VS 2005 Exchange Global List

Apr 1, 2009

im prototyping a mail sending program which load all contact from the exchange server 2k7 global list. I dont know how it will be possible and i cant find related articles in the net.

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VS 2008 Exchange 2007 Global Address List

May 10, 2010

I am creating a small internal messaging system for my company mainly for phone messages to be passed on. These messages are going to be sent in a form of e-mail which I am perfectly good at coding but the bit I am having a problem is, is contacting the Exchange 2007 Server and pulling up a list of email addresses from the GAL.


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Global Variables For Data Exchange Between Forms

Sep 14, 2011

Is it a good practice using global variables in a VB (.NET) application in order to exchange data between forms? As global variable I mean a public variable defined in a module and not a public member or property of a class. Moreover as my personal rule I never access a global variable from a class, but I pass the values to the class via functions.


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VS 2010 : Send Email To A Exchange Distribution List?

Dec 23, 2011

I tried to put just the name of the in the .To but that didn't work. Could someone please point me in the direction or show me how to do it?EDIT: My Code is Below...

Dim Subject as String = "Services for " & date.today.string
Dim Body as String = strHTML (defined elsewhere on form)
Dim oApp as Outlook._Application


I didn't copy or paste as the code is on a second computer and that one isn't network connected. I typed it in, so there may be a typo or two. When this code is executed, nothing is sent.

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VS 2005 - Using Exchange To Send Email

Apr 29, 2010

I am developing an application which includes the ability to send email. The code works fine for sending internal emails but it fails: server unable to relay mail 5.7.1 when trying to send externally.

This is the code.
Public Shared Function SendEmail(ByVal SubjectText As String, ByVal BodyText As String, ByVal Recipient As String) As String
Dim msgClient As System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
Dim msgTo As System.Net.Mail.MailAddress
Dim msgFrom As System.Net.Mail.MailAddress
[Code] .....

I get the same error if I change the password to something incorrect so I'm wondering if the NetworkCredentials are being ignored? I've seen articles where teh IP address of the server must be trusted by the SMTP server or it won't relay the mail but I thought I was doing the same as an email client such as Outlook with the code above: that can be used from any PC on the network without having to specify its IP address on the SMTP server.

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VS 2005 Reading Mails From Exchange Server?

Mar 25, 2011

i just want to read unread mails from mail server and to download the attachment of the mail.

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VS 2005 Save Attachment From Exchange Server?

Jul 27, 2011

I am doing a task and trying to save attachment of email from exchange server utomatically rather than doing it manually. I have done some reseach in the website and found the code in the following link but it is not quite working for me. My first issue is that it stopped in the line _XmlDataDocument.LoadXml(_ResponseText), and said "The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required." I have tried to set it as my own user name and password, but still not working.Secondly, can some explain a little to me about XmlHttp40.responseText? What it should return? A file name in the server or? How can I let the server know what file need to be saved? and to where?

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VS 2005 - Retrieving Live Currency Exchange Rates Data

Nov 26, 2009

I have only just started on .Net (C#, VB) programming. Does anyone know how to retrieve live currency exchange rates data for example SGX stock market exchange rates. I am supposed to do a program which retrieves live currency exchange rates and then make use of the data on a currency converter.

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How To Declare A Global List Object

Jun 8, 2012

I would like to declare a list above Sub procedure and to be able to add/modify it. I would like to have something like this:


When i run the above example i get an error like: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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.net - Global Keyword In VB 2005?

Jul 1, 2009

I have to inherit some legacy code in company, which is written in Visual Basic.NET 7.0 (Visual Studio.NET 2002). I don't have much experiences in VB.NET, and this line of code gets me in trouble:

Public Class Global : Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication

Visual Studio gave this error: Error 31Keyword is not valid as an identifier.C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopPOManWebApplication1Global.asax.vb414C:...POMan

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VS 2005 'Global' Key Reading

May 20, 2009

I'm in high doubt of this actually exsisting but still want to check, is there a way so that whether the VB form has focus or not it can still read the keys being typed? I am using winamp and i type something and the form picks it up, so when i type something like ctrl+"exit" the application closes. the thread should be running as the form is Always on top, however for obvious reasons the form does not have focus, so something like keyPressEventArgs won't have an effect, is there any way that you can catch the keys in a global perspective.

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.net :: Global Keyword In Visual Basic 2005?

Jun 16, 2010

I have to inherit some legacy code in company, which is written in Visual Basic.NET 7.0 (Visual Studio.NET 2002). I don't have much experiences in VB.NET, and this line of code gets me in trouble:Public Class Global : Inherits System.Web.HttpApplicationVisual Studio gave this error: Error 31Keyword is not valid as an identifier.C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopPOManWebApplication1Global.asax.vb414C:...POMan

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VS 2005 Global Functions And Variables Within Solution?

Jun 23, 2009

I have a solution with 5 visual basic projects in it. Each project has an identical module with a few functions and constants - like handling our RS232 data, outputting events to log files, etc, etc..

If I want to change any of this common code, then I have to manually go through and change in each project. Is there a way to have a single module or class that's shared throughout the projects in the entire solution? I've considered creating and referencing a class library, but I'm likely to be making several little tweaks and changes to this "global code" and that method sounds like it could be just as awkward. Can I not just have a module that's visible to all projects, and compiled into each one seperately when the solution is built?

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VS 2005 Grabbing Information From Global Textbox?

Aug 28, 2009

Is there a way to grab information from a textbox outside of my form? I am able to track the cursor's position, x and y, and i want to detect whether there is a textbox at a given position, if so..grab the text.

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VS 2005 : Parsing Global From UserControl Back To Form?

Dec 11, 2009

I have a main form with 2 splitcontainers. On the left is a richtextbox showing the clients details and how many active tickets they have open and cmd buttons which opens different uc's within the container on the right.What I am attempting to do is when a client raises a new ticket, that the global variable holding the ticket count number updates via a procedure and updates the richtextbox on the main form.The line of code that runs within the UC is:

formMain.SplitContainer3.Panel2.textUserDetails.Text = FullNameSQLString & vbCrLf & UserDepartmentSQLString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You have submitted " & Global_FCRCount & " ticket today."

The part I have highlighted errors with the following reason: 'textUserDetails'is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.SplitterPanel'.I have checked and double checked the form names etc and textUserDetails definately exists within formMain.SplitContainer3.Panel2.

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VS 2005 Global Sub Not Working (to Fill Combobox Using Database)

Jul 20, 2010

When I fill a ComboBox the usual way, I am able to get it to work but when I try to make it a public sub so that it can be used over and over again, I am getting no where.[code]

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Changing The Object Declarations To Global Using The 'global' Keyword Evertime?

Mar 15, 2012

evrytime i add new controls to a form in vb.net the designer regenerates code and asks me to make corrections, so i have to keep on changing the object declarations to global using the 'global' keyword evertime it regenarates code,especialy dataset objects.how can i prevent this?

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Use Global X As String In Vb6 In A Module To Declare It With Global Privelages?

May 1, 2009

i could use Global x as string in vb6 in a module to declare it with global privelages, how can i do this in vb2008? how to declare a global variable in vb2008? so that i could use it anywhere i want. i know global variables are not recommended in programming but i need one.

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VS 2005 Displaying A List Inputted Words And List All The Associated Line Numbers?

Aug 1, 2009

I currently have a list of words in a text file sorted in to alphabetical order and put into lower case, but I would like to be able to also display the line numbers on which these words are associated with.. but only one instance of.

For example,

"This is a random text
file that I
have just made
up this second"


As you can see above, I would like to show that "this" for example appears on line 1 and 4. Hopefully tabbed so that it keeps a nice look to it.

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VS 2005 Sort List Of Objects By Child List Order?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm having a bit of a 'brain doner' moment here

I have a list of Objects. Each of these Objects contains a list of other Objects (pseudo code) :-

Private Structure Object1
dim Name as string
dim ListOfObject2 as List(Of Object2)


I need to sort the list of Object1 by the Value in Object2. I have a comparison class which sorts Object2 by its Value nicely.

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VS 2005 Code For Clear List In List Box?

Aug 23, 2011

I want to know what is code can be write for clear all item in list box??..Here i attach my code for looping for.This looping will display are result in list box. For info i am using visual studio 2005.Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnLoop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOnWard.Click
Dim num As Integer


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.Net Exchange Web Services?

Aug 31, 2011

I created an application using the Exchange Web Services, everything works fine, but after running 3 or 4 times, I suddenly get the error:

There was an error downloading "whatever/ews/services.wsdl"The remove name could not be resolved:There was an error downloading "whatever/ews/services.wsdl/$metadata"That gets me is its working find for a while, then it just stops working. I do an update and get the error. wait a little longer, try to browse it through browser and it prompts me for a user name and password, even though I checked the box "Remember".

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Ews (Exchange Web Services)?

Jun 12, 2009

I'm looking at using ews to move new emails to a sub folder and download attachments to a network drive. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this particually using VB.net but all and any advice?

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Using Ews (Exchange Web Services?

Mar 11, 2009

I'm looking at using ews to move new emails to a sub folder and download attachments to a network drive. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this particually using VB.net but

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VS 2005 : Get Kb Access To List Box?

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to access a list box using tab or an access key but to no avail. I set a label control and assigned an access key and also set the labels tab order to be one less than the list box but still have to use the mouse in order to get the list box. I also want to be able to limit the keypresses of an inputbox but I'm not sure how to add that. I can do it with a text box but I'm not sure if I should be selecting an object or not for the input box.This app is supposed to calculate total and average scores based on the number of judges selected in the list box (2-8)

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class MainForm


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Asp.net - Connecting To Exchange Server?

Jan 14, 2011

I am using this code to connect to my exchange server using POP3.

I am trying to retrieve an inbox of basically emails that have not been read however, i am just getting a bunch of gibberish and its reading an email.

modify my code to just read the most recent messages.

tcpClient.Connect(hostName, 110)
Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()


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Data Exchange Between 2 Applications In VB?

Aug 4, 2009

I have 2 applications which we can call for example Client/Server.

I would like to exchange data between these applications but basically don't know which is the best route.

I have managed to speak to both applications using text files, but there must be a better way of doing this.

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Exchange Backspace With Delete Key?

Jul 7, 2009

Is there any way to exchange backspace with delete key. I hav used this code in key_down event of rtb

if e.KeyCode = Keys.Back then
SendKeys.Send ("{DELETE}")

but now it works as both backspace and delete.

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Extract Data From MS Exchange?

Aug 18, 2009

I need to convert a VB6 application into VB.Net Windows application. The program pulls data from MS Exchange (UserID, firstname, lastname, etc - not the emails themselves) and places it in a .txt file. The code has been converted, but the program does not work. When the application is run, the .txt file is created, but is blank and I get a pop-up that shows the following, "trying to access email in outlook do you want to allow this?". The popup box is gone in an instant and when I try to click on yes, it does nothing. I always have to end the program as it is non-responsive.

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Extracting Data From MS Exchange?

Mar 19, 2010

I need to convert a VB6 application into VB.Net Windows application. The program pulls data from MS Exchange (UserID, firstname, lastname, etc - not the emails themselves) and places it in a .txt file. The code has been converted, but the program does not work. When the application is run, the .txt file is created, but is blank and I get a pop-up that shows the following, "trying to access email in outlook do you want to allow this?". The popup box is gone in an instant and when I try to click on yes, it does nothing. I always have to end the program as it is non-responsive.

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