VB ODBC SQL Is Not Working The Same As MS SQL For Retrieving Data From An ISeries?

Jan 25, 2010

I think, although I am not sure, that my problem may stem from the fact that I am trying to do something with a DB2 Packed Decimal Field.If I use MS SQL to import data from an iSeries file I can do something like this Select a, b, c, sum(d) from a file where (criteria here) group by a, b, c Note: field d is a packed decimal field.

In VB using an ODBC connection I can do this: select a, b, c, d from a file where (criteria here)but when I try to do this Select a, b, c, sum(d) from a file where (criteria here) group by a, b, c I am getting an error: -2147467259 (80004005).

I want to do this using VB in Excel because I want the user to be able to input data on the spreadsheet that defines some of the selection criteria.

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IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries ERROR?

Jan 25, 2011

So today I installed IBM's ADO .NET Data Providers for the iSeries in my Development PC so I can do away with ODBC when connecting to the AS400.I can't get pass LINE 07 and I've used several connection string samples on the web already. I'm getting an error:The type initializer for 'IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.iDB2Constants' threw an exception.

01 Imports IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries
02 Public Class Form1


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ODBC Data Adapter / System.Data.Odbc Can't Find It?

Nov 23, 2006

i am new to vb .net i just want to ask why is it i don't see the odbc data adapter in the toolbox pane? i just have (under data) pointer, dataset, datagridview, bindingsource, and binding navigator.

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Using ODBC Works Fine On 32-bit But Unable To Locate ODBC On 64-bit

Oct 24, 2011

I have a small vb.net application that fires a crystal report through crystal viewer.

The report uses an ODBC connection provided by 32-bit software accounts package, which is installed in the ODBC 32-bit This all works fine on 32-bit XP and 32-bit Win7 with no problems, When run on a win7 64-bit machine the application launches ok, but when it comes to running the report, it prompts for a database logon box for the odbc connection.

When the report is run seperate on its own, on the exact same pc through crystal reports desginer it runs fine, Its almost like the application is not picking the 32-bit ODBC set up is it the case that the connection needs to be coded rather than using the report connection,

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Password Reset In IBM ISeries?

Jun 10, 2010

how can I reset a user account in iSeries?

Actually we have to log on to As400 with our account, write down the username, receive a password and then logon with the new password and change it.

I found some code in the internet but what do I do when I dont know the old password?

Dim systemNames As New cwbx.SystemNames
Dim as400 As New cwbx.AS400System
On Error GoTo failed


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List Files In IFS ISeries Directory?

Sep 22, 2009

I need to do a daily process that has to copy (download), all the files from a iSeries folder. At the moment, if i know the filename i'm using the following code with the cwbx.dll

Dim dt As New cwbx.DatabaseTransfer
dt.UserID = "user"
dt.Password = "password"
dt.Download("iSeriesName", "dir/filename", "outputfile")

But how can i list all the files that exist in that dir, so that i can copy/download them all ?

View 6 Replies

Delete Data That Have Same Id In Many Table Using VB ODBC?

Feb 10, 2012

Delete Data That Have Same Id In Many Table Using VB ODBC? I try this but it think it doesnt work[code]...

View 3 Replies

Use Data Grid In Vb Using Odbc Connection?

Jun 12, 2009

I m making my semester project on hotel room reservation i want to get all records from ms acess in data grid.

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My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile From A Iseries Shared Folder

Nov 6, 2009

I have a problem when i use My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile from a iseries share path

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Data From Legacy ODBC Source Into SQL Server?

Jul 8, 2009

I have an old VB6 program which copies data from a legacy system (Btrieve 6) into our SQL Server so it can be served up on the web and used to feed some of our other needs. The legacy system outputs a file and a feed program posts it into the legacy ODBC database. The program isn't anywhere near realtime and I am now finding the delay between data going into the legacy database and then into the SQL database is becoming unacceptable so I thought I'd look at VB.NET and see if I could find a better way of doing it using FileSystemWatcher so that when the legacy output file is renamed I can then start a copy of the record affected from the legacy to the new database.


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Installing ODBC And MySQL Data Sources?

Jun 23, 2010

I've downloaded the ODBC driver and the MySQL driver and installed them on my system (Win XP SP3). However, the only data sources that are showing up when I try to add a data connection are Access & 2 SQL Server objects. Is there something else that needs to be setup in order for Visual Studio to allow additional data sources? I'm currently running VS 2010 Express.

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Error:'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'

Jan 26, 2009

i am trying to connect to an MS Access database and I am getting an erro message on the following line of

searchtable_command = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(searchtable_string, testsearch_connection)
Error:'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection' cannot be converted to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'.

Here my connection string:

Dim testsearch_connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C:CesarAccessdatabase.mdb;Uid=admin;Pwd=;")

What am I missing?

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Cast A Data Type With The Odbc Excel Driver?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm using the Microsoft Excel Driver to import an Excel document into a adodb.recordset so that I can remove duplicate rows and put it into the SQL Server database.

The first column has values like 192, 13U, JJJ, etc. but for some reason the query casts it as a double value, and any rows with alpha values get converted to Null. From what I can tell this is because the Majority type is numeric instead of text.

I tried casting it, but got an error.

Here's my function:

Function Read_Excel(ByVal sFile As String) As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo fix_err
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset


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Code For Opening DB Connection Using An ODBC Data Source

Sep 9, 2009

I need code for opening DB connection using an ODBC data source. then I need to get some data from there to a data set.

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Connecting To An ODBC Data Source In VB 2010 Express?

Jun 20, 2010

I need to connect to an MySQL database in my VB.NET application (VB 2010 Express). When I attempt to use the Data Sources wizard to establish the connection, it does not provide an ODBC data source. I'm using Add New Data Source/Database/DataSet/New Connection which shows the Add Connection dialog. The only options it gives me for data sources are Access & SQL Server and the OLEDB data provider. It does not appear to give me the option of adding a new data source provider. Attached is an image of my current Change Data Source dialog. Where do I get the ODBC data source provider and how do I install it into Visual Studio?

View 3 Replies

Make ODBC Data Source Available On Network Interface?

Mar 4, 2009

I used the ODBC Data Sources admin panel to create a "data source" for an ".mdb" file. This was very easy. I can access the mdb (database) file via an ODBC driver, locally. However I need to access this data source over the network. Can anyone please help me learn how to make this same database available on the host's network interface? Perhaps there is a tutorial, video, or some other documentation that explains how to modify a data source to make it available on the network. I am using Windows XP. I hope this does not require a special Windows server distribution.

View 11 Replies

Data Grid View (retrieving,searching Data)?

Oct 16, 2011

I'm using a mysql as my backend database and i'm using the mysqldata adapter for binding the data, i have my data in the database, but the problem is i don't know how to retrieve it, for example when i want to add a record, before i add that record, i want to retrieve the data in my database to trap that the record i'm adding is an existing record

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Good Description And Tutorial Regarding System.Data.Odbc / OdbcDataReader

May 31, 2009

Any links to good descriptions and/or tutorials (with VB.net 2008) on OdbcDataReader? I tried, but didn't find many. MSDN is not such a good help in this case.

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ODBC Support For Informix Serial And BigInt Data Types

Jan 20, 2010

I have Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 and Informix Client SDK 3.5 installed on my server. I am developing a .NET application to read data from Informix database using ODBC functions. In the database, i have a table with columns of Serial and BigInt data types defined. My data retrieve function looks like this [Code]

I've tried to modify the columns with Serial and BigInt data types to Integer. And, everything works fine without modifying a single line of code. I do need some advice how to overcome this problem as i need the Serial data type column as an incrementing id column. For BigInt data type column, may be we can change it to column with Integer data type instead.

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Multi-byte Character Issue - ODBC And OraOleDB Driver Using Same Data?

Apr 7, 2011

I have VB Application and VB dll. I am retrieving the data using MS ODBC and through VB application and passing it to VB dll. Dll is then processing the data and inserting the data into Oracle 10g database. Dll uses OraOledb driver. Now when i retrieve the data in my web-page which uses MS ODBC, it displays the data as garbled.

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ODBC Command String For Deleting The 50% Of Data Rows From Access Database

Jun 15, 2010

I have an Access table in which I connect through ODBC commands. I want to delete the 50% of data rows from it. Can anyone knows a string to write for doing that? ALARMLOG is my table. In MS SQL I tryed succesfully the following command :


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Inserting,updating,deleting Data From And To Excel Files Using Oled Or Odbc Connection?

Apr 11, 2009

I have tried everything.but im not able to insert updat and delete the excel file..im able to connect the excel sheet.the connection also seems to be opened...here s my connection string:

Dim sConnectionString As String
Const kunal = "C:"
sConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


View 4 Replies

ODBC Microsoft Access Driver - Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Dec 15, 2011

I have an error "ERROR [22018] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression". I am using VBdotNet2005 and MS Access as its database, and I can't really get the hang of this error.

View 8 Replies

Call ODBC Data Source Administrator Form Of Control Panel And Get The Selected DSN And Its Contents

Jun 28, 2011

How do i call ODBC Data Source Administrator form of Control Panel and get the selected DSN and its contents

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Asp.net - Retrieving Data Through LINQ To SQL?

Dec 31, 2009

I got a weird problem here like I got a site that users can post comments on a friend profile page.Everytime a user post a comment my application sends e-mail to that page owner, you know to inform for a new posted comment on his/her profile page.The problem is I want to stop the application from sending email if that user has just recently posted a comment say like 5 hours ago/earlier.Here is the function I use that would try to check it:


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Data Retrieving After Con.Close

Oct 8, 2011

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


how do we connect database in access after con.Close() since we do all operation after the con.Close() and works properly.

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Error In Retrieving Data?

Dec 1, 2011

I have MSaccess database.I have 2 tables 1) CUSTOMER TABLE=----CUSTOMER ID-Primary --AUTO NUMBER2) ORDER TABLE =----(CUSTOMER ID--Foreign KEY) Now From the front end using VB.net I have an page in which if i enter Customer details and press button add .I have to INSERT into values into CUSTOMER TABLE and I Also at the same time INSERT into ORDER TABLE with this CUSTOMER ID which i generated now.How is it possibl

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Error While Retrieving Data

Dec 4, 2011

I have a code here which is to insert values in both the tables which has Relationship.[code]...

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LINQ To XML : Retrieving The Data?

Apr 28, 2011

I have this XML:

<data name="lnkViewResultResource1.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>bekijk de resultaten</value>


But, unfortunately, it is not working, it is not getting anything.

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Retrieving Data From A Datatable?

Aug 3, 2011

I'm using two textbox's to enter text and retrieve the data and then show that data in a datagridview.Here is my

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


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