- How To Get Date Part From Datetime
Apr 1, 2009Duplicate: How to truncate a date in .net? I have datetime field containing '4/1/2009 8:00:00AM'. I want to get '4/1/2009' without the time.
View 7 RepliesDuplicate: How to truncate a date in .net? I have datetime field containing '4/1/2009 8:00:00AM'. I want to get '4/1/2009' without the time.
View 7 RepliesI have a sql query which extract a field of datatype smalldatetime. I read this field using datareader, convert it to string and store it in a string variable.I get the string as 1/1/2012 12:00:00 AM ,here i want to use only date part of this string and i have nothing to do with the time.How can i cut only the date from the string and get the output as 1/1/2012?
View 2 Repliesi have a table where in date column i have datetime datatype..i want to get only time in textbox...but i m getting both date and time by this below code. i m using vs 2005...sql 2005
I defined a DateTime datacolumn in a datatable dt as [code]]....
View 5 RepliesI have to match string like "DAY1","DAY2","DAY3"....."DAY31" with regex in I tried something like this - ^?DAY(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ but it did not work.
The pattern should have succesfull match if the source string is either DAY1 or DAY2 or DAY3 to DAY31 like so.
I am importing data from CSV file into a dataset using OLEDB data adaptor.I created a query with query builder to extract the desired data then copied the text generated into my code. Everything works as it should exepct that the seconds part of a datetime column is missing when the code is run.The odd thing about this is that the seconds part appears when i execute the query in query builder.[code]
View 3 RepliesI am using VB 2008 & Access Database
for one of my DateTime field in data table i need to Remove it's Time part permently. I have tried following code but Syntax error received.Remove Time part from DateTime Field in MS Access Permanently?
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]...
the last date was saved on database is: 6/13/2012 12:27:30 PM
In my DateTime Now is:6/13/2012 01:27:57 AM
but, when I execute this function, it always say:"Date has been manually modified, Please Set to Valid DateTime" But, DateTime Now is NOT lessthan the Date from my Database. What's wrong?
This is the code, please correct it,
From what I can tell Date and DateTime have the same functionality. Is there a reason why I would want to use one instead of the other?
View 3 RepliesI have a variable stored in db which is created when a new person is added it takes the day of todaysDate on the day they register and stores only the day
I would like to use this date as the same day of every month the user is due
i.e dueDate actualDate
so if the user joined on the 20/02/2010 and then makes a payment on the 25/03/2010
I want to be able to add 20/03/2010 to the dueDate and 25/03/2010 as the actualDate
I can get the stored day querying the db how would I then add the current month and year to that date
I have a datetime for eg:23/9/2009 10:00:00 AM .I want to get date from datetime.Means 23/9/2009 .
View 4 RepliesI want to insert only date into the db but in the following statement that I've wrote which inserts the date in mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss format.
InsertCmd = "Insert into Blotter (Name, Product, Date_Time) values ('" & NameLabel.Text.Trim() & "','" & ProductTextBox.Text.Trim() & "','" & TimeLabel.Text.Trim() & "')" & "Update Blotter Set Name = UPPER(Name)"
I have tried the following code, however it didn't work.
InsertCmd = "Insert into Blotter (Name, Product, Date_Time) values ('" & NameLabel.Text.Trim() & "','" & ProductTextBox.Text.Trim() & "','" & (CDate(TimeLabel.Text.Trim().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")))& "')" & "Update Blotter Set Name = UPPER(Name)"
I also tried format the TimeLabel as below but still didn't work. [code] TimeLabel.Text = CDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("MM/dd/yyy")
I'm pulling into a variable a datetime value. Now, I want to post this value back to my database, but I need it to be only the year digits. How do I get VB.NET to trim the month, day, and time off and just return the four character year (e.g. 2011)?
View 3 RepliesHow can i get only date from date and time picker.
View 2 RepliesHow to retrieve only date from DateTime in in dd/MM/yyyy format and I have a field in table in access 2007 which has date/time datatype. Data is stored in datetime format.(04/08/2010 12:01:07 AM) I want to retrive only dates which are in range of two DTPickers in dd/MM/yyyy format [Code]
View 2 Replieswhy is it that we have a date and a datetime which are exactly the same thing, and is it preferred to use new Date or new DateTime?
View 4 Replieshow can i set the DateTime object to the date i want? dim DT as DateTime
DT.Date="2/2/2004 12:00:05"
How can i change just the year part of a date? so if a user selects 3/10/2009 i want current to equal 3/10/2011
Dim current1 As Date
current1 = TextBox1.Text
current1.Year = Now.Year
I have written XML file having a Date <Date>10/11/2011</Date> tag in it as above and trying to read it from VB.NET:
If TypeOf item Is DateTime Then
nextItem = DirectCast(item, DateTime).ToString("MMM-d-yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff", ci)
End If
How to get the date tag in XML in datetime format in the application? (As I am getting the date value as string in the application)
similiar question to the one asked before by someone, about age and date.
I have 2 fields in sql server 2008
DOB = "01/05/1952"
licence_age = 16
how do i get the year he go his licence from this information?
how do i convert the string
30.10.2009 in date?
i have 2 fields in the database (sql server 08)
Dob = "05/09/1965"
license_age = 16
how do i get the number of years this person hs had licence. so basically dim age1 = current year - (dob - license_age)how do i find out which year he got his license based on the above two fields?
I am trying the following code and getting the sql date time overflow exception.....The problem lies in the Gold to i.e. Silver and Premium work fine....When in Gold part I try to add certain number of months to a date time field I don't know what action is performed as when i check it through Message box the ren_date has value "12:00:00 AM" rather than the new date value after adding 6 months in mem_date value....
i m using mdb file i need to get Date from DateTime field and i have to group by the Date?
View 11 RepliesI have two datetime variables in VB.Net [code]I want to add both these variable in single DateTime variable , i didn't find any .Net function to do that.Is there any other way to do it?
View 2 RepliesI have some some dates as strings in the format dd/mm/yyyy which I need to convert to DateTime object.uggest a simple routine which I can use inside a Loop which produce these Strings.
View 2 RepliesI am trying to save date in my database' datetime field.My variable catches date as
vrDteTimePprBgn As Date = Today.Date
then I save it as
drNewRowMCQsAns.Item("DTE") = vrDteTimePprBgn
At runtime, I get error .There was an error in a part of the date format. [ Expression (if known) = ]
I want to compare just the date part (and Not the time) of two VB.NET Date objects.Is there a way to do that?
View 5 RepliesI have a DateTimePicker,whose
dateTimePicker1.Format = Time
dateTimePicker1.ShowUpDown = True
But now i want only the hour part from the Date Time Picker as i have to compare the hours with some logic in my Database.
I have a DateTimePicker,whose dateTimePicker1.Format = Time dateTimePicker1.ShowUpDown = True But now i want only the hour part from the Date Time Picker as i have to compare the hours with some logic in my Database.
View 6 Replies