VS 2008 - Can A VB Application Return A Value

Jan 20, 2010

I have 2 vb.net applications (App1 & App2). What I'm trying to do here is have App1 call App2 via shell command, and have App2 return some results back to App1 after App2 is finished running. How do I do that?

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Application Does Not Return From Call To System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages (who doesn't right)? Anyway, I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

Resuming execution shows that it really is stuck on this line (it does not reach the next line of code). It also hangs about the same point each time I run it (at least its consistent). Since System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents yields to other threads on the same processor and then resumes execution of the current thread, I think the problem is that some other thread is not behaving well (not returning from some event handling code). I thought Windows 7 was pre-emptive, which makes me
doubt that theory but I really don't know.


The program scrapes somewhere between 12 and 14 pages before it gets stuck on the call to DoEvents. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Why would any call to DoEvents hang?

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Use Return Value Of A VBScript Function Into Application?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm developping an ASP.NET application, and I need to use an old VBScript file that would be really hard to translate into pure VB in a VB function.

This VBScript is supposed to return an array that I'd like to use it in the VB function that called it.

How could I call the VBScript function in my VB application and use the value it returned?

I've search how to do so through many forum and FAQ, but it seems that these results where mainly focused on old version of the .NET framework.[code]...

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Query In An Application Is Return Date Of 1/1/0001?

Oct 27, 2010

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day.That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connectionString As String


"select payrolldate from payroll where(payrolldate <= getdate())and payrollran <> 'yes'")but when I add that query it just returns a value of 1/1/0001 as the date.

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Application,using A Function To Determine And Return The Letter Grade?

Jun 3, 2011

I have been struggling with my programming class from day one. I still can't seem to grasp the complete logic on how to write code. Anyhow, I have an assignment due that I am stuck on. Here is the assignment:

In this exercise, you code an application that displays a letter grade based on the average of three test scores. Open the Grade Solution (Grade Solution.sln) file, which is contained in the ClearlyVB Chapl8Grade Solution folder. Code the application,using a function to determine and return the letter grade. If the average is at least 90, the grade is A. If the average is at least 80 but less than 90, the grade is B.If the average is at least 70 but less than 80, the grade is C. Tf the average is at least
60 but less than 70, the grade is D. If the average is below 60, the grade is F.

You will be developing the code for the function on your own. Below the Public Class frmMain line, insert this function header:Private Function CalculateGrade(ByVal testScore1 As Decimal, ByVal testScore2 As Decimal, ByVal testscore3 As Decimal) As String

In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use IF/Elself statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade. Create a subprocedure for the Click event for the btnDisplay button. It should call the CalculateGrade function with three arguments ( the three test scores from the text boxes), and display the returned value in the lblGrade box.


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Return Caller Information When Someone Call In Windows Application?

Jan 31, 2012

Can I connect phone landline to my computer and when someone call me his information appears by his phone number this information already exist in database.. I want to know is it a service from communication company or can i do it by code just plug the cable into my computer ?

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VS 2010 Reading Excel Does Not Return Any Values In VB Application?

Apr 13, 2012

I am developing a vb.net app that should read cell values from excel. However, it is not returning any results and I thought that it would be really simple. I have imported all the references viz. Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library.

Following is the function in my class file which should read the excel file

Dim mobjApp As Excel.Application
Dim mobjWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim mobjSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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C# - Make A Windowless / Command-line Application Return But Continue Executing In Background?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm writing a command-line application in .Net. The app itself is fairly simple, but it has to connect synchronously to a web-service, which in turn has to connect to a Oracle database, and those pieces are fond of taking their time.

Is there a straightforward way (without dividing my app exe in two) to continue executing but nonetheless yield execution to the command prompt?

It's Windows, so no "&". Also, I cannot use cmd.exe's "start" cmdlet.

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[VB 2010] Return Alert Message If SQL Query Return No Records

Dec 12, 2011

I use this code to return records in a DataGridView:


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Return An Object As The Return Value Through A RealProxy Transparent Proxy?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm working up a system where I plan on using RealProxy objects to enable intercepting method calls against a set of objects, handling the call, and then returning appropriate results. This works just find for simple return types like strings or ints, but I can't seem to return objects from the RealProxy.Invoke method. Everything works. I get no errors, but the returned value is always NOTHING, instead of an object.

I've worked up the smallest sample code I could, and have included it below. Essentially, just call RPtest and single step through. The code creates a simple object, RPTestA, with a string field and an object valued field It then retrieves the string


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VS 2008 Use A Function's Return Value?

Jun 5, 2009

If I had this, for example:

Public Function Check
Dim FCheck As Boolean


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Visual Studio 2010, Outlook 2010 And Windows Application, Return Emails?

Jan 5, 2011

At present I have wrote an application (in-house CRM, vb .net 2010) which allows me to send emails under the selected customer & I categorised these emails.As these are categorised I can return data to display email history in my program by using search criteria:

Dim oMail As Outlook.MAPIFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail)
Dim sSearch As String
sSearch = "[Categories] = '" + "[" + tAccount.Text.Trim + "]" + "(" + tShipTo.Text.Trim + ")'"
Dim oItems As Outlook.Items = oMail.Items.Restrict(sSearch)

However the limitation to the above is it only looks at sent items & no other folder.My ideal solution would be to display all email correspondence for a certain contact.

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Return To Already Open Application When User Tries To Open A New Instance If Same Version?

Nov 27, 2011

I want to open up an existing instance if my program is already running only if its running the same version.I noticed that this question was asked for only if the name exists, but what if the version is older, I just want to notify the user that an older version is still running, "please remove older version before starting this version."The other link is this one:Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance but they don't talk about closing an instance if an older or newer version is detected.

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VB 2008 - Return A Variable Using The Function

Jun 17, 2010

I am writing a program with multiple forms (for inputing loan/financial information - so they are set up exactly the same albeit a form number (ie: 1-6)) that feed into a summary page form to display each individuals form's information. When the user closed a financial form, it then feeds the information to a summary page using the code I have below: [Code]. I am new to working with functions, and have not been able to find anything that can show me how to fill multiple textboxes with them (I only know how to return a variable using the function to work a calculation). Any way that I can write a function (or any other call) for this would save me a tremendous amount of coding, and make debugging worlds easier.

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VS 2008 : Select * Statement Return Nothing?

Dec 10, 2011

I am developing a code to open up a .dbf file and append data to a access database.Here is my code for opening the .dbf file.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim constr As String = "Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=F:JUNO4.dbf;Persist Security Info=False;"
Dim con = New OleDbConnection(constr)
Dim da = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select UNIQUE_ID FROM JUNO4", con)


this code gives an empty datagrid.

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VS 2008 GetReferencedAssemblies - Return ALL References

Apr 16, 2009

When I call this sub in VS 2008 I am only getting the references returned that are used in my assembly. Is there a method that returns ALL references?

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VS 2008 Having A Function Return Two Values

Aug 19, 2009

I'm having trouble with a function returning two values. Each value contains a string, how can I return these values and have each one of them be stored in one independent variable. [code] I'm trying to return the hashed text with the salt and the generated salt, how can I do this?

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VS 2008 Oledbcommands-return All Values?

Feb 17, 2010

ive got command below to query db for result = false.I want the switch names returned to be displayed in a textbox. the PROBLEM is only the first result is being returned. I think this is because ive chosen execute scalar but none of the other options seem to work.

Using con2 As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=H:Network Map.mdb")
Using command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT SwitchName FROM tblSwitch where Result = false", con2)
Dim faileddevices As String = CStr(command.ExecuteScalar)
RichTextBox5.Text = faileddevices


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VS 2008 Return Statement In Function?

Apr 12, 2010

1. I would like to know why a Return statement is needed in the function in the first set of code, but not in the second(even though it still works with the Return statement). The functions are called the same way, so what is the difference?2. Why in the second code, the variable FutureValue is allowed to have the same name as the function? But when, in the first set of code, I try to rename the variable "discountPercent1"(in the function) to the function name "SetDiscountPercent", VB 2008 Epress gives the error message "The name conflicts with an existing symbol with the same name"?

Public Class frmInvoiceTotal
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click


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VS 2008 Return Variable From A Webpage?

Apr 7, 2009

excuse my stupidness, i'm fairly new to VB and i've only done a little bit with it before. Basically i am making a little application that i want to run on my machine. Standalone not via a web browser.I have a web page which is generated using php, there is no html code on the page simply a number, e.g. "9995" when you view source.

All i want to do is return this value from the web page (without actually opening the page in a browser) and display it in a text box in VB or store it as a variable that i can use later. point me in the correct direction or right keywords to research, or if you have a simple example that would be even better

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VS 2008 Which Type Of Array To Return?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a program which connects to an FTP server. my program needs to retreive the directory list of the server. I am doing this in the style of an OpenfileDialog control. now I can get all the information and fill the listview control. however the function I use to fill the listview control with the directory listing and file listing, returns a list(of string)

Because of this I can't determine if a file is a file and if a folder is a folder. I myself know which of them are because while getting the directorylists I check for a string value of D which means directory. if it doesn't have a D then it's a file.

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VS 2008 - Process.Start AT Command - Return ID

Jul 25, 2010

I want to add a scheduled task like this: Dim myProc As Process myProc = Process.Start("at", "02:00 /every:T,W,Th,F,Sa c:ackup.bat") When I type that command at a command prompt it returns "Added a new job with ID = x". How do I get this ID in my code, as it's needed if I want to delete the scheduled job? I've tried looking at some of the properties of myProc but haven't found the right one yet. Maybe I need to wait until the process has completed? (If so, how will I know?).

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VS 2008 - Return Image From A Http Request

Apr 25, 2012

I have coded very simple asp pages to return an image when requested. But I need to do this from a vb.net application. So I assume I need to create a mini http web server. I have code for some that does not support asp or anything like that. Is there another method to return an image? Anyone have an example of this? Or again, do I need to find a web server control or app to use?

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VS 2008 : Return/save The Value In A Variable - Button?

Jun 25, 2011

When i press the button3, i want the webbrowser change site after how mutch the clock is. Is the clock between 9:00 and 17:30, the webbrowser is gonna change to swedish sites. If the clock is between 17:31 and 21:30, the webbrowser is gonna changes to american sites. But the webbrowser is only choose ONE swedish site and ONE american site. The problem is that the variable b does not save the value it has before.How to i make so the variable b saves the value it has before? b = b + 1 is gonna be first 1. Then if i press the button3 agin, it gonna be 2. and if the value is 3, it gonna be 1 agin.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim changesSE(3) As String
Dim changesUS(3) As String


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VS 2008 Doesn't Return Value On All Code Paths?

Sep 20, 2009

I'm trying to get my head around this issue, on a few of my functions i get a warning " 'functionDealWithHiddenFields' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used."Example function:

Function functionDealWithHiddenFields(ByVal HTML As String, ByVal numHiddenFields As Integer, ByVal X As Integer)


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VS 2008 Function Does Not Return A Value On All Code Paths?

May 5, 2009

How can I handle the above warning? Should I just return nothing when an error occurs?

te Function RetrieveAllCustomers() As DataTable
Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter


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VS 2008 Return Record That Is Table.Compute Max Value?

Aug 9, 2011

I am retrieving the Max Value of a column using the Table.Compute Method

Max Value
dtlist.Rows(i)("Value") = dtsold.Compute("Max(ClosePrice)", "Distance <= " & Dt & " And BuildingSize<= " & GLA & "")

I would like to also return another value of that same record

How do I identify the record that is the Max Value?

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VS 2008 Return Results From Function Run In A Thread?

Feb 3, 2010

I am running a query in a thread but I can't figure out how to get the result back to the calling function. I am doing something like this:

Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf RunThread, "some query string")
Private Function RunThread(ByVal stateInfo As Object) As String
Dim myQuery As String = stateInfo.ToString


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VS 2008 Way Of Declaring A Parameter In Function And Return A Value?

Apr 26, 2010

I have created my own ListViewItem class, and added some custom properties to it of attributes. What I have at the moment is a tooltip which shows all of those custom properties (about 18 of them).What I want to be able to do is if multiple are selected, to show a tooltip, but if a property (say Title) for all of them is "My Title" it will show that, otherwise if they are different, I would like it to show "VARIES"Is there a way of declaring a parameter in my function and return a value? [code]

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[2008] How To Count Carriage Return In A Textbox

Feb 16, 2009

I have to count the amount of enter (carriage return) someone did in a textbox set as multiline. Is there a function already there or one that I can create that will count how many times someone did hit enter.

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