VB Read Binary Of A File?

Jun 12, 2010

I need make an application that gets binary code from a file, such as a .exe, (in 8-bit form) and display the charectors in a RichTextBox .BUT! The catch is I need it to do the process REALLY fast, like in a 5th 0.5 of a second. I have a method but it takes way to like, sometimes 5 seconds for 1 file, which isn't what I want This is the code I have:[CODE]......

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Read Binary File And In This File Found The String And Replace It With Other One And Save The File Afterwords?

Jan 11, 2011

i need to read binary file and in this file found the string and replace it with other one and save the file afterwords. I found many example to read binary, but to find and replace is for me mistery.

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File I/O And Registry :: Binary File Primer - Read The Nth Record Without Reading The Whole File?

May 4, 2009

I need to write data to a file, preferably in binary format, but I am unaccustomed with the concept. Where's the easiest place to get the basics? I could come here with a specific need, but I'm at the point right now where I am more willing to work within the confines of keeping it simple.

Here's what I know:
1. how to open a new file
2. how to specify the record length
3. how to close the file

Some specific questions:

Does the record length have to be constant throughout the file?

Can I read the nth record without reading the whole file?

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Read A Binary File?

Apr 15, 2009

I have existent binary files with this structure[code]...

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File I/O And Registry :: Open / Read Binary File / Care To Check Code?

Jun 14, 2009

I've gone through about 16 hours and two packs of cigarettes trying to figure this out. First a little background. I was using 6.0 up until 2004 when I went to prison. I'm out now, and trying to relearn the trade, using VS 2005. I'm currently porting some 6.0 code from another project, SpyCast Webcam Studio, into VB 8.0. It's disheartening, to say the least. None of the old built-in subs/functions work anymore, so I have to scour the forums to relearn each and every function.The section I'm doing now takes a snapshot from the webcam (Video API --> PictureBox --> Save as Jpeg), then upens the file to upload it to the server via HTTP POST. I've been using this code in SpyCast for years with no trouble, but I spent many hours trying to piece together the right code to open the binary file to read its contents. I pieced together two methods I found around the forums, one using FileStream() though the code I found wasn't for binary files, even though it said it was, so that code doesn't really work. Method two uses Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileOpen() and works better.

Here's the kicker. By the time I run through the rest of the rigamarole of uploading the file, by the time I read it on the webserver, it's *slightly* corrupted. It's a valid Jpeg, no errors, but the picture looks like when I use to watch the Playboy Channel when I was a kid scrambled with weird colors and whatnot. [code] Each "chunk" is basically one "line" of the file. It looks like a single LineInput() return is the text between two carriage returns. Am I correct? I tested this with a flat text file, and it looks true. However, That one input line returns the text or data with the carriage returns *stripped*! ***?!? =( Fine, I have no problem adding my own vbCrLf to each LineInput(), if I were opening text. but this's binary. A character could be Chr(10) or Chr(13), both of which are removed from the original file contents.So I could very well need to use something other than LineInput(), but I haven't found any other examples on the web using this method.

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Read 16bit Binary File?

Apr 15, 2012

reading a 16bit binary file (tiff image). Since the file is in 16bit, pixels of the file stores values ranging from 1200 to 4500. I want to retrieve those values. I used ReadUInt16 since the file has a 2byte data type but keep getting EnfofStreamException Unhandled error.

Dim f1 As New System.IO.FileInfo(TextBox2.Text)
fLen1 = f1.Length
Dim snglRead As Single
Dim i As Integer


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Read A Record In A Binary File?

Oct 3, 2010

To read a record in a binary file in VB^ I would define a type with all the fields specifying strings as STRING * whatever the length of the field was.

For example:
Type Record
Field1 as string *15
Field2 to as string * 20
Field3 as String * 10
field4 as byte(10)
End Type
Dim filerecord as record

I would the open my binary fiel and do a Get#1,, filerecord

The record would be read and all the fielsd would be in place.

Now with the new Structure we cant dimension an array in the Structure And wjhen declaring strings we can't specify the length.

I tried to create structire and use a stream binary reader. and just read afixed number of bytes into the type, The program says it canvert bytes to my fiels.

So how do I do this. Or has Microsoft in their infinite wisdom left no way to do this.

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Read And Write A Binary File?

Sep 20, 2009

How do I read a raw byte array from any file...

Dim bytes() as Byte

..and then write that byte array back into a new file?

I need it as a byte array to do some processing in between.

I'm currently using:

To read

Dim fInfo As New FileInfo(dataPath)
Dim numBytes As Long = fInfo.Length
Dim fsAs New FileStream(dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)


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Read Data From A Binary File

Jul 21, 2011

I'm a beginner programmer, but this may not be a beginner program question. I would like to write a program in small basic or visual basic that reads data from a binary file. The data are formatted in hex and look like this:


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Rgb - Read And Write To A File In Binary

Jan 29, 2009

Im trying to read and write to a file in binary.to give an example of what im trying to do i have posted a picture below.the string is 12 bytes long and each four bytes has a float.the one in red is set at 1 and green and blue are 0 giving the read as the overall color. i have been trying to get this well i tried once and gave up but its been awhile.i have this so far but it doesnt work. this is kinda what i got to read the bytes out but its messed for i have been trying everything i could think of


Dim s1 As FileStream Dim br As BinaryReader s1 = New FileStream(Application.StartupPath & "/files/test1.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) br = New BinaryReader(s1) Dim bytes(12)


I have this to write the color back from a color dialog

Code:If dlgColor.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then

PictureBox1.BackColor = dlgColor.Color()


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Binary File - Read A Byte[] Array To EOF

Mar 7, 2010

Some binary files have application variables at the end if you open it with a text editor you can see these variables. Now when I read these files into the processor memory the program does not work properly, however if I read a file without this it works fine. So how can I read a byte[] array to EOF so that when I pass that byte array into win32 api create-process it will create the process without corrupting the program?

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BinaryReader Class To Read Binary File

Sep 27, 2010

I am using BinaryReader class to read binary file.But I am facing problem while reading number of bytes from it.I have written code to read only 2 bytes from it,it works well on my machine and read only 2 bytes,but when I deployed that code on server machine it read 4 bytes from file.Whats wrong in the code?Is it due to processor i.e.. 32 bit processor/64 bit processor.

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Save And Read From A Binary File In Program?

Oct 24, 2011

I want to save some data to a binary file, and read it later, as in several strings of data.

My objective:

To save the following things...

1. 3 different strings of data, and be able to easily read them later.

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VS 2010 How To Read A Binary File Into 2D Array

Apr 2, 2011

I have an image that has dimension of (100,100). I am using FileStream class. When I run the code I get EndOfStreamException error at line 44. I have pasted the for loop section of the code below.

For x = 0 To 99
For y = 0 To 99
byteRead1(x, y) = br1.ReadByte ' line 44 (exception thrown here)


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VS 2010 Read A String Into A Binary File?

Sep 18, 2011

I want to read a string into a binary file. This string is repeated every certain length ... example:

Start Offset: 694
End Offset: 2248591
Long of string: 25
Sequence Length: 110

I want to read the file and add the strings in a listbox.

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Read A Binary File By Formatting A Record Type?

Apr 26, 2010

I used to read a binary file by formatting a record type and then using the Get command to get the data. What is the equivalent in VB.net?

'In Module.bas
Public Type recordtype
dist As Single


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Read A String Into A Binary File Encoding.UTF8?

Jan 24, 2012

How could i read a string into a binary file Encoding.UTF8.(the string has a length of 25 bytes)

Using fs As New FileStream (OpenFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open)
fs.Position = 2096
Using br As New BinaryReader (fs)
For x As Int16 = 2 To 25


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Read Binary File Containing Strings And Numeric Data?

Sep 5, 2009

I'm having problem reading Binary file that has two types of data in it; Strings and numeric data in decimal format.[code]...

1. The loop doesn't stop, and it gives me "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream" Error..

2. The output isn't accurate, apart from a few random correct strings and numbers..

3. After the loop is fixed, how can i save the data to an Array or write it to a text file?. Can the be saved line by line so that the output file has the same number of lines?

4. As you can see in the code, I've tried writing data in a file, but it doesn't work.. Messagebox does show some data (even though it's not accurate), the file however doesn't contain any data..

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VS 2008 - Read The Unicode Text From A Binary File

Jun 3, 2011

I ran across my first unicode data, and I am not sure what to do with it. I read the unicode text from a binary file using the ReadBytes method, because ReadChars threw an exception when it tried it. Well, long story short, I have found a way to work with the data, I can convert it using a small Function I wrote, which goes something like this: [Code] And this works wonderfully. It just throws away anything not in the ASCII range, including the BOM at the start of the unicode data.

But I would guess that this method is not very universal and probably not the best way. Are there any VB functions available to do this sort of thing? I was able to find something called Text.Encoding, but there didn't seem to be a reverse of that not that I found anyhow. Any ideas?

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Read From Binary File And Convert Byte Array Into String?

Jun 22, 2012

I'm trying to read the binary data from a binary file with the code below but the it's return the value in the byte array. How can i read the binary data from the binary file and then convert the data into string?This is how i create the binary file.

Dim fs As New FileStream(Application.StartupPath & "Agency.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter()
Call bf.Serialize(fs, GAgency)[code]....

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Forms - Binary File Read Operation - Make Searches Fast Without Freezing The UI

Feb 9, 2011

I have a windows form which to summarize lets the user open a file containing 32 bit hashes, then search for one of them. The hash is then converted to its string representation. The application is giving the results I would expect but I'd like to make it execute faster than it does now; some files can be pretty big > 100 MB.

I'm doing the file read using a BackgroundWorker object to display progress updates and ensure that the UI is available during the process. But for that i need to add a System.Threading.Sleep(1) instruction in the loop; otherwise the application freezes with big files. And System.Threading.Sleep(1) creates a noticeable lag. Any suggestions on how to make searches fast without freezing the UI? Getting speeds comparable to hex editor programs for example.

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Read The Latitude And Longitude Byte Values From The DEM File (retrieving Binary Values)?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a DEM file(Digital Elevattion Model File) and I am trying to open the file,where we have Latitude and Longitude values inside the DEM file.And, Now I have opened the file using Filestream and Read the file using BinaryReader.But, I am having a trobule in getting the values of Latitude and Longitude.I am getting Byte values randomly as 1,202,31,271 etc.But, we dont have latitude and longitude values more than 180,and also I am not getting 16 bit UInt values.For example, the values should be like Latitude 20.00416666666667 and Longitude 39.99583333333333.So,read the correct Byte values of the DEM file.The code I have used till now is:

Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream("C:UsersadminDesktopHeader and DEM fileE020N40.DEM", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim rd As New BinaryReader(fs)
Dim convertDB As UInt16
For i = 0 To rd.BaseStream.Length


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VS 2008 Binary Serialization - Save An Array Into My .bin File Then Read The Array Again

Nov 27, 2009

Can I save an array into my .bin file then read the array again just like a string or Integer??

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VS 2008 - Read A 16bit Binary File (tif Image) And Pixel Values Of The Image Ranges From 1200 To 4500 - EndOfStreamException Unhandled Error

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to read a 16bit binary file (tif image) and pixel values of the image ranges from 1200 to 4500. I tried to use BinaryReader using ReadUInt16 but I get EndOfStreamException Unhandled error. ReadByte method works fine with an 8bit tif file. I do not know how to read a 16bit image file using binaryReader. Shouldn't I use ReadUInt16 since values of pixels range from 1200 to 4500?


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How To Read Binary Array

May 16, 2009

I have a client and server: I cant get the server to extract the byte sent to it.

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net


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How To Read Binary Files

Jan 10, 2010

i tried out this [code]i can create and write in the .bin file but how to read it then?

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Read Some Characters In Binary?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a binary file with lines like that

2011021007001 �00000009177855400213156412300210000000000010000EC

I don't know how I can read the first 13 characters in a variable like in C ( with char[13] ). My idea is to read the first 13 characters, skip the next 5 characters for change with 5 '-', and next read the rest of the line. I need to read as Binary because it have some special characters.

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Read The Binary From HttpWebResponse?

Mar 11, 2008

I have a problem to read the binary from HttpWebResponse. The problem occur when the data is less than the buffer i predifine. It will hang in a long time when stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) in ReadFully function.

Here is the sample code

Public Sub GetData()
Dim Buffer(1024) As Byte
Dim sHttpData As String


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Way To Read Binary Data

May 16, 2009

Way to Read Binary Data.I have the following [code]...

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Read Arrays From Binary Files?

Oct 2, 2011

How can I read arrays from Binary Files?

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