VB - Extending The XMLElement - Create An XML Database For A Class

Oct 11, 2010

I have to create an XML database for a class I'm taking, but I'm running into some problems. I'm trying to pack my data directly into the DOM using some classes I created and derived from the XMLDocument class, I'm trying to do it this way so I can easily manipulate the entries while the document is in memory and save them back to a file without having to mess around too deeply with the XMLDocument class. I'm running into some problems however when I try to typecast the elements I get from calling



I assume that this is happening due to my derived class not being pushed into the DOM when a file is loaded, because it works just fine if I enter the data manually in code.

Option Explicit On


Other than writing my own XMLReader I have no idea how to accomplish this, does anyone have an idea how I could go around doing this(other than writing my own XMLReader).

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C# - Extending The Base Class?

Mar 5, 2010

When you create a webpage in ASP.net, the codebase inherits System.Web.UI.Page Now when I extend the page object to check for SessionExpired for example, I create a new class and inherit from system.web.ui.page, and overwrite some functions. The problem then is that on each page, I have to replace system.web.ui.page with my custompage class. Is there a way to extend a class by adding methods or modifying its methods directly (e.g. add the sessionExpired check to System.Web.UI.Page) ?I'm using .NET 2.0

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Extending A Class By Namespace?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a class within a library, with no root namespace, firstone.dll:

namespace first
public partial class one
public sub fun()


Is there a way to extend the class in a separate dll and still have access to the original class? I don't want to inherit the class just extend it.

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C# - Extending Enumeration Definition In A Child Class In .NET?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a base class which needs to define an enumeration:

- SomeEnum

I then need to create two derived classes from the base class and extend the values in the enumeration:

ChildClass1 : BaseClass
- SomeEnum
- SomeEnumValue1


In C# or VB.NET can someone provide the syntax to do this?

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Asp.net - Extending The BoundField Class To Add <span> Tag Inside <td> Tag Rendered By Gridview?

Feb 10, 2012

I would like to add a property to the BoundField control that will change rendering as show below.

<td>My Bound Text></td>
Should become
<td><span>My Bound Text</span></td>

This is all I have so far...

Public Class BoundField
Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundField
Dim _ellipse As Boolean[code]....

I have the same problem as this poster, however I am using a .net gridview and would like render my html to use the fix offered here.Using CSS to create table cells of a specific width with no word wrapping. EDIT I think I may be going about this all wrong, maybe you don't change the rendering by extending the BoundField, but rather add the properties to the boundfield then change the way the gridview renders its fields based on the properties of those fields.Which also leads me down the path of control adapters,

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Inherit System.Type - Extending Type Class - Various

Jan 15, 2010

i was trying to inherit System.Type. this is what i have:


and anyway the real problem is that inheriting System.Type without declaring my derived class as 'MustInherit

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Code To Create A Class For A Database Table

Mar 7, 2009

code for creating a class in vb.net for a database table that includes insert,delete,update function.

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Create A Base Class For Connecting The Database?

Jan 20, 2010

i just like to know how create a base class for connecting the database.just the simple one.

what are the best practice in creating a base class connection.

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Generics - Create A Common Database Class In .NET?

Jun 12, 2009

We have 3 databases providers we use to connect to our databases: DB2, MS SQL, and Interbase. I would like to create a single generic database wrapper class that can be used to talk to all three just by passing in the correct connection string, username, password, and the provider desired.

I don't want to have to add references and import all three providers in the database class. Is this possible?I have done this before in Java using the Class.forName() function.

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VS 2008 Class To Create Database And Tables From XML File

Jun 27, 2011

I need some expert help in achieving this task. I have an xml file which will be emailed to me everyday. I need to loop through the xml and create tables in a database based on the xml nodes and their attributes. looking at the following xml fragment for example: Code:

So based on the above xml, I would have to create a Shipment table as a Parent with fields like ShipmentIdentifier. Then I would have to create an Event table with the ShipmentID as a foreign key and fields like Source, Code. Basically a field for each node. Then if there are columns in the table that are new, I would have to modify the table and add the column. I only have to create tables where there are child nodes or where the nodes have attributes.

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Error Using Operand And XmlElement

Dec 31, 2009

my code is like this:

Using StateProv As XmlElement = CType(hotelSearch.SelectSingleNode("/ota:OTA_HotelSearchRQ/ota:Criteria/ota:Criterion/ota:Address/ota:StateProv", nsmgr), XmlElement) 'i am getting error in this line....
StateProv.SetAttribute("StateCode", BLLHotel_Search.StateCode)
StateProv.ChildNodes(0).InnerText = BLLHotel_Search.StateName
End Using

error: "using operand of type 'System.xml.xmlelement' must implement 'system.idisposable'"

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Get Just The Top-level Text Of An XmlElement?

Sep 11, 2009

Suppose I have some XmlElement; let's call it element. If I want to get all of the child nodes of that element, I can call element.ChildNodes. If I want the text of the element and all its children, then I can go with element.InnerText.


EDIT: Sorry I didn't specify this initially: I'm looking for a solution not involving LINQ (we're in the Dark Ages over here with .NET 2.0).

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C# - XMLElement - Override Output Format?

Feb 12, 2012

what method would i need to override with a custom XmlElement to format the body in a certain order?Currently, when the class is instantiated, i have it auto-fill the Default Value from the DefaultValueAttribute and create the initial child elements through the constructor.What i want to do is make sure that the Elements child nodes are in a certain order. This is not a webservices Xml Transformation but a simple file output for a User Interface.

I tried overriding InnerXml but that was a bust. If i dont create the initial child elements from the constructor then they never show up.


Actual output would not be in a XSLT format but this should get the format i am looking for. Currently, what ever is edited last is at the bottom, and i want to have the various object properties to be outputed in a certain order in the ChildNodes of the parent. I want to have the iteration overload to a minimum. I would rather handle the childnode creation be handled on the output of the class into XML format.

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Create A Class That Has Properties That Correspond To Column Names In A Database Table?

Feb 24, 2009

I want to create a class (I think) that has properties that correspond to column names in a database table, such that they come up in Intellisense when I type the dot after the class name. Is this possible to do?

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Create An Object Of A Class In Which There Are Properties And Functions That Do Database Selects, Updates And Deletes?

Oct 22, 2010

how to implement UI, BL and DAL in a project the way that I see it as a requirement for some projects. The way I am able to do a project now is from a form create an object of a class in which there are properties and functions that do database selects, updates and deletes. Looks to me that doing a project like that is separating the UI from the DAL. In an update button click event I may call Obj. Delete (txtCustID.txt) for example. I don't understand the part of further breaking it down to include a Business layer; in which a vb solution is made up of three solutions.What goes in the BL?Does the BL call the DAL?

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VS 2008 Dynamic Array - Create A Public Class For Insert And Delete Data To Database

Feb 3, 2010

I am new in this forum, also new in VB.Net I need to create a public class for insert and delete data to database Public Class My_DBFunctions


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Create A New Class That Inherits From The Base Form Class And Define A New() Method With Parameters?

Oct 1, 2008

I've been creating short test apps repeatedly to try to understand some of the concepts in VB.NET.For the most part it has been illuminating.I read Bucky's .NET knowlegebase tutorial on passing objects as parameters to newly created forms. He shows how to create a new class that inherits from the base form class and define a New() method with parameters Extending the concept I thought about doing the same thing with a form that was created at design-time (In this case Form2).


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VS 2010 : Create A New Class And Have Each List Item Of That Class Such As 'btnID', 'btnText'?

Apr 27, 2011

I want to read a number of items from a file and then associate each of those items with a new button at run-time, so that when the user clicks one of the buttons I can display some information about that item.Can I use a LIST to manage these buttons and items? Can I create a new class and have each list item of that class, such as 'btnID', 'btnText', etc... ?

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Create Objects Of C# Class From Program Class In DNN?

Feb 23, 2011

Can we create objects of a C# class from a VB.NET class and vice versa?

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VS 2010 Class Create Another Instance Of The Class Itself?

Jun 11, 2012

I want to create a class that will "search" for something. Basically I load up the "search item" when the class is created and inside the class is logic to do the "search". The result of this logic will be more "searches" that I want to start. How can I have the logic in the class create another instance of the class itself?

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VS 2008 Object Data - Create A Class And Create A Instance Of CarData?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to create a class is it where I can do...


How do I do this? Do i create a class and create a instance of CarData? but how do I add Color and Year etc to it?

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VS 2010 Extending An Enum?

Jun 27, 2011

I know from .NET 3.5 onwards (or might be 3.0) we can use Exension Methods to add our own methods to any Type in the .NET Framework and this is very handy, but I'm wondering if it is possible to "extend" an Enum as well?

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VS 2010 Extending DataGridView?

Aug 19, 2011

I would like to create a DataGridView that displays records that fill either 18 or 35 columns. I would like to avoid displaying all 35 columns for all records, instead showing the 17 extra columns on a second row for records that need them.How would I go about this? I'm guessing I need to create a new class that inherits from DataGridViewRow and override it's Paint or PaintCells method, but I have no experience with overriding Paint events, so I'm kind of lost after that.

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.net - Extending Web Service Proxy Classes?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to add functionality to my web service calls so object translation and automatic retries are done and abstracted away.I would usually override the base class to add the extra functionality, but as the proxy methods aren't over-ridable I can't keep the method names the same. The only other option I can think of to do it this way is to use the 'Shadows' keyword to achieve what I want.What other methods do people use to add functionality to their web service proxy classes without modifying the generated classes?

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C# - Extending An Object And Any Child Collections?

Jul 30, 2009

I have an class named Foo. This class contains a collection of child objects of type FooChildBase, but I also have a further class of type FooChildTwo which inherits from FooChildBase.

Class Foo
Public Children As IList(Of FooChildBase)
End Class
Class FooChildBase


What I would like to do is have my FooSpecial Class treat it's Children collection as if they were FooChildSpecial objects, but still be able to add FooChildTwo objects to it. Is this possible and if so how can it be done?

EDIT:I need to FooChildSpecial class to wrap any of the objects in the Children collection with the extra values, whether they are FooChildBase or FooChildTwo?

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Extending Or Creating A Custom Vb Component?

Jan 11, 2010

I am wondering if I can extend a component (e.g a button ) in vb the same way I can in java which enables you to modify the component for your specific requirement or create a new one from scratch.

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Extending The LoggingFacility In Castle Windsor?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm currently using the log4net portion of the Castle Windsor logging facility, like so:

objContainer.AddFacility("logging", New LoggingFacility(LoggerImplementation.Log4net)WithConfig("ConfigsLog4net.config"))

I need to pass in a couple of variables to the logger because I am using dynamic log file names. I have looked at the source code and determined that one possible course of action is to create a custom factory and facility but this is alot of work and I'm not sure it is best practice.

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Inheritance In Classes And Extending Subs ?

Feb 26, 2011

I've been wondering if there is anyway to extend a sub of a base class in a derived class or subclass. To date, the only thing I've been able to find is overrides and overloads functions, but to my understanding these functions just ignore your base class's sub and just allows you to run the new one with the same name.

What I want to be able to do is:


I'm not sure whether this is possible, or if I'd simply either make a new sub in my derived class that first ran the base's class sub or whether I'd override the base class and then copy and paste the old code.

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VS 2008 Extending Sealed Classes?

Apr 1, 2010

Briefly, what I'm trying to do is add some methods and properties to the FileInfo class, which is sealed (NotInheritable). As far as I can tell, I have two options to do this.

1) Inherit from FileSystemInfo (the base class for FileInfo) and recreate the methods and properties added by FileInfo (essentially recreating the FileInfo class from scratch)

2) Use extension methods (??) which I just learned about two minutes ago and it being 1am, I'm going to get into this tomorrow

3) Create a wrapper class around a FileInfo object - I think that's the proper term

Ok, so I guess there are 3 options.

A) Why make a class uninheritable

B) Is creating a wrapper class "basically" the same as inheriting from an object, but at least with inheritence you don't need to create any properties and methods other than those you want to modify or add?

Am I correct when I say that a Field is a protected property that can only be accessed by the base class and inherited classes, or is the definition of a field something else?

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Create A Class That Will Allow To Create Windows Shortcut?

Sep 10, 2008

I'm in the process of trying to create a class that will allow me to create windows shortcut; Im using the following PDF file that gives me the shortcut file structure.

Ive been able to successfully load a shortcut file and parse its Lnk File Structure but now Im on the Shell Item ID List structure but I cannot find the Structure of the ITEMIDLIST anywhere

Furthermore I know I could use the Windows script object, but this is a dependency Im trying to avoid if I can, hence writing my own Shortcut class.

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