VS 2005 Listview - Convert The Strings Of Checked From True To Enabled And From False To Disabled?

May 8, 2012

I need to work on my listview. Do you know how I can convert the strings of checked from true to enabled and from false to disabled?


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Unbound DataGridView - Change The Checkbox's Enabled State True Or False (editable Or Not) At The Time Add The Row

Jun 4, 2011

I have created an Unbound DataGridView. It has has 4 Columns Name, Last Name, Picture, CheckBox. I would like to do change the checkbox's enabled state true or false (editable or not) at the time I add the row

Not its checked state :) and would also like to change image that is placed in the Image column cell during the add row.

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Button To Be Disabled "button1.enabled = False" When The Program Starts?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2005 express edition I am having trouble with comboboxes and a button I want the button to be disabled "button1.enabled = false" when the program starts Then when the user selects a listing in all the comboboxes have the button become enabled "button1.enabled = true"

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VS 2005 : Convert "1" To Integer Using Tryparse It Showed True But When Used It On "1.00" It Is Showing It As False?

Dec 7, 2011

I have Tried to convert "1" to integer using Tryparse it showed true but when I used it on "1.00" it is showing it as false, why?

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VS 2005 Checkbox Custom True And False Value

Mar 18, 2009

i have a checkbox bound to a column with datatype character to my database... the column uses values Y and N.also, just like to add that i have tried changing the column into character of 5 byte so that it can hold the values "True" and "False" when the property bound is the property Checked. this works okay but there are some columns that doesn't use True and False like in my statement above.is there a way that i can set my checkbox to checked when the column value it is bound to is Y and vice versa.. i noticed that in the checkbox inside a datagridview has the properties TrueValue and FalseValue but i dont see this anywhere in the checkbox not in the datagridview.

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Cannot Distinguish If DataGridView Is Enabled Or Disabled

Sep 7, 2010

Put a Datagridview on a form, fill it with data. dgv1.enabled = True and dgv1.enabled = False are almost the same look to the eye unlike other controls (textbox,combo, listview, etc ...) where there back color changed to light grey and you can distinguish if that control is enabled or disabled but not for Datagridview.

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Menu Strip Enabled And Disabled

Mar 15, 2010

i want to make only Library Reports Menu enabled if i login as user i.e if i seelct login as user then only menu item which user can access should be Library Reports and Student Details Menu enabled Property should be Flase

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VS 2005 Listview Checkbox If True?

Apr 26, 2009

I have a textfile laid out using comers as separators:

true, xxxxx, yyyyy
aaaa, bbbb
true, ccc, ddd


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.net - Enabled Scrollbar In A Disabled Textbox For WinForms?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm trying to allow scrolling in a Multiline-TextBox even if the TextBox is set to

textbox.Enabled = False

This is not possible, as the Scrollbar is disabled with the Enabled-Command, too.The default solution here is to set

textbox.ReadOnly = True
textbox.Enabled = True

but this doesn't really do the trick for me. With ReadOnly I can still select the text of a TextBox as well as place the cursor inside of it. But as I have normal (non Multiline-TextBoxes) and other controls on the same form I don't want that to happen. I want to have exactly the same behavior as all the other disabled TextBoxes.

For everything else, like mimic the color of a disabled textbox and so on, there is a legitimate workaround with the ReadOnly-Property, but I coudn't find any for selecting text and placing the cursor.

UPDATE:I tried to use WIN32 API but it didn't work as expected:

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class TestTextBox


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Check Button Is Enabled Or Disabled In Selenium

Feb 9, 2011

I am trying to check whether the button is enabled or disabled. I am doing the following


but it gives me error that expression does not produce a value. Any one know how to achieve this. Currently I am using VS2010 MStest in vb.net.

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Display Each Network Adapter, Enabled Or Disabled?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to display the network adapters on the computer running this application.
For that I want to be able to display all network adapters, no matter which status they have. Then I want to be able to enable and disable the adapters by pushing a button.

I've tried using System.Net.NetworkInformation, but it seems as though it only contains the one that's active.


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Hypothetical Controls - Options Checked As Enabled In FrmConfig Effects - Controls (like Buttons/menu Options) Are Enabled In FrmMain

Nov 26, 2010

As i'm learning more and more about developing ive just got my head around creating classes and modules, i started wondering about something to do with configuration of applications where deployment is in a more diverse environment say in a company where different branches dont need access to all parts of a program, so i thought id throw the question out there in a basic sense and get some feedback. so i can go off and do some more reading and learning.

So the scenario in my head is like this.

So we have for arguments sake FrmConfig which is the master configuration form, then we have FrmMain which is the root menu our application general user interfaces with. So here based on what options are checked as enabled in FrmConfig effects what controls (like buttons/menu options) are enabled in FrmMain.

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VS 2008 Controls Enabled And Disabled On Windows Form?

Jun 7, 2009

I am making a configuration screen so that an administrator can easily determine what controls on a form are enabled according to a combo selection.

I have created a table (SQL2008 DB) to store the settings and need ideas how I can best implement.

The session form will start up normal with only a few controls enabled to start, but then when the user selects a "session type" from a drop down combo then the form will be configured for that type. Because there may be several different combinations, and I do want to offer the user the ability to add and configure more types as needed I feel like this may be the best method instead of hard coding.

Table Structure

SessionType varchar(25) not null PK
ControlSwitch varchar(50) Not Null

(Edit: I may add an additional DB field so that I can specify the default value of a control also)

Now what I thought I would do on the config form is have a series of combo boxes and the label represent each control with a value of True or False, then when saved it builds a string like example 1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1 or True, True, False etc.

The string would represent
ctrl1=on, ctrl2=on,ctrl3=off,ctrl4=on,ctrl5=off,ctrl6=on,ctrl7=on,ctrl8=on and so on.

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VS 2008 Use An Inverse Notation In The Databindings To Enabled Or Disabled One Checkbox?

Feb 19, 2010

can i use an inverse notation in the databindings to enabled or disabled one checkbox?I have a form that has several controls binded, and if i have true in one field in the database i need to check checkbox and disabled it.Something like:


chk.DataBindings.Add("checked", bs, "MyDBFieldBool")
chk.DataBindings.Add("enabled", bs, "MyDBFieldBool")

This can be done directly?

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Remove The Selection - Unable To Set Enabled = False?

Nov 2, 2011

In my DataGridView, I have a full row selection, but i want to have no selection at all, but I need the DataGridView to still be enabled, so I can't just set enabled = false

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If Click In Empty Listbox Then Timer1.Enabled = False

Apr 15, 2012

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
If ListBox1.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then


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Use Yes And No Instead Of True And False?

Jul 15, 2010

I wanted to create my own type that acts like the Boolean type, except I wanted to use Yes and No instead of True and False.I kind of got close but it wasnt exactly what i was going for here's what i have:


so i have to use an integer when i dim it like:dim b as MyBool = 1 then when you look at it in the watch window b = {Yes} so i could settle for that, but with a boolean you can do this:dim b as Boolean without setting it to anything it defaults to False mine however, is Nothing. 2 things: 1. How can i get mine to default to No 2. How can i make it work like this: dim b as MyBool = Yes instead of having to use the integer this is not a requirement for anything I just wanted to know how to do it

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VS 2005 Write Listview Items Depending Upon Checkboxs Checked State?

Apr 30, 2009

I have managed to get it to write a string to a textfile if the listviews checkbox is checked but i can not get it to write a particular string if it is unchecked.

For Each lstItem As ListViewItem In Me.ListView1.CheckedItems

How do i Iterate an unchecked item as the library doesn't have .UnCheckItems?

If its checked i need to add "true" to the string and if its unchecked i need to add "false" to a string that gets written to a textfile.

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How To Enabled A Button When All Checkboxes Are Checked

Dec 8, 2010

Alright I'm very sorry. This is a very Noobish question and I thought I could figure it out my self but I am haveing alot of trouble.Okay so I have 5 Checkboxes. When All them are checked I want Button1 to be enabled.And if any Checkboxes get unchecked after they where checked I want button1 to be disabled.

Now I think I got the code right. I just don't know what event to put it under. If checkbox1.checked = true and If checkbox2.checked = true and If checkbox3.checked = true and If checkbox4.checked = true and If checkbox5.checked = true then Button1.enabled end if

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.net - Are These Expressions True Or False

Feb 20, 2011

The expression 3>6 AndAlso 7>4 evaluates to
A. True B. False
The expression 4>6 OrElse 10<2*6 evaluates to
A. True B. False
The expression 7>=3+4 OrElse 6<4 AndAlso 2<5 evaluates to
A. True B. False

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Boolean Changes From True To False?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm pretty new to Vb so I'm not sure of all the correct terminology etc.

Private Sub Add_mousedown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Add.MouseDown
Dim Addition As Boolean


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Returns Value As True And False?

Sep 18, 2010

I am writing the code in the class to create the strings. I want the value to returns as true if the strings in the class are matched with two numbers or more, but if the if the strings in the class are not matched with first two numbers or not then returns the value as false.[code]....

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Set Group Box False To True

Nov 9, 2009

I have a group box set as false but when I click on radiobutton3 i want it to show at the bottom:

if radiobuttion3.checked the
radiobutton4.enabled = true
end if

but this doesn't show up my second group box when the program is running.

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Showing False To True

Nov 9, 2009

I have a Group Box Set as false but when i click one Button I want it to Show as True so i have [code] But is not Showing up when i run the program, is this the right code?

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C# - SQL Column True Or False - Use A View?

Dec 4, 2010

Simple question, I have an application and dependant on whether you are in the administration system or on the public website I want to show different results. Example: in the database for a news story in the administration I may set the column value 'showonsite' to false. So I would like this to show in the administration panel only and not on the live site.

My question is, because I require the same information just with the only one column change, live site to only show true values and administration to show both. What is the most effective way of achieving this without copy paste of code?

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Check BitArray Contains Any True / False Value?

Jun 9, 2009

In C# and Vb.net,is any way without iterating by loop a bitarray to check contins any true or false value (Dotnet 2.0) ?

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Check If BIT Retrieved From DB Is True Or False?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to check if a bit retrieved from database is true or false but i have always the error IndexOutOfRangeException no matter how i get the value.


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Get True False Statements To Work?

Oct 10, 2009

I am trying to get true false statements to work. Each statement has its own msgbox and if true adds 1 to x. At the end i use a case function which will give the final number of x and give it a value in a textbox. What is happening instead is, if I click "no" on every Yes/No question, I get a 4. If I click "yes" on every Yes/No, I still get a 4. For car 3, 4, and 6 I want a "no" to be true. For 1,2,5,7 I want yes to be true.

HTML Code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClick.Click
Dim x As Integer


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Intellisense - Value Is Not Showing False And True

Mar 10, 2010

i am having problem with the intellisense. i have created a boolean variable and when i try to assign value why does is shows all the members instead of false and true. Again when i try to set the height the intellisense pops up again.

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Method Returning True Or False

Oct 15, 2011

I am new to programming.I am making a coin tossing program for class.It is telling me I need to create a separate method that doesn't take any arguments and only returns false for tails and true heads.Not sure if a function or a sub returns only that type of data. Also once the code is returned I can then add that to a CONST to keep a running total.If the method only returns true or false do I need to put the code in buttonclick sub to post the image of the coin in the picturebox using a if then statement? Would I also need to add the code for the print out of the statistics after the if then statement? Not asking for code just a step in the right direction.

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