Connection To Access Database

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to connect to access database in VB 2008 express. When I write the code like Dim cnTemp As ADODB.connection it gives error that ADODB is not defined.

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Connection With Ms Access And Sql Server

Nov 26, 2008

how to use conection with vb.net 2005 and ms access and also sql server

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Database Connection To Access?

Nov 13, 2009

over following conflicts that im facing;1-database Connection issue: I have made successful connection with ACCESS database from win form (vb.net)

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.net Connection String For Ms Access Database?

Oct 20, 2011

What is the connection string for connecting MS Access 2010 (.accdb) database in VB.net.

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Access Connection Error In Windows 7?

Aug 26, 2010

I created an vb.net Application with microsoft visual studio 2008 and Access 2003 as Database.

The application work fine in XP O/s but when i run the application in Windows 7 it gives error when connecting to Database.

It works fine when i create an new Access 2003 database in Window 7.

It gives error System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Operation must use an updateable query.

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Access UDL File From The Sqlclient Connection?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a .udl file with the following connection string in it

; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial
Catalog=Client_DB050208;Data Source=IAEADBIAEADBDEV;;Network Library=dbmssocn


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C# - Connection String For Ms Access Database?

Sep 3, 2009

My Ms-Access .mdb file is on my website. It is in the App_Data Folder

The current connection string is:

OleDbDataAdapter Da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from SerialNo",
new OleDbConnection(@"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;
data source=ftp://ftp.WebsiteName.com/App_Data/SerialNo.mdb"));

Where am I making a mistake in above connection string?

Note: CRs added in the code for better readability

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C# - Microsoft Access 2007 Connection?

Jul 4, 2009

I wrote a program that connected to a Microsoft Access 2000/2003 mdb file and accesses the data. It works fine, but I'm wondering if there is a way to connect to Access 2007? If I change my connection string, will my program work with access 2007 or is it more complicated then that? And if it will work, can someone provide an example of an Access 2007 database?

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Close Connection To Access Database?

Dec 23, 2009

I created a connection to a Microsoft Access database by using the wizard. Now in the server connections I see my data connection to the db. I'm trying to create a method to compact the database, so I used JRO to do it. To do it however, an exclusive access is required, and when I try to call the method I get an exception.

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Connection String To Access Database

Sep 10, 2011

My query is not the straightforward connection to MS Access.I am using a third application that places all data in an Access database BUT recently they changed the database so that it doesn't end in '.mdb', instead in another suffix: '.accdb'.The database is still an Access database but I cannot connect to it using the connection strings:[code]Previously I was able to use the second connection when the database name ended in '.mdb' (Database Name.mdb).

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Connection To Access 2007 From 2008

Jul 30, 2009

I have used vb before and connected to access databases, using the code:

-dim con as adodb.connection
-dim rst as adodb.recordset

I am trying to do the same in vb 2008 and it doesnt recognise the adodb.connection or recordset. I have had a look to see if there is anything that i need to do, but i cant see.

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Connection With ACCESS Database From Win Form

May 20, 2010

Following conflicts that im facing;

1-database Connection issue : I have made successful connection with ACCESS database from win form (vb.net) but the Connection string's location

Is locally accesse only b/c database is placed in my Drive C:databasedatab.mdb , but i need the location which can be universally accessed like in websites image location like that imgsrc=/images/1.jpg , for this issue i have used dim cn as oledbconnection = ("provider=*****,datasource=|datadirectory|/datab.mdb")

But this connection is not working , i know there is just issue in connection string may im missing any syntax.

2-Login Form : i need easy coding for login form which confirms from access database table "USER" , the username,password field, if both are matched it proceed to the main form where menus and blah blah

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Could Not Access Internet Over Proxy Connection?

Feb 17, 2012

i have developed a little application, which send email to me, it works on direct internet / dsl , but when i run my programm on a pc where the internet access has used a proxy server for clients, my application show a error that could not find host, and failed to send email

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Database Access After Closing A Connection?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm writing a Windows form application in VS 2008. In the application I need to move among several SQL express databases (.mdf). I'm using the following commands to change the connection:

Me. MyTableAdapter.Connection.ConnectionString = "NewString"
Me. MyTableAdapter.Connection.Open()

I can see the form is showing data from the 2nd database. However, When I tried copying the 1st database (for a Save as function I'd like to implement), I got a system error saying "Cannot copy MdfFile: It is being used by another person or program.". Actually, I found all the visited databases were "being used" untill I closed my application. How do I break the connection completely?

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DB/Reporting :: Access Connection Strings?

Sep 12, 2011

I have been struggling with the construction of an Access connection string. Here's the problem.My Visual Basic 2008 project is located in a disk partition on my hard drive that I have named S:. My Access MDB file is in the same location.When I deploy the application it obviously will not be in an S: drive on the user's machine. My concern is that if I construct the Connection String using the file designations on my computer as:

(Provider =Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =S:MyApplicationmydatabase.mdb; User Id =admin; Password =

The deployed application won't know where to look for the data file. I know there are some shortcuts that will allow me to construct the connection string, but I do not know either the designated names or where to find them.

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