Use Day Stored As Part Of New Date?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a variable stored in db which is created when a new person is added it takes the day of todaysDate on the day they register and stores only the day

I would like to use this date as the same day of every month the user is due

i.e dueDate actualDate

so if the user joined on the 20/02/2010 and then makes a payment on the 25/03/2010

I want to be able to add 20/03/2010 to the dueDate and 25/03/2010 as the actualDate

I can get the stored day querying the db how would I then add the current month and year to that date

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ADVERTISEMENT - How To Get Date Part From Datetime

Apr 1, 2009

Duplicate: How to truncate a date in .net? I have datetime field containing '4/1/2009 8:00:00AM'. I want to get '4/1/2009' without the time.

View 7 Replies - Extract Date Part From A Datetime?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a sql query which extract a field of datatype smalldatetime. I read this field using datareader, convert it to string and store it in a string variable.I get the string as 1/1/2012 12:00:00 AM ,here i want to use only date part of this string and i have nothing to do with the time.How can i cut only the date from the string and get the output as 1/1/2012?

View 2 Replies - How To Change Just The Year Part Of A .net Date

Mar 16, 2011

How can i change just the year part of a date? so if a user selects 3/10/2009 i want current to equal 3/10/2011

Dim current1 As Date
current1 = TextBox1.Text
current1.Year = Now.Year

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Error In A Part Of The Date Format. [ Expression (if Known) = ]?

Aug 14, 2011

I am trying to save date in my database' datetime field.My variable catches date as

vrDteTimePprBgn As Date = Today.Date
then I save it as

drNewRowMCQsAns.Item("DTE") = vrDteTimePprBgn

At runtime, I get error .There was an error in a part of the date format. [ Expression (if known) = ]

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Compare Just The Date Part And Not The Time Of Two Dates?

Mar 6, 2009

I want to compare just the date part (and Not the time) of two VB.NET Date objects.Is there a way to do that?

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Get Hour Part From Date Time Picker?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a DateTimePicker,whose

dateTimePicker1.Format = Time

dateTimePicker1.ShowUpDown = True

But now i want only the hour part from the Date Time Picker as i have to compare the hours with some logic in my Database.

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Get The Hour Part From Date Time Picker?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a DateTimePicker,whose dateTimePicker1.Format = Time dateTimePicker1.ShowUpDown = True But now i want only the hour part from the Date Time Picker as i have to compare the hours with some logic in my Database.

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Sql Statement To Select Month Part Of A Date?

Jun 11, 2011

designing an inventory system and i want to generate crystal reports from sql queries.Actually want to generate monthly and yearly reports from the daily sales reports i have populated

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There Was An Error In A Part Of The Date Format [ Expression (if Known) = ]

Aug 14, 2011

There was an error in a part of the date format [ Expression (if known) = ]

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Using To_char To Trim The Time Part In Date?

Sep 23, 2011

I am using to_char to trim the time part in date, when I am running below query in oracle it is showing right output that is skipping time span. but same when I am filling up in dataset and displaying in grid view time span also appears in output.

StrSql.Append(" to_char(ABC.birth_date, 'DD/MM/yyyy') AS DOB,")
StrSql.Append("from abc")

I tried TRIM,TRUNC,TO_DATE but no use.

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VS 2008 - Append Now Time Part To Date Variable

Jan 11, 2010

I'm working on a small accounting app. I have a query to show transactions with a running balance.

SELECT transactionid, transactiondatetime,
(SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM dbo.transactions as D1
WHERE D1.transactiondatetime <= D0.transactiondatetime) AS balance
FROM dbo.transactions AS D0

I capture a gamesheet for a certain week. so if I select a date on a monthcalendar the sheet applies to the weeknumber of the selected date. When I save transactions I take the date at the last day of that week as the transactiondate. I need to store a datetime though because my query works of the datetime to get an accurate running balance. How can I append now() time part to my date variable and then store that in a datetime variable to get a transactiondatetime.

Here is my code for getting a transactiondate:
Dim dt As New Date
dt = Me.MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart
'get last date of week. Friday
Dim tdate As Date = dt.AddDays(5 - CInt(dt.DayOfWeek))

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Open A Csv File In Which Part Of Its Name Changes Daily - Mainly The Date (including Seconds)?

Jul 1, 2011

how can i open a csv file in which part of its name changes daily, mainly the date (including seconds)?

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Returning Date From Stored Procedure In ASP.Net?

Jun 4, 2010

I want to execute a method on VB.Net to return a date which is in the stored procedure. I tried using ExecuteScalar but it doesnt work it retruns error

'Implicit conversion from data type datetime to int is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query'

below is the code

Public Function GetHolidaydate(ByVal struserID as String) As DateTime
Dim objArgs1 As New clsSQLStoredProcedureParams
objArgs1.Add("@userID", Me.Tag)


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Textbox Add A Date Via Stored Procedure

Jul 14, 2011

I have a quick Questiom On a form, I need to add a textbox to update a date field in MS SQL server via stored procedure. Using a text box datemissed


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Date Fields In DGV: Stored Versus Displayed?

Feb 2, 2009

how data is stored in a DB vs how it is displayed in a DataGridView, but i cant come up with a solution to my problem ...I have a DGV being filled by a Datatable. I have set the DGV Date column to format as "yyyy-MM-dd" and it shows that accordingly.

DataGridView1.Columns(9).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "yyyy-MM-dd"

I also have a sub that USED to take the DataTable that filled the DGV and used it to generate a CSV file. But since i had modified how the date was displayed in the DGV i decided to change the CSV Export to use the DGV instead of the DataTable.

Dim writer As System.IO.StreamWriter
writer = File.CreateText(PathToSaveFile)
For intRows As Integer = 0 To DGV.Rows.Count - 1


My issue is that even though i changed the VIEW in the DGV to show me the date how i want it, the CSV does not take the displayed date when it writes the lines, it seems to still take the DB date, and then displays it as "dd/MM/yyyy". how am i supposed to tell the CSV Sub to change how the date is displayed in this file ?

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Extract Sent Date From .msg File Stored On Disk

Apr 21, 2010

due to folder size limitation in Outlook/Exchange I must archive older mails on disk as *.msg files. So I am still able to search for <TEXT> in explorer.

I create the *.msg files by drag&drop a bunch of mails from the Outlook folder to the disk folder. Unfortunately the changed-at date displayed in explorer is the date of the file creation and not the sent-date as displayed in Outlook.

I know how to change the changed-at date using SetFileTime but I don't know how to extract the sent-date from the .msg file to use it.

My question is: how can I open (in VBA) a .msg file and extract the sent date of the mail?

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Pass A Null Value For Date To Sql Stored Procedure?

Mar 16, 2009

My application is with vb. In my page I have a textbox for passing date. If I didn't enter date and on clicking submit, I have to pass null value to the stored procedure. I tried following codes such as DBNull.Value and DateTime.MinValue. In that case instead of null ,"#12:00:00#" is passing. I have to pass Null.

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.net - Comparing A Date Value Taken From Textbox With The Datetime Value Stored In The Database?

Aug 25, 2011

Actually I have datetime value stored in the database. What I am taking from the textbox is a time value. I want to extract those results from the database which are between the given time value....To be more concise, my application is a booking system for a sports club and provides an option to view alreaady made bookings.. Here i offer two options either to view all bookings for a specific game or to filter bookings. In filter bookings one option is to filter through date and time...Date option is running okay but problem lies in time part...I provide two times but unable to view bookings between them...

My code is:

Dim prmtimefrom As New SqlParameter("@booking_time", SqlDbType.DateTime)
prmtimefrom.Value = TextBox3.Text
Dim prmtimeto As New SqlParameter("@booking_tim", SqlDbType.DateTime)


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Date / Time Variable Stored In A Column In An SQLite Table

Jan 26, 2012

I have a date/time variable stored in a column in an SQLite table. I need to select the string with the last 3 digits trimmed off. [code]

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Multi Form / Part Application Need To Make Part Protable For Transfer

Feb 22, 2011

im making an application in (duh!) anyway i have created and coded the whole project and it performs exactly as i want it to (i dont need code help). my problem lies with the fact that my project is 2-3 parts

1.a setup form that gathers inital data about the enviroment stores this data encrypted in a config file. after inital setup this form is not displayed again. but needs to be run on both computers

2. the second form is the real application form im in the process of turning this part in to a background service anyway this form is the one that establishes the connection between two nodes it works correctly

3. the config files

anyway here is my problem i want to make this application distributional with just one file the (.exe) and have this .exe make everything else happen. it runs the setup form and creates the first config file which it does then it needs to produce a copy of just the second form and the config file to transfer to workstation #2 that will run independtly without the whole application which i cant make happen then it needs to turn both workstations application on by only starting one on either computer and invoke the other computer to start its corrosponding app also no idea how to make this happen any ideas or suggestions as to where to look to try to find my thinking i might need to make two seperate applications (a setup app, and the running app) and include them both in a project and use the setup.exe to to package them together this is a little side project that im making for my self to use to make programming a little easier so i plan on giving it out to some fellow students to test and tell me what they think so im not really worried about ease of use or complicated procedures yet but if it turns out to work and actually be of use to anyone else i would be willing to rewrite it to distribute to the masses but for now i just want it to work for me.

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Use The Time Part In Date Time Picker?

Mar 8, 2012

how do i use the time part in date time picker i am currently using vb.net2008 as my programming language?

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Change Date Format - Month Part Is Not Showing The Month Of The Exact Month

Jun 22, 2009

I changed the date of datetimepicker format to yyyy-mm-dd in custom format...but it displays 2009-00-22...the month part is not showing the month of the exact to change the format of the date?

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Compare Only Day Part And Month Part?

Jan 12, 2012

my requirement is that i have to count occurrence of a certain date and between two months
suppose i have 10-jan-2012 now i have a date range 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 my requirement is that if i find 10-jan between 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 irrespective of year i know that 10-jan will come twice between 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 i am not understanding how to do this.i meanto say that i have to compare only day and month part of the date which will solve my problem

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Read Text File - Read The Top Part First Then And Match The Line With Bottom Part

May 21, 2009

in my text file i have two part. Called bottom and top. So i need to read the Top part first then and match the line with bottom part. Its like this


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Design A Program That Can Encrypt And Decrypt Messages Stored In Simple Text Files Using A Private Key Stored In A Separate File?

Jun 13, 2011

Need to design a program that can encrypt and decrypt messages stored in simple text files using a private key stored in a separate file. Software should also be able to allow the users to enter simple messages that either displays the encrypted or decrypted message. The encryption method should use a simple substitution method. It should be set out in the following format:

Example (the "@" is the separator):

The character The Code End of line
A @ 4gh EOL
B @ 84!9 EOL

Has to use the 256 ASCII character codes. The separator will be used to separate the character and its corresponding code.Here are the pseudocodes I have come up with:

� Read any private key file
separator = readline(file);
while not EOF(file) do
tempStr = readline(file);


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SQL Exception On Insert Of Into Date Datatype: (Conversion Failed When Converting Date And/or Time From Character String)

Apr 8, 2010

Title pretty much says it all. How do I format the date of a dateandtimepicker to insert it into the SQL date datatype?

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Add "whole" Part Of A Number To "decimal" Part And Store In String Buf?

Sep 14, 2011

One number is represented with four hex values.First two hex parts are my "whole number" part, third and fouth hex numbers are my "decimal" part. I just wanted to store my complete number (whole and decimal) in an excel table.My problem is following when I am storing whole part and decimal part of my number separately, then it works fine am getting f.e. 3017 and 0,9445123 in my excel table, but when I am concatenate them, then I am getting following expression in my excel table f.e. 30,179,445,123 but I want 3017,9445123.

rx_str_buf(str_cnt) = CStr(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 7)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 8))), 16) +
(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 9)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 10))), 16) / 65536))


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Call A Stored Procedure From Sql Server Which Work With A Stored Procedure

Sep 11, 2009

The store procedure which give me the information I need is:



When I try to add it to my report it gives an error, is it because of the temp table and how should I go about it?

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Ensure That Conversion Of A Date To A String And A String To A Date Will Give The Same Date Format?

Jan 16, 2012

how I can ensure that conversion of a date to a string and a string to a date will give me the same date format.

For example:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim d As Date = Date.Now


I'm actually only interested in the date part as the label text shows so f is more than I want.But also, the day and month are reversed.

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