VB 2010 - Creating A Simple Db - Overwhelmed With Choices

Aug 1, 2011

What is the simplest and most straightforward way to: Create a local dB with a table with 2 fields (a string, a number) Determine is string s is present in the dB Add a record into the table consisting of a string and number Delete a record based on the string Get the record for a particular string Get the record with the highest number

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Forms :: Users To Enter Their Own Choices In And Then Their Choices Are Displayed Into The Gridview?

Apr 28, 2010

wondering if someone can help me some small issues I am having with building my first project.

1.I have comboboxes that allow users to enter their own choices in and then their choices are displayed into the gridview.

the problem I am having is this is allowing me to duplicate choices. for example:when I run debug to try my boxes, I can type in Johnathan into the combobox as many times as I want to and it adds is to the combobox list..so now I got 10 johnathans in my combo box.and then to make things worse, when I hit the button I made to send choices to display..it causes duplicated choices to show up in the display.What I figure is that it is easier for me to just prevent duplicates in combobox.

2.Lets say on one of 10 comboboxes I got...lets say someone skips the box and doesnt make a choice...my grid will then display the last choice made.. (man o man)for example:John chose in his boxes and is displayed on gridview: Combobox1 (john) Combo2 (5:00 PM) combo3 (waiting)now lets say I come up to the computer and in Combobox1(Dcurvez) Combo2( i skipped and didnt enter a choice) and Combobox3(In Progess)

The display will put Dcurvez....5:00 PM.....In Progress because I didnt make a choice in the time combobox..it put in the last choice (Johns) as 5:00 PM Can someone in very simple terms tell me how to fix this problem?? I am using visual studio 2008 and vb/vb.net as language this is not a webpage, btw. it is for in shop computer just.

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VS 2010 : Creating A Simple Browser?

Oct 13, 2011

I am trying to create a simple browser that will be mainly for personal use. I followed a tutorial to create the actual browser; the address bar and the Go button and now I need to create the Home button, Back and Forward button.If I can find the source code for it, I am going to implement it into my sample browser and perhaps?

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VS 2010 Creating Simple Poker Hand Analyzer?

Mar 20, 2012

I am trying my hand at making a simple poker hand analyzer in VB 2010 for a distance education intro to VB course at my school.My goal is to represent the cards in a table array. Rows are suits Clubs/Diamonds/Hearts/Spades and columns are values (A, 1, 2... K). However I have no clue how to design a Sub procedure that will recognize the hand the user inputs and add any possible results to a listbox (fourkind/threekind/pair/flush/straight/ace high straight). I don't understand how exactly I'm supposed to do this. My criteria isn't very strict. I can have a hand with more than one description, like a fullhouse + threekind + pair can all be used to describe one hand.

What I think I need to do is split the entered string to get 5 strings (each is a card). Then somehow find these in the table? I have no idea how to do this and I'm stumped... The instructions loosely call to look for a boolean value where cards(i,j) is set to 1 of the player is dealt card j in suit i. But I do not know how to achieve this.

As you can see my understanding on VB is extremely... basic (no pun intended). It's my first time ever learning a computer language, and I really regret taking this course via distance ed because the instructor and the TA absolutely refuse to communicate with the students. I am trying my best to practically self-teach with the thick text book.

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Creating A Simple Web Crawler?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm attempting to do a school project dealing with a simple web crawler. I have a form with a web browser control embedded that loads a web page will all the available courses. I have a text box and a button design for a user to search for a specific course by using the four letter department abbreviation. The page that I have loaded has all the department abbreviations as hyperlinks.is it possible to search the page using the four letter abbreviation specified by the user and if the search finds a corresponding hyperlink open it. Then I would use a loop to repeat the process of opening each class offered by that department and obtaining information such as course name, section number and so forth.

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Creating A Simple Alphabet Program

Apr 25, 2009

I would like to click next to go to another image in a picturebox but I only have one picture box setup to have the new letter displayed in it. I have 26 images to display and need to know how to setup a loop to go through each image? It seems simple but I cannot figure out how to get to the third image, it only goes to the second image and stops. I also need to know how to setup the back button to display the prior image in a picture box.

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Creating A Simple Function Calculator?

Dec 8, 2010

i am going creating a simple function calculator, but I had to first do a design documentation proposal. I now have to update the project proposal with a storyboard or list of menu and screen items to delineate my proposed user screen and menus.aside from the calculator itself there will not be any menus.I also have to list any user data inputs and outputs my application will require and produce, which i assume i can put any numbers that the user inputs into the calculator and their results.

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Creating Simple POS System For Bakeshop?

Jun 21, 2010

i want to create a simple POS system, can you tell me how can i hide group of buttons/ controls on the first load of a form and then group of controls will just show after a button is clicked or selected. Also i want to have a display (on same form) of what is selected by the user.

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Creating Simple Yet Complicated Program?

Mar 24, 2010

I am a total bginner to vb.net programming. I am trying to make a simple program that allows the user to

1.change desktop background

2.Allows the user to select a boot image listed in the form

3.alows the user to enable disable the task manager,registry editor and control pannel.Replace Windows Boot image (Picture source is a picture box in form)

4.Change XP Start Button Text

5.Disable/Enable Windows Keys

so this is how far I got;

Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Class Form1
Implements IDisposable


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On Creating A Simple Keylogger (non Malicious)

Feb 21, 2012

I'm suspicious my spouse is cheating. In the past few months he has systematically locked me out of all of his social media accounts shortly after getting a job with a group of female secretaries that travels for a week at a time. He has been dodging or non-communicative when confronted about this.url...

The only way to avoid interaction with antispyware is to create it myself.I understand that copying text or something into an open notepad session or the clipboard is out of the question; however I'm pretty sure that I could create a (fairly) simple script that does the following:[code]I know this is extremely inneficient but this is the most covert way i can think of, a simple wscript that runs on startup and creates these .txt files in an important looking place (windows/config/system/logs/win32 - example)

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Communications :: Creating Online For Simple Program?

Dec 17, 2008

I dont know wether this is the right place but would i be able to use somthing like streamreader to change a .txt on another computer? If so, how?

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Creating A Simple Leaderboard Type Application?

Apr 14, 2011

I have moderate experience with VB, and am using 4.0 framework with VS 2010 pro.get a specific way i should accomplish a leader board system where it can manually assign points to players and sort them accordingly.

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Creating Simple Desktop Database Application?

May 31, 2010

I am here to write a small database application that will be running in desktop (offline mode).I am using MSAccess 2007 as my database file and trying to write code in vb.net.I used to write the code vb6 an usually had global variables for storing database connection and executing every query from that.I am trying to upgrade myself from vb6 to vb.net.do i need to read some more simple starter books also?

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Creating Simple Editor That Allow To Design Plays

Nov 10, 2009

I am just new in visual basic and I was given a task to do a basketball playbook application using visual basic. I am trying to do a simple editor that would allow you to design the plays. How do I implement a picturebox (picturebox1) with an image in it (lets say image1) then when I drag it image1 will appear in another picturebox (picturebox2)with a basketball court background. Then after dragging image1, picturebox1 will now display another image (image2) ready to be dragged also.

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VB - Creating - Relatively Simple Code For An Excel Project

Oct 19, 2009

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum or has already been asked, but I'm having a problem creating what should be a relatively simple code for an Excel Project. Essentially, the code is supposed to check if a certain column has Y in it and then copy that entire row onto another sheet and then move on to check the rest of the original sheet. This version of the code seems to do everything but actually populate the cells with the information. Every other attempt I've made has ended with "Application-Based or Object Based Errors". I've worked on this code for a few days now and I just can't seem to get it right. What am I doing wrong?

Here's the code:

Sub PopulateNewSheet()

i = 2

Do While Worksheets("Main List").Cells(i, 2).Value <> 0


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Creating A Simple Application As An Example That Is To Link To A Access 2007 Database

Mar 12, 2010

So i'm creating a simple application as an example that is to link to a Access 2007 database.

On my main form i have four listboxes that are correctly attached to the table, I have one for First Name, Last Name, Phone, and School. I added 3 records to the database in Access to see if I could display the records in the listboxes on the form. I found that it was very easy by setting the properties and I have no problem there. I also have a command button that loads a new form for the purpose of adding a record to the database.

Here is my main form (frmMain.vb)...


And Here is the code for the form...


What i'm looking for is when the user presses the Add button on the frmAddNew form then it needs to close and the new record is listed in the textboxes and saved to the database. Id also like to know all kinds of things i might be able to do with textboxes and databases because i'm trying to learn for a larger project where i'll need to keep track of hundreds of records.

I understand that this is a simple procedure, but i've been spending all night scouring tutorials and getting lost in the msdn library online, so maybe some human input will be better.

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Add Choices To The First Two List Boxes?

Dec 14, 2009

I'm new to visual basic and I've put all forths of effort towards this program and I can't get it to work. I know one reason is I don't know how to add my choices to the first two list boxes.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim RegistrationFee As Integer
Dim LodgingFee As Integer
Dim Days As Integer


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Add Item List As One Of Choices?

Sep 10, 2010

I have visual basic 2008 express. i am learning through videos at LearnVisualStudio.Net and the next step is to add item which is the sql database. i don't have this as one of my choices? am i suppose to have it with express? if not, can i get it somehow and add it to my Add Item list as one of my choices? I have the local and the server database but the video i'm following has an SQL database. Again i am just learning so be easy on me.

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Filter The Choices In The Second Combobox?

Dec 31, 2008

I have 2 comboboxes, textbox and a cmdbutton. When the user makes a selection in one combobox I want it to filter the choices in the second combobox. Then when the user clicks the button it passes the values from the comboboxes to a stored procedure and populates a datagridview. I am using VB.net 2005 and sql server 2005.

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Get The Number From Choices In A Combobox?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a combox with a bunch of choices already populated.

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Keeping Track Of Choices?

May 24, 2011

I have two combo boxes, and four buttons. When the user clicks "Add" on the first combo box, it adds a new item to the combo box with "New" and then lets the user rename that item to something else. That "new" item has to have an array of "answers" that go along with that item in the list. What I'm having trouble figuring out is assigning "answers" to the second combobox for each item in the first combobox and changing the second combobox when selecting an item in the first combobox.


Item 1 - Combobox1
- Item 1 - Combobox2
- Item 2 - Combobox2


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Creating A Simple Web Browser / Use Progress Bar To Display Load Progress?

Apr 20, 2007

im making a web browser which is intertwind in a project, but i cant get the progress bar to display the current percent of a page that is loaded, i want to have 10 segments, each standing for 10% of the total page loaded. So say a page is loaded 67%, 6 out of 10 of the segments will be shown.

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C# - Language Choices When Porting A Classic Asp App To .NET

Sep 7, 2010

We are looking to port our existing classic ASP application to .NET, but we're unsure of what language to use for the new app. I personally would 'prefer' C#, as I'm more familiar and comfortable with that languages way of doing things, but, the original code is VBScript, so it would possibly be easier to port to VB.NET ... One possible situation I fear would be that, because the code is so similar between the two variants of VB, that we might end up getting stuck on something that is not similar between the two, even though it looks like it would work. A shift to a wholly different language might avoid that kind of situation. Does anyone have any practical examples of this kind of situation? Insights to illuminate the issue with? Do the potential benefits of a complete paradigm shift outweigh the gains from a high degree of 'copy-and-paste-ability' ?

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Display A Random Messagebox Out Of Nine Choices?

Apr 4, 2009

i'm trying to display a random messagebox that displays a message associated with a character. the character image displays and the user clicks a button to guess the character if it is correct, one of three messages should randomly appear that is associated with that character (there are 4 characters, so there are 12 possible messages total. 3 for each character) but as it stands now, the picture box on the form displays the character name so the user doesn't have to guess which button to push. i need to remove the name from beneath the picture so only the buttons have the name and the user is forced to guess and i don't have the messages randomly popping up. only a messabebox that says correct i added a message box in the code but i can't figure out how to randomly get the messages associated with the characters to appear?

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim currImageIndex As Integer = 0
Dim characterNames As String() = New String() {"Donny", "Jesus", "Lebowski", "Walter"}


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Override The DevExpress Filter Choices In GridControl?

Oct 5, 2011

I am currently programming in Visual Studio 2010 within VB.NET and am using DevExpress v10.2, specifically WinForms. In the DevExpress GridControl at runtime you can click on the right side of the column header and choose which values in the column you want to show. For example if your table contained:

Name1 Checked
Name2 Unchecked
Name3 Unchecked
Name4 Checked

Then if you click on the right side of the checkbox's header you can choose checked (or unchecked) and it would display only the data that is checked (or unchecked). In this case with checked you would have:

Name1 Checked
Name4 Checked

I was wondering if there was some way to override the names so instead of letting me choose checked or unchecked I could override it with 'owned' and 'rented' or 'active' and 'inactive' based on what the checkbox represents in that specific column.

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Disable Appearance Choices From Designer View

Dec 14, 2011

I'm building a game using the traditional form view on VS2010 and I'm trying to change the colour of a label's text depending on its contents. I believe I've coded that fine, but the problem is that the settings for the label in the designer view pane are overriding my code!Is there a way to disable certain options in the designer view so that my code can work?

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Login To The Website - Fill The Choices And Then Navigate Further?

Sep 15, 2010

I've been trying to write a vb program to help me login to a website! I've managed it with HtmlCollection, but the problem is that on the next page there are a few choices that need checking and it goes kind of crazy. Is there any way to login to the website, fill the choices and then navigate further?

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Radiobutton To Select Multiple Choices From Listbox?

Jan 25, 2011

Can't seem to find code for radiobutton to hilight multiple choices from listbox, e.g.

If radiobutton1.clicked = true then
listbox1.selecteditems = "apple" "cherry" "pear
if radiobutton2.clicked = true
listbox1selecteditems = "apple" "cherry" etc....

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Saving Users RadioButton Choices Into A File?

Feb 17, 2009

how to save the users radio buttons choices to load into a file. I have a button which controls the If statements to determine the price of the configuration. I was wanting to save these choices that the user made. I thought I could do this by altering the If statements but I don't know if thats the right way. I've got 3 different groupboxes with 3 options in each.

Heres a part of the code for the IF statements:

Private Sub UpdateConfig_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UpdateConfig.Click
If Choice1Option1.Checked = True And Choice2Option1.Checked = True And Choice3Option1.Checked = True Then
PriceShow.Text = Prices(0, 1)
TextBoxProcessor.Text = Choice1Option1.Text


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Events - The Selection In A Box Can Affect The Possible Choices In Subsequent Boxes

Mar 10, 2009

I have a project that has several combo boxes on one form. The selection in a box can affect the possible choices in subsequent boxes. Right now I am using SelectedValueChange to fire the code that loads the choices in the later boxes. There are a number of possible events that I could use:SelectedIndexChangedLeaveLostFocusTextChangedI was wondering if someone could give me a rough idea what the differences are between these. Is there a 'best' evnet to use?Also, I find that most events work when the choice is made with a mouse click but if you click in the box and type in a value an event does not fire. How can I program for the case where the user enters a value by typing it in instead of choosing from the drop down list?

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