VS 2005 Retrieving DateTime From Access 2003

Jul 15, 2010

Although a few people around here have said that Dates are not a huge deal that they're simply data, I always seem to get stuck on them, and my current issue is no exception. I am trying to save/retrieve data between my Access 2003 data and my VB2005 form. I have tried any number of combinations (even the forbidden Value.ToString, and having the Data Type in Access as string, and although it worked fine for saving the data, it doesn't work for loading it back into the form.). Here's my code for saving the data to the database:


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2005 With Ms Access 2003 Batch Update?

Aug 24, 2010

2005 with ms access 2003 batch update

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Can't Write In Access 2003 / 2007 DB In VB 2005

Jun 29, 2009

I'm developing a app in VB 2005 to connect to a Access 2003/2007 DB, I manage to connect to it but I can't write to it, do I have to enable something to make it work?

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DB/Reporting :: Working With VB 2005 And Access 2003?

Dec 28, 2008

I am using Visual Basic 2005 and am trying to get my database in Access 2003 to connect with it. I have mannaged to connect my databse, but I don't know how or what commands are needed to load my database.

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Office Automation :: Controlling Access 2003 From 2005 - Error Occurs When - Access Any Property Of "access.Forms("frmTest")"

Jul 17, 2009

I have a program in VB.NET 2005. At some point I have to open an Access2003-Application for getting data in it. I do that by pretending my program is a human user and let it do all the work in Access as a human user would do. Filling Fields, pressing buttons etc. I use the Primary Interop Assemblies for that. So far so good. That code is in use for over half a year now. In the last week I got Office 2007 installed on my machine. Of course I tested the installed version of my program if everthing still works. Every test was succesfull. But if I do the same tests in Visual Studio it always crashes.

All I get is this Errormessage: {"Das COM-Objekt des Typs "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.FormClass" kann nicht in den Schnittstellentyp "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access._Form3" umgewandelt werden. Dieser Vorgang konnte nicht durchgefhrt werden, da der QueryInterface-Aufruf an die COM-Komponente fr die Schnittstelle mit der IID "{66B22FB4-F70E-4F03-A00A-F76E9ADBBF10}" aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht durchgefhrt werden konnte: Schnittstelle nicht untersttzt (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."}

For all who can't read german:

"Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.FormClass" can't be converted in to "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access._Form3" ... Interface is not supported.

Code I use:

Dim access As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application = Nothing
access = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application()


The Error occurs when I try to access any property of "access.Forms("frmTest")"

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.netr 2005 With Ms Access 2003 Batch Update?

Jan 19, 2009

I want to know is there any functions or methods that i can use to batch update the data to MS access from vb.net 2005?Here is my case:I have around 70 records to update back to MS Access.Currently I only know update row by row. So, it means i need to loop through all rows. (I also have where ...=... and ...=... and ...=... in update command.)Its not a good idea because if some where went wrong during updating.The previous updated data will be in DB but the rest will not. So, data will not correct and up-to-date.So, I want to use Batch processing. If something go wrong, all will not update. If updating is OK, then all will be in DB.

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VS 2010 Export Data From SQL Server 2005 To Ms Access 2003?

Apr 26, 2012

I have some code that retrieves some data from multiple tables.This works fine.Now I want the data I retrieved to ADD to an excisting table in an Access 2003 DB.

How can I achieve this.I searched this forum and google...without succes :-(

The code I use to retrieve the data from sql server 2005: Dim connection As New SqlConnection(strConnectionStringSQL)


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Integrate Access 2003 With Access 2007 Without Having To Make Changes In Either?

Jan 27, 2010

I have multiple copies of Access dbs running varous projects on diverse workstation all over the country. Some new additions to the team have only Access 2007. Is there a way that I can use both versions without having to re-do any VBA, macros, scripts, etc.?

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VS 2005 Retrieving XML Data

May 20, 2010

i am working with the XML.i created a new winapp,added a label to my form.then i added xml file by : Add - > New Item-> XMLFile1.xml.[code]all i want to do is to display the message present in the body part in the label present in the form1.

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Retrieving Data From Access Db

Mar 2, 2009

Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim intaccount As Integer

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Retrieving Data From Ms-access ?

Oct 15, 2011

Below is my code for login page I would like to show login user detail on home. For login my code works properly but does not show currently login user show following error "NO data exists for column/row".


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Login.Click
End Sub


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Retrieving Files From SQL Server 2005

Aug 7, 2010

I have stored an excel file within an SQL Server Table having the corresponding column data type as varbinary (MAX) through a VB .NET windows application form. how can I retrieve and open the stored excel file for manipulation?

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Retrieving Image From Sql Server 2005?

Apr 23, 2012

i have been in state of hectic for the last 2 days making lot of research and finally made this code worked it for me. My problem is that, how can i make this code retrieve the image from sql server database...use picturebox to load it in the vb.net program.

Dim myfilelocation
String =


Is it also possible to change the location of image where its getting the image. i mean, i would like to tell other computers to get their images from anywhere as long as it brings images to my server.i mean, say that comp1 which is connected to my database server for storing and retreiving information, gets his image from his location then the application sends the image to my server...the application retreives the image from the server..as simple as that.

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VS 2005 Retrieving The Duration Of A Video?

Jan 19, 2010

how can I Retreiving the duration of a video file without using the media player

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VS 2005 Retrieving The Server Date?

Feb 4, 2010

i have return the follwoing to retrieving server date

Private Structure TIME_OF_DAY_INFO
Dim tod_elapsedt As Long
Dim tod_msecs As Long
Dim tod_hours As Long


im getting error "arithematic operation resulted in an overflow

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VS 2005 Retrieving Values From Database?

Jun 23, 2011

Im taking over a project that pulls information from a database.Currently I have everything I need except the username.The person who setup the project did it as a web project so he used the MemberShip class to create unique user keys based on the person's username.

The username is not stored anywhere in the database only these userID keys.

The client wants a desktop app that mimics the website behavior of writing to the database.

Problem:I ask the user to enter in a username at the login. The username connects to the database on the server.I have no way of grabbing any user info after this point as the primary key(USERID) is a unique key and not a username. Is there a way to convert a MemberShip ProviderUserkey into a string Username or am I screwed?

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Error While Retrieving Records From MS Access?

Jun 18, 2009

when this button is click, it will retrieve all the records in different fields in MS Access 2007 and display onto the RichTextBox. But when i run the code and press the retrieve button, an error occurs. (NullReferenceException was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) Plus im sure my code to display records on richtextbox is wrong as i created another project purely with a button and a richtextbox, only the last field in access is displayed.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Retrieving Data From Access Database?

Jun 11, 2011

i am working on a module in vb 10..i have to retrive data from the database between two dates...i have used the following code but not able to get ny output,,nt even an error

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form4
Dim con As OleDbConnection


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Retrieving Data From Access Into Application?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm working on this project and i need to retrieve data from my access database and display it on my vb.net windows application

i tried the code below..but there are still some errors on it..


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Retrieving Data From Ms Access DB To Combobox

Oct 15, 2011

i want to retrieve my data from my ms access database and i it gave me this error..

"Index was outside the bounds of the array."

i put my code on my radio button function because, what i wanted to happen is when the user selected the "vote by party list" selection the party list names will automatically load on the activated combo box.

here's my code..
Private Sub rbPartylist_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbPartylist.CheckedChanged
If rbPartylist.Checked = True Then


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Retrieving Information From Access DB In VB 2010?

Oct 24, 2010

I've been trying to get information from a Access DB that I have added into VB 2010, the code is as follows:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Private Sub login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmd_login.Click


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Retrieving Information From Access To List Box?

Nov 7, 2010

Am using MS Access as my back end and I am having a table called "Dept" with 2 columns (dename & cname). In Vb.Net when I click a command button, all the data's of the first column should be displayed in ListBox1 and the Second column in ListBox2. I do not know how to proceed

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Retrieving Records From Access Database Using WCF?

May 18, 2009

I have a problem when trying to retrieve records from my Access database through WCF. In my application the user enters a Customer ID and the function then searches the database and retrieves all records related to that customer. However, it isn't working as it should. The code behind the search button is as follows:

Private Sub SearchButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchButton.Click


this code isn't doing as it should. The DataGridView should display the records relating to a customer but nothing is being returned at all, I'm not even getting any error messages. I've been looking at it so long I must be missing something ,

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Saving And Retrieving From A MS Access Database?

Jan 28, 2012

rs.Open("select * from CSOptions where OrderNumber = '" & cbstrCurrOrderNumber & "' and OrderLine = " & CBLI, strConn, 2, 2)
If rs.EOF Then
End If


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Sql - Retrieving Record From MS-Access Database?

Mar 26, 2012

I'm trying to retrieve record data from an MS-Access database and store it into a variable. i'm using this SQL command to query the database: Dim cmdRead As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT UserID FROM [User] where Username=?", conn) How do I do it in VB.NET to read data from the UserID column (in the db) and store it into a variable in VB.NET?

What I basically want to do is to retrieve the UserID so that I can then retrieve the Name and Surname of the user from the same table.

Note: I'm using ASP.NET with Web Develop 2003 and an MS-Access 2003 db.


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Storing And Retrieving Image Using Ms Access?

Jun 12, 2011

is there a way in storing image and retrieving images using ms access and display in picture box randomly or just like a slideshow?which slides form left to right?or vice versa..i have some codes here but i does not display.

str = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:Program FileschuloaderChu'sLoadComputeChu'sLoadComputeinReleaseImagebank.accdb;User Id=admin;Password=;"


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Convert Access 2003 / VBA App To App?

Jan 29, 2007

i have done some research on converting an existing app to VB.NET, but have not found what I am looking for.

My existing app is currently created in Access 2003 VBA using access forms, modules, tables queries etc., and would like to convert all of it to VB.NET.

What would be the best method or tools to use to accomplish this? The VB.NET app would be developed from VisualStudio 2005..

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How To Connect Access 2003

Jun 8, 2011

i have a problem in connecting in access 2003

here is my code
Module Module1
Public cn As New ADODB.Connection


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IDE :: VB Intellisense In Access 2003?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm doing database development in Access 2003, and the Visual Basic portion of it is acting up. It seems to be "refreshing" itself constantly. Two very frustrating problems are occurring because of this: 1) Intellisense for properties and such pops up but immediately disappears and turns red and 2) it's automatically checking the syntax of lines before I can finish typing them.

The problem seems to be intermittant. Some forms in the database operate fine while others immediately turn the line red two seconds after I start typing. I am having this problem on both of the computers that I use on a regular basis.

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SQL Query To Ms Access 2003?

Jun 16, 2011

i have a database in access 2003 and i submit a query to a specific table. The fields of this specific table (STOCK_PRICES1) :

DATE --> type date (d:M:yyyy)
CODE --> type text
OPEN --> type single
HIGH --> type single
LOW --> type single


i receive an error. Why? Conflicts between access 2003 and vb.net 2010? SQL Server is better?And another question. My Regional settings regarding the date is d/M/yyyy but in my vb.net example, the @date1, @date2 parameters accept M/d/yyyy dates. Is there a way to define into the parameters the d/M/yyyy specification?

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