VS 2005 - Possible To Have Inset Option In GridView?

Jul 14, 2009

I work with VS2005 with .NET 2.0 and with Access DB. I have created a website using "ASP.NET AJAX-Enabled Web Site" with language C#. Is it possible to have an "INSERT" option in GridView...? I need to display a blank data row for the database file I have selected, where-in I need to start entering data with certain fields (columns) having pre-defined data.

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VS 2005 Option Explicit On; Option Strict On

Feb 24, 2010

what does these two code means in vb.net: Option Explicit on Option strict on i think option explicit means the compiler is not going to do any kind of conversion and i need to do all of them by the code;also it becomes case sensitive i.e;


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Redirect To Another Url When Edit (option In Gridview) Is Clicked?

Feb 23, 2011

Im using Visual Studio 2008, i have a gridview which gets data from an SQL table. I have added the Edit option which is part of gridview.

The data has a primary key set.

How do i redirect to another URL when the edit option is clicked.

This action should also assign the primary key as a URL Parameter, causing only that specific record to show on the Edit page.

I have gone through this article: Button field in Gridview.

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Forms :: Which Containers Have Inset Border

Feb 15, 2009

I want to do a container that seems like this: Wich containers must use?

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2010 - Inset A Field On Vb Form With Textboxe

Jul 18, 2012

want to inset a field on vb form with texboxe besides it such that when i inset values a polygon is drawn.

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Inset Excel Data Into Access Table?

Mar 9, 2012

I am using the followin code to insert excel data into an access table. Everythig works, but the problem is if my excel file has 10000+ rows, it takes a while to insert. Is there a better way of doing this without installing office in each client pc, that I will be deploying my app?

Private sConnExcel As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:ExcelFilessample.xls;Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1'"
Private sConnAccess As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data


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VS 2008 Inset Vlookup Into A Excel Cell?

Jun 21, 2011

I am trying to insert a vlookup formula into a excel cell.


moApp.Cells(row, col).Formula = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($B:$B,'" & dDircetory & "[PricingSheet.xls]Pricing'!$A$1:$D$5000,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP($B:$B,'" & dDircetory & "[PricingSheet.xls]Pricing'!$A$1:$D$5000,2,FALSE))" '.ToString


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VS 2005 Using Option Compare?

Jul 1, 2010

I am self learning vb. Currently i am developing an accounting application(Just finished one form). This is the first time i have come across 'Option Compare'.I have few text comparisons in my first form, Currently i am comparing both the text's by converting it to lower. Should i change the option compare to Text and remove the ToLower conversions. Will it make difference in the performs and is setting the Option Compare to Text proper for this kind of applications.

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Asp.net - Add A "Show All" Option To The Pagination Of A GridView?

Nov 14, 2011

I have a GridView control setup like this:


I would like to be able to control the "AllowPaging" parameter of this control in my VB code, but I'm not sure how to add a "Show All" option to the page list at the bottom of the control.

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VS 2005 : Option Strict Disallows Operands?

Nov 21, 2010

When I try to write the following code, I get error message:Option Strict Disallows Operands of Type Object use Is

If dtrow.Item("BathNew") = 0 Then
dtrow("BathNew") = dtrow.Item("BathsTotal")

when I use Is I get the error message:Is requires operands the have reference types

If dtrow.Item("BathNew") Is 0 Then
dtrow("BathNew") = dtrow.Item("BathsTotal")
End If

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VS 2005 : Setting Uninstall Option In Program Folders?

Jan 27, 2010

how to add the Uninstall option in the Start--> Programs, during setup and deployment of an application?

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VS 2005 No Debug|Exceptions Dialog Option Available In New Install?

Jun 22, 2010

I just installed VS 2005 on a new laptop with Windows 7 and I can't find the option under the Debug menu called 'Exceptions'. It was available in my previous install under WinXP. I know win7 had some incompatabilities with vs2005. Is this one of them? Man, I'd hate to loose the ability to break on thrown exceptions.

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VS 2005 Option Strict On Conversion Verse Parse?

Feb 6, 2010

I decided to turn on "Option Strict" to see all my implicit conversions that were going on WOW there were alot.I am making changes when I discoverd the following problem:With Option Strict Off , everything works great

Option Strict Off
Dim glahh As Integer = (Me.subj_gla_txt.Text * 120%) / 100
Dim glah As Integer = (Me.subj_gla_txt.Text * 115%) / 100
Dim glal As Integer = (Me.subj_gla_txt.Text * 85%) / 100


I get run time error can not convert string "" to Double at the last line That error I thought would indicate that Me.List2_glatxt.Text is empty? I dont see how it could be since that line in the code above as integer works?

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Set Option Explicit And Option Strict On A Project / Solution Level?

Feb 22, 2011

I really like the coding speed that vb.net provides, but I don't like the possibility to forget to declare variable types, return types of functions, etc. and that is why in each class I use[code]..

Is there a way to define those two options on the project/solution level?

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The Combo Box Style 1 Has Both The Drop Down Option But Also A Manual Entry Option

Jan 26, 2010

the combo box style 1 has both the drop down option but also a manual entry option. I need to know how to code it so that when you manually enter data, it takes that data and places it in a text message "The shipping charges for "data" is $15" displaying in a text box. Shouldn't be hard but have developed a mind block.

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Export GridView To Excel On 2005?

Nov 11, 2011

how to export GridView to Excel on VB.net 2005 please tutorial step by step i have this error when i try to transfer data from my programe vb2005 to excel 2003


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VS 2005 Data Transfer Gridview To SQL Table?

Jun 20, 2012

my below code not able to transfer data gridview to sql database table... giving below error : -

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Protected Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click


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VS 2005 Export GridView Data Into Excel

Jun 5, 2012

I am using below code for data extraction from gridview. but now i added edit or delete or update option with image in gridview.. then it does not work... make the changes in below code for the same logic..but delete,edit and update image should not come in my excel... my procedure


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VS 2005 GridView - Change The Value & Its Backcolor Of Cell

Oct 7, 2009

I want to change the value & its backcolor of cell. On Button1_Click,I m adding records to the Gridview. On Button3_Click,I want to chnage the value of cell & its backcolor. Suppose two Rows & two columns are there in Grdiview


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[2005] Calling Function From Gridview/ajax?

Feb 14, 2009

Im having problems calling a button click event.I have an ajax modalpopupextender inside of a gridview.The error im getting at btnOk_Click is Quote:Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

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[2005] Using User Input As Gridview Parameters?

Mar 6, 2009

have a web form using Asp.net 2.0 with vb.net. I have two date fields on the form but I would like to validate them before my gridview uses them as parameters. I am using a Dataset for the source of the gridview and two parameters called StartDate and EndDate.

Basically in the code I am setting the values of the fields to the current date at runtime. Also the date fields in the SQL Server table are datetime and I only want the user to have to enter the date and it would grab all records within that date range regardless of the time. When the user enters the two dates and clicks a button on the form I need it to reset the parameters to the enter dates and refresh the data.

Here is the

Partial Class DispatchRequestList
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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VS 2005 Drag From Tree View And Drop To Gridview?

Jul 29, 2010

i have a treeview filled with directory structure, now want to drag some file name from treeview and drop it to GridView.

i tried with the Item_Drag event it works for drag only...but GridView's DropOver event doesn't work what can do ?

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Programmically Update A Bound Checkbox In A GridView Using An Asp:ButtonField In ASP.NET 2005?

Jan 6, 2012

The GridView is bound to an Access Table, but I want to update the checkbox using the asp:ButtonField. The best I've been able to do is replace the checkbox with a string value. Below is the code I have now:

Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowCommand
If e.CommandName = "check" Then
'Enable Editing on the GridView


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How To Handle Input - Console Application - Click One Option On Windows Context Menu And Another Function When You Click Another Option

Jul 28, 2009

I want my console application to be able to do one function I have when you click one option on the windows context menu, and another function when you click another option.

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Option Strict - Error Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Object' To 'XtremeCalendarControl.CalendarControl'

Oct 17, 2009

How can I get round this error: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from


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Use Of Option Strict And Option Infer

Feb 22, 2011

1. I have read that keeping Option strict on and Option infer off is good practice and will insure your code is tight and properly written. I would like input regarding this, pro's and con's from those who are in the know.

2. Having said that, I have set Option strict on and Option infer off in an existing program I wrote (that was working perfectly mind you) with them off and on respectively. I went through and cleaned up all the errors on the 'need AS' and casting of variables, but one is leaving me a bit put out.[code]

I have also read where using My.Computer.System.Directory.GetFiles() instead of System.IO.Directory.GetFiles() is probably not a good thing, but when I change to this I get no error, but also no dataI am thinking I should stay with the strict on and infer off but am really slogging through getting this code correct.Running Win7 on Dual Quad Core XEON Intel Extreme with 8Gb RAM.

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Writing The Save Option - Code Up The Save Menu Option So That It Updates The Current Document?

Jun 10, 2010

I am writing a text editor program and I have written the new, open, save as, exit menu items but I am struggling with writing the save option.Now I have created the menu itself (well vb did, I just used insert standard items) but how do I code up the save menu option so that it updates the current document or if the documnt has not yet been saved bring up the save file dialog.Here is the code I have so far

Public Class Main
Private Sub NewToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewToolStripButton.Click, NewToolStripMenuItem.Click[code]....

I know I have some finishing touches such as messages and error handling and stuff but at the moment I want to get all the basics working,I think the save menu option is all I am struggling with at the moment.

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Option Explicit Off, Option Infer On, "Name Xxxx Is Not Declared"?

Mar 4, 2009

Using VS2008, targetting framework 3.5, trying to update some VB4 code. Yes, VB4.I have a bunch of legacy code I'm trying to update, and I had the idea of trying to work through it by executing the old code, working out what was causing each error as I came to it, solving the problem, and then moving on.In order to do this, I have sinned and set Option Strict Off, Option Explicit Off and Option Infer On.Yes, I'm going to hell for this.Problem is, I'm still getthing errors that various things haven't been declared.All of these the items showing errors are in the form: itemName(obj)Is my problem that the compiler thinks that these are method calls for methods which haven't been declared?PS: For anyone wanting to tell me not to use these settings, I already know

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Tools To Convert Option Strict Off Code Into Option Strict On?

Mar 28, 2010

I have to take over a project written in vb.net, which contains more than 400k lines of code written in option strict off mode. I want to build it under option strict on first before I do anything else -- which maybe converting it into C#. I found there's thousands of lines of code raises compilation error, mostly are about implicit type casts. Is there any tool would help to make it compile under option strict on mode if I don't want to correct every single line manually? Because it's really painful to add CStr/CInt invocation into every line of Code myself.

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Option Strict On - Error On All The ".Cells" Lines Saying Option Strict On Disallows Late Binding

Sep 7, 2010

I turned Option Strict On and i get an error on all the ".Cells" lines saying option strict on disallows late binding.

a = 1
b = 3
c = 2
d = 1
With oSheet


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