VB Code Does Recognized The Aspx Variables?

Feb 15, 2009

I can't seem to use my aspx information in my vb.Here is the ASPX.



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Declaring VB Variables In VS2008 Aspx Webpage?

May 26, 2010

I am new to Visual Studio.NET but very familiar with the old ASP (using DreamWeaver).I am unfamiliar with this system of having seperate files for VB code and HTML, in my Visual Studio project I have a Default.aspx file and a Default.aspx.vb file. Now I want to declare a variable that will be accesible to all my functions on the Default.aspx.vb file. I.e. if a user clicks on one button and it launches a Protected Sub called Button1_Click, I want that button to be able to read or write to that variable and then if a user clicks on another button, I want it to likewise be able to read and write to that variable.So where should these variables be dimmed?

At the top of the aspx.vb file? Before or after the line that says "Partial Class _Default"?Or at the top of the aspx file? (Within <% %> brackets?)

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Type Being Passed Through Web Service Not Being Recognized By Consuming Code

Mar 22, 2012

I am creating an XML web service that passes an array of custom types. In my consuming code I am referencing the code as a web reference which I have given the namespace MYWS. Now in code I am trying to assign the results of my web service call to an array of my type like so..[code]When I do this the complier complains, saying: "Value of 1 dimensional array of my.namespace.MyClass cannot be converted to 1 dimensional array of my. namespace. MYWS.MyClass because my.namespace.MYSW.MyClass is not derived from my.namespace.MyClass"Now I understand the message, the thing is they are the same class. The class is declared in my calling code by the web service references a dll from that project. How do I tell the compiler that these are the same type?

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Asp.net - Should ASPX Code-behind Be Within A Namespace?

Jul 22, 2011

Something like this:

Namespace Test_NS
Partial Class Test_WebSite
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
End Class
End Namespace

Or should I leave it alone and only keep the classes in my App_Code under a Namespace?

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Asp.net - Debugging Code In Aspx Files?

Feb 15, 2011

I am converting an old asp project to a new .NET project. Now, all vb code are inside aspx files, and we are on the process of moving all vb script from aspx files to .vb files. My problem is, I can't debug the vb script inside most of the aspx files. All my friends don't have this problem. I think the problem is with vb text editor.I am using Visual Studio 2008. Is there anyway, I can make visual studio understand that aspx files have vb script inside them.

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Asp.net Pass Variable From Code Behind To .aspx?

Sep 25, 2010

I can't find a way to pass a simple variable from my code behind file to the .aspx page.

In code behind I have:

Dim test As String = "test"

and in my aspx page I try: <%=test %>

that gives me the following error: Error 2 'test' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level

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Sending A Variable From Code-behind To .aspx

Dec 25, 2010

How I can send a variable from code-behaind to .aspx file..[code]I'm remarking last rows because I don't want .pdf file to be opened outside the web page.

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Using Extensions In An Aspx Page? (with Code-behind)?

Sep 4, 2009

I have created a class containing a few string extensions, as follows:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace Extensions
<HideModuleName()> _
Public Module Extensions


just in case it's relevant to this, I'm using .Net Framework 2.0.Would I need to register something within the aspx page in order to use extensions? If not, is there another way to enable them?

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.net - Referencing Code-behind Properties On .aspx Page?

May 15, 2011

On a .aspx page, what is the best way to link a server control's property to a property of the page class (its code-behind)? The only way that I have read about is to use databinding:

<asp:TextBox ID="txt" runat="server" Text='<%# Me.SomePropOfMine %>' />

and then call Me.txt.DataBind() or Me.Databind() from the codebehind. Is there any way of establishing this relationship on the .aspx page alone, or simplifying the process if you have many controls to bind (without binding the entire page)?

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Pass A Value Bounded With A Button In Form1.aspx To Form2.aspx?

May 2, 2011

Im trying to pass a value bounded with a button in form1.aspx to form2.aspx

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" CommandArgument = '<%#Eval("Parking_ID")%>' />


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Pass Parameter From Page1.aspx To Page2.aspx Via The Session?

Jun 8, 2011

I have two aspx pages. I need to send a textbox(record_id) value as a parameter from page1.aspx to page2.aspx to be utilized within a SqlCommand query in the VB code behind page. I would like to pass this parameter using the session. Page1 is a gridview which displays records from a sql datasource and on the edit button click the user is redirected to page2 which populates several textboxes and drop down lists and allows the user to edit the record.

<div id="header">


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Export An Aspx Repeater Control To Excel - ASP.NET | Dream.In.Code?

Mar 10, 2010

I am exporting an aspx repeater control to excel, but in addition to exporting the data in the repeater I am also getting all of the html code. I want only the data, what am I missing?

Heres the snippet of code.

Private Sub submitxcl(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
If Sender.ID = "xcelBtn" Then
Dim fName = "ChargeAndSavingsForReportingPeriod_" & Replace(Trim(frdt.Text), "/", "-") & "_Thru_" & Replace(Trim(todt.Text), "/", "-") & ".xls"


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Have Page1.aspx Refresh Once Page2.aspx Is Closed?

Feb 22, 2012

If Page1.aspx opens Page2.aspx in a window, how can I have Page1.aspx refresh once Page2.aspx is closed?I have a page with data on it and I have a LinkButton set up so the user can edit that data. The LinkButton launches another windowed page with some text fields and a "Save" & "Cancel" button. Once one of those clicks I execute a save and close the window OR just disregard the information and close the window. I was hoping to have the initial window with the data on it refresh once the 2nd window is closed.

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C# - Make A Image-button In The User Control Execute Code In The Defaultpage.aspx?

Apr 7, 2011

1-I have three user controls.

2-I added them to AJAX TabContainer on my default.aspx page

<asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server">
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" ID="GroupOne">


so how can i execute that sub when i click on the image button in the user-control??

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Make A Image-button In The User Control Execute Code In The Defaultpage.aspx?

Jul 8, 2011

make a Image-button in the user control execute code in the defaultpage.aspx?

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C# - Broken Link Between Aspx And Aspx.cs Files?

Oct 27, 2010

I've had the same problem a couple of times with different ASPX pages after renaming them and I am surprised that I can't find someone else with the same problem on stackoverflow.When I run my ASP.NET C# project, the debugger gives me a message like this one.

Error 5 The name 'txtTitle' does not exist in the current context

It seems that the aspx and aspx.cs files at no longer bound. The only fix I have found for this is to recreate the page and copy/paste my code. how to fix this without recreating the whole thing?

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Write The Contents Of B.aspx On A.aspx?

Jan 16, 2009

I have two asp pages. a.aspx is layout and b.aspx is content. I want to display the contents of b.aspx inside a <div> on a.aspx. I know with PHP you can do it like so:



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Asp.net - Transfer Textbox1 Value From Default1.aspx To Textbox1 Of Default2.aspx In Hidden Parameters?

Mar 2, 2011

I have two webpage in my website namely Default.aspx and Default2.aspx

I have asp.net textbox1 and button1 inside Form tag in Default.aspx page

and i have textbox1 inside form tag in Default2.aspx page

i want when i wanna transfer the textbox1 text of default.aspx page into default2.aspx textbox1 text hidden parameters ... which will not show query string in address bar and transfer value from one page to another..

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Unable To Access Textbox Variable Declared In Aspx File From Aspx.vb File

Dec 27, 2011

I have following abc.aspx file:


When i try to use this it gives error: txtSearch is not accesible? what am i doing wrong here? This is not complete code just a snippet. But i think it gives an idea what am i trying to do.

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C# - Post XML Data To Aspx Page And Reditect To The Page From Code Behind?

Aug 16, 2011

I need to post some xml data to a different aspx page and redirect to the same page.I tried the following code it does post to the page sucessfully but i need to redirect to the same page with posted data


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Form On A .NET Webserver Using Aspx Pages With The Vb Code-behind Pages?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a form on a .NET webserver using aspx pages with the vb code-behind pages. The form collects the entered data and then emails it, that part works fine.Right after it gets emailed, this code checks to see if the email was sent or not and then updates the landing page accordingly. I used to use just an IF THEN statement, but now that doesn't work in these new .NET pages. Here's the end of the code that I am having difficulties with:


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Accessing HTML Variables From Code Behind?

Jan 13, 2011

I now need to pass this string into .net object.I have tried to below to no avail; the message box is empty.

Dim SourceTextBox As TextBox
SourceTextBox = CType(FindControl("search_input"), Tex


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How To Redirect To Another .aspx Page On Clicking On A Rectangle On A .aspx Page?

Mar 18, 2011

how to redirect to another .aspx page on clicking on a rectangle on a .aspx page? mention the whole program including headers, preferably in vb

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Set The Three Textboxes Text To Different Variables Using Only One Line Of Code?

Dec 18, 2010

1) Lets say I have three textboxes: TextBox1 TextBox2 and TextBox3.

Public Sub loopthing (ByVal input1, ByVal input2, ByVal input3)
For i = 1 To 3
TextBox(i).Text = input(i)[code]....

I know that the (i)-thing will not work, but my question is if it's possible somehow to set the three textboxes text to different variables using only one line of code (Like my attempt above).

2)How can I do so that when I click a tabpage on runtime, a certain textbox is highlighted and ready to write without a mouse-click?
I've tried the tabpage's GotFocus- and Enter-events, and writing


there, but it only works the first time I enter that spesific tabpage.

3) - Moved To Its Own Thread In Application Deployment

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Two Different Timer Variables In The Same Code Firing At Different Intervals?

Mar 31, 2011

I have created a windows service and I have two different timer variables in there. 1st one fires off every 5 seconds and then does whats it is required to do. The second one fires every 30 seconds.

I make sure that when the function are getting executed I disable both the timers and enable once the function is complete.My problem is my second longer (30 second ) timer never fires only the first one is firing. I had created this service 3 months ago and it was working fine till now. But now I do not see the timers work properly in a simple windows app i created to test their workings.


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Any Way For A Class To Prevent Outside Code From Declaring Variables Of Its Type?

Jan 6, 2011

Is it possible for a class of exposing a type for function returns, without allowing users of that class to create variables of that type? A couple usage scenarios:A Fluent interface on a large class; a statement like "foo=bar.WithX(5).WithY(9).WithZ(19);" would be inefficient if it had to create three new instances of the class, but could be much more efficient if the WithX could create one instance, and the other statements could simply use it.A class may wish to support a statement like "foo[19].x = 9;" even when foo itself isn't an array, and does not hold the data in class instances that can be exposed to the public; one way to do that is to have foo[19] return a struct which holds a reference to 'foo' and the value '19', and has a member property 'x' which could call "foo.SetXValue(19, 9);" Such a struct could have a conversion operator to convert itself to the "apparent" type of foo[19].In both of these scenarios, storing the value returned by a method or property into a variable and then using it more than once would cause strange behavior. It would be desirable if the designer of the class exposing such methods or properties could ensure that callers wouldn't be able to use them more than once. Is there any practical way to accomplish that?In formulating a question, it's difficult sometimes to draw the line between complicated usage cases, and simpler usage cases which aren't quite so important. Here's another usage case, and one closer to the one I'd be most interested in (though I'm also interested in Fluent chaining; being able to have something behave like a C++ reference to a value type would be nice, but probably too much work to bother with).I have a type which is somewhat like the Windows registry, in that it is a hierarchical collection of items, each of which may have a string value, an integer value, and/or a nested collection of items. I wish to be able to support the following types of usage:[code]As for the Fluent interface, my thought would be to have the WithXXX properties return a new instance of a derived class which shadows (not overrides!) the WithXXX properties with versions that simply modify the current instance. The return object from WithXXX would be known to be of the derived class, and would thus use the shadowed WithXXX methods, but once it was assigned to a variable, it would be regarded as an instance of the base class, so the next WithXXX would create a new instance.

C++ a stronger concept of value types than C# or vb.net, including the very useful concept of references to value types; it ensures that references to value types cannot be persisted outside the scope of the type in question. Unsafe code in C# can use pointers to value types, but they don't have the protections offered by C++ references.

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Bind A Few Values In Xaml To Variables Declared In The Code Behind?

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to bind a few values in xaml to variables declared in the code behind.

dim test as integer = 2


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Selection Type Of Variables Speed Up The Code Execution?

Feb 15, 2012

"Does the selection type of variables speed up the code execution in VB.NET?"For example, I have two same exactly same projects where the first project is running with all Single variables and the other project which running with all Double variables.Is there any difference in term of the speed of code execution?This is because I'm working on a project which is very critical in term of the speed of execution. However, I'm using Double variables for most part of the code.

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Forms :: Checks If Certain Variables Have Been Flagged And If So Runs Relevent Code?

Mar 23, 2010

I've almost completed my first VB.Net app which is a rewrite of an old vba app I wrote.The last part that I need to write is the timed events part. What I have in VBA is quite straightforward.Every 500ms the Timer event runs through, it checks if certain variables have been flagged and if so runs the relevent code? Code is nothing major, just updates a networked device.I've looked into timers in .net but it seems like there are various routes that I can go down.

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Set Variables In Action Script 3 (AS3) - Flash And ActionScript | Dream.In.Code?

Dec 29, 2010

I am trying to edit variables in a Flash game that runs off of AS3.I have tried this method:

Call Game.SetVariable("Variable", "Value")

Obviously my ShockwaveFlash control is named "Game" However, this only works in AS2.

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