VS 2008 - Anyway To Time How Long It Takes A Message Box To Pop Up?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm trying to time how long an operation takes in Visual Basic (VS 2008) but its not working. the code I have is as follows:


this is in an OnClick event, so what happens is that the user can click a menu item, and it goes and sends any changes it has to a database, and pulls down any new changes to a local data cache. This operation takes time, depending on how many changes are on the server and how many are cached locally. I've thought about making this a background task, so it doesn't draw away from the main app while it's running, but before doing that, I'd like to get an idea how long the operation takes. Since I can't exactly do a progress bar, I figured using the stopwatch would tell me how many ticks/milliseconds would occur between click, and when the "total synced" message comes up, but every time i run it and do an update the message always shows 0 ticks/ms. I don't think it's accounting for the delay, just from start to finish. Is there any way to make it so it detects a message popping up and times off that?

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VS 2008 Get Administrator Members Takes A Long Time

Apr 18, 2011

I am using the below code to get the local Administrator members, but this code takes about 6-7 seconds to execute. More precisely the "GetObject" takes that long.Is there another way to get the same information but faster?Also, where can I find what other properties the objects holds ? (To see what other useful information I can get)[code]

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VS 2008 Published App Takes A Long Time To Load?

Feb 10, 2010

Whenever I publish my app, or when I run the exe from teh debug folder it takes a couple of seconds before the splash screen shows.However, when I run it from within VB (by pressing the "play" button) the splash screen shows immediately.

What could be the cause of this?

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Sql - Function Takes Long Time For Execution?

Jun 13, 2012

Actually, I am trying to find out whether the partno is existing in the database table or not and it takes long time in count = checkCommand.ExecuteReader statement

Public Function CheckProductNo(ByVal Partno As String) As Boolean
Dim count As SqlDataReader
Dim valid As Boolean = False
Using connection As New SqlConnection


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Takes Long Time To Generate Excel File Using OPEN XML SDK Tool?

Aug 1, 2011

i have developed an application using OPEN XML SDK Tool 2.0 which generates Excel file. I have Data table of 100000 row and 30 columns and i want to generate excel file with these 100000 rows and 30 columns but it takes about 2 minutes of time to generate excel file. What can i do to reduce this time.

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VS 2008 Seeing Long It Takes To Copy File

Aug 12, 2009

Here's the (Timer1's interval is set to "1" in the designer, and it is set to "Enabled" in the designer as well.)

Public timeElapsed As Int32Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
timeElapsed = 0


The issue is, timeElapsed always comes back as equaling 0, so fileCopySpeed always equals infinity. Also note that test.dat is a 100MB file. There's no way it's getting copied in under 1 millisecond!

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C# - Which Takes More Memory - String Value Or Long Value

Apr 16, 2012

I have a client application that connects to a WCF service, i get the file size from the server as a long value then i convert it at the client to a string so it appears like ex:52.21 MB the application gets too many files sizes every time user changes the directory pathso the question is :should i convert the values to a string format from WCF service app then return it to the client as a string format or should i just return the size as a long value and let the client to convert it to a string format in other way which value take more bytes in the memory:


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Getting Mac ManagementClass Takes To Long To Fail?

Jan 28, 2009

I'm using the following code to fetch a mac address

Dim cls As New ManagementClass("\" & IP & "
ootcimv2", "Win32_NetworkAdapter", New ObjectGetOptions(Nothing, TimeSpan.MaxValue, False))
Dim col As Object


It is working as expected. My problem is that it seems to wait far too long for devices which do not respond, and when the output of GotMac is "The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)" How do I shorten the wait time for these types of events?

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WPF Application Takes Too Long To Start

Dec 16, 2011

I am creating a WPF Application that uses Fluent library.

On my computer with Windows 7, 2GB RAM and AMD Triple Core processor, after double clicking on the program icon, The Splash image shows after about 1-2 seconds.

But on my brother's old computer with Windows XP, 512MB RAM and Intel Celeron 2.0 GHz Processor (Single core), after double clicking on the program icon, First, a process called PresentationFontCache.exe runs and it uses almost 100% of CPU for some seconds. And Total time is needed for displaying the initial Splash image is almost 30 seconds (or more).

I don't want that some users have to wait 30 seconds for displaying splash image and about 7-8 seconds for loading application. (my application load process takes 7-8 seconds)

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Network Request Timeout If It Takes Too Long?

Feb 18, 2010

I've been using VB for exactly a week today and for that past 4 hours I've been pulling my hair out! My problem is that our software can only run on one PC on a site, if two instances are running they cause issues. So instead of checking each PC individually I created a program with VB to do this (and other tasks) for me. The problem with the network search is that if I cannot access a remote PC (usually access is denied) then it hangs for a long time before moving on to the next. Can I introduce a timeout feature where the program tries to access the c drive but if it does this for more than 5 seconds and gets nowhere then it moves on? [code]'testcpath' is \pcnamec$ and the other two paths look for the software I'd need to remove if found. So basically, if I have access to every c drive it works fine and completes within a few minutes. If I don't have access to even a small amount then it takes an absolute age.

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Terminate Code That Takes Long In Program?

Oct 25, 2010

How to terminate function/code (not entire page) when it takes some time, for example, more than 1 sec?[code]...

I found the command "Server.ScriptTimeou", but it stops the entire page instead of one command.

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Application Made In Studio Takes Very Long To Start Up

Dec 29, 2011

I wrote an app in Visual Studio and is about 20k+ lines, but I don't know why it takes so long to start up. I have a splash screen just to test it to see if the program is working, and it is, but I have to wait for so long for the app to actually get to the start up form. A splash screen for this app isn't ideal, but was only using a splash screen for test purposes.

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Cut & Paste To Textbox Then Sql Server Update Takes Too Long?

Apr 20, 2011

I've written a small application that keeps track of my thesis notes and essentially I have a few textboxes for keywords, ideas and notes. When I type in the textboxes and hit my update button it works fine...when I cut and paste from a text editor into the textboxes and then hit my update button it takes way to long to return control to the form. Is there something I need to do to text that is copied and pasted into a text box before I send it to the database?

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VS 2008 Loading Box - Other Application Takes Time To Load?

Jan 16, 2010

I made two applications the first one calls the other. But the other application takes time to load. Even on a fast Pc. So i was thinking of adding a loading form to it. For example when the other application is done loading the loading form goes away.


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VS 2008 Way Of Coding In Stead Of Writting Long Long Paragraphs

Sep 18, 2011

Is there a easer way of coding in stead of wrighting long long paragraphs like this in one line [code]All of this is on one line and i got lots of info to put down.."The game will begin on your 16th birthday with your mother waking you up. Today you are to go to the castle for the first time. Leave your bed and open your dresser for a Strength Seed. "

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VS 2008 Make A Message Appear On The First Time?

Sep 12, 2009

I was wondering whether it was possible for a message to show up only on the first time the user runs the program.

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.Net Exe Takes More Time While Loading?

Feb 9, 2010

When I run my .net application exe .It takes time while loading first time How can I reduce a loading time of my application exe ?

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IDE :: .Net Exe Takes Time While Loading?

Feb 4, 2010

When I run my .net application exe .It takes time while loading How can i reduce a loading time of my application exe.

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Word Application Takes Time?

Apr 5, 2011

I achieved all functionality what was needed but my issue is creating and disposing the object is time consuming.Is there any method by which we can make it faster .

I am using word object for spell checking in richtextbox

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Make .net Takes Two Arrows Keys At The Same Time?

Jun 1, 2011

in my program i have a timer, and every 5 sec (for example) i send a string by serial.i have to read every key pressed between each 5 sec and send a number that tells me what i am sending.what I've done is to send 1 as long as up key is pressed and send 8 as long as left key is pressed and send 9 as long as both are pressed.when i run my program, the first time i press up and left at the same time and i keep them pressed, the serial send me the first time 9 and then ignores the up key and send me 8 always.and sometimes send me 9 and after that always send me 1 and ignores the left key..the point is that vb ignores the first button i press even if i keep pressing it..what should i do to make vb.net takes two arrows keys at the same time?

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VB 6 To .net - Converted Project Takes Too Much Time To Load

Nov 22, 2011

I upgraded vb6 project to vb.net. Conversion of 3 user controls from vb6 to vb.net have done. Some converted code contains code like:

MyBase.Width = VB6.TwipsToPixelsX(VB6.PixelsToTwipsX(LedCol(0).Width) + 15)

The converted project takes too much time to load than previous vb6 project. What manual changes to the code should be done or is there any other option. Is it due to vb6 to vb.net conversion.

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VS 2005 - Form Loading Takes Time

Aug 17, 2010

Why my form loads takes time the first time I clicked the menu to load it (I even see not responding on the title bar), but when it is already loaded, I will close it and clicked the menu to load it again then it load fast already....

Here is what I have in my declaration section
Private cnn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.MyConnectionString)
Dim cmdLocked As New SqlCommand
Dim daGrade As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim daLocked As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim builder As New SqlCommandBuilder
[Code] .....

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.net's ListBox Data(large) Takes Too Much Time To Show Up?

Jun 24, 2012

I ran into a problem where the listbox is taking awfully long time to show up. This is not the same in java(It took very very less time - one second max). So, is there any remedy to this??, any other form control??, or some other way?? imports System.Threading imports System.Windows.Forms


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Making Variations In The Time It Takes To Perform An Action?

Mar 6, 2010

Basically, It is a program that allows you to automatically click things.

Here is the

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer


What I wanted to do was make an option to have variations in tick time. I want to put in a check box, and if it is checked then there will be 10 "variations" in click time, ranging from 1 second too soon, to 1 second late.

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Unable To Find Out How Much Time It Takes For The Shell Sorting?

Feb 23, 2012

Although I have no errors in my code; however, I am not able to find the time it required to do the shell sortwhat am I missing in these codes?


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VS 2005 It Takes Much Time To Load 100,000 Records In Datagridview?

May 27, 2012

i'm making a utility in which i'm loading 100,000 records again and again, problem is that it takes much time to load records in datagridview every time.

i've used data set and data reader both but same result. if i use paging then there's will be a problem of search a record on keyup event.

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What Happens If The Callback Method Takes More Than The Specified Timer's Time Period

Mar 1, 2011

I have the below code. What happens if the Upload method takes more than one minute for completion? Does the timer kick off another call to the Upload method immediately after one minute is over or Does it wait until the method finishes executing? I am implementing this as a windows service.

Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
Dim tmr As Timer = New Timer(New TimerCallback(AddressOf Upload), Nothing, 1000, 60000)
While Not tmr Is Nothing


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Large Database File (mdb) Takes Time To Load In .net So Alternative?

Feb 8, 2011

I have 4k records in access database. And one of the field value contains ~100 lines each so and one other field has ~25 lines. So total database size reaches ~30MB and it takes lot of time 15-20 seconds to load the database in vb.net using odbc [URL]..and updating of any other small fields also takes time due to database being large

So as an alternative I used rtf file (txt files were not preserving all the newline characters). So these file are around 5-10kb only. But for 4k records and 2 fields I have now 8k files. And copying of these 8k rtf files is taking huge time for 5MB transfer it takes an hour or so.So is there any other alternative for storage of this data. So that it will be portable and easily loaded/accessed/updated from vb.net?

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VS 2008 Make Autotyper Press Enter Every Single Time After The Textbox Message Was Typed?

May 21, 2009

I have Visual Basics 2008 express and I tried to make a autotyper, so this is my

Button1: Timer1.Start
Timer1: Timer2.Start
Timer2: SendKeys.Send(Textbox.text)
Button2: Timer2.Stop

So it was my first try ever with VB and it kind of worked... Only 2 problems;

1. Button 2 doesn't really work, I have to click it really many times, then go to a different window, then click it really many times again, in the meantime it keeps on spamming

2. How do I make my autotyper press enter every single time after the textbox message was typed?

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C# :: Long Time Running Applications?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm going to design an Application (C# or VB.NET) which use .NET Framework to run for very long time. It may be restarted every year or even more...Is there anything (using special design patterns or so) which I must care about in designing "Long time running applications in .NET"?

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