VS 2005 - Sort String Contains Property That Is Not In IBindingList

Apr 26, 2011

I am using the following code to load a file into my program, everything works fine. When I open a new file everything works fine unless I have this line inserted:
Me.BindingSource4.Sort= "NewDateSold Desc"

That line works unless I open a new file while in the same instance of the program running. The I receive the following error:
Sort string contains a property that is not in the IBindingList.

File Open Code
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv"
[Code] .....

I am really confused since everything works properly if I comment out the
Me.BindingSource4.Sort = "NewDateSold Desc"

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Sort Not Working Datagridview Gives "DataGridView Control Must Be Bound To An IBindingList Object To Be Sorted?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a few classes, one is a form, the other is the source of the datagridview. I want to be able to sort the columns of the datagridview by clicking on the header. Here are the classes that I am dealing with:

Imports DiscoveryByte.AddTools.Misc_Tools
Public Class ViewDiscoveryFlashCards
Private DBBindingSource As New BindingSource


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Sort List Of Class Using Id Property?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a class called Questions. This Questions has properties QuestionID and QuestionAnswer. My list of Questions has QuestionID like 2, 3,4, 15, 12, 24,22,,,, etc.I need to sort this List of Questions Object based on QuestionID and store in another Questions object.

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Array.Sort(array) - Specify A Numeral Sort Based On The First Character In The String?

Jan 29, 2009

Sub Sort()
ReDim RollsCC(NumOfPlayers - 1)
For N As Integer = 0 To (NumOfPlayers - 1)[code]....

Here I am creating a temp single dimensional array, merging my 2d array into it, and then attempting to sort it by Rolls(N,1), which is a integer 1-6, Everything seems to be working right with the exception of this.

RollsCC.Sort(RollsCC, 0, 1)

How would one specify a numeral sort based on the first character in the string? im aware that I am switching Rolls(n,1) and Rolls(n,0) information during the sort.

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ICollections Sort Thread State - Any Object By Its Property

Mar 18, 2009

to be able to print a list of objects in a user-defined way, i've implemented an IComparer (sortclass), which is able to sort any object by its property. I have a list that can be printed (first a pdf is generated trough the object, then passed to the printer), all done by clicking 1 button (print button).

The internal ICollection (list of) is perfectly sorted, however, the routine to create and print the objects is apparently called to soon... since not all objects are completely sorted when send to the printqueueu. A check of the list after all objects has been send to the printer proves however that the list is printed.


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Sorting - Sort List(of String()) Using A Variable Index Into String() As Key ?

May 30, 2012

I have a List(of String()). I have written a custom comparer (implements IComparer(of string)) to do an alphanumeric sort.Is there a way to sort the List using a given index to determine which position in the String() to sort by? In other words one time I might sort by Index = 0 and another time by Index = 3. The length of all String() in the list is the same.For reference this question is similar to Sort List<String[]> except I am using VB.net and that question is hardwired to Index=0.

EDIT from OP's comments:I started simple with the non custom comparer but I am getting an error: expression does not produce a value. Not sure what I am doing wrong.Here is the code:

Public Shared Function SortListOfStringArray(ByVal ListOfStringArray As List(Of String()), ByVal SortByIndex As Integer) As List(Of String())
Return ListOfStringArray.Sort(Function(x, y) x(SortByIndex).CompareTo(y(SortByIndex)))
End Function

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VS 2005 Error: Property Access Must Assign To The Property Or Use Its Value?

Aug 13, 2011

got an ErrorProperty access must assign to the property or use its value.Here i attach the code which have an error.In this program i tried to add data into form . I also create button , textbox. i am using visual studio 2005 and sql 2005. i also have attach the imagece

Private Sub btnregister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnregister.Click
admin1.LoginDataSet.staff(Me.NAMETextBox.Text, Me.TELEPHONEMaskedTextBox.Text,


View 7 Replies

VS 2005 : How To Sort The Datagridview

Aug 2, 2010

how to sort the Datagridview. In my scenario I've a datagridview and this is the code I use to fill it:

...declaration of cmdStoredProc...


So it works very well only if i set AutoGenerateColumns = True.Why this code doesn't work with the autogeneratecolumns property set to false and the runtime binding of each column?

View 12 Replies

"DataGridView Control Must Be Bound To An IBindingList Object To Be Sorted" With Dataset

Aug 26, 2009

I'm calling a webservice using the async method, and catching the response with the completed event. When I first open the form, it all runs fine, however the second time I run the form I get the above error when attempting to sort the data.

Strangely, if I comment out the sorting code, it loads perfectly, and I can manually sort the dgv by clicking on the columns.

Code:Private WithEvents Tempws As ws.wsPrivate ID As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal ID As Integer)
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent()


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VS 2005 Get Sort Order Of SortedColumn In DGV?

Aug 16, 2010

After updating a dgv , i want to again perform sort on the dgv with its already sorted column and the sort direction.

I am able to get the sorted column using 'SortedColumn' property, but how should i know the direction of the sort

View 3 Replies

VS 2005 - Array - Sort The Data From Into A File

Dec 3, 2009

i have a 2d array that i want to sort the data from into a file so i can retreve it and put it back into the array. i need to know the better file format to use.

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VS 2005 Error: Sort Is Not The Member ArrayDemo

Sep 27, 2011

i have a probleam with my homework . I try to do a sorting in listbox, but i got an error Sort is not the member ArrayDemo. I also highlight the line which i got error

Public Class Array
Dim strFriends(4) As String
Private Sub btnSortingArrays_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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VS 2005 Sort Listview Column By Date?

Mar 18, 2009

I found these files code on CodeGuru and tried to add the code to a .net project but i got to many errors to debug.

I am not sure but i think it is VB6 perhaps.


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.net - How To Sort A Observablecollection(of String)

May 21, 2012

All I need is a simple way to sort the strings in the collection. I can't find anything online. Everybody is using lamda expressions which I don't think works for just a string collection?

Public Property FilterCollection As New ObservableCollection(Of String)

From d In FilterCollection Order By (Function(d) d)()

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Sort String With Number?

Mar 22, 2012

I'm coding my project that need to make string become number based from alphabet position example : "work" become "4231" because in "work" string "k" is the small alphabet than the others and "w" is the biggest now I wanna make 2 textbox, the first textbox is a place I put "work" then after I press a button the second textbox show a result "4231" is it possible to do ?

I already try to use array.sort but I don't know how to give a position after I sort it or maybe there is other way to sort it ?

View 6 Replies

VS 2005 Sort Data New Column Added To DataTable?

Feb 21, 2011

I am creating a datatable and then adding a column to it which is filled with data from existing column and parsed into correct format DateSold is my existing column from my datafile and I create NewDateSold by adding the column to the existing table and then parsing the information in date format.

This is added to a binding source which then is used to populate a combobox I want to be able to sort the combo box by NewDateSold Desc I was able to this on the original column by simply using the "order By" in my query, it seems now that I added new column it is no longer sorted? I am finding different solution such as using dataview and wish to know the best way to do this

View 14 Replies

[2005] Sort And Get Unique Values From List (Of Type)

Feb 24, 2009

I have a List (Of Type) which contains many instances of a class with three properties, IPAddress, AlertDate and AlertTime.There can be many duplicates of IPAddress in this list :-


I need to be able to pull out just the latest (by date and time) entry in the list for each unique IPAddress. Is there any simple way of doing this?

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Program Code For String Sort?

Dec 30, 2009

vb.net program to sort one string without using any built_in functions in either ascending or descending?

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Sort A List (Of String) Alphanumerically?

Apr 26, 2012

I have looked, unsuccessfully, for how to sort a list of strings alpha numerically. The .Sort() method sorts it like so:


I don't want it sorted that way, I want it sorted like so:


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Sort A Two-dimensional String Array?

Dec 3, 2009

My array is declared by

Dim vArray As Object
vArray = oXLSheet.Range("B2:C201").Value
It looks like[code].....

Both dimensions are strings. Obviously the values of 1,1 and 1,2 must stay together.

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Sort Values (int And String) Of A Listbox?

Apr 3, 2011

I need to sort the values of my listbox to have the latest date on top plus some text

I used a reference I found here on the forum but I can't get it to work properly.[code]...

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Sort Field Values In Specified Order In Crystal Reports In 2005?

Feb 14, 2012

I am using crystal reports in visual studio 2005 to generate invoices. I want to sort different categories of products. I'm using group by on category field. How can i set a specified order in crystal reports for categories.I have for example 3 categories namely 'Recipe', 'Plain Spices', and 'Horeca'....The crystal reports shows them in ascending or descending order but i want Recipe data at top, then Plain Spices and Horeca in the end...!!How can I achieve this in my crystal report that has already been made?

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VS 2005 Datagridview Sort Not Working / Wrong Filling Cells?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm working with datagridview.I found an example on the web about creating a datagridview: firs I make my array containing data, then I make a datatable from array, then I make datagridview from datatable.I don't know if it's the correct way but it seems work.In a column I make random numbers for test: for example I have on column "Time" these values: 1155, 1725, 584, 996, 1352.Then I try to sort with code when I press pushbutton: it doesn't work because I have the values:1155, 1352, 1725, 1758 (until now it seems to work correctly), but then I have 584 and 996 values: wrong!Ok, let's try with the manual sorting: same result.I filled cells with "integer" values, let's try using strings, then I used "value.tostring" same result.I also tryed to fill strings with blankspaces to obtain same length, but nothing changed. "1155", "1352", "1725", "1758", " 584", " 996".Then I tryed to fill with "0" values:"1155", "1352", "1725", "1758", "0584", "0996".The same.How can I fill cells values?

View 9 Replies

VS 2005 DGV Column Click - Sort And Re-position To Previously Selected Row?

Apr 26, 2012

Here's the issue in a nutshell (I can elaborate if you feel it's needed). In a DataGridView I want to capture the value of the row's key column so that when the user clicks on a column header to sort the data, I can reposition to the row that was selected prior to the click. The problem is that the sorting itself, once it's done, fires the same events (RowEnter for example) that I used to determine my key value, so it sets my variable to a new value and now

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.net - Difference Between String.Sort And Greater Than/Less Than Operators .Net?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a simple routine to find the next object based on a name property in an un-ordered collection of objects. I go through the collection and collect all the names in a List(of String) adding any names that are > my current name, which should give a list of everything that comes after the current key. I then sort the list using the default .Sort() method on the List(of String) and take the first item in the list, which should be my next item. I do the reverse to find the previous item, add all items < my current name, sort, and take the last item in the list.

However, this method skips over some items. For example I have items named 1210, 1210-ADA, and 1210_ADA_DB. Using this method, getting the next item skips the middle item 1210-ADA and finds 1210_ADA_DB, but finding the previous item seems to work.


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.net - How To Break String And Sort On Version Number

May 13, 2010

I have an ASP app that has a string array as such (there are much more than this): Date: 05_03_10 Date: 05_03_10 Date: 05_04_10


How do I go about sorting these string by version descending?

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Alphabetically Sort A Generic List (Of String) In .NET?

Dec 1, 2009

I've created and populated a generic list of strings like this:

Dim MyList As New List(Of String)


Now I want to order it.

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Sort An Alpha Numeric String Array?

Nov 22, 2010

dear all i have a list<string> which has the following c1, c1a, c30, c3a, c2,c4b ,c10b,c10a

i cant use the in built sorting function because it gives me in this order



ie i want to sort based on second intiger in numeric order ie 1,2,3,...10...30 and then the third a,b,c etc for example c10a,c10b,c10c

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Sort Listview Column By String Length?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a Listview with two columns. The second column contain strings and I want to sort the listview rows by the string length of the second column.


The problem is that I can only find examples of sorting in alphabetic order (with IComparer). Does anybody have an example?

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DataGridView Search / Sort - Comparing String In Textbox

Nov 17, 2009

I have a dataGridView and a textbox on a form. I want to be able to search through the dataGridView and sort it compared to the string in the text box. Ex: I type "acv" in the text box and all strings containing "acv" are sorted to the top. I'm accomplishing this with a bunch of gymnastics involving datatable.select and some clearing and filling but it's ugly and slow.

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