VS 2005 - System.DateTime - No Date Coming Through

Jan 24, 2011

Weird problem that just started, I am using an OleDbCommnad to create a dataadapter then fill a table everything from a .csv file, works fine except no dates are coming over? I added a datagrid view to my project just to see and any column that should have a date value is empty. I confirmed that the column is of System.DateTime value so I am at a complete loss?

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VS 2008 : Get System.DateTime To Show Date Only?

Sep 29, 2009

my form need to show the current date when click on button. the code inside the button is TextBox1.text = System.DateTime.Now.After clicking, the textbox show "9/29/2009 4:32:10 PM" may i know is it possible for me to show only the date and also to change the format to dd/mm/yyyy?

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VS 2008 Unable To Convert MYSQL Date/time Value To System.DateTime?

Dec 26, 2011

I need to display on my datagridview the data from MYSQL db, but I'm having a problem on a field which is in DATE format in mysql

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tbl_user_log"
cmd.Connection = sqlcon
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader


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VS 2005 Date From Datetime Item In Listview?

Nov 15, 2009

i have to check duplicate rows with same two columns..if column 1 and 2 are same then delete the all row and keep only one...but one column is carrying datetime..so i want to check only the date not the time part..it's ok with other two varchar columns..i want to check only the date not the time..but date and time are in the same column

If itemI.SubItems(0).Text = itemJ.SubItems(0).Text AndAlso _
itemI.SubItems(1).Text = itemJ.SubItems(1).Text Then


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[2008] Database Import - "Unable To Convert MySQL Date / Time Value To System.DateTime"

Jan 31, 2009

I have got a MySQL database that has got some dates stored in a Date format (YYYY-MM-DD) however when i try and import the data i get an error saying: "Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime"


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[2005] Today.date Versus Now Versus DateTime.Now?

Jan 16, 2009

just want to know what is the difference between these date values?Once some one told me that its difference is server date and client date but not sure which one he meant.Below is 3 type of date currently I'm using and don't know what is the difference between them.

DateTime.Now is from System.DateTime.Now
Now is from Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime
Today.date is also from System.DateTime

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VS 2005 Make Date Format Independent Of System Date Format

Apr 16, 2009

I am working on a project inwhich I want same date format in all project forms. I want to use a form for setting/resetting date format for whole project. whenever I will change date format in this settings form, there should be this new date format available in all forms. how can I implement this?

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Match A Certain DateTime Value With Current System DateTime

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to match a certain DateTime value with the current system DateTime. I have a timer and a label on a form. Timer interval is set to 1000. When the form loads, the timer starts ticking. As soon as the current DateTime matches the value of the variable, it shows a message in the label. When I'm writing the following code, the values don't match even if the current system DateTime is equal to the variable. Label1 isn't showing 'Times Matched':[code]The default format of 'Now' is the same as I have stored in dtmVar variable. So there's no question of format mismatch. Does that mean 'Now' is not actually a DateTime property? Provided, my O.S. is Windows Vista Ultimate and all date/time settings are set to default.

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Match A Certain DateTime Value With The Current System DateTime?

May 1, 2010

I'm trying to match a certain DateTime value with the current system DateTime. I have a timer and a label on a form. Timer interval is set to 1000. When the form loads, the timer starts ticking. As soon as the current DateTime matches the value of the variable, it shows a message in the label.

When I'm writing the following code, the values don't match even if the current system DateTime is equal to the variable. Label1 isn't showing 'Times Matched':

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim dtmNow As DateTime


Why is it so? The default format of 'Now' is the same as I have stored in dtmVar variable. So there's no question of format mismatch. Does that mean 'Now' is not actually a DateTime property? Provided, my O.S. is Windows Vista Ultimate and all date/time settings are set to default.

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ListView - How To Do Check On Date (Coming Up Birthdays)

Jan 9, 2010

I am new to <acronym title="Visual Basic">vb</acronym>.net but i have been writing my first Application. The application is a customer database. I have a contacts form and in one of the fields the user puter their date of birth. Alk data is writen to a SQL database. I also have a listview on the right when the application lauches. I want this listview to show birthdays that are coming up in say the next 30days. This is so the user can send a card/ present.

Here is my SQL Update
"update Contacts set contactname='" & tbName.Text & "', PostalAddress='" & tbAddress.Text & "', PhoneNumber='" & tbPhone.Text & "',MobileNumber='" & tbMobile.Text & "', Email='" & tbEmail.Text & "',DateOfBirth='" & Format(dtpDOB.Value, "dd MMM yyyy") & "' where contactID ='" & localContactID & "'"

Then my listview has the select
"SELECT ContactName, DateOFBirth, ContactID FROM Contacts"
I did try
Dim todaysdate As DateTime
todaysdate = Date.Now.AddDays(+30).ToString("dd MMM yyyy")
But it is looking at the YYYY and for it to show evey year the YYYY has to be ignored.

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Error - Soap Serializer Does Not Support Serializing Generic Types : System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]

Oct 2, 2009

Im working on my first n-tier application. I am trying to serialize a structure and Im getting an error"Soap Serializer does not support serializing Generic Types : System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]."Here is the structure that is being serialized
Namespace Structures

<Serializable()> _
Public Structure structAllergy
Public AllergyID As String
Public ProfileID As String


The bold line is the line that is throwing the error.

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Sql 2005 - Asp.net - Didn't Place Any Date In The Textbox ,system Is Capturing 1/1/1900 By Default Insted Of Null

Jul 29, 2009

If i didn't place any date in the textbox ,system is capturing 1/1/1900 by default insted of Null.How can i get rid of this.


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Set The System Date Of A Workstation Based On The System Date Of The Server?

Dec 13, 2009

i want to set the system date of my a client pc based on the system date where the sql server reside.In short i want to sysncronize the date between the client and server.I have a working code in vb6 but i dont know how to do it in vb 2008.

dim RstDate As ADODB.Recordset
Set RstDate = New ADODB.Recordset
RstDate.Open "SELECT GETDATE() as ServerDate ", CnAP


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VS 2005 Variant - Values Coming Back From The Function Is Not Getting Converted To Object Type Properly

Jun 8, 2011

I have some ActiveX that was written for VB6. They all seem to return Variant types. Ex.


In this case the GetPosition control is returning a robot axis position. It looks to me like the values coming back from the function is not getting converted to object type properly.

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.net Before Date Is Less Than Datetime Now?

Jun 12, 2012

the last date was saved on database is: 6/13/2012 12:27:30 PM

In my DateTime Now is:6/13/2012 01:27:57 AM

but, when I execute this function, it always say:"Date has been manually modified, Please Set to Valid DateTime" But, DateTime Now is NOT lessthan the Date from my Database. What's wrong?

This is the code, please correct it,


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Using Date Instead Of DateTime?

Apr 11, 2011

From what I can tell Date and DateTime have the same functionality. Is there a reason why I would want to use one instead of the other?

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Asp.net - Get Date From Datetime Format?

May 12, 2009

I have a datetime for eg:23/9/2009 10:00:00 AM .I want to get date from datetime.Means 23/9/2009 .

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Asp.net - How To Get Date Part From Datetime

Apr 1, 2009

Duplicate: How to truncate a date in .net? I have datetime field containing '4/1/2009 8:00:00AM'. I want to get '4/1/2009' without the time.

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Convert Datetime To Only Date?

Jul 2, 2010

I want to insert only date into the db but in the following statement that I've wrote which inserts the date in mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss format.

InsertCmd = "Insert into Blotter (Name, Product, Date_Time) values ('" & NameLabel.Text.Trim() & "','" & ProductTextBox.Text.Trim() & "','" & TimeLabel.Text.Trim() & "')" & "Update Blotter Set Name = UPPER(Name)"

I have tried the following code, however it didn't work.

InsertCmd = "Insert into Blotter (Name, Product, Date_Time) values ('" & NameLabel.Text.Trim() & "','" & ProductTextBox.Text.Trim() & "','" & (CDate(TimeLabel.Text.Trim().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")))& "')" & "Update Blotter Set Name = UPPER(Name)"

I also tried format the TimeLabel as below but still didn't work. [code] TimeLabel.Text = CDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("MM/dd/yyy")

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Datetime - Get Only Year From Date?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm pulling into a variable a datetime value. Now, I want to post this value back to my database, but I need it to be only the year digits. How do I get VB.NET to trim the month, day, and time off and just return the four character year (e.g. 2011)?

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Get Only Date From DateTime Picker

Sep 22, 2010

How can i get only date from date and time picker.

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How To Retrieve Only Date From DateTime

Jun 22, 2010

How to retrieve only date from DateTime in vb.net in dd/MM/yyyy format and I have a field in table in access 2007 which has date/time datatype. Data is stored in datetime format.(04/08/2010 12:01:07 AM) I want to retrive only dates which are in range of two DTPickers in dd/MM/yyyy format [Code]

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Preferred To Use New Date Or New DateTime?

Dec 6, 2010

why is it that we have a date and a datetime which are exactly the same thing, and is it preferred to use new Date or new DateTime?

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Set The DateTime Object To The Date?

Nov 27, 2009

how can i set the DateTime object to the date i want? dim DT as DateTime

DT.Date="2/2/2004 12:00:05"

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.net - Date Tag From Xml As DateTime Datatype Into The Application?

Aug 11, 2011

I have written XML file having a Date <Date>10/11/2011</Date> tag in it as above and trying to read it from VB.NET:

If TypeOf item Is DateTime Then
nextItem = DirectCast(item, DateTime).ToString("MMM-d-yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff", ci)
End If

How to get the date tag in XML in datetime format in the application? (As I am getting the date value as string in the application)

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Add Integer To Datetime To Find Out Date?

Feb 22, 2010

similiar question to the one asked before by someone, about age and date.

I have 2 fields in sql server 2008
DOB = "01/05/1952"
licence_age = 16

how do i get the year he go his licence from this information?

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Asp.net - Extract Date Part From A Datetime?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a sql query which extract a field of datatype smalldatetime. I read this field using datareader, convert it to string and store it in a string variable.I get the string as 1/1/2012 12:00:00 AM ,here i want to use only date part of this string and i have nothing to do with the time.How can i cut only the date from the string and get the output as 1/1/2012?

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Datetime - Convert String To Date?

Aug 31, 2010

how do i convert the string

30.10.2009 in date?

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Datetime - Add Number To Date Field?

Feb 22, 2010

i have 2 fields in the database (sql server 08)

Dob = "05/09/1965"
license_age = 16

how do i get the number of years this person hs had licence. so basically dim age1 = current year - (dob - license_age)how do i find out which year he got his license based on the above two fields?

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Datetime - Adding Months To A Date Value

Oct 27, 2011

I am trying the following code and getting the sql date time overflow exception.....The problem lies in the Gold part...rest to i.e. Silver and Premium work fine....When in Gold part I try to add certain number of months to a date time field I don't know what action is performed as when i check it through Message box the ren_date has value "12:00:00 AM" rather than the new date value after adding 6 months in mem_date value....


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