VB File Debugs Properly, But Will Not Run In Windows

Dec 17, 2010

I have a very basic Visual Basic Program that I created in Visual Studio 2010. It's a form application where clicking a button runs a simple calculation and then outputs the answer with MsgBox. When, I debug it works properly, however when I successfully build and run the exe, nothing happens.

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2005 Debugs Old Files?

Apr 26, 2010

I've been working on my school project and whenever I add new components to the GUI or change the code and save ALL files, it still debugs my forms without the new components or code. I even added a new button to see if it shows up when I debug and the button doesn't even show up. I also deleted a form from my project but it still shows it when I debug... If anybody knows how to fix this problem please let me know! I also restarted my computer many times and I don't know if this is an issue but I'm running windows on a MAC. I've had no problems with this in the passed and I've been using this computer for a couple of months now.

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IDE :: VB App Will Not Work Properly On A Windows 7 64 Bit PC?

Mar 8, 2012

My VB app will not work properly on a Windows 7 64 bit PC.When I launched it on the Win7 PC it will open up OK but when I open a crystal report, the form page comes up ok but the report is missing.Then I get a pop up window asking me for a user name an PW:


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VS 2005 Properly Handle All The Windows?

Apr 9, 2009

The app Im working on is dunning on an embedded xp machine. It recieves input from the serial port from an industrial process, and then a backgroundworker class calculates and updates the single form GUI with the results from the process. Very simple.Now, the customer want to allow automatic download of log files by an USB memory. The process should work like this:

1)User plug in an usb memory

2)SHow a virtual keypad (touch screen) where the user enter a security code

3)If code ok, show a 3 choice screen, if not ok show error message and allow the user to try again.

4) If user choose the "export all" button, this choose form will close and i display another form with a progress bar that show how all files are copied to the usb memory. When this process is complete, I will display teh form that says "remove the usb memory and press ok to restart the application.

As you see here lots of forms are created and disposed based on user choices. My biggest issue here is that I have no clear design pattern to work from.For example.. should I have this "chain" in the main gui form, or should I let each form create the next form. For example on the "select action" form, when I press export, should this form create and show the "copy progress" form, or should all forms be created and destroyed from the main gui form?

Also, such an issue like with the password. I put it as a constant on the main form, to avoid "magic numbers" in the code. And then I ran into problem because the "keypad" form is created on another thread and I can't access the costant on the main form, so I got a cross thread exception.Everything starts when an USB memory is connected. And the OnConnected eventhandler is running on a different thread than the main UI thread. how to design this chain of window creation/deletion is greatly appreciated. I show all forms with the SHowDialog because I dont want the user to be able to close the form unless he/she presses a button. And not by accident press somewhere else.

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Properly Add A Registry Key So The Application Startup With Windows?

Feb 21, 2011

I am making a setup application and I need to know how to properly add a registry key so the application startup with windows. I have made what you can see on the image but I get an error when my PC restarts.This setup is nothing special I just need to make the registry key properly.

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How To Make A Windows Service Work Properly

Aug 3, 2010

My project requires that a windows service checks up a table on a sql database(MDF) and if product existence is 0 then sends an email to some mail address and keep checking every 24 hrs.Now Im able to send mail messages but what Im not able is to make the service itself to work or at least make sure that is working.I do the following(correct me if I do something wrong or missing a step):

1. create a new project and choose windows service

2. add a timer and set to 4000 ms just to test not wait the 24 hrs lol

3. then open its event timer_elapsed and put some code on it, like a msgbox that would keep spamming every 4 secs just to test

4. at the event onstart I enable the timer by: timer1.enabled=true

5. at the event onstop I disable the timer by: timer1.enabled=false

6. right click then choose add installer

7. in the newer installed with the two objects:

a. serviceinstaller1 set its properties to: displayname: myservice and servicename: myservice

b. serviceprocessinstaller1 set account property to LocalSystem

8. build the project and install it by opening the VS console and type: "installutil c:path blah blahservice.exe" then hit enter

9. all successfull installed open the pc manager and run the service from the list and this should be the deal

Now my real problem is that by following those steps my service is sucessfully builded, installed, and started but after the 4 seconds no msg pops up so this leads me to think that is not doing anything or I did something wrong in the steps above. Is there another way to test if this service is working else than the msgbox or the log entry? Plus, Im working on my home pc which is a xp OS. I tried the same at college pcs wich are win7 and when I did install by the console it returned an error weird but in my home pc it doesnt(and I have to present my project at college at college and tomorrow

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Properly Deleting Items From A Windows Form?

Jul 18, 2010

i am running into some difficulty with the .NET garbage collector. i have a custom control that i need to dispose and reallocate depending on user interactions. calling ctrl.dispose() and then instantiating a new control accomplishes what i want, with the nasty exception that the garbage collector (at least, i am presuming this is the GC, since this exception will happen on it's own after the application has been idle in the background for several minutes) will then periodically throw an exception: "cannot access disposed object

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Windows Forms Text Editor Control That Can Handle MS Word Documents Properly?

Aug 13, 2011

I need to find a Windows forms Text edit which can handle MS Word documents correctly.That is documents with Images, textboxes etc (.doc, .docx).I have tried Devexpress Xtrarichedit and TXText Control but when you load a MS Word Document (.doc, .docx) the document does not appear as it does in MS Word.That is Textboxes overlapping images are misaligned or have no transparent background option, so the white background of the textbox hides part ot the image.Has anybody had experience with 3rd party Document .net editors which mamage MS Word Documents correctly?

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How To Properly Open A Image Using Bitmap Class And Dispose It Properly

Jun 22, 2010

I am looking for a code snippet which opens a image, creates a clone of this bitmap in memory disposes this opened image so that all handles are closed.

Usually we can open a bitmap using this[code...]

the following code however keeps the Image File locked until the application is running, any suggestions how to dispose it properly. (So that no handle is left open )

Things i already tried: use dispose method of bitmap <= doesnt work (need to write implementation)
Using Block also doesnt work.

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Cannot Read A File Properly?

Feb 22, 2009

I'm in need of a simple Regular Expression that will match all strings that start with the string "textures/". The problem probably is when to end the match.

Here is an example of the type of file I need to parse:


I have attached an example file (it's from a game, and it's a free game, so I don't think this is not allowed?). When opening that with Notepad I see loads of spaces and a few strange characters. When opening it with Wordpad, I see mostly strange characters (but the "textures/..." strings I need are still there). When reading it with VB (IO.File.ReadAllText or using a StreamReader) I cannot get it to show more than a few random characters, and the "textures/..." strings are no longer there...

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Doesn't Read Csv File Properly

Jul 8, 2011

So I have a csv file:


My problem is when i use this schema.ini, the 9th, 10th and 11th column of the second row of the csv file doesn't read properly if there's a special character in it (it supposed to be telphone number), i think because the row above is returned as a number(integer) because it's pure numeric:


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Loading File Info Properly?

Dec 27, 2009

I have setup a file that is comma delimited:

{object name,text,object name,text...}

I have loaded the file, split the delimited text into to separate arrays. One array is for the' object name', the other for its corresponding text.The text is no issue. My issue is that the 'object name' would look something like "form1.label1, form1.label2..." This loads fine, but I can not figure out how to get the 'object name' to be used as an object.I dimensioned the array for 'object name' as an object, but this won't work:

objectname(i).text = "..."

Looking at the values of the 'object name' array, after each listing it says {string}I need this to work this way because the file is loaded with the idea that it could be in any order, longer or shorter then another, etcetera.

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Properly Read Data From An XML File?

Jun 12, 2011

So my most recent project hinges on the ability to open a selected XML file and display the names of certain fields in a listbox control. This normally wouldn't be challenging except that the following variable is equal to vbNull (Nothing). Dim XMLReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)

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VS 2008 How To Properly Launch An *.exe File?

Dec 8, 2009

When running an executable file (written in FORTRAN) directly, there is no problem creating output text files. However, when launched from Visual Basic Express 2008, those reports are not generated. I also observe that the program launched from VB does not wait for a user prompt as it should. What am I missing?

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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Basic Application(windows Forms) Doesn't Exit Properly After Navigating Through Forms

Jul 9, 2010

I have a basic three form application. It doesn't seem to close after navigating through forms. If I were to open the application, and the main form is displayed. If I press the X button, the application closes fine(Goes from processes) If I were to open the application, and then navigate from the main form to another form using me.hide & form1.show, and press the red X on Form1, the application again, closes fine.


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How To Properly Serve XAP File From Self-hosted WCF Service

Jun 12, 2011

I have myself a self-hosted WCF server setup, which serves a clientaccesspolicy.xml and an index.htm which is just points to my xap (accessible via app.xap).

I'm currently serving them via the following code:
Public Function GetPolicy() As System.IO.Stream Implements IClientAccessPolicy.GetPolicy
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/xml"
Return New IO.MemoryStream(IO.File.ReadAllBytes("Server Files/ClientAccessPolicy.xml"))
End Function
Public Function GetIndex() As IO.Stream Implements ISilverlightServer.GetIndex
[Code] .....

It works, does the job I'm after. However, I don't think this streams the xap properly, and I know it's a streaming type. If this isn't streaming it properly, how should I stream it? (The endpoint that the XAP and index.htm files are coming through has a webHttpBinding binding). Is it being streamed properly? Or should I make some changes?

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.Net 2010 - Get File System Watchers Working Properly?

Mar 2, 2012

I'm having issues trying to get file system watchers working properly, I'm not sure whats not right here, I want to use multiple, but I can't even get one of them to fire on an event... simple form with a listbox for folders to watch and a listbox to list changes detected and a command button to launch watchers.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
lstFolders.Items.Add("C: emp1")
lstFolders.Items.Add("C: emp2")


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Path Of File Is Not Coming Properly When VisualBasic.Command Is Used?

Apr 11, 2011

I have application file and when clicked on it the application should be launched. I have used visualBasic.Command() to get the path where this file is present. In this path i get ("~") and because of this the .swf file is not getting loaded in the application. Is there any way to get the proper file path in which we don't see "~".

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VS 2008 Using The CommandLine Arguments Properly To Open A File

May 5, 2009

I am trying to use the Command Line Arguments during the Form_Load event to load the file a user might have selected in windows explorer.

I have set some file associations during setup, so that any ".script" files will be associated with my application. However, my application can also open other (text based) files (it's a text editor), and I would like the user to be able to use "Open With..." and select my application to open the files in my application directly.

I have to use the Command line arguments for this, which will hold the filename(s) of the selected files, correct?

So I did this:

For Each arg As String In Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
If IO.File.Exists(arg) Then
End If

Now, when I open a ".script" file, my application opens and the correct file is loaded. However, in addition, the EXE file is also loaded for some reason! It has opened two files, <Applicationname>.EXE and the file I wanted to open. Because the EXE file is obviously not just a text file, it just displays some random characters, but I don't want it to open that of course...

Also, if I run the application in the debugger (visual studio), it opens the <ApplicationName>.vshost.exe file... So I thought, I can check for the extension of the argument, and only open it if it is a ".script" file. BUT I don't want that! I also want the user to be able to select any file and choose Open With... and select my application. That won't work if I check for the file extension...

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File Associations - Default Mail Client Not Properly Installed

Jul 25, 2009

I have my setup and deployment project is set to make the mailto: links refer to my program. It works with Firefox no problem. Internet Explorer complains that "Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed." The mailto link shows as being associated to my program in the windows default programs thing.

My.Computer.Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".mailto").SetValue("", "SGA", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String)
My.Computer.Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("SGA\shell\open\command").SetValue("", Application.ExecutablePath & " ""%l"" ", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String)

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Microsoft.VB.FileIO.TextFieldParser Unable To Parse Mac Unicode File With Text Qualifiers Properly?

Sep 15, 2010

I am trying to use Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser for parsing any format of tab delimited text file that user may have and show the data in web page in tabular fashion.I have sample tsv file with text qualifiers such as quotes saved in different encoding styles for different platforms such as pc, unix, mac saved using textpad. and I am trying to parse these using TextFieldParser. It works for all PC files but fails for mac.

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Using A WAV File As The Input To The Windows Speech Recognition Software On Machine (Windows Vista)?

Nov 1, 2010

Could anyone provide me with sample code for using a WAV file as the input to the Windows speech recognition software on my machine (Windows Vista)?

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Windows Service Unable To Access A File In Program In Windows 2003 Server

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .net Windows Service developed in VB.net. I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...

When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.

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Access Denied To The Path While Writing A File In Windows 7 Using Windows Application?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having a windows application. That downloads files from server and write into the local directory. It works fine. When we try the same appliication in Windows 7. IT shows an error Access to the path denied (While writing to the local directory).

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System.file.io In Windows App Running On Windows 7?

Jan 25, 2010

Just placed out first Windows 7 PC in to a production environment and noticed that system.file.io gives errors about file not existing when using mapped drives to a network server. I can access the file through Explorer on the PC. When I chnaged the path to UNC using the IP and drive name instead of the mapped drive letter all works fine. Strange thing is for a few days during the testing period the application ran on Win 7 using the mapped drives in the file.io path. Not sure why it stopped working or how it worked in the first place. Question is on Windows 7 it seems like it doesn't like mapped drives in system.file namespace. Is tis true or are there more steps I need to do in addition to this This works as is, but when I change \172....vol1 to r: it bails, hence the thinking Win 7 is stopping the access to mapped drives.


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Properly Delete A File Using File.Delete()?

Mar 9, 2008

How To Properly Delete A File Using File.Delete()

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Windows Xp - Get Full Permissions To Modify Boot.ini File And A Registry Value And To Delete A File

Jun 13, 2010

i am working on an application called logonscreenchangerxp i made my program and when i run it on xp virtualmachine i get errors the program is made using vb 2008 and using .net framework 2.0 i am not able to get full permissions to modify boot.ini file and a regisrty value and to delete a file

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Cannot Fiend Any Write Functions To A Text File Or To A Other File In Windows Direction?

Jun 23, 2010

I can not fiend any write functions to a text file or to a other file in Windows Direction

I want a simple write function for a button when click button it will write some lines to a file

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File I/O And Registry :: Creating A Text File, And Using It Among Different Windows Users

May 31, 2009

I created an application that when a user logs onto their Windows account, a Form is displayed outlining the current Computer Usage policy set by the insitution and gives the user two options either Agree or Dis-Agree. The two options are in the form of buttons, with events that depending on what the user clicked, will create a log text file at a specified location, with enteries of Date,Time,CurrentUser, and if they agreed or disagreed. If they agreed the application after creating/amending the file will then terminate, otherwise it will update the file and then force Windows to logoff the current user.

Now I made a shortcut of the .exe of the application and placed it in the startup for all users, and yes the application loads at startup for all the users following the procedures mentioned above. The problem I am facing is, that if the current user logs off, or is forced to log off, and another user logs onto Windows, goes through the whole ordeal mentioned above, the application is denied access to the logfile that was created under the previous user, and thus crashes.

So my question is, how can I created a text file using vb 2008 application, that is accessible by multiple Windows users. I have even tried changing the location of the created file to the shared folder, but the end result is the same.

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Hide Windows 7 Open File Security When Running Certain EXE File?

Jan 24, 2012

I am trying to build a simple AutoUpdate application using VB.NET. It was quite simple. That is, I put the newest ZIP file in my hosting site, and then download it using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync. After it get downloaded, I extract it using [URL]

But each time I run the unzip.exe using Process.start, Windows 7 always show Open File Security.

Is it possible for VB.NET to bypass such security restriction?

Btw, this is my code of using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync, in case any one google about it and landed on this page :

Public Class AutoUpdate
Dim installationFolder As String = "C:Program Filesxyzabc"
Dim updateFileNameTarget As String
Private Sub btnStartUpdte_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStartUpdte.Click


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