VS 2008 Calling Function Inside A Module -> InvalidOperationException Occurred?

May 13, 2009

I have a module1.vb that contains a public sub, for example

Public Sub LogEvent(ByVal strIn As String)
Dim objLogFile As Object
objLogFile = frmEventLog.txtLog


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Calling A Function From Another Module?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an 100 aspx files with one module file for code. All these aspx files have the same backend function, so i created on public module for all these files to access. These files are in the same folder. But for some reason the aspx files cannot access the function from that module.

mod1.vb Code (.vb file)
Public Module Allinone
Sub Allinone_Load(ByRef Page As Web.UI.Page)


I am at a roadblock of why the aspx files wont read this module? Also all these files are in the same directory

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Calling Function With Same Name As Module?

Sep 29, 2009

I have a console application consisting of two modules. One module named "quote" is the main module for the application. Another module named "common" contains commonly used functions and subroutines that are shared between multiple applications.

In the "common" module is a function named "quote". If I attempt to call the "quote" function from the module named "quote", then I get the following error: Error 1 'quote' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. However, if I copy the quote function from the "common" module to the "quote" module, then I no longer receive this error.

There shouldn't be an issue with calling a function that happens to have the same name as a module, but only when that function is located in a different module.

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Calling A Function That's In A Module In External Application

May 25, 2012

I have an application (app.exe) that has a VB Module in its source code (Module1). The module has a function called Function1. I need to call this function from another application. The module is not marked as public, so adding a reference to app.exe won't work. I'm trying to use reflection (Assembly.LoadFrom()) but unless I'm way off base, the module would have to be a class in order for me to get an instance of it.

Please nobody ask me "what have you tried?" I tried a million different things and let's just say "none of them work." So I'm looking for someone that has specific experience with doing exactly what I'm trying to do. If you don't have that experience, please move on to the next question and ignore mine.

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IDE :: How To Calling Form Object Public Function From A Module

Apr 5, 2010

I am using VB2008 In the Form1, i have coded

Public Function getText(ByRef ctlName As String) As String

getText = Mfg.get_TextMatrix(Mfg.Row,Mfg.Col


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Expose A Function Inside A Module In Class Liberary( DLL)

May 20, 2009

I wand to Expose a function inside a module in my Class Liberary( DLL)

module Module1
Public Function Add(val1 , val2) as double
return val1 + val2
End Function
End Module

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VS 2008 : A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.Windows.Forms.dll

Feb 12, 2011

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll It displays in my Immediate Window when i run my program, I'm using a text reader to read a number of XML files using background worker...most the time it stops so something is wrong but sometimes it works fine.

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Calling A Function / Assign Property Of An Object Inside An Array

Oct 5, 2010

So if I create an object test, and it has a property color. When I add this object to an array list I typically can access this using myarray(0).color but intellisense doesn't 'know' that I have a 'test' object inside the array. It would let me type myarray(0).whatever but would then crash if I made typo. It seems like I should be able to let it know what type of object I am trying to work with inside the arraylist. In code maybe something like this


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System.invalidoperationexception Occurred While Deploying The Application On Other PC

Apr 8, 2010

I've made an application in VB.NET which uses MsExcel that runs without any error on the PC where .NET it's installed. But on another PC the build executable occurs an error system.invalidoperationexception The .NET FRAMEWORK that needs the application it's installed,But Ms Office is not installed.

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VS 2008 An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' Occurred In Unknown Module

Sep 8, 2009

System.ExecutionEngineException was unhandled Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' occurred in Unknown Module.There are no further details and the stack trace window is blank I was just wondering how it would be best to work out where this error message is happening - i really don't want to put a million debug.prints in there to work out what functions were last called etc.

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred

Mar 29, 2010

I have several ActiveX controls in my project one of them loads solidmodeling files for viewing. Because this process can take some time the authors provided an OnFinishedLoadingDocument event.This worked fine under VB6.Now however under VB.NET 2008 framework 3.5 I get an exception thrown When I try to access a form control from this event.


A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll I found an article that says something about it.


If you are using ActiveX controls on a form, you may receive the cross-thread InvalidOperationException when you run under the debugger How can I add text to my control from this event?

Private Sub oView_SW_OnFinishedLoadingDocument(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As AxEModelView._IEModelViewControlEvents_OnFinishedLoadingDocumentEvent) _
Handles oView_SW.OnFinishedLoadingDocument
Dim nSheet As Integer = 0


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VB 2008 Dataset Error : "A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.Data.dll"

Sep 27, 2008

I am trying to perform a simple bound connection between an Access database and a text box on a form. This is actually Chapter 18 of the "Microsoft Visual Basic 2008" book.I get the same error message when trying to create my own project "MY ADO Form" or the "ADO Form" project supplied from the DVD provided with the book. I am running the 90 Day Trial Version of Visual Studio 2008 with SP1 and Net 3.5 SP1.

My operating system is the 64 bit Version of Vista with all updates.The error when I try to run the application in the debug mode is:"A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.dll"and as a result no data shows up in the text box from the database and the data selection bar is grayed out in the form. The underlying database "Students Data Set" appears to be fine as I have seen the correct data for the fields "Instructor" and "PhoneNumber" prior to running the program and when connecting with the database.

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VS 2008 Calling Form Controls From Module?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a Sub Routine in a module to iterate controls on a form. I get an error about an instance of the object not created.I have declared the object and set it to the form (ModelsBox = Me). I have done this between two forms previously. Is there something fundamental that I am missing. Is this where the "Friend Shared" comes into play?


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Create A (in Excel ) Variable Table (database) Inside A Function Which Could Be Called For Filling And Reading Through "for To Next" Loop Module?

Feb 4, 2012

i just got 1 question how do u create a (in excel ) variable table (database) inside a function which could be called for filling and reading through "for to next" loop module

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.net Program Shows Error : InvalidOperationException Was Unhandeled An Error Occurred Creating The Form

Jun 2, 2011

I got a serious problem. Though I have made my program newly it shows error. I have used 1280,1024 animation only for first form then used 1280,1024 image for every form. Today I was checking then it was showing me error message for 19th & 20th form. If I use On Error Resume Next then it shows error for another form ; if I use same code there in the menu item I mean so that I can get rid of error when I click to show a form it shows another error. First error message is "InvalidOperationException was unhandeled An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is parameter is not valid." and second error is "OutofMemoryException was unhandled Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown". I have noticed it that it doesnt show error message for those form which have few labels and text boxes. It shows error message for those forms which have 1 menu bar, 2 picture boxes(one is 1280,1024 & another is 250,456), 2 group boxes, 40 labels, 3 combo boxes, 38 text boxes & three buttons. Please help me I need to get rid of this problem. Does it mean that I cant use unlimited control there in my form?

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Error: A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.Data.dll

May 5, 2011

I am using VS 2008, Office 2007, and Win7 Home Premium on my system.I have a simple application which should be a breeze to build. All I am attempting to do is pull data from an Access database with four small tables into a data grid on a windows project. Should be simple, set up the data connection, choose a datagrid from the table in the data source view, drag it onto the page and done, right?I can't get it to work. It will all work fine until I attempt to run or debug the project. The data will not show up. The data grid does, but I get this error: A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.dll

As I said, the project seems to build fine, but it will not pull the data. After the initial build I get the message that Windows will show this page in Compatibility View. Is it something with Win7 Home Premium, or a setting somewhere?

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System.InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled The Error Is: An Error Occurred Creating The Form. See Exception.InnerException For Details

May 8, 2012

ok so i viewed some other question that are ruffly the same and i am still confused, here is the stacktrace

at Game3.My.MyProject.MyForms.Create__Instance__[T](T Instance) in 17d14f5c-a337-4978-8281-53493378c1071.vb:line 190
at Game3.My.MyProject.MyForms.get_Character_Creator()
at Game3.My.MyApplication.OnCreateMainForm() in C:UsersMasonDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsGame3Game3My ProjectApplication.Designer.vb:line 35


also, where is game3.my.myproject, obviously its a line of code but what is it in.

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.dll

Jun 11, 2009

what does "A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.dll" means? it occur after the bold sentence of my program.

Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim missing As String = "Missing Ingredient:"
For Each strStore In strDownload
If Not strDownload Is Nothing Then


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VS 2008 Function In Module Is Not Being Called

Jul 13, 2011

I have the following statement and the function 'InitialiseOsTransform' is in a Module which is in the project.

If InitialiseOsTransform() = False Then But instead of the code going into this function it goes into the Paint function.

I have used the similar code in another project and it works correctly.

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An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException' Occurred In Unknown Module?

Aug 16, 2011

I have written a function to generate a random string with specified length. In that I have used 'Random' function. when I have executed it, it is throwing an unhandled exception.Please suggest me some solution. Below is the code I have used:


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An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.TypeLoadException' Occurred In Unknown Module

May 10, 2011

I have recently updated a legacy compact framework application to support Windows Mobile 6.5 but after going through my backwards compatability testing I have an issue with the WinCE 5 device.When attempting to run the application from both the EXE and the debugger I get the "An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeLoadException' occurred in Unknown Module." exception but its not giving me any idea which dll / type it has issue with.The changes do work on the Windows Mobile 6.5 Motorola device and the Pocket PC 2003 Psion Device but not on the WinCE5 Psion device.Does anyone have any ideas how I can find out which reference is causing me the issue. I have tried removing the new references to the Symbol barcoding and imaging libraries but I am still getting the same error.OK, it looks like the .Net Compact Framework installation had corrupted some how. I flattened the device, reinstalled and everything appears to be working.

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Error : An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException' Occurred In Unknown Module?

Aug 19, 2010

program supost to control (projector - done..., webcam - idk how do i read FPS of the camera ..., arduino - will take me 5 min...)

here is the code of form1:


it chrashes here is the error : An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in Unknown Module.

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VS 2008 : Calling A Function In Another Process?

Jun 19, 2010

im in need of calling a function in another process, now from the last couple hours of digging ive found out that i need to use createremotethread for that, problem is - it has a bunch of parameters i dont know how to fill, especially the address part. I tried using getprocaccess and getmodulehandle for that but i dont think they return what i need.

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VS 2008 Calling Different Forms In A Function?

May 13, 2009

i am trying to use a login form that is used to login after you select one of 7 forms. this login form calls a function that validates then it calls another function, if it's true, that will load the appropriate form.

here's what i have.

'Here are the appropriate variables
Public FormName As Form


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VS 2008 Password Access To Front End Menu Calling A Function?

Apr 2, 2009

I need to create password access to a front end menu by calling a function so far all i have is the following:

Private Sub btnLogIn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogIn.Click
If txtPass.Text = "password".ToUpper Or txtPass.Text = "password".ToLower Then


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Keep Getting A "System InvalidOperationException Occurred In System Windows Forms Dll" Error

Jun 7, 2010

I've just started learning VB.NET with VS 9.0; a small application I'm working on keeps returning an "A first chance exception of type System InvalidOperationException occurred in System Windows Forms dll" error from the Immediate Window. The application has almost zero functionality so far, it consists of a menu strip with:

File About
|Save As

The only code I have written opens an Open File dialog, a Save As dialog, an About window with background sound and an OK button, and the Quit button which exits.

Since there is almost no code for me to search through, I can't understand why there would be an error. The program runs just fine when I'm debugging it too.

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Asp.net - Calling A Shared Procedure From A Module?

Aug 6, 2011

I would love to use the following procedure to set the Title, keywords etc. of my pages, in a module.

Public Shared Sub SetTitle(ByVal Heading As String, ByVal Keywords As String())
Dim myMaster As Masterpage = DirectCast(Me.Master, Masterpage)
If Request.QueryString("lng") = "es" Then


The problem is that i get two errors.

At Me.Master i get the 'Me' is valid only within an instance method. error and at

If Request... i get the error

Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.

So how do i fix these? I would like to have that procedure in a common place and not in every page.

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Calling A Webpage From Within A Class Module?

Jun 1, 2009

I have been given an ASP.Net assignment at work because I had taken a few courses a couple of years ago. Currently, there are no ASP.Net programmers for me to ask here and I have searched several places (including Pro ASP Net book) to find a solution but have come up empty handed.

I have a class named spErrors which takes the values passed to it. Values passed include the offending page,function/sub, and other values and stores them in property values, then calls Response.Redirect("Errors.aspx") from the page's code behind page. In Errors.aspx, the values of the error/exception trapped in the Catch statement are displayed. This works fine from a web form. My question is, how do I call a web page from a class module?

Each class module has the ErrorHandler() procedure that passes these values to the class object. In the class, there is a Write Only property named Redirect and a method called Execute() which is used to display the error page if the error occurs in another class module. Since Response.Redirect() does not work in a class module, what namespace is needed in order for this to work?

Here is the code I'm using.

In the Catch block.
Catch ex As Exception
Err.Description = ex.Message
ErrorHandler(Err, "function name")


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Calling Module When Textbox Focus

Dec 15, 2011

I am developing a VB net application with lots of TextBox. I need to call a module everytime any of the textbox gets focus. I dont want to write code in every textbox gotfocus event, but a generic code which will call the module everytime any textbox gets focus.

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VS 02/03 Calling A Form's Controls From A Module

Jun 10, 2011

I'm writing a program in vb.net 2003 and have come up with a problem.

I have a sub SettingsSave() in a module.

Public Sub SettingsSave()
Dim frmSaveSettings As New frmSettings
MsgBox frmSaveSettings.txtName.Value 'for testing purposes
SaveSetting("MyApp", "configs", "Name",frmSaveSettings.txtName.Value)
SaveSetting("MyApp", "configs", "Pass",frmSaveSettings.txtPass.Value)
End Sub

I have a form frmSettings, which has a button btnSave. When the button is clicked, SettingsSave() is called.The problem is, if btnSave is clicked, then either of the two textbox values are changed, then btnSave is clicked again, the SettingsSave() sub still returns the 'old' values (from the first time the save button was clicked).How do I clear the old values from memory? I've tried adding frmSaveSettings = Nothing, and frmSaveSettings.Close at the end of the sub SettingsSave().

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