VS 2005 Pass The Values In The Selected Row From The Datagridview To Form?

May 15, 2009

i have a datagridview at form1 filled with 2 columns, mailName and callName. upon clicking an edit button, form2 will show with the details of the selected row in the datagridview from form1. how can i pass the values in the selected row from the datagridview to form2? my select statement at form2:


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Pass Values From Datagridview To Listview?

Jun 10, 2011

How pass values from datagridview to listview

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Pass Values From ListView To Datagridview?

Jun 10, 2011

I am using visual basic 2008. i have a listview and a datagridview which have both 3 columns like ProductCode,ProductName & ProductPrice. Now i want to pass listview values to datagridview in the same sequence. I want that when i double click on any row in the listview these row values inserted to Datagirdview.

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Pass Values From One Datagridview To Another In Different Window?

Mar 25, 2011

I need to pass all rows at once created in a gridview to another. With the following script i can only pass one line at a time when i click the button.

Private Sub btn_add_equip_ext_guardar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_add_equip_ext_guardar.Click
Dim rowext As Integer = win_Comp_orc.grd_NoOrc_Exterior.Rows.Count


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How To Pass Values From Textbox To Datagridview In VB 2008

Feb 23, 2009

i used a split container, in the 1st panel, i put the textbox for the user to input the values. In the 2nd panel, i put the datagridview to output the values that the user inputted. Now, i don't know and i cannot find way how to print the values into the datagridview from the textbox.

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Pass Different Values From A Listbox To A Certain DatagridView Column?

Aug 27, 2009

Rather using a DatagridView Column ComboBox i need in this phase of my project, to use a listbox outside the datagridview ,o pass values from listbox to the datagridview. I do not want these Values to be default in that, column of DGV but when adding new rows i want to pass different values,always form listbox to the DGV..

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Pass Values From A Stored Procedure To Datagridview?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a form that I'm running a stored procedure in and I'd like to pass the results to a datagridview and then offer the user the ability to export those results to a flat text file.

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Pass Values From Textbox To Datagridview In VB 2008?

Feb 23, 2009

i used a split container, in the 1st panel, i put the textbox for the user to input the values. In the 2nd panel, i put the datagridview to output the values that the user inputted. Now, i don't know and i cannot find way how to print the values into the datagridview from the textbox.

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Getting The Selected Values In Datagridview Row

Dec 6, 2011

I have a DataGridView. When the user selects a single row from the grid and clicks a button a different form opens and displays the fields from the selected row in textBoxes.

1. How do I retrieve a row?

2. How do I send the row to the second form?

3. How do I make this happen with a click?

in the second form I want create an option to update the row therefore I want to be able to return the data from the second form to the first or to the table.

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How To Get Selected Datagridview Values Into Textbox

Jan 3, 2011

i want to get the selected specific values of data grid view into textbox

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VS 2010 - Getting Selected Values In DataGridView?

Oct 7, 2011

I want to get the value of the selected item for example I want to get the first cell which is the quantity and store it in a textbox which I will select in the datagrid. How can I do that I am new with datagrid.

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Pass The Selected Rows Of A Datagridview Of Form2 To The Datagridview Of The Form2?

Feb 15, 2012

In my scenario when i press the "Get Book Details " of the Form1 , it will redirect to the Form2 , in the form load of Form2 a datagridview is filled with values along with the checkbox column and the desired rows of all the columns are selected and when OK button(form2) is pressed the selected rows should get populated to the datagridview of the form1.But i m not getting the selected rows to the form1t.

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VS 2005 - How To Get Values Of Selected Items Of ComboBox

Jun 30, 2010

How do I get the other values of the selected item of the combobox so that I can save it to my table? This in my function
Using cmdTeachers As New SqlCommand("SELECT TeacherID, Teacher, Dept " & _
"FROM tblTeacherFile " & _
"WHERE Dept = 'HS' ", cnn)

And I have this on formload
Me.TeacherBindingSource.DataSource = Me.GetTeachers()
Me.TeachCombo.DisplayMember = "Teacher"
Me.TeachCombo.ValueMember = "Teacher"
Me.TeachCombo.DataSource = Me.TeacherBindingSource

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Pass 2 Textbox Values To Another Form?

Sep 26, 2010

I have 2 textboxes on form1 that I want to pass to 2 labels on form2, I used the Get Property to do this but i am getting errors, can anybody show me how to do this, I am new to visual basic

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Pass Values From Child Form To Mdi?

Apr 15, 2012

I open a child form from within a parent form


now the form customer master has values within a listview. when i doubleclick on a value within the listview i want this form to close and pass the value to a textbox within the parent form. what would the code be? I am relatively new to vb.

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Pass Values From A Form To Sql Server Stored Procedure?

Jan 12, 2011

I have an application that I'm building which pulls dates from a database. The start value is stored as payPeriodStart date and I add 7 days to get the end date. What I need to know is, is it possible to store those values and pass them to a Stored Procedure? Currently my stored procedures have "static" dates in them ie[code]...

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VS 2005 Pass A Value From An Independent Form To A Child Form?

Nov 24, 2009

how to pass a value from an Independent form to a Child form...

here whis is the data from..

the indenpendent data is selected from the datagridview by just double clicking the cell the selected data will pass into the combox of child form (Note: this is combobox not textbox)...

i'm done with textbox it work fine..


Independent form when user duble click the datagridview

Private BoxToUpdate As TextBox
Public Sub Start(ByRef DescItem As TextBox)
' Me.Close()


how could i able the value into combobox from independent form into child form...

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VS 2010 : Establish An OLEDB Connection And Return The Values From The Selected Table To A DataGridView?

Apr 16, 2010

I am unable to load the dat into the data Grid. Here is where I keep getting stuck.

dgvOleDb1 = table.Select
dgvOleDb1.DataSource = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically
dgvOleDb1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)

I am confused; I am using VB2010, IBM.iSeries.DB2 on an as400 V5R4. I am trying to establish an OLEDB connection, and return the values from the selected table to a DataGridView. I had one of the admin's make me file named GARBAGE, in the Rprtaccess catalog. In the past, I have been able to connect via access and an ODBC connection. My project is too big for access, and the SQL middleware we have is clunky and not user friendly. This is a program that will generate the SQL statements, specifically the WHERE: clause and populate the datagrid with the selected criteria. In essence I am making a user friendly striped down program, that has variables that are manipulated by the end user, and the rest, referenced tables and libraries are coded.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Exception
Public Class Form11


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VS 2005 - How To Get Selected Cell Coordinates With DataGridView

Jun 3, 2010

How can I get the selected cell left and top screen coordinates with datagridview. Basically what I am trying for is to include a combobox in the datagrid view. I don't know how to do it hence i want to just shift the combobox in to each selected cell>

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Pass Values Form To Form?

Sep 11, 2010

I know this has been asked, but can someone look this over. I have been going over and over this for about 3 days now. In my main form(frmBuildings) I pass a value to frmCustomerInformation like this.[code]...

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Form Show Selected Combo Box Values?

May 13, 2012


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VS 2005 Display A Record In Datagridview Based On The Value Selected From A Combobox

Jun 27, 2010

I am trying to display a record in my datagridview based on the value selected from a combobox. I tried the code below using SQL Management studio and it works perfectly.


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Program Crash When Pass Datagridview To Other Form Using .showdialog

May 23, 2012

im using visual basic.net and this is my problem i have 2 form which have a two datagridview . when i update the datagridview in the form 2 its working fine and when i exit it in the form 1 its also update , but when im trying to to click again the edit button(from form 1) the program is automatically exit or crash.

the code from my form2 exit button

form1 edit button


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Getting Selected DataGridView Value From One Form To Another?

Jan 26, 2012

I have a form, FORM1, that asks the user to input a person's name. If the user wants to they can double click a text box which opens another form dialog.Here they can search a DataGridView for a name in the DB. If the user double clicks the cell I want the selected name from the cell to be put into the text box back at FORM1.

Here is what I have, but it does not work. Any ideas on what I need to change?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellDoubleClick
Dim i As Integer


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VS 2005 Changing Datagridview Values Within The Current Row?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a grid bound to a datatable. The grid has two boolean fields. What I want to happen is, when the user checks one field (or perhaps I change that field's value in code), I want to automatically uncheck the other field. I tried the following code, and it gives me the results I'm looking for, but only after the user leaves the row. I want it to happen when the user clicks on the cell.

Private Sub ComparisonGrid_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles ComparisonGrid.CellValueChanged
If e.RowIndex > -1 Then
If e.ColumnIndex = Me.FirstUseColumn.Index Then


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Selected Datagridview Rows In One Form To Another Form

Oct 16, 2011

I am doing a project in window application (VB 2008) where I have 2 forms (form1 & form2) in form1 I place a empty DGV and a button, and in form2 i placed another DGV which i connects to MS access DB, in form2 DGV I add a checkbox column and i need to do is if i click the button in form1 it should show the form2 DGV (till this i got it) and when i checked the rows in form2 DGV the checked rows should shown in form1 DGV. and i also want to add the sum in bottom.

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Select Query In Form - Form With A Datagridview That Displays All Of The Values

Mar 26, 2008

I am using VB2008 Express and a MSSQL Server 2005 db by the way! I have a comprehensive SQL statement, which should fill my Grid:

SELECT @Sum = SUM(I_LS.lmenge)
FROM dbo.lfs AS I_L


Now here is my problem! I want to have a form with a datagridview that displays all of the values I am querying. This shouldn't be a problem I guess. However, I have no idea how I can integrate two textboxes that can be used to enter the selection criteria (WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253') AND (l.sped_journal = '11-08')[/SIZE]. I have googled and read many threads so far but didn't stumble upon anything that would suit my needs and answer my question. Maybe it's just too elementary!? By the way, it is very important that the input of textbox1 ((WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253')) is linked to 3 positions in my SQL query to define the search criteria!

The worst thing is that I don't want to have a bindingnav displayed! I do not need any delete, update or add functions just the select option, however!

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Datagridview To Display Selected Row's Details In Another Form?

Jun 5, 2011

how to display selected row from a datagridview to another form that records will be in textboxes..

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Selected Record (Datagridview) View On A Form?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a Datagridview with 100 records and each records contained 15 field/columns hence it's difficult to read single record at a time completely. So my requirement is if I select a record and that particular records should display on a form or whatever

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VS 2005 Update Table - If All Results Is PASS Then The Table2 Should Be Updated As Pass

Jun 8, 2012

I have two tables:


case_no flow result
tc_1 001 pass
tc_1 002 pass
tc_1 003 pass
tc_2 001 pass
tc_2 002 fail
tc_2 003 pass


case_no result
tc_1 pass
tc_2 fail

Table2 should be updates from table based on the results... If all results is PASS then the table2 should be updated as pass... if any result is FAIL then the entire case_no should be updates a s fail..

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