Creating A Simple Alphabet Program

Apr 25, 2009

I would like to click next to go to another image in a picturebox but I only have one picture box setup to have the new letter displayed in it. I have 26 images to display and need to know how to setup a loop to go through each image? It seems simple but I cannot figure out how to get to the third image, it only goes to the second image and stops. I also need to know how to setup the back button to display the prior image in a picture box.

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Creating Simple Yet Complicated Program?

Mar 24, 2010

I am a total bginner to programming. I am trying to make a simple program that allows the user to

1.change desktop background

2.Allows the user to select a boot image listed in the form

3.alows the user to enable disable the task manager,registry editor and control pannel.Replace Windows Boot image (Picture source is a picture box in form)

4.Change XP Start Button Text

5.Disable/Enable Windows Keys

so this is how far I got;

Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Class Form1
Implements IDisposable


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Communications :: Creating Online For Simple Program?

Dec 17, 2008

I dont know wether this is the right place but would i be able to use somthing like streamreader to change a .txt on another computer? If so, how?

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Make Program That Counts The Frequency Of Each Letter In The Alphabet?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm trying to make this program that counts the frequency of each letter in the alphabet for a set of ciphertext, the calculation i want to do is:lettersum*(lettersum - 1) + lettersum*(lettersum - 1) for however many letters example: User puts aabbcc in the ciphertext box , the output should be
2(2-1)+2(2-1)+2(2-1) =6 If the user inputs aaaaab the output should be 5(5-1)+1(1-1) = 20 The code I have so far only counts the last number of letters for example: aabbcc only reads the cc part and only outputs 2(2-1) = 2 instead of 2(2-1) + 2(2-1) + 2(2-1) = 6.The code below is part of a button_Click item


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[2008] Create A Program Which Accepts A Letter Of The Alphabet?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm trying to create a program which accepts a letter of the alphabet. For each letter a corresponding word beginning with that letter should be output, e.g., �a� or �A� input would give Alpha as the output, �b� or �B� would give Bravo and so on to �z� or �Z� giving Zulu.So if the user enters: "abc" for example, what should happen is a list on the right of the window appears with the words starting with those letters when the user presses calculate.I don't have any code apart form the basics below.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
End Sub


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Creating A Simple Web Crawler?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm attempting to do a school project dealing with a simple web crawler. I have a form with a web browser control embedded that loads a web page will all the available courses. I have a text box and a button design for a user to search for a specific course by using the four letter department abbreviation. The page that I have loaded has all the department abbreviations as it possible to search the page using the four letter abbreviation specified by the user and if the search finds a corresponding hyperlink open it. Then I would use a loop to repeat the process of opening each class offered by that department and obtaining information such as course name, section number and so forth.

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Creating A Simple Function Calculator?

Dec 8, 2010

i am going creating a simple function calculator, but I had to first do a design documentation proposal. I now have to update the project proposal with a storyboard or list of menu and screen items to delineate my proposed user screen and menus.aside from the calculator itself there will not be any menus.I also have to list any user data inputs and outputs my application will require and produce, which i assume i can put any numbers that the user inputs into the calculator and their results.

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Creating Simple POS System For Bakeshop?

Jun 21, 2010

i want to create a simple POS system, can you tell me how can i hide group of buttons/ controls on the first load of a form and then group of controls will just show after a button is clicked or selected. Also i want to have a display (on same form) of what is selected by the user.

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On Creating A Simple Keylogger (non Malicious)

Feb 21, 2012

I'm suspicious my spouse is cheating. In the past few months he has systematically locked me out of all of his social media accounts shortly after getting a job with a group of female secretaries that travels for a week at a time. He has been dodging or non-communicative when confronted about this.url...

The only way to avoid interaction with antispyware is to create it myself.I understand that copying text or something into an open notepad session or the clipboard is out of the question; however I'm pretty sure that I could create a (fairly) simple script that does the following:[code]I know this is extremely inneficient but this is the most covert way i can think of, a simple wscript that runs on startup and creates these .txt files in an important looking place (windows/config/system/logs/win32 - example)

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VS 2010 : Creating A Simple Browser?

Oct 13, 2011

I am trying to create a simple browser that will be mainly for personal use. I followed a tutorial to create the actual browser; the address bar and the Go button and now I need to create the Home button, Back and Forward button.If I can find the source code for it, I am going to implement it into my sample browser and perhaps?

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Creating A Simple Leaderboard Type Application?

Apr 14, 2011

I have moderate experience with VB, and am using 4.0 framework with VS 2010 pro.get a specific way i should accomplish a leader board system where it can manually assign points to players and sort them accordingly.

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Creating Simple Desktop Database Application?

May 31, 2010

I am here to write a small database application that will be running in desktop (offline mode).I am using MSAccess 2007 as my database file and trying to write code in used to write the code vb6 an usually had global variables for storing database connection and executing every query from that.I am trying to upgrade myself from vb6 to i need to read some more simple starter books also?

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Creating Simple Editor That Allow To Design Plays

Nov 10, 2009

I am just new in visual basic and I was given a task to do a basketball playbook application using visual basic. I am trying to do a simple editor that would allow you to design the plays. How do I implement a picturebox (picturebox1) with an image in it (lets say image1) then when I drag it image1 will appear in another picturebox (picturebox2)with a basketball court background. Then after dragging image1, picturebox1 will now display another image (image2) ready to be dragged also.

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VB - Creating - Relatively Simple Code For An Excel Project

Oct 19, 2009

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum or has already been asked, but I'm having a problem creating what should be a relatively simple code for an Excel Project. Essentially, the code is supposed to check if a certain column has Y in it and then copy that entire row onto another sheet and then move on to check the rest of the original sheet. This version of the code seems to do everything but actually populate the cells with the information. Every other attempt I've made has ended with "Application-Based or Object Based Errors". I've worked on this code for a few days now and I just can't seem to get it right. What am I doing wrong?

Here's the code:

Sub PopulateNewSheet()

i = 2

Do While Worksheets("Main List").Cells(i, 2).Value <> 0


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VB 2010 - Creating A Simple Db - Overwhelmed With Choices

Aug 1, 2011

What is the simplest and most straightforward way to: Create a local dB with a table with 2 fields (a string, a number) Determine is string s is present in the dB Add a record into the table consisting of a string and number Delete a record based on the string Get the record for a particular string Get the record with the highest number

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VS 2010 Creating Simple Poker Hand Analyzer?

Mar 20, 2012

I am trying my hand at making a simple poker hand analyzer in VB 2010 for a distance education intro to VB course at my school.My goal is to represent the cards in a table array. Rows are suits Clubs/Diamonds/Hearts/Spades and columns are values (A, 1, 2... K). However I have no clue how to design a Sub procedure that will recognize the hand the user inputs and add any possible results to a listbox (fourkind/threekind/pair/flush/straight/ace high straight). I don't understand how exactly I'm supposed to do this. My criteria isn't very strict. I can have a hand with more than one description, like a fullhouse + threekind + pair can all be used to describe one hand.

What I think I need to do is split the entered string to get 5 strings (each is a card). Then somehow find these in the table? I have no idea how to do this and I'm stumped... The instructions loosely call to look for a boolean value where cards(i,j) is set to 1 of the player is dealt card j in suit i. But I do not know how to achieve this.

As you can see my understanding on VB is extremely... basic (no pun intended). It's my first time ever learning a computer language, and I really regret taking this course via distance ed because the instructor and the TA absolutely refuse to communicate with the students. I am trying my best to practically self-teach with the thick text book.

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Creating A Simple Application As An Example That Is To Link To A Access 2007 Database

Mar 12, 2010

So i'm creating a simple application as an example that is to link to a Access 2007 database.

On my main form i have four listboxes that are correctly attached to the table, I have one for First Name, Last Name, Phone, and School. I added 3 records to the database in Access to see if I could display the records in the listboxes on the form. I found that it was very easy by setting the properties and I have no problem there. I also have a command button that loads a new form for the purpose of adding a record to the database.

Here is my main form (frmMain.vb)...


And Here is the code for the form...


What i'm looking for is when the user presses the Add button on the frmAddNew form then it needs to close and the new record is listed in the textboxes and saved to the database. Id also like to know all kinds of things i might be able to do with textboxes and databases because i'm trying to learn for a larger project where i'll need to keep track of hundreds of records.

I understand that this is a simple procedure, but i've been spending all night scouring tutorials and getting lost in the msdn library online, so maybe some human input will be better.

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Create A Program With A Simple Gui?

Jan 4, 2012

Im trying to create a program with a simple gui that enables me to search for and select parent folders containing child folders containing multiple files and then validate those files based off of constants i set per child folder and file.


User selects Parent FolderX
Parent FolderX > (ChildFolder1 ( Constant for ChildFolder1 says open file 4 ) > File 4

Compare multiple strings of text in a specific order based off of file name to constants i have set for that named file Then continue to ChildFolder2 ( Constant for ChildFolder2 says open file 16 ) > File 16 Compare multiple strings of text in a specific order based off of file name to constants i have set for that named file If there is any constants not read in one of the files after all have been checked, return msgbox with a notification and write .txt log with child folder and file names to specified directory?

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How To Make Simple Program

Jul 2, 2009

i want to make a simple program that can be used of add,delete,edit,save,, thats all, so that i will understand the basic of that in that program i will developed it and also connection of vb2005 to sql server 2005.. i am amateur here using this vb2005 and sql server 2005.

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IDE :: Deployment Of Simple Program?

Sep 27, 2011

I want to distribute a fairly simple program developed on Visual Studio 2008. I have tried to use the publish features in the IDE. It creates a folder with various information and stores it on my fileserver.When I try to install the program on another computer I get a lengthy message about the need to install Powerpack 9. 0.0.0 So I go back to my dev computer and edit the publish information. On prerequisites I do not find Powerpack 9 but Powerpack 3. I put that in and redo the publishing. The installation now install that package but then it says it requires powerpack and ends?

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Simple Program Not Working?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm just starting to learn vb.. trying to figure out why this is not working.

Public Class Form1
Dim final As Double
Dim grade1 As Double
Dim grade2 As Double


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Simple Program Using Proxy

Dec 16, 2010

i am had lots of trouble in finishing a simple program.well my program had one listbox one command button the list box is loaded with proxies.when i input the query url in textbox it and pressed command button it will query search engines and retain also click our url to verify drilldown it

1.load the proxies
2.input the URL command button
4.perform querying and clicking task on search engines

my pc was crashed recently so i am unable to upload the program here.can someone kindly me(newbie)to finish this simple task?

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Simple WMP Player In Program?

Aug 13, 2011

I said in a thread this week that I would set out to construct a program using the WMP component and this time, unlike in my last one, it is set up to allow any folder to be chosen. It's safe, even if the user chooses a folder with no .mp3 files in it, but it's goal is to look through all folders/subfolders, find the .mp3 files, get the path and the meta information about it, then show it in a listview.

The user has a few options such as playing the first song when a list is loaded, setting it to shuffle, etc., and all settings are saved automatically. Also, when they choose a folder to use to get their music, the next time around it remembers this also (although this latter one is done by saving the path to a text file so that you can, optionally, edit that before you send it out -- without having to change the code to do it).

I have it looking at events so that no matter what they change (click for the next song, change the volume, change one of the checkboxes, etc.), it will re-focus the listview so that the song presently playing is highlighted.[code]...

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Creating A Simple Web Browser / Use Progress Bar To Display Load Progress?

Apr 20, 2007

im making a web browser which is intertwind in a project, but i cant get the progress bar to display the current percent of a page that is loaded, i want to have 10 segments, each standing for 10% of the total page loaded. So say a page is loaded 67%, 6 out of 10 of the segments will be shown.

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Build A Simple App That Will Start Another Program?

Jan 22, 2011

I am trying to build a simple app that will start another program.The command line that works in a dos batch file is c:program filespixellWall Controlwallctl.exe -layout=c:1.lay with my code below this works, c:program filespixellWall Controlwallctl.exe but the switch info above doesnt get passed, I get a run time error.

Public Class Form1
Dim layout1 As String
Dim layout2 As String


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Create A Simple DVD Player With Program?

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to create a simple DVD Player with Visual Basic 2008 (Express). But I am trying to find this item for the Toolbox-"MSWebDVD".

Does anybody have, like a download link to get it for VB 2008? If you do provide me with a download link, then I would kindly ask to tell me on how to apply it.

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Create A Simple Shortcut To A Specified Program?

Mar 5, 2012

I would like to create a simply shortcut to a specified program. All of the codes I've tried use the WshRunTime library and it seem to throw an exception every time.

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Develop A Simple Program To Sendkeys To Another?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm trying to develop a simple program which will show a form with a listbox and a button. The buttom will allow a listbox entry to be selected and close the form. The entry will them be sent to the previous open application.

For example, I could select my postcode from the listbox and have it sent to the currently selected field in my internet browser. Or the current date to my text editor.[code]...

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Draw Simple Graphics In Program?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm a unviversity student and for an assignment we have to make a simple project where the user specifies a shape and a color, and then the shape is drawn in some kind of space. So like they choose circle, green, and in this blank space on the form a green circle appears, pretty simple. Anyways we have some kind of msdn alliance thing where we can download Visual Studio for academic purposes, so I downloaded Visual Studio 2008. I spent about an hour going through the tool box trying to figure out what could possibly allow me to draw stuff in it, and I'm really not sure what it could be. On some online tutorials it said something about a function on picture boxes like picturebox.Circle(100,100), 100, vbgreen or something similar, and when I tried making a picturebox and writing this code nothing worked. My friend told me to use a 'canvas' but neither of use know how to actually find such a control (its not in the toolbox).[urls]....

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Implement Very Simple Validation Into A Program?

Mar 30, 2010

I'd like to implement some very simple validation into a program I'm writing, but I have no experience in this area, so I'm not sure how to implement it.I'd like one to have one make sure that text entered in to a text box has only regular characters (A-Z, a-z), but I'm not sure how to go about it!

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