VS 2005 Supporting Multiple Foreign Languages?

Jun 4, 2009

It looks like the next version of our application is going to have to be multilingual. People may be using it in Israel, Singapore, Japan, and who knows what other places. Consequently we'll have to change our text in labels, on message boxes, etc. to match the language where the app is installed.I know, or at least I think, that there are features built into the .net framework that can assist with this, but where is a good place to look for documentation or guidance as to what to use and what sort of design considerations to address?

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Foreign Languages Typed In A Textbox?

Jul 12, 2010

I am trying to allow the user to enter data in any foreign language, (Cyrillic, Arabic,etc.) by entering the data into a textbox.Unfortunatly when I change the language of the test machine it still fills in the US standard ASCII characters instead.

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Translate Font Names In Foreign Languages?

Aug 19, 2009

How can I translate foreign languages Bold and Italic to find the correct font file name ?I have "Arial Bold" for example, but in the registry, the name appears as "Arial Negrito" for portuguese or "Arial Fett" for german, etc... is there a generic way of finding the correct font file name if I have only the english name of the font and the currecnt language is not english

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Website In Multiple Languages?

Apr 5, 2012

I need to write a web application that should be available in several languages.

I can think of several way to do this, but I would like some advice on the best method.

1) put a table on the SQL server where each line as a unique ID and a column for the text for each language

2) Do the same as 1 but then use an XML file

3) Put for each language a table on the SQL server with only two columns (ID,text)

4) The same as 3 but in XML files

5) make a DLL with a collection class (read the choosen language from the database and place it in a collection, then use a FIND function)

6) make a DLL with a collection class for each language where the data comes from an XML file in the resource of the project.

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.net - Create Multiple Projects Using Different Languages?

Jan 24, 2010

Is there a way for me to create multiple projects using different languages under 1 solution in VS 2008? If so, how?

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How To Insert Multiple Data With Same Foreign Key

Jan 16, 2012

How to insert multiple data into mssql without using loop?i'm developing a clinic management system, while doctor may give few medicines to patient,therefore i hope inside my database,the data will look like [code]

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Identify Multiple Rows With The Same Value In A Foreign Key Field?

Oct 8, 2010

I have two tables:

*Transaction Record

*Account Details

Account details table has the field "Account Number" as its primary key.

Transaction record has the field "transaction number" as its primary key and "account number" as its foreign key. This is a table created in ms access. I am creating a program in vb.net to maintain this database.

When i try to find rows using an oledb_data_adapter, an error occurs stating that there are muliple values.

i think this is due to the fact that the records in the transaction details table are being selected by the account number. Many records in the transaction details table can have the same account number.

i need a coding to help me display the most recent 10 transaction records of one account number, one after the other.

P.S: transaction record table also contains "transaction date" field.

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Website With Multiple Languages Can't Use Classes In C# Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm developing a new functionality for web site project with VB.NET default language in VS 2008. As my preferred language is C# I create subfolder for C# code in the App_Code folder and add appropriate codeSubDirectories element to web.config file. The problem is that I can't refer VB.NET classes in my C# code. All VB.NET classes and structures are placed in global namespace in the App_Code. But even if I place some VB.NET class in the same namespace I've use for my classes in C#, I still can't use them.

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C# - .NET Languages The Mainstream Languages For Windows (standalone) Applications?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm an inquisitive .NET student without any commercial working knowledge and I have been puzzled by what exactlty are .NET languages meant for? Q1.If you look on job websites, .NET seems mainly used for web applications, not much for Windows applications? (My dream job is to develop standalone small Windows applications.)


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Case-sensitive Languages Vs Insensitive Languages?

Nov 27, 2010

visual basic.net is case insensitive so it allows the coder to write without caring or remembering the casing of variables. it also relieves from the 'undeclared variable' errors if you use the variable in another case than the one used in declaration. The fact that its line termination is a line feed makes it even more readable unlike C# or c++ that need good care in the casing and contineous war with following up with the {}, matching them and figuring out which is for which.my question is what are the advantages of c# over vb knowing that both get compiled to MSIL so there is almost no performance difference between the two languages?

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Listbox Does Not Supporting More Items?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a list box on which I am using a data source as a dictionary file data

Dim lines As New List(Of String)


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Exposing A Supporting Class From A Usercontrol

Apr 8, 2010

I have a supporting GridColumn Class that resides in the same class library project as my GridBox usercontrol.It is used in a list of GridColumns as a property.[code]In the Load event of my form I would like to use the .Add method of the List(Of GridColumn) to add columns to the usercontrol.[code]It will not work though because it cannot find the GridColumn class.If I use: "Imports <My Class Library Name>" it works, but I would like it to work without having to do so.Standard controls do this all the time.Am I putting the supporting class in the wrong place?Is there a modifier I that will expose the class when the usercontrol is dropped on a form?As a work around I created a method that adds a column but I would like to know in any case.

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VS 2010 Application Development - Supporting Two Types Of Databases?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to design a application which can support two different types of databases same time e.g; when we install, it will ask which db it has to support and based on initial selection it should work with any db without changing anything in the application.In short it has to be developed keeping in mind that user may have either MS SQL or MySQL. It should support both.

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How To Manage Different Releases Of Supporting DLLs In Visual Studio 2010

Nov 18, 2011

I have a VB.NET/C# Visual Studio 2010 Solution with a bunch of projects that depend on about 30 third-party DLLs all from 1 vendor. This third-party vendor recently released a new version of their software so I would like to parallel test their new software and my enhancements until I am comfortable to switch over. What is the best way to setup a solution in Visual Studio 2010 so that I can use the code I have developed on top of these third-party DLLs and have the opportunity to easily switch between:

(1) the new version of the third-party DLLs [for my testing] and

(2) the old version of the third-party DLLs in case I need to debug some problem a user is having.Third party assemblies ARE NOT in GAC (they're currently in a folder on a network drive). They are NOT strongly signed (ran sn -vf ). They are changing from version 5.4.618.0 to 5.4.619.60.

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VS 2010 Structure Classes So That The User Interfaces Though A Single Class While The Supporting Classes Are Hidden From Their View?

Jun 13, 2012

How can I structure my classes so that the user interfaces though a single class while the supporting classes are hidden from their view? I think its best understood in an example:

Public Class MyInterface
Public Economic as EconomicClass
Public Sub New()


So you might ask why am I even separating them? It's strictly for others who will be working with this interface. I need to funnel them though a logical structure:


This way everything is already handled for them in the background and they only need to run the method they need. I don't know if I can have it both ways in VB.NET.

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Best Way To Have Different Languages?

Jan 25, 2010

Best way to have different languages?

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Get Available Languages In Asp.net

Jan 10, 2010

i am trying to get the available languages installed in visitors pc's. The problem is that i don't want to get the languages from the internet browser.

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.net - ASP.NET MVC - Have A Foreign Key As The Primary Key?

Oct 5, 2011

Is it possible to have a Foreign Key as the Primary Key?

Public Property AssignmentID() As Integer
Public Overridable Property Assignment As Assignment
Public Overridable Property User As User

For the code above I get an error:One or more validation errors were detected during model generation:System.Data.Edm.EdmAssociationEnd: : Multiplicity is not valid in Role 'AssignmentLocks_Assignment_Source' in relationship 'AssignmentLocks_Assignment'. Because the Dependent Role refers to the key properties, the upper bound of the multiplicity of the Dependent Role must be �1�.

I'm trying to create a table which has one (or none) record per assignment.

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Foreign Key Not Populating

Jun 7, 2011

The general problem is that I can't get the foreign key in one of my child tables to populate the primary key from the parent table. I have a parent table named "ISSUES" and a child table named "ISSDESC". The primary key for ISSUES is ISS_ID which is an autonumber. The foreign key is ISS_ID in the ISSDESC table which is just a number. I'm using MS Access and an OLEDBConnection as the method. I've created the relationship in MS Access and also created the datarelation in the VB.NET code.


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More Languages In Program

Dec 21, 2009

I´ve been tryed to get more languages in my program.I´ve tryed application settings.

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MySQLCommandBuilder And Foreign Key

May 7, 2012

I have a pretty standard MySQL-query in my winform application like this:SELECT * FROM tblTable WHERE tblTable.tableID = " & variable..One of the fields is a foreign key. And when I try to add a record to my datagridview I get the error:Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails..Can't MySQLCommandBuilder make INSERT-commands with tables containing foreign keys?

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Way To Populate Foreign Key

Jun 13, 2011

I have a parent table called users which stores all the user info with a prime key field called ID. Now in the child table which has a seperate foreign key associated with the ID field in the parent table.

What I would like to do is be able to populate the foreign key once once the user uploads data into the child table with the user ID it has.

So far I have created the associated foreign key with ID field in the user table and also programmly through data-relation related the table but now sure on how to get the value from the relation.

The foreign key in the child table is called 'U_ID' as shown in the snipet velow.


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Why Use VB Over Other Programming Languages

Feb 24, 2011

Why use VB over other programming languages?

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Binding Foreign Key To Combobox?

Feb 24, 2010

I have 2 tables:

location_refnbr (pk)
office_refnbr (fk)


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C# - Developing ASP.NET Web Site For Different Languages

Oct 7, 2011

I'm building a website which will have a Spanish and Italian version.

In the past, when building a site which must be available in different languages, I've created a SQL Table like follows:

ID int
EnglishTitle nvarchar(200)
SpanishTitle nvarchar(200)


However, I've found this really time consuming (especially if the client later asks for another language option as a second phase).

What is the best practice for doing something like this, allowing scope for extra languages?

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C# - Multiassignment In VB Like In C-Style Languages?

Feb 22, 2010

Is there a way to perform this in VB.NET like in the C-Style languages:

struct Thickness
double _Left;
double _Right;


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C# - Project With Mixed Languages In .NET?

May 4, 2011

I'm not sure if what I am trying to do is possible, but surprisingly VS2008 seems to let me copy a .cs file directly into my VB.NET project. I then thought that I may be able to use the class in this file directly from VB.NET. However, it doesn't see it when I try to reference it in. Is what I'm trying to do possible, or is VS2008 simply treating the C# file as a resource file or something?

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Foreign Key Constraint Will Not Cascade

Mar 20, 2010

I'm developing an app in VB.Net (Visual Studio Express 2008, on Windows Vista) that connects to an Access relational database. The database has 3 related tables (TextSections, LineItems, Cycles) that I'm loading into my dataset. I've set up two foreign key constraints and want all changes to cascade through the related records in the child tables. I cannot get the cascades to reflect through.

For example, when I delete the parent record, the children records remain (in the database - they are removed from the dataset). Also, when I modify the parent record (change the Description field for example), the change is not reflected in the dataset datatable that holds the children records - unless I go through and ReLoad all of the data from the database and re-Set the constraints. I have set the .AcceptChanges, .UpdateRule, and .DeleteRule to cascade, and have also set EnforceConstraints on the dataset. Why aren't the changes cascading through the children?

Below I've pasted (1) the Load Routines for my datatables TextSections (parent), LineItems (child), and Cycles (child of LineItems); (2) the method that creates the constraints in the dataset, and (3) The Save routine for TextSections.

Friend Sub LoadTSTable()
Dim key(1) As DataColumn
Dim newCol As New DataColumn


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Foreign Key Relationship Between Tables

Sep 8, 2009

I'm using a dataset class written by others who have defined the foreign key relationships between tables using the tools in the schema diagram. I'm binding the dataclass to a windows form. I'm running into an issue where I have an existing header record and I'm trying to insert data into a child table via a grid programmatically. The child table contains all keys for data. As the grid is bound to a binding source, I'm simply adding rows directly to the grid programmatically.

When I attempt to save the data, I get the error ForeignKeyConstraint FX_Activity_UserRoleActivity Requires Child Key Values (4) to exist in the parent table. The value (4) is one of the foreign key values and it does exist in the parent table. The error occurs when I tell the bindingsource associated to the child table on the form to EndEdit. Looking at the XSD file for the dataset, both foreign keys are set up for 'Both Foreign and Key Constraint' with Cascade set for both update rule and delete rule. Accept/Reject rule is set to none.

Running a SQL trace, I confirmed that SQL Server is not generating the error, so it is occurring on the client application somewhere. First what does the error actually mean? Second, does the configuration of the foreign key relationship in the dataset's XSD file have anything to do with it? If so how should the foreign keys be set up between the tables? If it isn't how would you go about troubleshooting this issue as stepping through the code ends with the .EndEdit call to the binding source.

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Foreign Languange In Starter Kit?

Jul 14, 2009

Is there anybody know how to translate text in a foreign language (Latin) to English in the Personal Web Site starter kit?

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