VS 2005 - Drag And Drop From One List Box To Another Listbox
May 2, 2012
I want to select some user from list of user(listbox1) to another listbox(listbox2). The listbox1 contains the userids which is from a access table. If i move from listbox1 to listbox2 with the default values it is working fine, but when i try to do the same which is loaded from access table i am getting error. "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set." [Code]
Is it possible to reorder the elements of a drop down list (combobox) via drag and drop?For example, when the list is dropped down, I want the user to be able to drag the items up or down to reorder them. I tried this (and some google searching) but I'm wondering if its just not possible:
Private Sub cmbClassLists_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles cmbClassLists.MouseDown If cmbClassLists.DroppedDown And Not cmbClassLists.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
I'm trying to write an VB 2008 application where I want to rerrange the items in a listbox using drag and drop (to allow the user to reorder the items). Has anyone every done this and would be willing to point me in the right direction?
What I want to do is make it so I can take a .dll file and use DragAndDrop to drop it into the listbox but it will not at all work. For now I am trying to just get it to work so I am using any file to drag and drop.I have turned on "Allow Drop" for the listbox and entered this code:
Private Sub ListBox1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DragDrop If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
Trying to drag/drop an item from one listbox to another on a windows form.Listbox1 is bound to a table and the data is populating correctly.Listbox2 is empty and has allowdrop set to TRUE. The goal is to drag items from LB1 to LB2.Problem is when I click on the item in LB1 it will not allow me to drag the item to the other box. As soon as I click on the item in LB1 the mouse pointer turns to a circle with a line through it.
<CODE> '''LB1 Private Sub lstISA_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
I am developing an application in which I have a list of values in a list box and a text box. i want application user can drag the value from list box and drop in textbox at his required position. Can anybody assist me how can i do this in vb.net
I have a ListBox control, that contains a few items that display attachments (files or directories). I have successfully allowed users to drag and drop items from their desktop to the ListBox , but I have not been able to allow the user to drag and drop items from the ListBox to their desktop. Is this possible?
I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this. I'm using VS2010, and am writing an app that must allow a user to drag an attachment from an Outlook e-mail onto a listbox and have the listbox populated with the contents of the file. It would just be a text file containing filenames, one per line.
For some reason when I try binding the listbox to a datasource I put in (it contains a table of words to be used in the listbox), it shows me a + sign like it will allow my to drop text in but then it doesn't insert anything. Does this code not work for databound related things?
Private Sub ListBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.MouseDown ListBox1.DoDragDrop(ListBox1.SelectedItem, DragDropEffects.Copy)
the following code allows me to drag and drop the data, so i can reorder the list box. However, is there are way of seeing the line across the list box where it will be moved to?
I found this code but can't use it as its VB6 and I need VB 2008. I tried changing it but can't seem to get anywhere. Code: Private Sub List1_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim vFile As Variant If Data.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) Then For Each vFile In Data.Files List1.AddItem vFile Next vFile End If End Sub
I've been successfully dragging one item at a time over from a listbox to a treeview, but now that I'm trying to adapt it to drag/drop multiple items, I've run into a problem.I'm getting an index out of range exception in the loop where I'm trying to gather the listbox items into a string array. Any index greater than 0 throws the exception, even though I have set the length to equal the number of selected items in the listbox. I've double-checked that this is the case many times. Watching the selecteditems.count value, I can see that it is equal to the number of items I have selected, naturally, but the exception is still thrown on this line:
sel(i) = AddonsList.SelectedItems.Item(i) Here is the relevant drag/drop
Without using MVVMLight, I need to implement drag and drop for photos onto a listbox using mvvm using Icommands preferably and interaction triggers, however if i use commands then I don't know what to pass in for a command parameter? Any ideas? Thanks.
Heres some ideas I tried:
Public Property ImageList As New ObservableCollection(Of ListBoxItem) Public Property AddImageCommand As ICommand = New Adjuster.DelegateCommand(AddressOf addImage) Public Property DropCommand As ICommand = New Adjuster.DelegateCommand(AddressOf dropImage)
I want to have a control listing all subcategories from a database table. What control should I use. then I want to have a treeview with Categories, and be able to drag and drop sub categories onto the Categories. VS 2008
I was just wondering, if I have a list view control, with 2 columns, and insert items to those columns, ex:[code]My GOAL is to NOT use a lot of listviews controls to interact from one col to another. Like a drag and drop function between multiple columns.I have found a lot of examples but they only are between from one listview to another.Have you tried This? I want to do this in vb.net.[code]and some more for the Itemdrag and dragenter events.
In the attached program, I have 3 listviews. 1 is Source Invoices 2 and 3 is Customers.
When I drag something from ListView1 - it stays there, and turns a different color to show it has already been assigned. It stays in the list. This is what I want. When I drag something between 2 and 3, it should delete from the source and clone to the destination. It does this when I move 1 at a time, but if I select multiples (try 5 records) it does 3 of them, then the source list gets an error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If I highlight all 5 items in list 2 or 3 - then select the top item as the item to drag across, it seems to work. If I highlight all 5 items in list 2 or 3 - then select the middle item as the item to drag across, it seems to NOT work.
I have tried going from top of list to bottom. Then thought, since I am deleting rows, maybe I should start at bottom and work up. Same thing?
I have a TreeView (TreeView1) on the left part of the screen with computers, then I have a list of files on the right side in another TreeView (TreeView2). I would like to drag a file from TreeView2 to TreeView1 and copy the file from the local machine to that other computer.
Now I have the code in a separate function to do the file IO, so all I need to know is how to do the drag and drop..
I am trying to do drag and drop from files on my computer.Say the user has a file on the desktop, and he/she drags it onto the open application, I would like it to read the file path of the file and put that in the first column of my DataGridViewI have tried this but get no luck, I have DataGridView AllowDrop equal to True, but when I drag a file to it I get the "Circle with a line through it" action meaning it can't be done.How do I drag and drop?
I want to drag drop a picture box in a panel, but the problem with this code is that the picture box doesn't drop where my cursor is. Can someone help me.
How can i make a drag and drop teeth chart in vb2005? i really need help, please just tell me how to go about it? i just need a simple dental teeth chart.
I am creating a Visual basic Editor application. the thing i amnot able toselect the multiple controls at runtime from my application. Is the AdornerWindow supported at runtime to select the multiple controls at runtime ??RegardsVB 8.0VS.
I am currently working on a drag and drop project and I was wondering if there is a way to drag picturebox1 and drop it in picturebox2; that will snap to a specific location in the picturebox2?
ListView Drag&Drop allow to Drag&Drop between form??
Public Class frmModule Private Sub ListView1_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag[code]....
Can it be drap and drop item to other form control??How to write the event when mouse up at the other form control?