VS 2005 Getting More Than One Array?

Oct 21, 2010

I don't know where the problem is unless you know what the problem is. I have a problem of extract the text from the html tags. There are more than one tags in the html page, so I can only get one tag from the page.

Here's the

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Address of URL


As I have tried to use the high and equal index of the integer. I don't know what other situation to get more than one tag from the page.

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Define Array In Vb 2005?

Feb 28, 2010

How to define array in vb2005? (Actually, I am making a game, whcih have to find out a pair of same pictures. I want to randomize 8 pictures, but it will randomize some pictures which is the same. Therefore, I need to use array.

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VS 2005 : Passing Array To COM DLL?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm having trouble passing an array of a user defined type to an procedure in a COM DLL. The prototype for the procedure i'm using is this:

/* [in] */ DWORD dwCount,
/* [size_is][out][in] */ CSimData *puData) = 0;
CSimData is a structure which is also defined in the interface.

I'm trying to call it with the following code but am getting an exception:

Dim temp(1) As MACHPLANTSIM18Lib.CSimData
temp(0) = New MACHPLANTSIM18Lib.CSimData
temp(1) = New MACHPLANTSIM18Lib.CSimData


The exception i'm getting is "COMException was unhandled - Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0000005" It looks to me that the array isn't passing properly to the COM function. I'm able to send a single object, but when I do an array of objects I get this exception.

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VS 2005 Passing Array From Sub To Sub?

Apr 25, 2009

I have populated an array.

Button1 click event
Dim array1 (3,3) as string
array1 (3,3) = "BLA"
End Event

Now, in the same class, I have another button.

When I click on this button2, i want to use this array to stream files to textfile.

The problem is that I cannot pass data from button1 click event to button2, as I have to declare the array again, and that causes array to lose data on button2 click.

If I however, declare array on top of class, I get a funny error sying out of index range etc.

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VS 2005 Sorting An Array?

Jul 7, 2009

i have a array like below. Dim sTemp() as string={"CCC1", "CCCs10", "CCCx11", "CsCC2", "CffffCC3"} I have to sort this array depends on the prefix(nymber)

sTemp() ={"CCC1", "CsCC2", "CffffCC3", "CCCs10", "CCCx11"}

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VS 2005 Value Of 1-dimensional Array

Sep 4, 2010

I am pretty new to vb.net 2005 and I'm getting the following error [code]it states that "value of type 'sessioncreate.partyid' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of sessioncreate.partyid'

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VS 2005 Value Of 1-dimensional Array?

Mar 5, 2009

I am pretty new to vb.net 2005 and I'm getting the following error

Dim objFrom As New SessionCreate.From
Dim objFromPartyID as New SessionCreate.PartyID
objFromPartyID.Type = My.Settings.FromPartyIDType
objFromPartyID.Value = My.Settings.FromPartyIDValue
objFrom.PartyID = objFromPartyID

it states that "value of type 'sessioncreate.partyid' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of sessioncreate.partyid'

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[2005] Convert One Dimension Array To Two Dimension Array?

Feb 5, 2009

I have an one dimension string array ar1

ar1(0) ="One;is;a;dog;"

I want to convert ar1 into ar2 which is a two dimension array


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2005 - Separation Of Variable From Array

Mar 15, 2009

I need code for separation of one word from array in bracket. For example: Word1 (Word2). What I want, is to separate Word1 on the one side and Word2 on the other side.

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VS 2003 To 2005 Textbox Array

Aug 11, 2009

I have an application that basicly collects a lot of information on a form, with 5 seperate tabs, prior to outputting this to a text file. Currently the forms are not dynamic in that they contain all the possible texboxes and just hide or show them depending upon choices made. The data is gathered by a function that creates an array of texboxes requiring processing, array being created would seem to correspond to a single line that is being output. The array is moved through item by item and the data gathered then output as a line in the text file. This is repeated for the 80 odd lines. Now a couple of questions, is this the best way to do this?


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VS 2005 - Initialize Jagged Array

Oct 2, 2009

how do i declare jagged array? it has 7 elements consisting of 2 to 8 elements consisting of 3 elements.[Code]

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VS 2005 : Find Out The Length Of Particular Row Of Array?

Apr 26, 2009

How can I find out the length of particular row of array?

Label1.Text = array.Length

This shows the length of whole array.

e.g. 30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I would like to get the length of 0 row.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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VS 2005 A String Array With No Values?

Nov 19, 2009

I wrote a console application where arguments are passed from the command line to a string array called args()If someone runs the program without supplying any of the arguments, I want to catch this. How do you check this? I was trying this

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VS 2005 Check For Each Array In Listview?

Apr 2, 2012

I'm working on my listview to extract the strings from my php source. I want to check for each array in my listview when i finds the matches of html tags "<span id=""mystrings2"">Enabled", then tick for each checkbox in the listview when the matches are found.


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VS 2005 Create Array Of Structure?

Nov 26, 2011

Well... I'd like to ask you a question that makes me crazy...Could I create an array of structure and later delete a value from that?For Example I have a structure called "Examples". I create an array of structure and insert 3 values (whatever). Then, I want to delete the value in the position 2 (which real position is 1 [0, 1, 2]). Could I do that?

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VS 2005 Event Handler Within Array?

Dec 23, 2009

I have created the following array to handle multiple textboxes and want to learn how to handle the keypress event for each box in this array without having to write the code in each seperate

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VS 2005 IsNumeric() Use With An Array Of Strings?

Jun 7, 2011

I have VS2005 and I'm trying to use a function like isNumeric, except it accepts an array of strings.


I keep getting errors, anybody know why? Might just be a stupid mistake, haha its been a long day today.

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VS 2005 Passing An Array As A Parameter In A Sub?

Sep 14, 2009

I am working with some code that uses array lists and I am using some of these to pass data back and forth like this: whatFile = (sideLookUp(x)) and its working, BUT when I turn this code into a sub/function then I call it I get problems, like double to string errors, even though its all set to double.


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VS 2005 Populating Array With Checklistbox?

May 1, 2009

I made a quick search but couldn't find any help I need to put the values of a checklist box into an array. I've found several solutions on the internet but all of these don't seem to work for integer arrays. This is what I've got so far

" Dim RemoveValues(checklistRemoveBrew.CheckedItems.Count - 1) As Integer
Dim C As Integer
For C = 0 To checklistRemoveBrew.CheckedItems.Count - 1
RemoveValues(C) = checklistRemoveBrew.CheckedItems(C)
Next "

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VS 2005 Split A String Into An Array?

Mar 2, 2011

I've got a string like


How can i split them into an array?

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VS 2005 Split String Into An Array

Jun 10, 2009

Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(Server.MapPath(".eof_uploads") & tfile)
Dim arrText As New ArrayList
Do While objStreamReader.Peek() >= 0


I have a string from a text document that would be formatted for example: "this, is, an, example" and i would like to add this to a gridview on my aspx page.

The above populates the gridview like this:
|this |
|is |
|an |

how can i get it to add a new colum instead of a new line? For Example:

|this |is |an |example|

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VS 2005 Split Up An Element Within An Array?

May 14, 2009

I've read the contents of a tab delimited file into an array, and need to isolate one of these columns from within each element of that array and store those extracted values in another array.Array that stores read in values = ReadFileArr()Array that needs to store extracted columns = DistanceArr()

code ive produced so far:
for lc = 0 to (count - 1)
If lc = 0 then
DistanceArr(lc) = ReadFileArr(lc) (insert code to extract column from element here)


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[2005] Copy Array(of Class) To Another

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to copy an Array(of Class) to another Array(of Class). The Class really just holds 3 values together, so it's basically a string. I thought just something like this would work


But that literally makes Array1 access the contents of 2, but I want it to be a separate copy. I'm currently using a simple loop procedure to copy contents but I was hoping there was a command for it. I looked at .Item but there didn't seem to be anything there.

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[2005] Delete From Array List?

Mar 11, 2009

have an ArrayList of arrays and I am having issues iterating through it to delete cetain entries.I want to go through the entire ArrayList and check if the array at index 0 equals "". If it does, then put that into another array.heres the exception i get

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled
Message="Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the


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[2005] Structure To Array Of Bytes?

Mar 11, 2009

I need to send a structure which contains structure to a socket server but i am abit lost here.Structure example

'example of first structure
structure firstStruct
Dim headerName as u


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No Control Array In Visual Basic 2005

Apr 22, 2007

OK as far as I know there is no control array in Visual Basic 2005 So how do I do this. I want to change the color of an array of pictureboxes some red some green almost like sending an SOS message. So I already have a string of ones and zero's like 11000110001001100011......these are already in an integer array........ARRAY(40) ......but now I need to transfer this data to an array of pictureBoxes by turning them Red or Green to show the message. I just wanted to place the integer array and the PictureBox array in the same.......


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VS 2005 &= To Append Items To A String Array?

Sep 2, 2009

I'm trying to use something simple this:

Dim Names() As String = {"Bob", "Bill", "Jim"}
Dim AllNames As String
For Each Name As String In Names
AllNames &= Names & " "
Operator '&' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of String' and 'String'

I guess I'm not trying to store each item in the string array correctly. How would I do this?

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VS 2005 - Array - Sort The Data From Into A File

Dec 3, 2009

i have a 2d array that i want to sort the data from into a file so i can retreve it and put it back into the array. i need to know the better file format to use.

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VS 2005 - Convert Matches Collection To Array?

Jun 2, 2011

I tried this
Dim matches As String() = Regex.Matches(tmpFieldContent, strEmail).Cast(Of Match)().ToArray()
But it didn't work, as vb says
'Cast' is not a member of System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection'.

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VS 2005 - Creating Array Of Custom Controls?

Nov 6, 2009

I am creating an array of customer controls by doing the following:
Dim CtlLosArray(150) As Control

Then I'm setting up the first control in the array like this:
CtlLosArray(1) = New ShieldLOSInfobox
CtlLosArray(1).Location = New Point(0, 0)
CtlLosArray(1).Visible = True
CtlLosArray(1).Name = "Label1"

Now on this custom control I have a panel and a few text boxes and as you can see I may be adding about 150 of these custom controls. What I am wanting to do is to be able to access that control then the item on that control based on the array. Something like the following:
CtlLosArray(1).Controls.Item(Panel1).backcolor = Color.Yellow
But the above does not work. How I can access a specific item on the customer control within the array?

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