VS 2005 ComboBox Items Reference TextBox.Text
Feb 20, 2011
I am not sure I am even asking this question correctly, but what I am looking to do is re-center a google map based on an address obviously. I currently have a map that displays one property and six nearby other propertys the center is based on the one property. I want to give the user the choice of re-centering the map based on one of the six nearby propertys whose address is stored in a textbox.
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Mar 18, 2010
I'm trying to use the ComboBox items to reference specific spreadsheets at location 1 and copy them to one singular spreadsheet as location 2.
oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
myDirM = "L:DC Productivity ReportTA Temp"
oBook2 = oExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:TestBook1.xlsx")
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Feb 7, 2009
i wan to display the text from combobox into the textbox and clear the combobox text when click on the button.But when i select another text from the combobox and click the button, the textbox display and overwrite the previous text.How can i do so that when click, textbox display text from combobox and clear combobox text. Then click again, display the new text at 2nd line of the textbox without deleting the previous text?
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Jun 30, 2010
How do I get the other values of the selected item of the combobox so that I can save it to my table? This in my function
Using cmdTeachers As New SqlCommand("SELECT TeacherID, Teacher, Dept " & _
"FROM tblTeacherFile " & _
"WHERE Dept = 'HS' ", cnn)
And I have this on formload
Me.TeacherBindingSource.DataSource = Me.GetTeachers()
Me.TeachCombo.DisplayMember = "Teacher"
Me.TeachCombo.ValueMember = "Teacher"
Me.TeachCombo.DataSource = Me.TeacherBindingSource
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Feb 27, 2010
how can i scroll through a webbrowser combobox's items + select 1 if it equals a string value?
i've got the id of the combobox
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Feb 14, 2012
how to add the texts, and items in TextBox and ComboBox to Datagridview without use any database.
Example: i have TextBox1 and ComboBox1. i want to add the texts and items to datagridview, first Col1.ID, Col2.Word, and Col3.Soluton.
For ComboBox1 use to add the items to Col2 and Col3 will be added by TextBox1.
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Sep 24, 2008
I have a child form which contains a list of names and information, like age, sex, etc, in a multicolumn listview that gets populated from an xml file on the form load.There is also a combobox on this form that contains different Ages and when the user selects an age in the combobox I have it so the listview clears and the data reloads then removes all the rows that don't contain the matching "age" value in the age column.This works but it's really slow since each time a user makes another choice from the Combobox the whole listview is repopulated from the xml file.[code]I was thinking about doing the Name filter about the same way except on the textbox keyup event, but I fiqured I'd work at getting this working better first since this is way too slow.I don't really know any way of filtering the listview other than deleting the entries that don't match what's in the combobox.But then I end up reloading the whole thing when another selection is made from the combobox.
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Feb 20, 2012
I have a tab control application, each tab loads a particular user control and each of those user controls will then add other user controls that are used amongst other the user controls. For example, I have an "ucQuotes" page and an "ucInventory" page, when the specific tab is selected, the "uc****" user control is loaded on that page, and in the case of "ucQuotes" and "ucInventory" they both use a control called "ucPartNumber"; a user control consisting of a combobox, textbox, and button. I have no issues reusing the shared user controls, in this case. My problem arises with my "ucQuickPrice" control, as it is always present at the bottom of the tab control form (separate from the tabcontrol, but on the same form), and it too uses ucPartnumber.
Here's my issue, as I type into the ucPartnumber combobox, the text I type does not appear in the combobox, it appears in the textbox of the ucPartnumber control that is being used on the tabcontrol page. There are no shared instances of ucPartNumber, nor do I have this issue between typing on one tab page and the text showing on the user control of another tab page.I tried just creating the ucPartNumber controls on the ucQuickPrice control, not adding a new instance of ucPartnumber on the .Load event, and the issue persists.
The combobox(s) in question are bound programmatically with about 40,000 items, ".datasource = dataset.tablename" not to a bindingsource. Autocomplete is set to none, I added code to utilize tool tips and the basic combobox filtering functionality. Is this a bug, or is there something I'm neglecting? I'm about 95% complete with this application, and this just happened today. I made the decision, to just reuse the ucPartNumber control on the ucQuickPrice control (originallly it's size and orientation would not fit, but I added some coding to detect what parent is adding ucPartNumber and to change its appearance accordingly). Before, I made this change, I did not have this problem. And, in trying to go back to how I had things set up before the change, the problem will not go away. if the whole control within a control verbage I used is a bit confusing, let me know and I'll try to better explain what is happening. At this point, I'm going to close and reopen vbexpress, as when I started this ordeal, vb started acting weird and wanted me to save all my work, it usually does this before locking up.
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Jan 16, 2011
I am getting instances of SQL server installed on the machine and throwing them into a combobox. This works like a charm but they are showing in lowercase letters. I would like to change this to uppercase instead.I am trying to format the text when I use .Items.Add.
As an example:vb .Items.Add(Format(rs.ServerInstance, .Text.ToUpper))
I do not get any errors, but the items are not changing from lowercase to uppercase. Any suggestions?
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Nov 28, 2009
I am not sure what I am doing with this and need some direction. I have attempted to create a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 called proc_GetPrefixes with the following content
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_GetPrefixes]
The stored procedure is supposed to get all the records and what I want to do with the result set is to add all the items to a combobox. I have started off with the following and not sure where to go with this:
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Jun 12, 2010
I have created a class called 'MyAddress' and in the form load event i am adding few objects of that class to the combobox. I want to know how should i set and read the values of the member variables of that selected item of the combobox. I have tried this and is working, but i am not sure whether it is the way to do
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
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Mar 16, 2011
I'm trying to do the following: Store items from ComboBox in My.Settings (datatype doesn't matter). Retrieve these items to populate a ComboBox on formload. Also display these items (1 item per line) in TextBox, where I can edit and save the edits to both My.Settings and the ComboBox.
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Oct 25, 2009
On the form load event i want to populate my ComboBox1 to display unique items directly from the DB. For that i have set the DataSource property of the ComboBox1 to the selected field. On the ComboBox1_SelectionChangeCommitted event i have set the filter for the DataSource which is working fine.
Now when i select an item from the ComboBox1 i get the filtered result in DataGridView but when i again drop down the combobox i see nothing other than the last selected item. Why is this happening? Is there a better way of populating ComboBox with the items directly from DB with default selected value as null?
View 10 Replies
Aug 7, 2009
I added a few items in the combobox dropdown list at the form load event. [code] At the runtime I dont want to allow the user to write something in the combobox as a text.The user can only select an item from the dropdown list of the combobox.
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Jul 19, 2009
White this code, my ComboBox while by fill, white data frome the database. Now i want to fill the TextBox, on basic frome the selection off the ComboBox
example,.. The ComboBox is filled white meat, in the database is there a price attached
Whene i make a selection in the ComboBox, thane must the attached price show up in the TextBox. My code works for de ComboBox, but not for the TextBox.
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May 12, 2010
I'm rewriting a VB6 application in VB.Net. So far I have 2 forms, frmLocations (frm1) and frmLocationInfo (frm2). frmLocations has a combobox, cboLocations, from which a selection is made and an "Ok" button is clicked, which then loads frmLocationInfo. frmLocationInfo has a series of textboxes to display info corresponding to the location that was selected - Location, Location Number, Phone, Fax, Email. There are also 3 comboboxes on frmLocationInfo - cboDepot, cboFreight, and cboDispatcher. I need their text property along with items to be populated, also with data corresponding to the initial selection made on frmLocations. I'll spare you all the difficulties I'm having w/the other comboboxes, and instead focus on cboDepot. I have gotten it to populate its text property to display the corresponding Depot, however, the items are not populating and all you see now when you click on the dropdown arrow is only the depot that shows up in the text property.
Here is the code for this portion.
Private Sub FillDepotCombo()
Dim sql As String = "Select distinct depot.depot_name, depot.depot_refnbr, locations.site from depot inner join locations on depot.depot_refnbr =
View 8 Replies
Apr 11, 2009
I have 2 forms. The first form has a label on it. The second form has a combo box, a text box, and a button on it. In the second form, when I select the label name that I want to edit, I type in what I want to change the label name to in the textbox and I click the button. Now this goes through flawlessly except I want the combobox item to change to the NEW label name. I've been able to do that but when I close the form in run-time and open it up again, the previous label name appears once again. Is it possible to make the combobox add the new label name and KEEP it in its collection?
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Oct 7, 2009
What wrong with my databinding? How to correct the perfect binding with combobox and texbox.. When I select Projectname the other are changing except the email... Why the email is not changing?
commemails = New OleDbCommand
daemails = New OleDbDataAdapter
dsemails = New DataSet
dtemails = New DataTable
myconn = New OleDbConnection(("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=") + My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "SMRPsource.mdb")
[Code] .....
View 19 Replies
Jan 22, 2010
i have 2 forms.in form1: i have 1 combobox in form2: i have 1 textbox and 1 button...I want to make in form2 when i enter some text in the textbox and press the button the text to be added in form1 combobox
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Aug 12, 2011
Im Using a datagridview to display items in an invoice. when the user enters the data in, they use a DGVcombobox to select which particular item they want. what i want to know is. can i change the text of the combobox programatically after the items have been filled
Edit The DGV in question has 2 predefined columns one is a comboboxcell and the other is a text box cell im trying to fill it using
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Dec 22, 2011
I am making a webbrowser and it has a history listbox(so it is always changing). I would like it so that if you double click on a listbox item or click on button5, axwebbrowser1 will goto the selected item, then the history form will close. [code]
View 16 Replies
Apr 6, 2010
I'm trying to do a windows application. I have a combobox with this
Dim sql As String = "Select EMPLID from PS_EMPLOYEES Order by EMPLID"
Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql, "data source = DATASERVERR;initial catalog = HRSYS83;user id=sa; password=sa")
Dim ds As New DataSet
This works fine, but i want to load a textbox with the name of the employee that i selected in the combobox.
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Nov 16, 2009
I have 2 comboboxes that I would like to change the selected row to a text from another textbox. Basically..
textbox1.text = "item 1"
combobox1.selecteditem = textbox1.text
When I do the above, my combobox is not changing the selected item, do I have to do something different?
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Aug 16, 2011
Ok so i have a textbox that gets items from a website and pastes in that then the list box adds the items but i want each line in textbox to be a new item instead it just adds it all as one
heres my code
' Procedure:
Dim Str As System.IO.Stream
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Dec 21, 2010
if booking closed column values is equal or more than textbox1 text then the book button in gridview will be disabled for each gridview item whose booking closed time is greater and equal to textbox1 time ..
How to do that ?
M using VS 2008 and vb
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May 20, 2011
I need to copy listview items text, not subitems to array without looping, how do I do this?
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May 10, 2009
Again a little (for me) tricky thing:Supose you have a ComboBox control with predefined values - to keep it simple, let's add some colors:
- Blue
- Green
- Red
- Yellow
Now you have a TextBox control as well. If you type into the TextBox BLUE (non-key sensitive) I would like to make it recognize that this value already exists. It does not have to do anything else except for notifying me about a match.I do think that the TextBox1.KeyPress or TextBox1.TextChanged event is what I need but I have no idea how to compare to the ComboBox1 items. I've tried to create an Array of my ComboBox1.Items but didn't get much more than errors. Can anybody help? I am sure it is quite simple however, I can't get my mind set to go in the right direction
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May 7, 2012
How Can I have Check items in a Listbox for a text that is = to Label/Textbox
I want to control a Counter I have
Label.Text = Val(Label.Text) + 1
To add the Count
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Dec 20, 2010
In my application, I have a data bound form using a binding control (built by the wizard). The application has one primary data screen plus a few more on tabcontrol subscreens.Picture for example that the tabcontrol has two tabs, tab1 and tab2.When the form is displayed, tab1 is visible.Now picture the form or window split in half the top part of the form has a few textbox controls bound to the data and there are a few textbox controls in the lower half of the screen on tab1 of tabcontrol1.There are a few textbox controls on tab2 as well.When the form displays, I can access any of the .text properties of any of the textbox's that I can see on the form and in tab1 of the tabcontrol.BEFORE tab2 is chosen or even, I need to get some of the data from the .text property on a textbox control that is on tab2.I have tried to get the data but as far as VB is concerned, it does not appear to be there UNTIL tab2 is displayed.
To prove this, I put a command button on the form and it simply does this: MSGBOX (mytext box33. text)mytextbox33 is a databound control on tab2 of the tabcontrol1.tab2 is not in focus and apparently, neither is the data.how can I read the .text property of a textbox that is on a form but the form (or tab) is not in focus?
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Jan 25, 2010
I am getting the following error when I call another form from Form1 and fill out the text boxes and Press Ok button. For some reason I cannot access the datatable (dt) from Form1. It gives me the following error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference
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