VS 2005 What Methods Of A Dll Is Used In A Project

Nov 9, 2009

I've, for exemple, a dll name infWrite add in Reference with these methods
WriteFile(vContent as string)


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.net - Extension Methods In VB 2008 Assembly Cannot Be Used In A C# Project?

Jun 1, 2011

I wrote some string extension methods in a VB assembly and am unit testing them from a C# project. However, C# acts like it cannot see the the extension methods, when other VB projects reference the VB assembly they have no problem. Both the VB assemebly and the C# test project are targeting .Net 3.5. Is there a way around this?


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[2005] Throw Exception - Used Methods From Namespace System.IO

Mar 12, 2009

I want to throw error, if i used methods from this namespace System.IO

For example,

If i write File.Delete("TempPath") , i have to throw undefined Method..

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[2005] Working Of Friend Class With Public Methods?

Feb 27, 2009

I understand how the class modifiers work like public, private, protected, friend and protect friend. They are pretty straight forward. However my question is, if I have a class is marked as friend, what should the properties and methods be marked as? Friend or public? Does it matter? I just want my classes at the lowest exposure level that will let my program work properly and that is friend. If I understand correctly, the public properties of a friend class are available to all members of the assembly. Wouldn't that be the same access level if the properties were all friend properties?The reason that I ask is that using the autocomplete feature to make new properties (type property and hit tab) it creates the new properties with the public attribute.

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Move Item/project To Other Project/computer VB 2005 Express

Feb 21, 2009

VB 2005 Express Visual BasicI want to move (part of) projects to different projects/ computer.I used File - export template- and was able to save templates of whole project or item(s).They saved nicely in a subdirectory called "templates" as zip files.How do I import to 1/ other project on same pc?2/ To a different computer?I tried copy zip files into corresponding folder on new system. No luck.

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Mvc - Repository Pattern Implements Methods By Adding Add1 But Should Use Methods Of The Baseclass?

Aug 29, 2011

This is the original code in c#

public class CategoryRepository: RepositoryBase<Category>, ICategoryRepository
public CategoryRepository(IDatabaseFactory databaseFactory)
: base(databaseFactory)


Does anyone has an idea what i should change to let it work and let my UserRepository use the methods in RepositoryBase while implementing the IUserRepository?

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Using Objects With All "Shared" Methods In Multi-Project Windows Application?

Nov 23, 2010

Have a windows application that "got complex" and new products could use many portions of the existing application.Decided to break app into multiple projects to facilitate sharing the appropriate pieces with new products.One object in app provides a library of text phrases used in the production of output docs.Wondering if such an object should be a set of shared methods instead of instantiating it in every object that consumes these text phrases.

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Convert .NET 2005 Project To C# 2008 Project?

Jun 16, 2009

Is there a tool to convert a VB.NET 2005 project to a C# 2008 project. I am trying to convert our project to VS 2008 and mostly port all the vb.NET code in some projects to C# 3.0/3.5.

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Cant See Available Methods List When Write Object.METHODS?

Jun 24, 2011

I am working with a vb program, but there is something strange on one of my .vb code pagewhen i put the "dot" afther the object name its dont show the methods availables for this objectbut on other vb code pages i can see it. but in this one no.for exmaplethis is a piece of code: Dim sb As New StringBuilder()

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Making Class Methods Instead Of Instance Methods In .NET?

Mar 29, 2010

I am not sure how clear my question is by the title, but I am trying to make Class methods instead of Instance methods in Visual Basic that way I don't have to waste memory and code creating temporary objects to execute methods that don't need instance variables.

I am not sure if you can do that in VB but I know you can in Objective-C by using either a "+" or "-" sign in front of the method declaration. And in C++ (at least I think, I can't remember) you put the static keyword or const keyword in front of the function.How would I do this in VB if it is possible? Or should I just make a separate set of functions that are not members of a class?

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Copying A Saved VB 2005 Project To Another VB 2005 In A New Machine

Oct 13, 2009

Just copied a saved VB 2005 project to a new machin which has VB 2005. When I build or rebuild this project I get one error and 14 Warnings...Warnings and error are:Warning 1 The referenced component 'LCC11' could not be found.Warning 2 The referenced component 'Microsoft.Office.Core' could not be found. Warning 3 The referenced component 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word' could not be found.


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Error In VS 2005 "The Project File Cannot Be Loaded The Application For Project -is Not Installed"?

Jun 12, 2009

How do I fix this error in Visual Studio? "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed" I have copied a whole project onto my PC, both into My Documents/Visual Studio and into inetpub/wwwroot, but when I try to open the project in Visual Studio, it tries to open just 1 file .vssproj and gives me error messages, like : "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed.". What am I doing wrong? The VS edition is 2005 as are all the projects aI am trying to load.

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Project In .NET 2005 With SQL SERVER 2005 Used As Database?

Nov 22, 2009

I had made a project in VB.NET 2005 with SQL SERVER 2005 used as database. Now i want to make a setup of this project but i am unable to integrate sqldatabase and .net framework in this setup project. Is there any way to do this. Because it is assumed that the client does not have .NET Framework installed nor he has SQL Server on his system and the worst condition would be he does not have even internet connection from where these two setups can be downloaded if we give the condition for downloading these programs from the net if the client does not have these programs installed on his machine.

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VS 2005 Copy Form Within VB 2005 Project?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm attempting to copy a rather complex form from one part of my project and use it (modified) within another part (ie, depending on whether it's maintenance or an outage, you'll get a slightly different email screen).

My first attempt failed miserably, as I had simply right-clicked and pasted the form within the project, assuming renaming the controls would work. nope, I didn't realise that there was stuff in the original form that was renamed as well, and that created a monstrous pile of errors.My second through fourth attempts also failed, generating errors in forms that (I thought) weren't related or connected. Once I deleted the copied form, all was fine.

So, short of trying to rebuild the form from scratch (using a different naming convention for my controls etc.), is there a simple way of doing this? This seems to be such a simple task, but alas I was wrong....(or, at least it's not easy with the information I have right now.

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2 Different Methods Using Same Object Methods?

Aug 26, 2010

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim someproc As Process


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Copy A 2005 Project?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a VS 2005 project. I want to create a project that is exactly the same except for the back end database name. Table names and structure, form names, etc., would not change.What is the easiest way to accomplish this? Copy the project? Start a new project and copy all forms, datasets, etc.?

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Doing Objects In VB 2005 Project?

Apr 4, 2010

I am hoping that someone from the forum is familiar with the Doing Objects in Visual Basic 2005 book so that this question makes a little more sense. I have completed the sample project and understand most of what I have done. There are some holes in my knowledge but I am sure I will pick up those pieces as I become more familiar with object orientated programming.

The sample project is an almost complete application where you view and edit Objects that are stored in a database. The author leaves the remaining features needed up to the reader, which is great because I have been able to put new knowledge into use. However I am having trouble saving a new object back to the database.


By looking at this code it appears that I can save the data that is in the bindingsource by changing the EntityState to the Enum added. However I am not sure where to set it. I am pretty confident that I have the rest of this correct because when I try to do the save I get an error that the stored procedure is expecting the GoalID.

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Start A .net Project In VS.2005?

Aug 15, 2011

I am just a newbie with VB.net, though i have experience in c# .net environment.Now I was just wondering how to start a vb.net project in VS.2005? its the version installed here in my assigned PC.

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VS 2005 Add Dll To Project For All Developers?

Jul 29, 2009

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this, but am using a custom control in a project that I want all the developers to have access to when they download the source.

Should I just add it to the project like a normal file? If so how do I reference it in the project folder? The other developers project folders might have different paths than mine.

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VS 2005 How To Take Project Back Up

Jan 26, 2011

i have heard that there must be a button on your project for taking back up of your whole project. I want to know something that what sort of backup it will take? and other thing is that how to make that button i mean that how to take backup simply?

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Convert .NET 2008 Project To .NET 2005?

Feb 3, 2011

can we vb.net 2008 to vb.net 2005 if it is possible then how

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Error Creating Project (Win XP) VS 2005 Pro

Feb 23, 2009

So, I fired up my old laptop while my current app was running and tried to start a new project.

As soon as the form comes up, I see this instead of the normal windows form.

at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.GetValueNames()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.WindowPaneProviderService.AppendWindowPanes(RegistryKey parentKey, ArrayList windowPanes)


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IDE :: Completely Deleting Project From VS 2005?

Jul 29, 2011

I would like to know how to delete a project from Visual Studio 2005 without leaving any elements behind to cause trouble or make Visual Studio think that it is still there.

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IDE :: Warning BC40010 In VS 2005 Project

Oct 8, 2009

Using VS 2005, I create a new VB .NET class library project. The project created is automatically populated with an "Any CPU" build target. I create a COM visible object, check the register for com interop and build the project. The resultant assembly is NOT registered in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID. Instead it goes into HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID. I have a 64 bit machine and 64 bit OS. I would swear that with VS 2003 on such a setup, I got an entry in the 64 bit registry hive.So I went to the configuration manager and specifically created a x64 config, copying from the (only) Any CPU config. But when I build I get two BC40010 warnings. One was for System.Data.dll. So I went to the project properties/References tab and then removed "System.Data.dll" (no mscorlib entry there - the other BC40010 warning) and then ran the add command and re-added System.Data.dll thinking that since I was working on the x64 config, the IDE would bring in the correct assembly.Still I get the warning. Why doesn't the IDE understand the meaning of the "x64" configuration the wizard created? The MSDN tells me I have to fix this:

To correct this error Examine the quoted error message and take appropriate action.Compile the program again to see if the error recurs.If the error recurs, reinstall the Visual Basic compiler.If the error persists after reinstallation, gather information about the circumstances and notify Microsoft Product Support Services.

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Make Changes And Recompile A 2005 Vb Project?

May 29, 2009

I've been giving the task to make some changes and recompile a 2005 vb project. I've asked for the .vbproj file and I've been given two files the .sln and an .suo file. And the email said to "You'll need to download and install the Microsoft Web Deployment Project add-in for Visual Studio 2005 . Here is the link for the download[URL].. I've never used ms web deployment project before. is this all I really need? will this create the .vbproj file for me?

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SQL Install Using VS 2005 Setup Project?

Jul 6, 2009

I've an application developed in VS 2005 vb.net I need to install the SQL 2005 express edition thorugh the set up and deployment wizard.I need

1.SQL installation

2.Product installation.

3.Custom form open to set some DB settings in config

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VS 2005 : Embed A File Into The Project?

Jan 22, 2010

I did this before BUT I forgot, I once had a txt config file embeded into I think the projects bin folder, and read data from it directly at execution time but I forgot how to set the path for that....

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VS 2005 : Unable To Run A Simple Project?

Nov 11, 2009

Im a user of VB 2005. I had a problem with Simply run a project (Even Without any code in it). Indeed when i Creat a new project and i want to run and debug it (with F5). The information box show that cant debug. and because of that, the program may not run.The Message in information box is here (in Appendix).I try it with VB 2008 (But didnt work). After i Reinstall all of VB and Install again, but my problem existed even now.

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VS 2005 Debugging A Project In A VS2005?

Aug 22, 2009

I have a solution with four projects loaded in it. When I hit F5, it always starts up one particular project. How can I tell it to fire off one of the others?

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VS 2005 Delete A Project Reference?

Jul 29, 2010

how to delete a project reference set. i have had mysql connector 6.xx.0 but due to bug i uninstalled it & reinstalled 5.x.x now i am unable reset the project reference

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