VS 2005 Object To Design A Message?

Nov 3, 2009

I have program which is used to send emails. In this program I want to design a message body which contains, text, hyper links, images, draw boxes, etc. Rich Text Box object doesn't appeared to be the best object for this case. Can you suggest a good object to design "Body" part of a message?

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C# - Design Reference And Object Oriented Design Of A CRM

May 25, 2011

I searched codeplex and google. I have found so many such as tustena but unfortunately they are not domain driven based and in these solutions I could not find a good modelling documents or references. i am a newbie in CRM but I am sensetive to design it with solid object-oriented fundamentals. Any reference or open source solution especifically for CRM design and implementaion in .NET? Cheers

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C# - Custom Message For Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Dec 1, 2010

We have a huge windows application with poor exception handling. The application throw object reference error from lot of places and the system error message is showing to users as it is using message boxes.

I am looking for a simple solution which can be used to replace this message to something user friendly for the entire application

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Error Message: Object Reference Not Set An Instance Of An Object

May 11, 2009

I got this error in the following line.

Dim t As New TrialMaker("TMTest2", Application.StartupPath & "RegFile.reg", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) & "TMSetp.dbf", "Phone: + 9999999999" & vbLf & "Mobile: + 99999999999", 1, 10, _

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Throwing Exceptions For User ? Or Better To Design Custom Error Message Framework?

Nov 10, 2010

I never got into detailed error processing too much when I played in VBA/VB6 a lot. Mostly then, if you ran into a user error (such as some input of theirs failing a validation test of some kind), you popped a MsgBox() with some error information and the critical (or warning) icon, and safely aborted out of the code

In .NET, my reading basically points to exceptions as the end-all in error handling. It looks to me that if you know a spot of code where a user can screw up, you're supposed to catch it with either try...catch blocks (for things like data conversions), or standard if...the...else constructs for other things, and then throw a new exception if needed.

Isn't throwing an exception essentially a forced crash of a program in a sense (granted, you get the option of continuing)? Or are exceptions geared specifically for things like data conversion errors and other "things that shouldn't happen", and resume use of MsgBox() and friends for minor user screwups?

Consider the case of where you have a TextBox that is only supposed to accept numeric data (or heck, just a specific set of characters). Barring some other trick that lets you restrict that field (let's just assume it's freeform, programatically), it would seem a bit of a waste to throw new exceptions everytime they type in an invalid character, or even if the error checking doesn't happen until they press a submit button (like on a webpage). Popping a MsgBox() seems more sane in that case.

So what's the straight dope on exceptions and throwing new ones on user errors? How about if your program also exposes a programmatic framework? Bad usage of one of the programmatic functions definitely seems like new exception territory to me.

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Object Oriented Design In Asp.net With VB

Apr 3, 2009

I try to convert vb.net code to an object-oriented design. This help page talks about doing it: [URL] I plan this:


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VS 2010 Way To Design An Object?

Sep 10, 2011

Firstly we need a deck object which in my case is a queue of type card. My question is relating to the card object.Would it be good programming to contain the card image within the card class so that the card object could be placed direct into some container or is it best to handle the card image within the main class.

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Object Oriented Design Vs Procedural

Feb 27, 2009

Our company currently uses an APL model to illustrate our life products. We are in the process of converting this to Excel/VBA because the APL system is extremely difficult to maintain.APL is difficult to maintain because the code has become over the years (~15yrs) spaghetti and only a select people (who have worked here 5+years) really understand this to make updates when new products come out. APL is also not well known and difficult to understand. I just would like help on designing the system, my main career is not a programmer, and the design I was envisioning was a "Procedural" approach. (the APL is procedural rather then object oriented. I have not used object oriented code before)Basically the program illustrates a life insurance product. That just means it projects a fund out from the time the policy is issued to age 120. The illustration is given to the policyholder as a way of predicting what the value of their fund will be given some assumptions.The program does the following1.) Populate Variables2.) Calculate Premiums Types3.) Monthly processing4.) Output values to spreadsheetThe system has to illustrate different types of Products and we are adding new products to the system. Most of the main structure of the program (in VBA) is already written. It seems that (#3) monthly processing will vary by product, and I would like help with maintaining that part of the code. The other 3 parts of the program are not a problem maintaining.We will be continually adding products. We will start with about 5 products and maybe add about 5 per year.Here is the Monthly Processing code:... Call MonthlyProcessing(120, PremPayMode0, Assump0, True, DumpLumpSum0)

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Object Oriented Analysis, Design & Implementation?

Apr 28, 2009

With this assignment, you are provided with an incomplete object-oriented implementation of the GAME MANIA software system based on Visual Basic 2008. The specification and the subsequent modelling are explained in a case study titled Game Mania: GAME AND GAME CONSOLE RENTAL STORE.

An implementation of the following classes are made available as the basis of your development work:

3.Stock Item
4.Optic Reader
5.Card Writer
6.Membership Card


Note that the user interface provided is very basic. You need to change it, as you feel appropriate so that it will reflect the required functionality. For example, in the present implementation version, no provisions were made in the user interface for querying and handling fines associated with late returns.Providing this aspect in the user interface might be necessary as part of handling renting of games and game consoles.

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Object Oriented Design For Manufacturing Programs?

Sep 13, 2011

This is a continuation on a different thread of mine because it got off topic. I have a program that i use select case statements, quite a few of them and did a lot of copy and pasting of code and had 5000 lines of code and was still building on it, it was suggested to use OOD so i am making a new thread related to that.

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Lifetime Of Multiple Instances Of An Object / Design Pattern?

Sep 5, 2009

having difficulty with understanding object lifetime / instantiation.I have a windows from with a datagridview and a panel. The datagridview has a checkbox column and a list of names which is populated from a database.The panel has a few text boxes (e.g. name, age, favourite sports team) and a 'save changes' button.

The idea is that when the user selects a person in the datagridview by checking the appropriate checkbox then the panel shows the relevant data for that person (name, age, fav sports team) by pulling the data from a database. If the user would like to update the person's details they can do so by typing in the textboxes and then clicking the 'save changes' button. All quite simple so far.

The way I have designed this is to have a 'panel' class and to create an instance when the user checks a checkbox.(NB - the reason I have created a 'panel' class is that I intend to replicate the datagridview and panel on other tabpages within my form and thought it would be useful to have a generic 'panel' class that I could re-use.)

My code looks a bit like this:

If CheckBoxClicked Then
Dim UpdatePanel As New UpdatePanel(MyForm.NameTextBox, MyForm.AgeTextBox, MyForm.FavSportTeamTextBox, MyForm.SaveButton)

When the user clicks the SaveButton the data is updated to the database and I have a display message (simple textbox) which says "Update successful" and displays for 5 seconds before hiding itself.

Here is the problem:Suppose a user checks a checkbox, reviews the data and does not make any changes, and then checks another checkbox and decides to update the data by clicking the 'save changes' button. What happens is that the "Update successful" message is displayed twice.

I think this is because every time the user checks a checkbox an instance of UpdatePanel is created. If a I select five different people using the checkboxes and then hit 'save changes' I get five "Update successful" messages.

I am not sure how to overcome this. It feels like each time a checkbox is clicked I need to check if an instance of UpdatePanel exists and then destroy it. I tried using UpdatePanel = Nothing and also investigated IDisposable and GC.Collect() but with no luck.


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Opening Form In Design Mode - Cannot Access Disposed Object

Feb 22, 2012

When try to open in design mode a form (VB.NET), in which I have a custom UserControl, I see the message from Visual Studio:

Microsoft Visual Studio
The control MyNamespace.MyUserControl has thrown an unhandled exception in the designer and has been disabled.

Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'SplitterPanel'.

Stack trace:

And the form is not displayed in designer. What to do?

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VS 2005 : How To Design A Form

Jul 18, 2011

I have to design form like

1. left side of form contains a TreeView

2. On selection of different tree nodes, i want to open different forms on right side of the screen

which control should i use. Splitter control is not useful, i cannot open forms in splitter control is there FRAMESET(Frameset tag in web debelopment) like control exist ? so that i can open forms in it?

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VS 2008 - Can Data Binding To Object Properties Be Setup During Design Time

Feb 17, 2010

Im doing my first project with WinForms, and Im trying to get the DataBinding working. Theres no database in my project, but I'd like to bind some of the TextBoxes to objects' properties. In the other section of this forum (here) I found this line of C# code which does it: textBox2.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", this.myPerson, "LastName"));

my question is can data binding to object properties be set up during design time (without writing code)? If so, how? P.S. I know how I would set up this binding if in WPF, but I'm forced to use WinForms.

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VS 2005 Design A Multilingual Form?

Oct 28, 2009

design a form with multilingual on interface depend on the user!

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VS 2005 Design - Separator/Page Break

Jun 23, 2009

I want to achieve the same thing as highlighted in attached file, so called seperator or page break, but i'm unable to find this control in VS 2005, how to get this control?

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VS 2005 Design App To Work With Different Database Backends?

Jun 22, 2009

I'd like to get some feedback what you think is the best way of designing a VB 2005 application that can be set up ("scaled"?) to work with different database backends (say MS-Access vs. SQL Server vs. Oracle). For example, where would you store the connection info, where should the repository of SQL statements (which will vary slightly from DBMS to DBMS) reside, etc.

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IDE :: Design An Application In 2005 That Will Retrieve Pictures On A Form?

Aug 29, 2010

i need to design an application in visual basic 2005 that will retrieve pictures on a form. PS: All pictures should be located in a combo box! And the number of pictures are 2000.I've started with cmb.Items.Add("pic1") but that really tiresome to write 2000 codes.

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[2005] IDE Trick To Show The Design While Viewing The Code

Jan 22, 2009

Is there any keyboard combination out there that I could just press to show the Design of the form while viewing its code? I just find it a pain to right click then pressing the icon.

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VS 2005 - Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Sep 4, 2010

i have this code in asp.net 2005 page under vb codes on myreader.Read gives me "variable myreader is used before it has been assigned a value a null reference exception" and in the ex msg " object reference not set to an instance of an object".

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Visual Basic 2005 - Save The Design Page Of The Form?

Feb 2, 2010

How can I save the design page of the form? I can only save the code

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.net - Object Reference Message After Moving To Another Computer?

Feb 29, 2012

The Error I get is "Couldnt show any because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"While on the development machine it works.Both running Win7, I inclluded all sql files as stated on the deployment instruction for datafile and sql-ce dll's from the msdn.The datafile is fine and connection is good, becuase a "cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()" runs without problems.

Public Sub LoadFolders()
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As SqlCeDataAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter()


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VS 2005 - Designer Error - Exception Of Type System.ComponentModel.Design

Apr 26, 2012

When I attempt to open forms in the designer in the IDE, I get this error:

Exception of type System.ComponentModel.Design.ExceptionCollection was thrown.

My project is building OK. Any ideas?

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VS 2005 : Setting Item Properties With Values Of A Variable At Design Time?

Jul 7, 2009

is it possible to set a value of an item, for example: a textbox1.text = Empty.String at design time?

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VS 2005 Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 3, 2009

i trying to do login form, if user & password correct, then will show Main Form. First time login is no problem at all, after closed the Main Form, it will back to login form. Problem come when i try to relogin again & show "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" when try to access the database. Attach my code here:

frmLogin -
AppPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory
DBFilename = AppPath & "DatabaseBT2 Test Results.btd"
frmMain.txtDBFilename.Text = DBFilename


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VS 2005 Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

May 12, 2009

For some reason, on the line where I try to set the value of the key, I get the following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

vb Private Sub writeToKey(ByVal regValue As String)
Dim regkey As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindowsDevice")
regkey.SetValue("Device", regValue, RegistryValueKind.String) 'error occurs here
End Sub

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VS 2005 Displaying A Message Box?

Aug 5, 2009

I have an amount field which is declared as type integer in the databaseHere lies the code that i did for insertion into the database:

Dim num As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(TextBox2.Text, num) Then
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@amount", num)


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Error Message When Publishing [2005]

Sep 9, 2011

I am trying to publish a .Net application but I received the error; - Cannot publish because a project failed to build - SignTool reported an error 'The Path is not of a legal form' On the Signing tab I have teh error; An error occurred trying to load the page. The path is not of a lagal form. The same project I published few minutes ago, I was trying to re-publish it. It only affects me, but if another of my colleague opens it on his PC from the same source it works fine. I checked the certificate and it is present.

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VS 2005 Getting Error Message From Emails?

Apr 25, 2009

I have a problems now upon getting the error message from the person whom i send emails. I want to know how to get the message coming from the server if it bounce back or not and want to get the error of it why it bounce back or not. Could anyone help me how to get those messages.

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VS 2005 Message Box Dialog Results?

Jun 25, 2009

This is the code I currently created for my program. On the form close event, it checks if any changes were made and asks to save them or not.


I've told it what to do if the dialog result is "Yes." Now, on the "Cancel" dialog result, I only want the message box dialog to close, NOT the program. Whats the command to make only the message box close?

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