VB2008 Express - Type 'DAO.Database' Is Not Defined

Feb 15, 2010

in VB6 I used the following code to access my Access database tables:

Global gdb As Database ' Global instance of the database.
Set rs = gdb.OpenRecordset(".....various SQL statements")

I am confused about how to do the same under VB2008 Express. "Public dbs As DAO.Database" does not work.

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Manipulate Data From An Access Database To ListView In VB2008 Express

Jan 16, 2010

I'm trying to retrieve data from an Access database - a simple one. (Just a single table with one column) My task is to view these records through a 'ListView'. No need to manipulate or anything. Just to retrieve data with a simple SQL statement and display via a ListView.

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'User Defined Type Not Defined' When Trying To Define A New 'process'

Dec 29, 2011

I am trying to redirect command line output to a list box in a vba macro, and I've found some code that I think might point me in the right direction, but I keep on getting the same error. When I use this code [code]It gives me the error in the title and highlights the first declaration line.What does it take to define a new "process".

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Type Excel.worksheet Not Defined, Type Excel.workbook Not Defined

May 8, 2010

i am trying to read an existing excel 2007 file from vb.net i used a form with single button and i written code in button click event code is :[code...]

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VB2010 Express Versus VB2008 Express?

Feb 25, 2011

Is there any advantage to using the VB2010 express version versus the VB2008 express version? Can they be installed side by side or will VB2010 express replace VB2008? I have no issues with the 2008 version, so I don't know if installing the 2010 version would be of any advantage.

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Datagrid.mouseup - Error "user-defined Type Not Defined"

Jun 21, 2010


a messagebox appear that show user-defined type not defined i had try another code but it still same error.. i'm using vb6

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Dynamic Type Definition - Error: Type PropertyType Is Not Defined

Mar 11, 2011

I have this code working. It sets the Visible property of controlToSecure to False. [Code] However I would like to get rid of hardcoding types of properties. In this case i'm hardcoding Boolean. Instead I would like to define the property type dynamically. I tried it like below but I get an error on line 2 "Type property Type is not defined". I just defined that type on the line before though? Does anyone know why this doesn't work and how i could get it to work? [Code]

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Error: Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Type 'FileInfo' And Type 'Boolean'

Aug 19, 2010

This is my


This is my error: Operator '=' is not defined for type 'FileInfo' and type 'Boolean'.

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Explicit Conversion From UDT(User Defined Type) To String Type?

Jul 22, 2010

Following is my code. Private Structure DISPLAY_ELEMENT_TYPE


Actually this is vb6 to .net converted code. I m getting compile error at following line

temp = Lset(DispElem(i)) bcz Lset is not supported in .Net Lset accept string data type for first parameter and interger for second.If you know any alternet solution or if you have any source code for Explicit convert UDT to string type and vice versa.

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VS 2005 - Operator 'And' Is Not Defined For Type 'Color' And Type 'Integer'

Jun 10, 2009

Public Pixels(0 To 95, 0 To 127) As Variant Red = Pixels(X, Y) And &HFF i get this code from VB6, and when i transfer to VB05 i got problem said " Operator 'And' is not defined for type 'Color' and type 'Integer'. " i sent to VS2005

Public Pixels(0 To 95, 0 To 127) As Object
Dim red As Object
Red = Pixels(X, Y) And &HFF

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Opearator '=' Is Not Defined For Type DBNull And Type 'Boolean'

Jul 20, 2010

The following code at run time gives the error - Opearator '=' is not defined for type DBNull and type 'Boolean'.

The reason is the data at the table is set as NULL value.. How can I change it to accomodate the error.

Dim irowNo As Integer
For irowNo = 0 To DgvReturns.Rows.Count - 1
If DgvReturns.Rows(irowNo).Cells(2).Value = True Or


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Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Type 'Char' And Type 'Boolean'

Apr 16, 2009

In my application when i click the button i'm getting this" Operator '=' is not defined for type 'Char' and type 'Boolean'." But when i test it locally there is no problem at all!

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Using An Interface Defined In A Generic Type From Within The Defining Type

Feb 14, 2012

In trying to add a bit of usage variety to a generic class I'm working on, I ran into this issue with trying to cast an object into an interface instance where the interface is defined inside the generic class.


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Type Cast To User Defined Type In .net?

Jun 11, 2009

i want to know how to type cast to user defined type in vb.net.I have a mark object which contains student id , subject name,subject id and mark. I have to read the subject id from a combo box and read corresponding mark value from it to a text box.

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BitmapPalette Class Is Not Defined In VB (express)

Oct 31, 2011

BitmapPalette class is not defined in VB (express). What should I do ? Add a reference (which one) ? Declare myself the class in my project but that won't be the common class ?

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ListView In VB2008 Express?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm completely a newbie in VB and expecting your valuable support.I'm trying to retrieve data from an Access database - a simple one. (Just a single table with one column)My task is to view these records through a 'ListView'.No need to manipulate or anything.Just to retrieve data with a simple SQL statement and display via a ListView.

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Sending SMS Using VB2008 Express

Nov 12, 2010

I am working on a project that will interface with a standalone device to monitor some switches etc. When certaing conditions are met, I need to send a text message to a mobile phone using a mobile phone as the modem. The standalone system is all working but I have been unable to fine solutions for sending a simple text message as an alarm etc. Most of the solutions I have found are extensive and complicated. I simply want to call a cell phone and deliver a short text message. The system does not have to receive messages at this time.

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Sql Express Connection In Vb2008?

Feb 23, 2009

how to connect sql database in visual basic and how to update and add new records in the database

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Column Chart For Vb2008 Express?

Feb 24, 2010

Am I right in thinking that vb 2008 express does not have any charts?

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Create Chart In VB2008 Express?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to build a chart in a windows form using Visual Studio 2008 Express, I've found a couple of tutorials but they say to add a component I don't seem to have... is this a limitation with the express edition?

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Hex Data Conversion In VB2008 Express

Jun 8, 2011

I`m trying to write a programme ,in VB2008 Express, to receive Serial Port Ascii data ( from a Multimeter) and display it as Hex Data in a textbox. I can get the Ascii data to show, but just cannot convert it into Hex. Once I can do this I want to write a new front end for the Mulimeter software.

This is what i`ve written so far :
Imports System
Imports System.IO.Ports
Imports System.Text


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IDE :: Modify The VB2008 Express Installer

Aug 24, 2008

In VB2008 Express is there any way I can modify the installer once the App has been publsihed or before in the projects window? it seems to just create all this automatically but I would like to include some options etc.

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Mdf Using VB2008 Express In VB Lesson Snapshot 5?

Jun 11, 2009

I have been using the VB2008 express edition following Bob Tabors's 18 course lesson in VB 'snapshot 5'. I was starting lesson 14 on the RSS reader. This lesson adds the .mdf for the first tome. The .mdf file was unable to be opened due to some message about code 603?. The final requst is that the database be recreated. What would you suggest. I was not expected to run into this problem so quickly in the learning process. so be it

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Numbering Rows In Xls 0-9 Using VB2008 Express?

Feb 8, 2009

how to open an excel file and number the rows. The xls file is just a simple 2 column file with 5000 or so part numbers in column B. I need to open it, add numbering to the rows in column A ranging 0 thru 9, then start over at zero again.



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Publishing VB2008 Express Program?

Mar 24, 2012

Published VB program will not run on another computer yet works fine on the computer the program was written on. Message window during set-up on the other computer reads "Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files." The set-up file is being run from a flash drive.The entire error summary is included below. A recurring line in the error message summary is "+Downloading file:///C:/Documents and Settings/username/Desktop/Application Files/filename_1_0_0_6/filename.exe.manifest did not succeed."The word "filename" is the name of my program. "username" is the computer's owner.Interestingly, the "manifest" file on my computer is kept in C:UsersusernameDesktopApplication Filesfilename_1_0_0_6filename.exe.manifest" I'm running Windows7; the other computer is running Windows XP.How do I get my program to run on another computer?

: 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime
: 2.0.50727.3625


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Save A Form As JPG In VB2008 Express?

Dec 13, 2009

I want to save a VB2008 Express form as "JPG" so that I can view the form in Windows Picture And Fax Viewer., the form contains other PictureBoxes which contains pictures from Database.ViditKothari

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Using VB2008 Express To Create An Application?

Jan 7, 2010

I am using vb2008 express to create an applicationI have an ACCESS 2007 table that I use to fill a form using Fillbywhich works fine however 2 of the fields in the table are YesNoand they do not show up on my form

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VB6 Code Convert To VB2008 Express?

Nov 23, 2010

I am converting a VB6 program to VB express and am having a couple of problems. One of them is a difference in String use. "Result=string$(32,0)" doesn't compile and I tried the trim function, but when I cannot use the "0" with the trim function the program shuts down with the error "Argument 'Start' is not a valid value." I need to replace the "Result=string$(32,0)" with a valid vb express line.


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VS 2008 Deploy VB2008 Express?

Nov 25, 2009

How do I deploy application using vb2008 express? I tried to find on in its package but couldn't.now i use cyber installer suite and works fine, except for one thing:

when I use visual basic powerpacks conponent, such as rectangleshape or ovalshape, I still cannot make my program works in other computer without vb2008 installed.. (deploy using cyber installer suite 2009)

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Convert VB2010 Express Proj To VB2008?

Oct 4, 2010

I created a windows form in VB 2010 and I am trying to view it in 2008, but I get the error message "The selected file is a solution file, but was created by a newer version of this application and cannot be opened".

Is there anyway I can re-save the 2010 project(similar to Microsoft word) in order to be able to open in older version?

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