VS 2005 Accessing The Controls Of Multiple Data Window(mdw) Forms

Oct 21, 2009

I have to make some automatization on a web server, I use Visual Studio 2005 Visual Basic Windows Console Application. I want to make a load/performance test of the web server, so I open several Internet Explorer instances, and I login the application, that is not a problem. But after that I have a mess on the page and I cannot make any more automatization...The composition of the page after the login is like this: I have the default form, another form and a multiple data window(mdw) controller, which dinamically can switches the forms on this part.

The problem is that I don't know how to access the controls of this mdw forms. I couldn't find much about this mdw controller and I am not an expert.

My code is here:

Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Web.Ui.Webcontrols


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Interface And Graphics :: Accessing Controls Using Multiple Forms?

Aug 28, 2008

I don't know the best way to use multiple forms in VB, but I have created a problem and I'm not sure where it came from or how to fix it.

Background: I start the program at Sub Main. This is the main function:

Module modFunctions
Dim frmD As frmDAQ
Dim frmT As frmTrendView


it works, but I don't want to have to change the entire project.

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Accessing The Click Event In Layered Controls Or When Multiple Controls Are Docked Within Each Other?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to know if anyone could tell me how to access the Click_event.I have a boarderles form with a panel control which has the Dock property set to fill and on the panel I have placed a Label also with the Dock property set to fill. I also have a timer running.How can I get code to execute in the Label1 click event.I've tried doing it by using the generic Click_event and also with two variations of the Click_event Handles parameters

'Alternativ 1:
Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click


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Accessing Controls Of Any Opened Window

Apr 2, 2009

I have a nokia phone, which is connected to my PC through Nokia PC Suite. Whenever I get a call on my phone, a small window appears above System Trey. I want to read out the number of caller that appears on that window through my program, so that I can use it further.

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Accessing Controls Between Forms?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a thread running on a child form, I want to activate a control on the parent form but cannot. It works fine if It's done from the child forms UI thread:

(FormMain.SetControlPropertyValue(FormMain.RBSQL2005, "Checked", True))

but not from a thread running on the child form:

Public Class FormRestoreDB
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim t = New Thread(AddressOf UpdateListView1)


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Accessing Multiple Form Controls Using A Variable For The Name?

May 23, 2012

I'm trying to iterate through a group of ComboBoxes and set a property using a concatenated string & variable to represent the name of the control. However, I can't get the instance of the form to recognize the (String & Integer_Variable) as one of its controls -- and so it doesn't recognize any of the appropriate properties or subroutines as members of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Is there a cleaner way to do this?

For myTempCount = 1 To 6
If tempValue < Me.("ComboBox" & myTempCount).Items.Count Then
ComboBox.SelectedIndex = tempValue 'appears to work -- how?[code].....

This code was originally VBA / VB6, which I put through ArtinSoft's Visual Basic Upgrade Companion (VBUC). FWIW, I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.

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VS 2010 Accessing Group Boxes From Multiple Forms

Jul 23, 2011

I have written a code and tried linking up groupboxes from my input form called input.vb and the output form called results.vb.


I have used the above codes to access groupboxes from both forms. However, at run time I get errors saying "InvalidCastException was unhandled" and below that it says "Conversion from string to DOuble is not valid". This error points to a value in a group box that is actually hidden or disabled.

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Accessing Controls On A Data Repeater?

Mar 24, 2011

I have placed a button on data repeater (called datarepeater1) so that it is repeated with other controls. When I click this button, How do I access/reference the text value of a textbox control called TxtAnimalID on the same row? (This would be something like the current row I am on).

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Forms :: Creating Paragraph Styles Of Text In Window Forms Text Controls?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to build a NOTEPAD/WORDPAD like application with vb.net on visual studio 2008.

I need an option to define and choose (MsWord, or CSS like) paragraphs styles, such as: "heading1", "green quotes", etc.

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MDI Window With Multiple Child Forms

Mar 12, 2012

I have an MDI window with multiple child forms. The user can hide or display child windows by checking/unchecking in a View menu on the main form, calling on either the Show or Hide methods for that form. Each time I call the show method do I also have to specify myForm.MdiParent = Me, or do I only have to specify that once, ie does vb remember that the form will always be a child? it doesnt appear to be a form property any more (from vb6).Second question relates to forms themselves. If I have created a form at design time, is it more efficient to create an instance of that form using New, or simply show the form as it is by just loading it.What are the pros or cons, memory and speed wise? In my case I will never need more than one copy of that form to appear, I'm using VB2005.

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Printing Multiple Window Forms?

Nov 27, 2010

I need your help in printing multiple window forms in a project. I have about 8 different forms in the project. I can print individual form using PrintForm. What I need is a function that I can call to print all or anyone form I chose.

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Accessing Data Without Using Database (.Net 2005)

Jan 31, 2010

Is it possible to add, edit, view and delete records using a file only (instead of a database) and .Net 2005 (VB.Net/C#)? The concept is that a file that'll work more-or-less like a database. One can add, edit, view, delete and query data to and from the file. The file, either cannot be opened directly or data inside the file should be in some encrypted form so that even if the file is opened no one can comprehend it. Data inside the file can only be manipulated by a front end application i.e. .Net 2005.

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Reusing Same Controls On Multiple Forms

Mar 22, 2012

I have a set of controls and code behind them that I'd like to reuse on multiple forms. How can I do this? I know of reusing code via modules, but I'm not sure how I can add the same controls and their underlying code. If I achieve this, will changing data on one form affect the values of another form when they're both open? For example...
Cbox1's selected item affects the choices within Cbox2, and Cbox2's selected item affects the choices within Cbox3 (and so on).
So if I do something on Form1's Cbox1 and it changes Form1's Cbox2, will it NOT change Form2's Cbox2?

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Make Tabbed Window Forms Instead Of Using Multiple Ones?

Jan 30, 2009

Is there any way to make tabbed window forms instead of using multiple ones

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VS 2005 Accessing Data Connections On Form2 And Other Sub's

Oct 11, 2009

I have a small databse program. Form1 uses the Private Sub OpenToolstripmenu to Openfiledialog box and creates a connection and adapters. I need a second form that will access the same connections and adpaters what is the best /correct way to do this? Also other sub functions on form1

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VS 2005 Accessing Stored Data On Serial?

Feb 15, 2011

My problem is that i have a usb-to-serial device which creates a virtual serial port ( Com 4 for example )on the computer i need to connect to it and get the data stored on it I already have worked out how to use the System.io.ports to connect to the port ( baud rate, stop bits, parity ,ect) and it connects to the usb fine. But once the connection is open i don't know how to retrieve the data. Everything i have tried relies on events. But as the usb does not send data i don't know how to access the serials memory.

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VS 2005 - Multiple Tab Pages With Databound Controls

Nov 18, 2010

I have a tabcontrol and two tab pages on the tab control. There are some fields on the tab pages which are databound to access database table which are populated using dataadapter. There is functionality to calculate total of the fields on both the tab pages when I click a button. When I load the form the record is retrieved and all the fields are populated with data. when I click the button without navigating to the second tab page then the total is calculated only for the fields that are on the front (first) tab page. It does not include the fields on the second tab page in calculations. When I navigate on the second tab page and then hit the button then the calculations are correct.

I saw that, for the controls on the second tab page, databinding does not happen until I navigate to the tab page. When I navigate to the second tab page then only the controls get the data. And this makes the difference in calculations when I just load the data and hit the button. It thus takes only the fields from the first tab page in calculation as the fields on the second tab pages are still not populated with data. I want the fields on the second tab page also to get populated with data as soon as the data is loaded and not when I actully navigate to the tab page.

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Printing Of Forms And Their Controls In 2005?

Feb 17, 2011

I am a student and i am making a windows application in vb.net 2005. My project requrement is to print form's specific area and also provide left, right, top and bottom margin. Itwill also print in multi page if it require. For that i used Microsoft Print

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Printing Of Forms And Their Controls In VB 2005?

Jul 14, 2010

I am a student and i am making a windows application in vb.net 2005. My project requrement is to print form's specific area and also provide left, right, top and bottom margin. It will also print in multi page if it require. For

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Accessing Controls Inside ASP.NET View Controls (Event Handling)?

Nov 8, 2011

If I have the following ListView, how can I attach a SelectedIndexChanged event listener to the DropDownList so I can perform a command on the respective object? Imagine I have a list of new users and I want to add them to a usergroup by selecting the group from the DropDownList.

<asp:ListView ID="NewUsers" runat="server" DataSourceID="NewUsersSDS" DataKeyNames="ID">


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Forms :: Retaining Data Across Multiple Forms

Sep 8, 2010

VB.NET newbie here... I have an vb.net windows application set up. It has multiple forms, about 6 in all. There's a main menu form, and then 5 other forms to collect data. The user will collect data on each form and bounce back and forth between forms. How do I get the forms to retain the data that has been entered into the text boxes and/or other controls on the forms? For example, they might fill out a few textboxes on a form, but then need to go to a different form and fill something out... and then back to the previous form. Right now, when they come back to the form, all the data previously entered in to the text boxes is gone.

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Data Not Showing In Window Forms App

Oct 1, 2010

I am just learning vb.net using vs 2008. I have a small forms app which I have conected to a small, single table 2 column database. I enter some numbers into a text box, press a button and the data gets entered into the dbase. However the only data that gets displayed in the data table I have on my form is the existing data.No new data entered is shown until I close down and restart the app. I have tried many times using statements such as [code]...

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VS 2005 Multiple Forms And TextBox Too Many Variables?

Nov 15, 2009

I have 10 forms and say 5 text box's on each one so a total of 50 of these text box's. But the program is only using one of these forms only (user selects the 1 Form out of the 10) so I was wondering can these forms Share the input text box's? I am thinking NO, if so then the only thing I can do is just use 5 shared variables that all the forms can utilize.

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Create A Data Forms With Forms Wizard In VB 2005?

Jan 21, 2010

How to create a data forms with the data forms wizard in VB 2005

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Vb 2005 Form Inheritance - Multiple Forms Are Opened?

Nov 7, 2011

Several years ago, I created a nifty data entry form that is called from a main menu. Due to recent user requirements, I had to create another form that is very similar to the data entry form. To prevent duplicate coding and testing, I created a class to inherit the existing data entry form. The issue is when I leave the class and return to a sub menu, the class is opening the main menu and the sub menu. How do I only return to the sub menu without the main menu appearing? Here is a snippet of my code. You'll have to scroll down to the very bottom to see the section that is causing issues. BTW, I coded the application in such a way that only one form should be open at a time.

frmMenu (main menu). This is nothing more than a bunch of buttons that allows the user to perform various functions.If user clicks button #1, open the data entry form:

Dim objFrm As New frmDataEntry
bolOkToCloseForm = True
Me.Close() '--- close the menu screen


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Accessing Controls Within Controls On A Form

May 26, 2012

I have a module level sub that I use to clear text fields etc on my forms:


The problem I have is in the last few lines of code as I'm not really sure how to access the text boxes contained within the tab controls (of which there are many tabs and many text boxes).

This is the closest I've got but I am getting an "option strict on disallows late binding" error on the tabCtl in the following line.

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Forms :: Data Binding To Hidden Controls

Apr 21, 2009

I have a windows form that I bind to a datatable via a binding source. The binding is done in code at run time. Eg;Me.txtCode.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", bsForm, "ToolCode", True)) (bsForm is the binding source)This works well except if the form control is hidden (I have a couple controls on the form that hold Record ID and Version numbers that the user doesn't need to see). Databinding doesn't seem to work reliably for hidden controls.

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Refresh Data Bound Controls In Win Forms?

May 20, 2010

I have a windows form with multiple TextBoxes that are bound to a DataSet of type XML. I load text into the textboxes using DataSet.ReadXML method in the form's load event.

I have another windows forms application which edits the XML contents in that XML file.

How do I force the textBox controls on this form to refresh once the XML datasource file items are changed?

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Add Data In A Window Form To A Sql Database In Program 2005?

May 7, 2012

How can you add data in a window form to a sql database in visual studio 2005?[code]...

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Query - Use The Data Properly With Different Forms And Different Controls With Queries

Apr 21, 2008

I am working on a Data Survey Project and first I have a few questions about the different types of databases, and second, I need help querying my tables that have relationships.

1. I need a database that is stand alone. It is just the back end for the program. Simply to hold all the data an employee gets while out on a job. So would I be better using access, or SQL Express? I have played with both, but I do not want a large redistribution to my user machines. When I compile and produce this app does the SQL Database still work without installing any SQL Technology? Or do they have to go in after they install my app, and install Express?

2.Overview: I suppose depending on the first question regarding the database, it might change this question a bit, but none the less...I have 4 tables( using Access at the moment) I will be generating Reports based on data in the database. I haven't gotten that far yet. *Project* is the table that holds all the details that pertain to the job and client. It has a "one-to-many" relationship to *Survey*. So for one customer there are going to be many Survey Records. *Project Type* also has a 1-to-many back to *Projects*. Parts is kind of an orphan, but is linked to the *Survey* table with a one to many. So there can be many parts for one survey. I wanted this table for a drop down box, so the user could just simply select what hardware he was using instead of typing all the names and parts.

So in VS 2008 using the Designers and related Query tools, how do I constrain the Survey Data to one Customer? I have one form that opens from a button that is "New Project" and then there are all the *project* fields listed, so the user fills out the info and hits accept and that opens a new form called "frmSurvey" I need to add some code to the accept button to check what type of project is selected from the frmNewProject and then run a select query based on that. How do I write query statements in the code section of the form, without using the Visual Database tools?

Ill stop here, and get these questions out of the way first. If I could just get a handle on how to use the data properly with different forms and different controls with my queries, that would be great.



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